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WordPress を個人のマシンに置くことで、本番サイトを危険にさらすことなく新機能を試したり、WordPress 開発に深く入り込んだり、本番前にウェブサイト全体を構築したりすることができます。WordPressプロジェクト専用のサンドボックスを持つようなものです。


How to Install WordPress on a Windows computer






WindowsでWordPressをローカルにインストールした場合、自分だけがサイトを見ることができることに注意することが重要だ。公開用のウェブサイトを作成したい場合は、ドメイン名と ウェブホスティングが必要です。






まず、Studio by WordPress.comのウェブサイトを開きます。そして、「Download for Windows」ボタンをクリックします。

Downloading Studio by



Waiting for Studio by to install



Adding a local site to Studio by



Launching a Studio by local website

Start」ボタンが「Running」に変わったら、ページ左上の「WP Admin」リンクをクリックする。


Logging in to the WordPress admin of a Studio by local website


概要」タブにあるように、StudioダッシュボードからすぐにWordPressフルサイトエディタメニューにアクセスできます。また、’File explorer’をクリックしてWordPressウェブサイトのフォルダやファイルを開いたり、’Terminal’をクリックしてWP-CLIを使用してウェブサイトを管理することもできます。


Sharing a Studio by local website

Studio を使用する代わりに、ブラウザからローカル Web サイトに直接ログインしたい場合があります。その場合、wp-adminの認証情報を知っておく必要があります。


Locating a Studio by admin credentials



Using the Studio by AI assistant



Stopping a Studio by local website





まず、Local WPソフトウェアをダウンロードし、Windowsコンピューターにインストールする必要があります。ローカルWPのサイトに行き、「無料でダウンロード」ボタンをクリックするだけです。

Local WP landing page



Inserting some information to download Local WP

詳細を入力したら、’Get it Now’ボタンをクリックするだけです。


Waiting to download Local WP




Choose user profiles for software



Select your installation path



Run local software



Add a new local site



Creating a new local WordPress site with Local WP

次に、「My WordPress Website」のように、ローカルウェブサイトの名前を入力します。



Naming the new local WordPress site with Local WP



Local WPは最新のPHPバージョンを提供します。ウェブサーバーは、NginxまたはApacheから選択できます。また、データベースはMySQLまたはMariaDBから選択できます。


Configuring the local WordPress environment with Local WP




Creating local WordPress site credentials with Local WP


ローカルのウェブサイトを立ち上げるには、右上にある「Start site」ボタンをクリックする。

Launching the new local WordPress site made with Local WP

次に、「WP Admin」ボタンをクリックすると、WordPressの管理者ログイン・ページが表示されます。


Login page example


完了したら、「サイトを停止」ボタンをクリックして、Local WPソフトウェアからサイトを停止することを忘れないでください。

Stopping the local WordPress site with Local WP

プロからのアドバイス: ログインプロセスをスキップしたい場合は、Local WPでワンクリック管理者ログインを有効にすることができます。

これを行うには、ローカルWPダッシュボードに戻り、’One-click admin’ボタンを’On’と表示されるまで切り替えます。次に、ドロップダウンメニューで、このワンクリック・ログイン機能を使用できる管理ユーザーを選択します。

Enabling one-click admin login with Local WP

代替案WordPress Playgroundを使ってテーマやプラグインなどをテストする

WordPress Playgroundは、ウェブブラウザ上で直接WordPressを試すことができる革新的なツールです。実際のウェブサイトに影響を与えることなく、新しいWordPressテーマ、プラグイン、機能を試すことができる仮想のサンドボックスです。

WordPress Playgroundは、いくつかの重要な点で、ローカルのWordPress環境とは異なります。


WordPress Playgroundは迅速なテストや学習に理想的ですが、Windowsコンピュータ上のローカルWordPress環境は、長期的な開発プロジェクトにより柔軟性を提供します。

詳しくは、ブラウザでWordPress Playgroundを使う方法をご覧ください。




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情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


ツールキットへの無料アクセス - すべてのプロフェッショナルが持つべきWordPress関連製品とリソースのコレクション!

Reader Interactions


  1. mike

    installed wamp Apache/2.4.9 (Win32) PHP/5.5.12, downloaded wordpress, configured wp-config nothing, absolutely nothing happens.

    Any thoughts?

