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How to insert ads within your post content in WordPress









WPCode's homepage


Google Adsenseなどの第三者広告ネットワークからの広告を表示することができます。また、WordPressブログで広告を販売するのに最適な、独自のホスティング広告を表示することもできます。


有効化したら、WordPressダッシュボードからCode Snippets ” + Add Snippetにアクセスしよう。


Add custom snippet in WPCode


Select 'HTML Snippet' in WPCode

次に、「Add title for snippet(スニペットにタイトルを追加)」と表示されたフィールドに入力して、広告にタイトルを付ける必要がある。


Add title for your ad code snippet in WPCode


一つのオプションは、Google Adsenseのようなプログラムが提供する広告コードを使用することです。

Google Adsenseコードを使用している場合は、最もパフォーマンスの高いGoogle AdSenseバナーのサイズとフォーマットに関するガイドを参照してください。




Copy and paste ad code into Code Preview box


  • オートインサート– 広告コードは自動的に挿入され、選択した場所であなたのサイトに実行されます。
  • ショートコード– 広告コードは自動的にインサーターされません。WordPressブログの任意の場所に手動で挿入できるショートコードを取得します。


次に、「Location」フィールドの隣にあるドロップダウンリストから「Insert After Paragraph」オプションを選択する。

Select Auto-Insert Insert After Paragraph to insert ad within post content




Additional auto-insert locations in WPCode


WPCode Proはまた、開始日と終了日を指定して広告コードスニペットをスケジュールすることができます。これは、 ホリデーシーズンやその他の期間限定プロモーションのために広告を表示するのに最適です。


Choose which device types you want to display the ad on using WPCode



Use WPCode Conditional to limit pages where the ad appears Logic to



Add tags to organize your ad code





Activate and save ad code in WPCode plugin





注:Google Adsense広告を表示している場合、ページに広告が表示されるまで20~30分かかることがあります。


もう一つのオプションは、Ad Inserterを使うことだ。これはWordPressの広告管理プラグインで、ホスティング広告とネットワークからプロバイダーされた広告の両方を表示することができる。

サイトネットワークを使用している場合は、Ad Inserterプラグインに広告コードを貼り付けるだけです。しかし、ホスティングサービスを利用している場合は、自分でコードを書くか、サイトに広告を表示するためにお金を払っている人からコードをもらう必要があります。


有効化した後、設定 ” 広告インサーター に進みます。

The Ad Inserter WordPress plugin



Insert ads within your post content in WordPress using Ad Inserter


1つのオプションは、ショートコードを使用して、任意のページ、投稿、またはウィジェット対応エリアに広告を追加することです。もう一つのオプションは、Ad Inserterに、この広告をすべての投稿に、3段落目以降など特定の場所に自動的に追加するよう指示することです。


The Ad Inserter advert management plugin


投稿コンテンツ内に広告を挿入したいので、通常は「Before Paragraph(段落前)」、「After Paragraph(段落後)」、「Before Image(画像前)」、「After Image(画像後)」のいずれかを選択します。

Placing the ad within your WordPress post content



Inserting ads within your post content in WordPress



Saving your ad settings



Adding an ad to your post content using shortcode










//Insert ads after second paragraph of single post content.
add_filter( 'the_content', 'prefix_insert_post_ads' );
function prefix_insert_post_ads( $content ) {
    $ad_code = '<div>Ads code goes here</div>';
    if ( is_single() && ! is_admin() ) {
        return prefix_insert_after_paragraph( $ad_code, 2, $content );
    return $content;
// Parent Function that makes the magic happen
function prefix_insert_after_paragraph( $insertion, $paragraph_id, $content ) {
    $closing_p = '</p>';
    $paragraphs = explode( $closing_p, $content );
    foreach ($paragraphs as $index => $paragraph) {
        if ( trim( $paragraph ) ) {
            $paragraphs[$index] .= $closing_p;
        if ( $paragraph_id == $index + 1 ) {
            $paragraphs[$index] .= $insertion;
    return implode( '', $paragraphs );



    if ( is_single() && ! is_admin() ) {
        return prefix_insert_after_paragraph( $ad_code, 3, $content );




    $ad_code = '<div>Ads code goes here</div>';








  • 努力を最適化する:あるトラフィックソースからの広告がより多くのコンバージョンをもたらすことがわかった場合、より良い結果を得るためにそのソースをダブルダウンすることができます。
  • ROIを測定します:コンバージョントラッキングは、広告が価値を提供しているかどうかを示します。これにより、パフォーマンスの低いプレースメントに無駄な費用をかけることを避けることができます。
  • 障害を特定する:ユーザーがコンテンツを表示したものの、コンバージョンに至らなかったとします(例えば、フォームを放棄した場合)。その場合、フォームをシンプルにしたり、よりアクセスしやすいように色を調整したりするなど、改善すべき点が明確になります。





この投稿が、WordPressで投稿コンテンツ内に広告を挿入する方法を学ぶのにお役に立てば幸いです。また、クラシファイド広告サイトの作り方や Amazon広告をサイトに追加する方法についてのガイドもご覧ください。

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Reader Interactions

214件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Manuel Graf

    Thanks, it works for me, but I need a feature, can the magic only happen if there are more than 1500 characters in the Post? How can I do this?
    Thanks a lot!

