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step by step tutorial on installing and setting up a WordPress multisite network



  1. WordPressマルチサイトとは?
  2. WordPressマルチサイトネットワークを利用するメリット
  3. WordPressマルチサイトネットワークを使うことの欠点
  4. WordPressマルチサイト・ネットワークが必要な人とは?


  1. WordPressマルチサイトネットワークの必須条件
  2. マルチサイトネットワークのドメイン構造の選択
  3. ワイルドカード・サブドメインの設定
  4. WordPressマルチサイトのカスタムドメイン設定
  5. WordPressマルチサイトネットワーク機能の有効化
  6. WordPressマルチサイトネットワークの設定


  1. サイトネットワークの設定
  2. マルチサイトネットワークを登録用に開く
  3. 新規サイト設定
  4. マルチサイトネットワークのアップロード設定
  5. プラグインメニュー設定


  1. WordPressマルチサイトネットワークに新規サイトを追加する
  2. マルチサイトネットワークにテーマとプラグインを追加する
  3. 新規サイトへの初期設定コンテンツの追加


  1. WordPressマルチサイトのトラブルシューティング
  2. WordPressマルチサイトに関するFAQ







  1. ネットワーク管理者として、個別ダッシュボードから複数のサイトを簡単に管理できます。
  2. ネットワーク上の各サイトは管理ユーザーを持つことができます。サイト管理者は自分のサイトだけを管理することができます。
  3. プラグイン/テーマをインストールし、1回のダウンロードで複数のサイトで有効化することができます。
  4. マルチサイトネットワークは更新管理も簡単になります。WordPress、プラグイン、テーマの更新は1つの「マスター」インストールで済みます。




  1. ネットワーク上のすべてのサイトが同じリソースを共有しているため、あなたのネットワークがダウンすると、他のすべてのサイトもダウンする。
  2. 初心者レベルのユーザーがトラフィックやサーバーリソースを管理するのは難しい。サイトの1つが予期せぬトラフィックを受けると、ネットワーク上の他のサイトすべてに影響が及びます。
  3. 1つのサイトがハッキングされれば、ネットワーク上のすべてのサイトがハッキングされる。
  4. WordPressのプラグインによっては、マルチサイトネットワークでうまく動作しない場合があります。
  5. すべてのホスティングサービスプロバイダは、WordPressマルチサイトネットワークを十分にサポートしていないため、オプションが制限されます。これについては投稿の後半で詳しく説明します。



複数のWordPressサイトを個別ダッシュボードから管理するサードパーティ製ツールがある。InfiniteWPや MainWPのようなツールを使えば、サイトを行ったり来たりすることなく、複数のWordPressサイトをひとつ屋根の下で管理することができる。


  1. 区切りの異なるセクションを持つ雑誌サイト
  2. 拠点や支店ごとにサブサイトを持つビジネスサイト
  3. 部署、場所、地域ごとにWordPressマルチサイトを使用した政府機関や非営利団体のサイト
  4. 複数のサブドメインで運営されているブログのサイトネットワーク
  5. 学校や専門学校では、学部やブログごとにマルチサイトを使用したり、学校のサーバーで学生にウェブサイトを作成させています。





我々は、彼らが共有ホスティングサービスとVPS /専用サーバーを提供していますので、Bluehostをお勧めします。彼らはまた、WordPressの公式ホスティングサービスのパートナーの一つです。

Bluehost website

もし別の方法をお探しなら、SiteGroundと WP EngineもWordPressマルチサイトネットワークに優れたサービスを提供しています。

ホスティングサービスとは別に、WordPressのインストールと FTPを使ったファイル編集の基本的な知識が必要です。













Bluehost site settings



Bluehost cPanel under Advanced site settings



Bluehost cPanel domains



Bluehost cPanel new domain





Bluehost cPanel wildcard subdomain







Manage sites







以下のコードをwp-config.phpファイルの/*の直前に追加する必要があります。 以上で編集は終了です!ハッピー公開する。*/ の行に追加します:

/* Multisite */
define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true );