  2. Villi

    Hey. So everything worked great and i have been playing around practicing. Now i am going to make another website but keep the practice website also, but i need them to be completely independent from each other since i dont want my “messing around” to affect the new one :) Should i install wordpress again and follow the same instructions (extract the wordpress folder to C:\wamp\www etc.) and make another database ?

    In short, should i follow exactly the same process as before, except i would not need to download wamp again obviously.

    Thank you

  3. Wayne

    Great article. I have managed to get everything up and running. But have not got stuck when I try to upload a Theme I have purchased. I have a personal live site using WordPress. But wanted to build one offline for my workplace, hence I am using phpAdmin. Any ideas please how I can work on purchased themes on a localhost?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Installing a purchased theme is no different on a localhost site than on a live site. Simply go to Appearance > Themes on your localhost site. Click on the Add New button and then click on the Upload button. Click on the choose file button to locate the Theme Zip file from your computer and then upload it.


  4. Manoj


    I had installed everything as per the guide here and my site was working fine. Today, however, i tried to loginto localhost and it gives an error. It says this webpage is not available. ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

    Kindly help

  5. naveenraj

    hi sir,

    The icon says in orange colour and i getting blank pages when i go for localhost/phpmyadmin/ page, Please help t resolve this.

  6. bella

    “Go to C:\wamp\www and paste wordpress folder there.”

    I can’t seem to find anywhere that accepts my wordpress folder. Does anybody have more detailed description to do this step for me? Thank you very much for all you sharing people

    • Ayesha


      Once you go to and install wp, you will have a wordpress zip folder, extract its contents and it would create a wordpress folder, open this folder and copy the folder named wordpress. Now goto your wampserver folder and then open www folder that lies insides wampserver folder, paste the folder wordpress over there i.e. inside www folder.
      You just have to copy your wordpress folder and paste it in the www folder of wampserver.

      Hope that helps!

  7. Kush Singh

    Really it’s very helpful site for installing wordpress.
    Nice work guys keep it up…

  8. Satish Shihani

    Superb….. I really like this
    On my first attempt only, i done all installation without any error

    Thank you so much for this tutorial

  9. Amir

    Smooth and fun, worked like a charm. I had only one problem which was resolved by shutting down a certain Microsoft product… :-)
    Thank you.

  10. Paul

    Great tutorial glad I found it as I am just learning how to use wamp and my local server to build wordpress sites. I would also like to copy a live wordpress site to my local server so I could modify a theme, then reload it to the remote server and was wondering if there was a tutorial on how to do that? I have found and read the tutorial on uploading a site from my local server to the remote one but nothing on copying a live site to the local server and getting it to work. Is this possible and if so, do you have a tutorial on how to achieve it successfully? Thanks in advance.

  11. Kvaibahv01

    Hey there,

    I had created a Wordpress blog earlier this month and my WAMP server was uninstalled due to some reasons….I reinstalled it>did all the same steps> named the ‘wordpress’ folder to ‘site’> opened localhost/site/wp-admin which says :

    Welcome to WordPress. Before getting started,………………………….before proceeding.

    Database name
    Database username
    Database password
    Database host
    Table prefix (if you want to run more than one WordPress in a single database)
    We’re going…………We got it.

    In all …………… all ready…

    I clicked ‘Let’s go’ button which opened ‘Setup config.File’ entered my DB name ‘site’> ‘username’ and ‘password’ I edited on ‘wp-config-sample.php’ and changed username to blank and same with password too> Click next and now it shows me an error “Can’t select database”:

    We ………………. database.

    Are you sure it exists?
    Does the user have permission to use the site database?
    On some systems the name of your database is prefixed with your username, so it would be like username_site. Could that be the problem?
    If you don’t know how to set up a database you should contact your host. If all else fails you may find help at the WordPress Support Forums.

    Please help!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Visit localhost/phpmyadmin to confirm that the database name you entered is correct.


  12. Geraldine

    Hello. I hope you can help me with this. After I created the test site, how can I share this to my friend via online?

  13. Rhian Williams

    thank you so much for this I have been battling with localhost software all day and this worked first time for me :-)

  14. moneytechnicals

    Ive installed WAMP in windows 7 32 bit. And want to use wordpress. But its not showing to create configuration file. Its showing an error like this-

    require(C:wampwwwwordpress-trunk/wp-blog-header.php): failed to open
    stream: No such file or directory in
    C:wampwwwwordpress-trunkindex.php on line 18

    Please help me to get out of this. Thank you in advance.