    • WPBeginner Support

      We do not have a recommended method for only activating if there are a certain number of characters but if we do we will look to update the article :)


  2. Erika

    Will the Ad Sanity allow to place external ads on an individual post only not on the entire site?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you wanted to you can only display ads on one post!


  3. George

    Is there any way how to insert different ads after multiple paragraphs? For example AdSense ad no 1 after 2nd paragraph, AdSense no 2 ad after 6th paragraph?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If your ad network has different ads to display then method 2 should allow for what you are wanting currently :)


  4. Gideon

    will this code replace the entire existing code of the theme child theme?

    The <?php start is returning error

    • WPBeginner Support

      It will not replace your entire theme’s design. For pasting the code in your functions.php you could try removing that opening PHP tag to see if that helps solve the issue.


  5. Marvin

    How can i make it to repeat (For Example. to repeat after paragraph 2.)?

    • WPBeginner Support

      We do not have a recommended method for having the code repeat at the moment.


  6. Deepak

    Fascinating. It is so easy. Thank you guys.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  7. Mi Monir

    This is working. Thanks a lot.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  8. Oniel

    Can you please update the plugin to be able to add the code “before” the first paragraph instead of “after” the first paragraph?

    • WPBeginner Support

      The plugin does have the option to insert before your post content instead of after a paragraph number


  9. Shannon

    This is amazing, thank you so much for this. Do you know why my ad goes to the left of the post and not in the middle?

    • WPBeginner Support

      The most common reason would be if your theme has styling that is forcing that alignment.


  10. Karthik

    how much time take for adsense ad display on our site once we get approved after the code placed.

    • WPBeginner Support

      That would be a question for Adsense as they may not have ads they would currently offer for your site.


  11. Sangam

    Thank you, with the help of this snippet I managed to show ad after each 300 words. I just added word count instead of paragraph.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad we could give you a starting point :)


  12. Chango

    Hello is that Insert posts ads plug in good? or does it crash the site or slow it down? I am nervous because 7 years ago I used a adsense plug in and the maker of the plug in was adding their ads on my website.

    Is this insert ads plug in good that you recommend. Does it mess with coding or slow down the site?


    • WPBeginner Support

      Unless you manually add problematic code, the insert post ads plugin shouldn’t harm your site’s speed.


  13. Arkantos

    Works great! But I noticed it also counts the paragraphs from an embedded tweet. Is it a way to avoid that and count only text paragraphs from the content/article?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Sadly, not at the moment.


  14. Von

    Is there a wordpress tag to have a ‘content/block’ automatically injected into the middle of my blogs.

    I’m looking for documentation (I’d seen it before). I would appreciate any help here.

    Thank you.

    • WPBeginner Support

      For what it sounds like you’re wanting, you would want to use the recommendation from the article


  15. Willys

    Hi, I have just Signed up to Google adsense but I am having a problem of how to copy my Google adsense code to my website (WordPress). How can i do it?

  16. Sangam

    I am using this code snippet in my child theme function.php to make ads appear in 3rd paragraph. But I want it to repeat after each 3 or 4 paragraph. How it can be done?

    • WPBeginner Support

      As we state in the article, you would change the number in the code snippet to change where the ad appears.


      • Sangam

        How to repeat? After 3rd/6th/9th/12nd etc?

        • WPBeginner Support

          If you wanted the ad to display multiple times then inside the if statement where it has: return prefix_insert_after_paragraph
          You would want a new line where you add a copy of the prefix_insert_after_paragraph with a different paragraph number

  17. Ahsan Ali

    How to insert ad after each & every 3rd paragraph in a single post?

    Kindly guide!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would need to use the site-specific plugin method and change the 2 to a 3 on line 12


  18. Peter

    Only the code is showing on my post no images. The code is just lying there in the post, you won’t even notice it’s there
    What can I do to change this
    I need the banners showing in the post

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may want to ensure you added the code with all of it’s tags correctly for your ads and didn’t skip any tags.


  19. Ngo


    Thank you for the manual code. It seems to be working for everyone but I just can’t get it to work on my site. My site is made up of only Custom Post Types. Is this why it is not working? Please what do I need to change in the code to make them display on my custom post types?

    Even ordinary widgets do not display on my site. Is there anything I can include in my functions.php to make changes display on my custom pages?

    Please help, I have tried every code on the internet and none of them works.

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you want to use the custom code on a custom post type and the method we have is not working, you could try changing is_single() to: is_singular( $post_types = ” )
      and place the name of your custom post type in the single quotes


  20. Swagatam Innovations

    It worked like charm, thanks very much for this code!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our article could help :)


  21. Minh Hieu

    Can you help me?

    How to insert ads before an ID element?

    Ex: i want to insert ads before

    Thanks you very much!


    Thanks for everything you provide. It’s truly appreciated. But question. This article reads

    Last updated on May 2nd, 2014

    at the top. Is the information presented still valid and up-to-date?