プラグイン ” インストール済みプラグインのページにアクセスし、すべてのプラグインを選択してください。次に、「一括操作」ドロップダウンメニューから「無効化」を選択し、 「適用」ボタンをクリックしてください。

Deactivate all plugins

ツール ” ネットワークセットアップのページに進んでください。


WordPress multisite network setup



その後、ネットワークのタイトルを入力し、「Network Admin Email」フィールドのメールが正しいことを確認します。



Add WordPress multisite configuration rules to wp-config and .htaccess files










管理ツールバーの「マイサイト」メニューにマウスオーバーすると、フライダウンのポップアップが表示されます。ネットワーク管理 ” ダッシュボードをクリックしてください。

WordPress multisite network admin dashboard


また、「Right Now」ダッシュボード・ウィジェットが表示され、新規サイトを作成したり、新規ユーザーを追加したりすることができます。

Multisite admin area



WordPress multisite general settings





Allowing user and site registration on a WordPress multisite




Additional multisite settings







New site settings for WordPress multisite





WordPress multisite uploads settings





WordPress multisite plugin menu




WordPressマルチサイトネットワークに新規サイトを追加するには、管理ツールバーのマイサイト ” ネットワーク管理メニューの下にある「サイト」をクリックするだけです。

Managing sites on a WordPress multisite

現在のマルチサイトインストールのサイトのリストが表示されます。初期設定では、プライマリサイトが WordPress マルチサイトネットワークの唯一のサイトとして表示されます。


Adding a new site in a WordPress multisite network



Adding new site details










テーマを追加するには、マイサイト ” ネットワーク管理 ” テーマページに移動します。

WordPress multisite themes










// Setting default theme for new sites
define( 'WP_DEFAULT_THEME', 'your-theme' );



同様に、My Sites ” Network Admin ” Pluginsページにアクセスしてプラグインをインストールし、各プラグインの下にある’Network Activate’リンクをクリックしてマルチサイトネットワークで有効化することができます。

Network activate plugins





WordPressのデフォルトでは、マルチサイトネットワークの各サイトにいくつかの初期設定を追加および編集することができます。設定 ” ネットワーク設定ページに行き、’新規サイト設定’セクションにこのコンテンツを追加することができます。

New site default content in WordPress multisite





add_action('wpmu_new_blog', 'wpb_create_my_pages', 10, 2);
function wpb_create_my_pages($blog_id, $user_id){
// create a new page
  $page_id = wp_insert_post(array(
    'post_title'     => 'About',
    'post_name'      => 'about',
    'post_content'   => 'This is an about page. You can use it to introduce yourself to your readers or you can simply delete it.',
    'post_status'    => 'publish',
    'post_author'    => $user_id, // or "1" (super-admin?)
    'post_type'      => 'page',
    'menu_order'     => 1,
    'comment_status' => 'closed',
    'ping_status'    => 'closed',


add_action('wpmu_new_blog', 'wpb_create_my_pages', 10, 2);
function wpb_create_my_pages($blog_id, $user_id){
// create a new page
  $page_id = wp_insert_post(array(
    'post_title'     => 'A sample blog post',
    'post_name'      => 'sample-blog-post',
    'post_content'   => 'This is just another sample blog post. Feel free to delete it.',
    'post_status'    => 'publish',
    'post_author'    => $user_id, // or "1" (super-admin?)
    'post_type'      => 'post',







define('SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', false);


define('SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', 'false');





後で、あなたや他のサイトオーナーが、マルチサイトから別のWordPressインストールにサイトをエクスポートしたいと思うかもしれません。これは簡単にできます。ステップバイステップの手順については、WordPress マルチサイトから個別インストールにサイトを移動する方法のガイドを参照してください。

















WP Multisite User Syncのようなサードパーティのプラグインを使えば、サイトネットワーク上でユーザーを同期させることができる。ただし、サイトの管理者権限を誰かに与えてしまう可能性があるので、注意が必要です。


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Reader Interactions

249件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. WTF

    I have a pretty cool domain and I want to start a wp network on it so people can create blogs and website with a selection of my own themes.
    I would like to know what I need to do legally to keep the possibility to shut down all the sites if I decide not to host them anymore. Is there a terms and agreements I should use or is it already included? If anybody has any experience with hosting multiple sites it would be very helpful with me.