    • Campbell Sinclair

      Hello and to anyone who googles this error and is stuck like I was on this,

      You likely downloaded the zip installer and extracted them, maybe cancelled it some point because the extraction / transfer of the folder inside was slow. I’m not sure what happened, not the point either.

      This error occurs when not all the files are present. Try and hunt down wp-blog-header in your WordPress folder directory with a simple search. The index page (one that is first loaded by a browser when it opens a directory) is only asking for this file but it simply won’t be there with it in the directory. Index.php is asking for wp-blog-header and everyone else said I’m not the file you’re looking for.

      I downloaded the version prior and it was complete because I had the installation page as expected. This is the quickest and certain fix. If you do this, you will should be able to upgrade to the latest once you have installed as well.

  15. ArtaGene

    Since I didn’t see any specs listed, not sure my old computer will have enough memory…can I install on a portable drive (connects with USB) and use that way ?

  16. WPBeginner Staff

    Seems like WAMP didn’t install correctly on your computer. Try installing again or try XAMP.

  17. jerry

    I get this error right at the end of the installation.

    httpd.exe – system error

    The program can’t start because MSVCR110.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this

  18. nikhil

    i have install wamp server but when i am going to phpMyAdmin it is showing error like this:-


    You don’t have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server.

  19. Roshan Bagdiya

    #1045 – Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: NO)

    while accesing phpmyadmin
    how to resolve it

  20. WPBeginner Staff

    Please make sure that the Wamp server icon in your taskbar turns Green before you click on phpMyAdmin. You can also try manually accessing phpMyAdmin by typing this URL in your browser’s address bar http://localhost/phpmyadmin/

  21. Diviya

    Followed your procedure step wise. Now when I try to setup database for Wordpress, when I click on phpMyadmin I get error ‘HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found’

  22. Carrie

    FYI, the “Skype” error also happens with a similar program called Team Viewer. A similar simple fix, going in to the program and changing the checkbox regarding ports 80 and 443. I agree with others, if nothing else you should put a link to the troubleshooting info in the article right after the WAMP installation. I got frustrated that I kept getting an error, and decided to look through the comments until I found a solution.

  23. Aditya Pranav

    Done all thing , but when I click on phpMyadmin the an error page will open in browser and that is :-
    HTTP Error 404.0 – Not Found
    The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

  24. Derick

    Howe about adding a tutorial that continues from this one on how to add multiple websites to be worked on offline like the above one.

  25. Vijay

    Thanks so much for this. It worked for me.

    My only complaint is that the skype error should have been right after the WAMP installation part. I spent a lot of time figuring out how to get the WAMP icon to go green instead of orange. Ultimately found out that IIS 8.5 was using port 80 and that I had to stop WWW publishing services from Services.msc and restart the Apache on WAMP to get it to work.

  26. M♥ηyαηє Ramołło™

    Great tutorial

  27. Jim

    Great tutorial. Big thanks. Only you should post the info on Skype port before in the beginning, as I did everything by myself and changed the port number in wamp folder. Then here I found out that there was easier way doing it on Skype ;)

  28. lobsterhands

    Great tutorials. Thank you for being so clear and concise.

  29. Lis

    Fab article! I’m all installed and working. However, any additional pages I am creating over and above the home page don’t work. I am creating the page in Wordpress, but when following the ‘View’ link, I get a 404. Any idea?

  30. pramod

    Downloaded everything. when i write on web http://localhost/mysite/ but display error

    The requested URL /mysite/ was not found on this server.

  31. Monica

    Very helpful thanks.

  32. St. Buzo of C.O.B. ®

    Bingo..!! this was so helpful.!! Phase one done i have installed..!!