    You guys have been a tremendous help to me so I feel bad asking but I need to know.

    Again, thanks for the great resources you provide!



    Please I need a clearly defined way to add more than one ad after different paragraphs.

    Reply needed urgently please.

  24. Atul

    i am using infinite scroll featured theme and post advert plugin for ads but ads show only on first post, not next post. how can i solve it. this plugin does not repeat ads between post.

  25. Melissa

    This is by far the easiest plugin I’ve ever used! It works perfectly and looks great. Thank you so much! WPBeginner has been a huge help to me in starting my new blog! :)

  26. rishabh shrivastava

    It was helpful! Thanks

  27. sandeep

    thank you so much its working dude

  28. Hoàng Trí

    So I Want to insert ads by tag (Like Gym, Fitness) only two tag will show ads, and other will not. How i can do it ?

  29. Bob

    How can I place an ad before the first paragraph..underneath the single post image? When i set the number to”0″…nothing happens?

  30. Qasim Iqbal

    Hey, If I added the code using Post advert, would it be on every post? right?
    If not then tell me, I want that

  31. Bright Joe

    Thank you so much for the code for the functions.php. This just lets me avoid so many unnecessary plugins.

    Thanks again!

  32. Martijn


    Thanks for the code!

    How can I exclude certain posts?


  33. David

    Was sincerely helpful to start off for my presentation at Kampala WordCamp 2017.
    Really incredible help from you.

  34. Segun

    how can i insert HTML code in my ad space?

  35. Adem

    for more as one ad, change to this:

    $ad_code = ‘Ads code goes here’;

    $ad_code2 = $ad_code;

    if ( is_single() && ! is_admin() ) {
    $content = prefix_insert_after_paragraph( $ad_code, 2, $content );
    $content = prefix_insert_after_paragraph( $ad_code2, 8, $content );
    return $content;
    return $content;


    • Bright Joe

      Thank you so much!

      • Akios

        Don’t know how to insert it

    • Sunil Kumar

      Thanks! It worked.

  36. Shehab

    I want to show two ads on my post. How can I do it?
    That process you showed, here I can see only one ad on every post. but I want to show two ads in every post

  37. shuseel

    I want to implement ads code other than Adsence code using JavaScript code.

    The above code does not work when I have replaced JavaScript code on Ads code goes here.

    Please suggest me how to implement
    on the place of text.

  38. phil


    Congratulation for this function.php code ! Works well

    I ve a question :

    How can i do for do not display adds on specific posts or pages ?

    Many thx

  39. Andrea

    Nice code! How insert only for a certain author post?

  40. Aditya

    I am using Admiral theme and I want to display ads above the thumbnail of every post. What can I do ?

  41. Shubhamk

    I installed the plugin, I created my ads in the post but it appears at the bottom, not at the start.

  42. Sally

    Hi, I installed the plugin on my wp site and followed the instructions – post ad and edit settings to show ads on posts. But the ads don’t show on my posts. Do you know why? thanks in advance!

  43. Gail

    Have just started using the plug-in and it works great!! A question: I now want to insert a new ad. Do I have to trash the old one and then create a new one? Or can I reserve the old one for a future use? Seems like I do have to trash it to make room for the new one. Thanks.

  44. Percival

    I am wondering if it’s possible to insert a widget, rather than $ad_code = ‘Ads code goes here’;

    Is this possible? I can’t seem to implement the syntax correctly, as inserting a widget seems not to respect the paragraph numbering, and randomly inserts a “1” into the text:

    $ad_code .= dynamic_sidebar(‘test’);

    • John

      Percival, did you figure out a solution? Trying to do something similar.

  45. Morgan

    Where do I get a code for an ad .?

    • hassan

      did you mean code for ads?………
      you have to visit your ads network be it google adsense or for your ads code then insert it between insert here……….

    • Stephen

      You have to make a Google Adsense account and make an ad within that. Then, you take the code they give you for the newly created ad and insert it there.

  46. Jagadish Prasad B

    I want to put my ads in the middle of the content by using an editor. Pleas e suggest me how to add the code in the editor. Thanks for the support.

    • Ryan S

      Creating shortcode is the best fit on your end, so first, you need to create Shortcode ads and then use that shortcode in your article/post.

      Ryan S

  47. hsabarp

    this is the what i was searching for…….

  48. Vỹ Spirit

    Hello, After I add the above code to the function.php file, my article does not display ads, instead, and it’s adsbygoogle text …. How do I fix it?

    • hassan

      i did mine some minutes ago and it work well try to remove the <?php if your functon.php already have it…….

  49. Enrique Grobbelaar

    This app seems to work for everyone, except me. :-( I have followed all the steps, said it should display after paragraph 3. Now there is a large white block on all posts below paragraph 3, but no ad.

    Does somebody perhaps know what I am doing wrong?

    (Using Google Adsense)

    • Enrique Grobbelaar

      Never mind. It is working now. :-)

  50. Great

    Thanks you for the tutorials, I used the post ad on my site is working perfectly well but can not open in a new window. Pls how do I set the post ad banners to open in a new window?

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