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Adding Facebook Retargeting Pixel in WordPress


当社の創設者兼CEOであるSyed Balkhiは2015年にWPBeginnerのFacebookトラフィックを332%増加させた事例を公開しました。これは読者からの圧倒的な関心を呼び起こし、読者は自分のサイトでも同じことができる方法を知りたがりました。











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まず、Facebookアカウントにログインし、Meta Business Suiteにアクセスします。そして、すべてのツール ” イベントマネージャーをクリックします。

Open Meta Business Suite and click on Events Manager

次に、左側のメニューにある「+ データソースに接続」ボタンをクリックし、「ウェブ」設定を選択する。


Connect to Data Sources in Facebook Events Manager


次に、「Create Pixel」ボタンをクリックして続行します。

Enter a name for your pixel


Enter your website URL to create Facebook Meta pixel




Choose how to connect your website Meta pixel




Choose the option to install Facebook Meta pixel code manually



Copy the code for the Facebook Meta pixel

ステップ2.WordPressにFacebook Pixelをインストールする(+eコマーストラッキング)





プラグインをインストールして有効化した後、Code Snippets ” Header & Footerページに移動する必要があります。


Paste Facebook Pixel in WPCode header box






WPCode Pro version

WPCodeのConversion Pixelsアドオンは、Facebook、Google広告、Pinterest、TikTokのような人気のあるプラットフォーム用のeコマーストラッキングピクセルを1クリックで簡単に追加することができます。

WooCommerceや Easy Digital Downloadsとシームレスに統合されているので、追加の設定は必要ありません。


まず、プレミアムWPCodeプラグインをインストールし、有効化する必要があります。Conversion Pixelsアドオンにアクセスするには、Plusプラン以上が必要です。ステップバイステップの手順については、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法をご覧ください。


次に、Facebook BusinessアカウントのFacebookイベントマネージャの「データソース」にあるピクセルIDをコピーします。

Copy Facebook Pixel ID

次に、WordPressダッシュボードからCode SnippetsConversion Pixelsにアクセスし、ピクセルIDを「Facebook Pixel ID」フィールドに貼り付けます。

Paste your Facebook Pixel ID

その後、Facebook Conversion API Tokenを追加してeコマーストラッキングを設定します。


Generate access token for Facebook Conversions API


Paste Conversions API Token in WPCode



Enable or disable events tracking in WPCode



ステップ3.Facebook Pixelを使用したカスタマイザーの作成

WordPressサイトにFacebook Pixelをインストールできたら、次はFacebookでリターゲティングキャンペーン用のカスタマイザーを作成します。



Meta Business Suiteダッシュボードにアクセスし、すべての ツール ” Audiencesセクションに移動します。

Click on All Tools and choose the Audience option


Click the Create Custom Audience button



Choose the source for your custom audience



Choose the events for your custom audience









Retargeting custom audience on Facebook

この投稿がWordPressにFacebookのリマーケティング/リターゲティングピクセルをインストールするのにお役に立てば幸いです。また、WordPressにFacebookコメントをインストール・設定する方法や、ブログを成長させるためのWordPress Facebookプラグインもご覧ください。

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


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Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. crystal says

    Can you make an updated version of this? Now FB has a partners integration option. I have tried this version of doing (downloading a plugin) and I’ve tried their partners way of doing it and neither way is working for me.

  3. Jeff Cope says

    Thank you for the post and even though it does need updating since Facebook has changed the links and process, I finally added the pixel to my website. Note with the improvement in the WordPress Customizer, a plugin is no longer needed to add the pixel code above the /head.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Thank you for your feedback and we still recommend the plugin to ensure it is included on every page on the site :)


  4. Joseph Abokhai says

    I was using the Facebook for woocommerce plugin that automatically sets up a Facebook pixel on a particular website.

    I started a new hosting account and redirected my domain name servers to point to the new hosting account.

    My question is, since I changed my hosting account and started building the site from scratch, will the pixel still be attatched to my domain?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Sadly, for that plugin, you would need to check with the plugin’s support for how they handle a change like that


  5. Andrew Wilkerson says

    Well I think it’s done right, thanks WpBeginner! Still not sure what I should be doing with the second bit of code from Facebook in order to track people who have gone to one particular page. I clicked around for over 2 hours on FB then my wp site, then gave up as usual.

    I’m not even sure how this works, where does the headers and footers plugin put the code, in to every page? Do I just add the second bit of FB code beneath this? it needs to go after the . Does it go in the page template? Posts template? I’m lost as usual, until FB make this easier I’m not going to bother. Selecting your audiences, demographics, countries, Events? and all that, it’s just too overwhelming for most business owners. Those who have money will survive online, they can pay someone else to do it, one-man businesses like mine will eventually disappear. I can’t make any money wasting time on things like this so it just gets worse. Already slipped off the first page of Google after 14 years on there, all down hill from here I’m afraid, time to do something else.

  6. Angie Sherbondy says

    Thank you! I followed the instructions. I already had headers and footers installed and there was already code in the header section so I put this above it. Is that OK?



      • Shodkk says

        Ya, there is no Problem in doing So. It is Completely Fine this only a Code.
        This Code load each time when your site page run. there is no problem in that OK. Both Code run and send the Respected data back to FB and Google by their Respective code.