  2. Ganesh


    I have recently added multisite in wordpres, But now feed burner is not working in multisite.

  3. Mercedes

    Hello WP Beginner

    Your site has helped me once more to figure out that I needed mod_rewrite to install multisite. My hosting service will not provide the code and say that I need a developer.

    Can you please assist? I see a lot of mod rewrite codes but am not sure which one to use

    Thanks again

  4. Mahesh

    Is wildcard sub domain works for parked domain. Its create the sub domain but showing:

    “Internal Server Error

    500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.”

  5. Savya


    I am trying to setup a subdomain on my blog using the multisite feature but I always get error. I even setup the wildcard subdomain rule in the cPanel but it doesn’t seem to be helping much.

    Can you help me out, please?

  6. itzforu

    Hello Team,

    is it possible to configure multisite on currently running wordpress site?

    Thanks in advance

  7. Edmond

    Great article, i have installed multisite and everything goes well but when i activate google analytic plugin, i can do anything on my network admin, i can install any plugin and i get error.

    Another issue, i installed WP domain Mapping.When i want to settup it want me to add some codes. i did all and it didnt work. Can you please give me steps that will lead me to success? i will appreciate that.

  8. Stanislaw Schmidt

    Hi, great tutorial!
    Is it mandatory to create a wildcard subdomain, if i go with subdomain structure? Or can i create the subdomains manually?
    Cheers, Stanislaw

  9. siva

    Thanks for wpbeginner Team very easily to understanding your all information, lot of thanks….

  10. Joerg Buyna

    Thanks sooo much for this article. It is very well structured and written. Saved me hours of valuable time.


  11. vishal

    I create my own multisite network site. my primary site working but when i create new site it’s not working ??? gives error Not Found??? i use sub directory structure so word-press add the directory it self or we can create those directory manually when add new site……i am confuse ????

  12. Natalya

    I’m surprised you recommend BlueHost in this article, even though they state they don’t support multisite.

      • Natalya

        I asked this question of Bluehost, and this is their response (direct quote):
        We do not have a plan available that includes tech support for multisite, unfortunately.”

  13. sanj

    Dear Author;
    i do that but when i input url of a new site in menubar:

    Not Found

    The requested URL /index.php was not found on this server.
    Apache/2 Server at Port 80

    appear. what is the reason?

  14. vinay kumar singhal

    Error establishing a database connection

    After create site1 in network it show database error
    please help me
    my code is

    define(‘MULTISITE’, true);
    define(‘SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL’, ‘false’);
    define(‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘’);
    define(‘PATH_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘/’);
    define(‘SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1);
    define(‘BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1);

  15. Hardy

    Please help me
    i am new for multisite on wordpress , i setup multisite but show this error An existing WordPress network was detected. Please solve this error with me.

  16. leen


    Thanks for this handy & detailled tutorial!

    I recently started setting up a city guide, with shopping locations in all the major Belgian cities, in WP.

    But I am wondering now if a MultiSite is a good idea: because I do not want all my diferent subdomain sites (cities) to diappear, when there is a hacking problem, or when one subdomain goes down.

    What would you advice, for such directories: multi or single…?

    Thanks a lot!

    & best regards,
    Leen / Belgium

    • WPBeginner Support

      It all come downs to convenience. If you are able to easily manage multiple installs on sub-domains, then you should stick to it. However, if you feel that managing multiple installs is difficult, then you can try multisite network. Creating a multisite network would allow you to quickly create new sites, switch between sites, manage themes, plugins, and backups. But it also means that if your WordPress install is hacked, all your sites will go down with it.