  33. anbu

    dear sir,
    this blog is very usefull to per your instruction i create a website locally. but when i try to open the same site from different machine in tha same lan i can’t.please guide me.
    i tried via this following method in another computer

    the site is not opening

  34. anbu

    dear sir,
    this blog is very usefull to per your instruction i create a website locally. but when i try to open the same site from different machine in tha same lan i can’t.please guide me.
    i tried via this following method in another computer

    • Lyle Denman,121118

      This should answer many of your questions. Know that you will also have to update your database’s options (from localhost/phpmyadmin/). wp_options > siteurl and wp_options > home should be changed from http://localhost/database_name to http://your_local_ip_address/database_name (for example

      Make sure you open c:/wamp/bin/apache/apache2.4.9/conf/httpd.conf

      In that file, after the line reading: # onlineoffline tag – don’t remove, add the following 2 lines:
      Require all granted
      Require ip 192.168.0 (or whatever the first 3 groupings of your local ipv4 address is)

      Then, in the same file, find the line reading: #Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf and remove the # from the beginning of that line.

      Then, open the file c:/wamp/bin/apache/apache2.4.9/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf and comment out the code that is there (just to keep defaults around) and past the following:

      ServerName localhost
      DocumentRoot c:/wamp/www

      AllowOverride All

      Save those files, restart all WAMP services and enjoy your LAN development.

  35. Lina

    This post was VERY helpful!! Thank you very much!

  36. WPBeginner Staff

    First you need to uninstall wampserver completely from your computer. Then download a fresh copy and try to reinstall. If this does not work out, then we will recommend you to use XAMPP which is an alternate software with nearly the same software (Apache, php, mysql).

    • Jokerman

      I tried EasyPhP too but that didn’t work either. Have just installed Xampp and that appears to be working. Thanks very much for the advice.

  37. Jokerman

    I have downloaded and attempted an install. It didn’t work as I was missing a dll file. Have downloaded the necessary software from MS and this time the install appeared to have gone well…no error messages and the Wampserver icon has appeared on my desktop as requested. However when I click on the Wampserver icon it asks: Do you want to the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to your computer? (Program name: wampmanager.exe) Clicking on Yes causes that window to close then nothing happens. Do you have any clues as to what to try next please? Thank you

  38. cmills

    The latest version of wamp uses PHP 5.5.12 which isn’t compatible with Wordpress!

  39. WPBeginner Staff

    That’r probably because your site is served at 127.0.01 which is a local loop address while the other ip address is your lan address. They are two different things.

    To enable sharing you need to add this line to your httpd.conf file Listen make sure your computer is using static ip and it is set to use the ip address you enter in apache configuration file.

    You will also need to make sure that WordPress saves your IP address as your sites URL not localhost. To achieve this you would need to install wordpress from instead of localhost/mysite

  40. Naresh

    Thank you very much.

  41. archetypechris

    Hello, and thank you for the amazing guide! I have a small
    problem. Everything worked find when I followed the guide and my site loads up
    fine, but when I try to connect to it from another computer in my house with
    address:, it says I don’t have permission to view the page.
    Does anyone know how to fix this? Thank

  42. Anji

    It is my first time creating a website in WP and his post was easy and it worked like a charm! Thank you so much!

  43. WPBeginner Staff


    The WordPress you install on your local computer is only available on that computer.

    There are specialized software that allow you to install Wampserver on a USB stick which you can then carry with you to work.

    • George

      Thanks for the speedy reply,

      Today I installed Wamp on my work laptop and using phpadmin exported my sql database from my home computer and imported it to my work laptop.

      I tried mirroring the process above on my work laptop and named the database the same thing. I was able to get into my site on my work laptop but is seems my plugins and theme haven’t transferred. Am I missing a step? Must I transfer another folder?

      I was planning on working on a local server doing this transfer sequence between work and home and was wondering if it can even be done (I heard about url linking problems) A short check list or play by play of what I must do would be very helpful.

      Thank you,


  44. rustomQ

    excellent guide!!!!!! got everything up and running the first time!!! thank you oh so much!!!! :)

  45. George

    This Work wonderfully! I’ve been word pressing for a couple of days and have made some progress over the weekend.

    One Problem:

    How can I take what I have on my home computer and work on it on my work computer in the office? Can I upload this to wordpress and work on it from anywhere? (I am fine with having a url while I am developing) What are my options to working and showing my development work after following the process above.

    I am a complete newbie but willing to learn, a quick tutorial on that process and options would be greatly appreciated. Great work so far and thank you for all the resources you guys provide.

  46. Thomas

    *facepalm* There is a link just above to resolve the problem. Sorry about that! Thanks again for this great tutorial!