  7. Andre says

    Hi there. There is one question that I have on the FB pixel I just can’t seem to find an answer for anywhere. Shopify has an app called Trackify that allows you to segment the events, per product for example, and in doing so allows you to super target people who have purchased a particular product without setting up custom events. Is there a similar plugin for WordPress. Please if you could help that would be great! I am at my wits end with searching for a solution.

  8. vinton samms says

    Thank you most kindly for this tutorial. I really did not how how to use the FB pixel. Thanks again.

  9. Nathan says

    I’ve installed the pixel using the plugin.
    Will the pixel automatically be place on every page?

  10. Claudio says

    It seems like Facebook has changed some of the details for doing this since this post was written. They now have a new pixel which also includes having to copy event code. How/where do we do this within the context of this article and plugin?

  11. Matthew says

    How do you install the pixel to fire on page load given the plugin constraint?

    I’ll clarify- Facebook states that if you want an event to fire on page load the code for that specific event has to be pasted BELOW the head tag.

    The plugin in you recommend, as well as all the others I’ve seen available for WP, don’t address this issue.


  12. John Henry Gaspay says

    Is it also possible to add the code on the footer instead in the header portion? usually if it’s for tracking purposes better implementation would be on the footer part, your know for SEO purposes.

  13. Pat says

    I went ahead and installed the pixel because i wanted more visits to my music site. I started filling in the remarketing stuff in FB, then I came to the part about paying! I didn’t realise I had to pay so I’ve uninstalled the remarketing pixel in WP and delete everything in FB that I’d filled out. I hope I don’t start getting demands for money. Maybe you could add a note to your article that there will be payment involved in FB marketing. I guess I should have realised. :-(

    • Jim says

      You didn’t think you had to pay for marketing or advertising? Where have you been for the past one thousand years?

  14. Alex says

    Great article! Thanks

    I use wordpress on mys ite – I’ve managed to install the facebook pixel using the “insert headers and footers app” and facebook says it is successfully installed

    in wordpress, what’s the best way to install a standard event code? I have a “thank you” page that I would like to use as my conversion referecence – the thank you page appears after the viewer has submitted a form


    • Karl says

      I have also successfully installed the facebook pixel code through insert headers and footers by wpbeginner, now I want to know how to add standard event codes. Can anyone teach us how to? Big thanks to WPBeginner for this

  15. Terry Green says

    I added the FB retargeting pixel about a month or so ago to my WP site, and the Facebook Pixel Helper showed it was installed and working. Now I “hear” there is a new Facebook Pixel, AND my Facebook Pixel Helper shows “there are no Facebook pixels” on my site.

    The article I read goes all over the world and back about everything I don’t want to know about. All I want to know is how to replace the pixel. You are a trusted source so I thought I would ask … is there a new pixel out? And can I add it (or replace the old one) as easily as it was to add it the first time (with a plugin), or will it require manually adding code to each page?

  16. Nina says

    How do we add other rules, like these Search fbq(‘track’, ‘Search’);
    Add to cart fbq(‘track’, ‘AddToCart’);
    Add to wishlist fbq(‘track’, ‘AddToWishlist’);
    do we simply add it to the code?

  17. Yev says

    I need to re-copy the Facebook pixel if I add standard/custom events for Conversion Tracking, to paste the new one into the website.

    Does that mean I only have PageView data up until I update the code on the website, or does any type of data backtrack and becomes available as long as I had the original/basic Pixel installed?

  18. Darren says


    I have done this and the Facebook pixel is tracking. However I am using the sign up form as well with the mailchimp API and I added the Lead and Complete registration aspects to the pixel in the header. They are firing as the chrome addon shows that however the sign up form isnt triggering as a sign up or registration complete. I am not sure if I am explain my problem well. So in business manage and the pixel I can see people visiting my site. But when they sign up the value for lead or complete registration is still 0. Any ideas why this occurs? I used the old FB conversion pixel and that was fine just this new one is so annoying!


  19. Ron Hudson says

    Wow! Thank you very much for writing this post and recording a video to help your audience implement this important tool.

  20. moon says


    I need to add ” Facebook Pixel Code ” in my wordpress site.

    May I know if this plugin suitable for it.


  21. Elle Van Buren says

    Dear author, I have a question on the “Add conversion tracking” feature. Like you instructed, if we place the Facebook pixel into the header section of the plugin, that piece of code will be on every page. But if I have a conversion page, how do I single out that particular page and add in a custom event such as fbq(‘track’, ‘Lead’); to the middle of the Facebook pixel?

    Usually with WordPress or other CMS, once something is in the header, it is on every page. How do we then put up something different for a particular page?


  22. Hammad Afzal says

    Great article, Can I use this feature right away or first I have to buy facebook ad campaign. I means paid Facebook advertising.

    Thanks alot syed balkhi for a cool post.

  23. fajar siagian says

    i want to ask about this

    is this using facebook ads first. become subscriber user facebook ads

    thank you,

  24. Angelica Costa says

    This is perfect. I am starting to experiment on Facebook Ads.

    On other note, is there a way to tell where are facebook visitors coming from? Sometimes I get a load of new user and have no idea who shared a link to my website.