  17. Pierre

    I done all what you said but when i create a new site, exemple : , and i go on, it dosen’t work. So i must create manually a subdomain called and put the wordpress. Then it’s working, but i want that what i said became “automatic” when i create a new site on my network wordpress. Thanks if you can answer

    • WPBeginner Support

      Pierre seems like you either missed the wild card domain setup or it is not working on your host. Please contact your web hosting service provider.


  18. Mark Ballou


    I’ve scoured the Internet for information on Multisite and found tons of useful information, but am still unsure of how to proceed. Since my searches always lead me back here, I thought I’d reach out. Though there haven’t been any comments in a while, I was hoping you’d be able to help me decide whether Multisite is a good solution for me, and if so, clarify the best steps to take to implement it. I want to be forward thinking and avoid headaches down the road, setting up a solid foundation for my WP sites.

    The Backstory: I’m new to WP and have setup a blog at my already hosted domain with Godaddy. I used a subdomain ( and install WP in the subdomain using Godaddy’s WP installation tool.

    I’d previously had the low traffic blog on Blogger but was frustrated by the limitations. Realizing I could piggyback off of webhosting I already paid for, I migrated all the posts over to a subdomain on my Godaddy plan using Blogger Importer Extended. I then linked them using Blogger 301 Redirect. I had to clean some formatting up, but overall it has been working out well, and as far as I can tell people are finding their way from old Blogger links to the new WP blog without issue.

    Now that I’m a bit more comfortable with WP, I’m thinking of building a new site for my root domain, replacing the outdated Flash site that is there now. The blog and the root domain site are not associated, The blog is personal and the root domain site is separate for work, a kind of demo/resume site. I also have another completely separate domain, for a different business site I have. It’s also a very basic html resume page that I’m leaving alone for now. Down the line I might want to have a static page at my primary domain that acts as a portal to my different sites, but for now, will likely have only two sites to manage ( and

    Let’s start with this question: Is this a good time to establish a Multisite framework? Is the scenario I describe appropriate for its use? Or should I just keep it simple and have two separate WP installs and only deal with Multisite if things get more complex down the line?

    I look forward to your reply!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Keeping separate installations of WordPress has its own benefits. For example, each of your site can be customized without affecting other sites on the network. You can move a single site easily if it grows beyond your expectations. You can automate the updates process so that your sites need minimal supervision.

      On the other hand if you feel that you will benefit from making a network of your sites using the same WordPress core, then you can do that too. We don’t think it would be anymore efficient than separate installs for each site.


  19. sunil

    Hey there,
    i want to know how many subdomains create from wordpress admin panel with 1 wildcard subdomain

  20. Sumit Agarwal

    Hey there,

    I am owner of and the website is running on a multisite network…Google indexes the website well but it does not index or crawls through my subdomains…Is it because somewhere in multisite network installation nofollow has been used?


    • WPBeginner Support

      When people create their blogs on your network they can choose whether to keep it public or hide it from search engines.


  21. Alvaro Portela

    Hi there! I was wondering if I can use WordPress Multisite just for subdomains. What I mean is: I want to make a landing page (no wordpress theme) with 2 options (Option A and Option B) this is and 2 subdomains “” and “”. I want 2 Home pages with different content, option A subdomain will have only those articles with optionA tag and the same for option B, but I want to manage that from only one wordpress installation. Is this posible?

  22. shane

    when you crete a sub dmain does it crete a new sub domain folder on my host that i can access via ftp

  23. Peter Wade

    Great article, but I missed seeing how to delete all but one of the current installs. I have two subdomains and one subdirectory with separate WP installs in them. What do I delete in those, please, after multisite is set up?

  24. Maureen


    When I installed the multisite network I did NOT have the choice between subdomain or sub directories so i just click on install. Now my 1st site is running but when im going to my dashboard to the other site it says page not found.
    I think it went as a sub domain because in the network setup they asked me to paste (‘SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL’, true)> That’s NOT what I wanted. I wanted to have sub directories. I tried to put instead (‘SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL’, false) but it doesn’t work at all!!

    I dont know how to fix this.
    I need someone to help me out! Can I change and co back to sub directories?

  25. WPBeginner Staff

    Yes it could be. Make sure that your have the correct site URL and WordPress URL in Settings -> General page in admin settings.

  26. seosamba

    WordPress multisite is such a nightmare. I mean why would you put all your eggs in the same basket?
    I mean how is it acceptable to anyone that if 1 site goes down, all go down? Or that if 1 is hacked, all are lost to hackers?
    Of course, you might disregard this because you hope this will never happen, I tend to think it’s just a matter of time before it does.

    Besides, I know many folks are building a network of thin original content websites that is supposed to perform with search engine, like for local franchisees, point of sales, distributors and such.

    Unfortunately, from a SEO standpoint, any duplicated content served from the same block of IP”s will be rapidly shown the way to supplement index results, so to me the WP multisite architecture is not only unflexible, it is also very flawed.

  27. Marshall Hunt

    Hello! I followed your steps (including the ‘false’ trouble-shooting change to my config file), but I am getting a redirect loop for my sub-directory folders ( I set up two). Is there something else I can do? I haven’t bought a domain yet, I’m using my website providers temporary ip address to house my website, , so could that possibly have something to do with it? Thanks for the help! Really enjoyed the article and was able to set up with no difficulty except I can’t access it. :P

  28. cedric

    i hope you can help me,I enabled multisite,i did the writeing in the config.php , i did all the steps here on the page i installed the network i created my custom user and a website for the user but when the user wants to login this apears:

    failed to open stream: No such file or directory in
    /home/u645014264/public_html/demoshop/wp-load.php on line 41

    Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required
    (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php’) in
    /home/u645014264/public_html/demoshop/wp-load.php on line 41

    please help me

  29. WPBeginner Staff

    Add domains to your web hosting account. Select a different directory for each domain. Then install a separate copy of WordPress in each directory. See your web host’s help/documentation section to learn about how to add domain names.

  30. WPBeginner Staff

    You can have multiple instances of WordPress, each with its own domain name, running on the same server. You don’t necessarily need a multisite network.

    • christian

      Thanks for your response. I have trouble finding a guide or documentation for this, do you know where to find some info?

  31. christian

    Is it possible to host different domains on one multisite installation,, etc.? If not, what is the best solution for hosting different sites on the same server? Our company has 3 domains we need to host and I would prefer it to be on the same server.

  32. Steve

    Hi, is it possible to create another network under the same domain? Right now I have the main network with a list of subsites all in subdirectories. I want to create another network under the same domain where I can create a separate network of sites that are for a different purpose but still part of the original domain.

    All the solutions I see require that I use a different domain when settings up multi-networks.


  33. DJEB

    I managed to create a really boring site that only displays ”
    Error establishing a database connection”

  34. David

    Hi There,
    I installed multisite network. My 1st site is running but when im going to my dashboard to the other site it says page not available.
    I think something went wrong with the subdomains wildcard, but i dont know how to fix this. Do i have to make a subdomain manually ?
    I hope someone can help me out!
    Cheers, David – The Neterlands

    • Nitesh

      Hi david, you just need to edit define(‘SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL’, ‘false’); insted of define(‘SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL’, false); in config.php

  35. Rihan

    This is great! very usefull and can you please tell how to point a domain using domain mapping plugin for subdirectories installation :) Thank you very much :)

  36. Jorge Diaz

    Hi, I am in a bit of a trouble here… I don’t fully understand, I activated multisite, ok, wildcard, ok, but when I add a new site I get a blank page or 404 error. So my question is Do I need to install WordPress 2 times? And enable multisite in the main domain and add the second site or I just have to install the main WordPress and just enable multisite?

    • Gerald Eder

      Same problem with Jorge. 404 page if i wanna get to the dashboard of the new site on the subdomain.

    • Gerald

      Hi, i have the same problem. mulitsite installion ok, wildcard ok, but when i want to enter the dashboard of the new site i get a 404 error. can you pls advise?

  37. CopiousJ

    I would strongly suggest sub-folders not sub-domains – its better for SEO from what i’ve read through reliable sources like MOZ- should at least give people that option when giving instructions, just a suggestion.

    • Kenneth Guinto

      i would say not true at all as it depends on the nature of the site on how it would brand itself. ive been working for an organization that has multisite install for 4 years now and its on a subdomain. i would suggest though when comes to SEO matters… its much better to rely on the specifications set by the search engines themselves.

  38. WPBeginner Staff

    Thats because you missed a line break or space between / and define. Use it like this:

    /* Multisite */
    define( ‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true );

  39. Marco Floriano

    Thank you very much for this amazing tutorial!

    • Jyoti

      At our end m not getting telnet reply as we don’t have full access to the internet in SDC but i am getting the hit count on the port so the traffic is through at our end .

  40. Michael

    I put this in and get a syntax error
    /* Multisite */define( ‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true );

  41. lime_ice

    Thank you – this was so useful!

  42. Greg

    Yes, go to your cPanel and add the sub domain * nothing else and leave it at your root html folder all done

    • francisco paulo

      Thank you, Greg!

    • Wade Steele

      Greg – When I add a sub domain (at Bluehost) it will not allow me to keep the sub doamain at the root directory, it will automatically add a new subdirectory within my root directory for the newly created sub domain. Is there someway around this because I get the 404 error too.

  43. francisco paulo

    what if I’m not able to create Wildcard subdomains? Can I manually create the subdomains (under cPanel) I intend to use with WordPress?

  44. Vivienne Eggers

    Hi, I’ve installed multi site and WP multi network and no problem creating sub domains or creating users. But assigning privileges? I assumed that since (Extended Super Users which I have installed also) only removes privileges assigned to a certain role and that role is assigned to an existing user – that ANY new users I set up would default to Super Admin – if I tick the box in settings “assign super admin access to this user”. Great – but I am doing this as the super admin – I’ve created a network, assigned sites, I can delete the site, edit the (sub) domain and path but when I attempt to access the “network admin” area it tells me I don’t have sufficient privileges to access the area. I’m a little confused. I want to create a network, assign sites and assign an admin user name – grant that user “full” privileges to all sites I have assigned in that specific network. I’m happy to do that by removing super admin privileges in a created role – but I’m having issues just creating network and assigning. After creating a network I want to be able to access it also as a Super admin. When I try to access the network via the emailed username and password of the network I set up I can access “my network” dashboard but then get an error message – file not found. Is there somewhere I can access detailed instruction on these steps?

  45. WPBeginner Staff

    Nope, we didn’t. First you need to Allow multisite, after that you need to run the network setup. After you have run the setup. Depending on what options you choose during the setup WordPress will show you the code that needed to be entered in the wp-config.php file. The line you mentioned is one of the lines provided by WordPress after the setup and it can be different if a user opted for sub-directories instead of subdomains.

    • Rone

      If i want poin a deffernt domain name? it is possible?

  46. karma_musings

    I’ve converted a single site installation into a multisite, following both your directions here and the WordPress Codex. However, every time I try to go to the dashboard of a newly added subsite ( the browser response is that it can’t be found. I’ve gone over the instructions several times and replayed what I did, but I can’t figure out why this is happening. Shouldn’t the default theme have been automatically assigned to my new site? and shouldn’t I be able to start editing my new site from there? I did, as my first step, go to my host’s cPanel and set up the subdomain wildcard; before that even, I contacted the host to verify that my hosting situation (shared hosting) would support a multisite situation.

    Ideas? I appreciate it, thanks!

    • WPBeginner Staff

      Please contact your web host to make sure that they allow you to create wild card subdomains.

      • karma_musings

        Thank you. I did confirm that was ok. I still don’t really know what the issue was, but after spending an hour on the chat line with my hosting provider, and giving him super admin access to my site, it’s all fixed! Hooray :-)

  47. Clifford Enoc

    should be:

    line in wp-config.php file with

    define(‘SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL’, ‘true’);

    It’s just repeated from the first line. I know you overlooked that ;)

  48. ajeets

    what if i like to rollback WordPress Multisite network into single site, what is process to do that ?

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