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How to insert ads within your post content in WordPress









Google Adsenseなどの第三者広告ネットワークからの広告を表示することができます。また、WordPressブログで広告を販売するのに最適な、独自のホスティング広告を表示することもできます。


有効化したら、WordPressダッシュボードからCode Snippets ” + Add Snippetにアクセスしよう。

ビルトインのコード・スニペット・ライブラリが表示されます。Add Your Custom Code (New Snippet)’オプションにマウスオーバーし、’Use snippet’ボタンをクリックして選択してください。

Choose the Custom Code option in the WPCode library to insert an ad

次に、「Add title for snippet(スニペットにタイトルを追加)」と表示されたフィールドに入力して、広告にタイトルを付ける必要がある。


Add title for your ad code snippet in WPCode


一つのオプションは、Google Adsenseのようなプログラムが提供する広告コードを使用することです。

Google Adsenseコードを使用している場合は、最もパフォーマンスの高いGoogle AdSenseバナーのサイズとフォーマットに関するガイドを参照してください。




Copy and paste ad code into Code Preview box


  • オートインサート– 広告コードは自動的に挿入され、選択した場所であなたのサイトに実行されます。
  • ショートコード– 広告コードは自動的にインサーターされません。WordPressブログの任意の場所に手動で挿入できるショートコードを取得します。


次に、「Location」フィールドの隣にあるドロップダウンリストから「Insert After Paragraph」オプションを選択する。

Select Auto-Insert Insert After Paragraph to insert ad within post content




Additional auto-insert locations in WPCode


WPCode Proはまた、開始日と終了日を指定して広告コードスニペットをスケジュールすることができます。これは、 ホリデーシーズンやその他の期間限定プロモーションのために広告を表示するのに最適です。


Choose which device types you want to display the ad on using WPCode



Use WPCode Conditional to limit pages where the ad appears Logic to



Add tags to organize your ad code





Activate and save ad code in WPCode plugin





注:Google Adsense広告を表示している場合、ページに広告が表示されるまで20~30分かかることがあります。


もう一つのオプションは、Ad Inserterを使うことだ。これはWordPressの広告管理プラグインで、ホスティング広告とネットワークからプロバイダーされた広告の両方を表示することができる。

サイトネットワークを使用している場合は、Ad Inserterプラグインに広告コードを貼り付けるだけです。しかし、ホスティングサービスを利用している場合は、自分でコードを書くか、サイトに広告を表示するためにお金を払っている人からコードをもらう必要があります。


有効化した後、設定 ” 広告インサーター に進みます。

The Ad Inserter WordPress plugin



Insert ads within your post content in WordPress using Ad Inserter


1つのオプションは、ショートコードを使用して、任意のページ、投稿、またはウィジェット対応エリアに広告を追加することです。もう一つのオプションは、Ad Inserterに、この広告をすべての投稿に、3段落目以降など特定の場所に自動的に追加するよう指示することです。


The Ad Inserter advert management plugin


投稿コンテンツ内に広告を挿入したいので、通常は「Before Paragraph(段落前)」、「After Paragraph(段落後)」、「Before Image(画像前)」、「After Image(画像後)」のいずれかを選択します。

Placing the ad within your WordPress post content



Inserting ads within your post content in WordPress



Saving your ad settings



Adding an ad to your post content using shortcode










//Insert ads after second paragraph of single post content.
add_filter( 'the_content', 'prefix_insert_post_ads' );
function prefix_insert_post_ads( $content ) {
    $ad_code = '<div>Ads code goes here</div>';
    if ( is_single() && ! is_admin() ) {
        return prefix_insert_after_paragraph( $ad_code, 2, $content );
    return $content;
// Parent Function that makes the magic happen
function prefix_insert_after_paragraph( $insertion, $paragraph_id, $content ) {
    $closing_p = '</p>';
    $paragraphs = explode( $closing_p, $content );
    foreach ($paragraphs as $index => $paragraph) {
        if ( trim( $paragraph ) ) {
            $paragraphs[$index] .= $closing_p;
        if ( $paragraph_id == $index + 1 ) {
            $paragraphs[$index] .= $insertion;
    return implode( '', $paragraphs );



    if ( is_single() && ! is_admin() ) {
        return prefix_insert_after_paragraph( $ad_code, 3, $content );




    $ad_code = '<div>Ads code goes here</div>';





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情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


ツールキットへの無料アクセス - すべてのプロフェッショナルが持つべきWordPress関連製品とリソースのコレクション!

Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Ashok Kumar says


    I added an ad just fine before my post. However, when I tried removing it, the blank white space remains. Please let me know how to fix this, my site looks terrible and i’m at my wits’ end!


      • helper says

        fix drawAdsPlace to return the content, add simple-ads-manager.php (somewhere in the class):

        function get_drawAdsPlace($args = null, $codes = false) {
        global $samObject;

        if(is_null($args)) return ”;
        if(is_object($samObject)) return $samObject->buildAd($args, $codes);
        else return ”;

        then use get_drawAdsPlace instead drawAdsPlace. (Updating plugin will kill this)

  3. Zaman says

    I have noticed that there are around three ads in each post in list25 with one ad after every the first post while two other ads randomly between the images.

    So, could you please inform how can it be achieved? Are you using the insert post ads or some manual coding for the second and third ads. If so, what is the manual code and where are you inserting it.

  4. Annastasia Taylor says

    “Insert Post Ads” plugin setting doesn’t work for me, when i click on settings-nothing displaying.

    Code works fine, Thanks!

    So my question is, can i repeat this action? I mean if i can insert the ads after paragraph 1 and 2.

    I tried to repeat the code, but doesn’t work : “Fatal error: Cannot redeclare prefix_insert_post_ads()…..”

    Please help

    Thanks in advance

  5. Jorge Pinto says

    Hi, its possible to use the above code with this one integrated?

    //////////////////here mobile ad

    ////////////////// here desktop ad

  6. Christian Rauchenwald says

    Great plugin BUT I’m missing one very important thing -> if I create 4 ads to be displayed after paragrahp two I should get the option to show one of them randomly…

    It would also be great to be able to define “categories” for banner, so that a poker related banner doesn’t show up in my day trading section.

  7. Arsie says


    For multi-author WP-blog who does not want to use plugins, can you recommend the code that I can put in the functions.php?

  8. Salud Casera says

    This one really worked for me. I removed the CSS and added some inline css and got the ad before the content, float left, etc. and it ended up exactly as I wanted it.

    You can see it here :

    Thanks for sharing.

  9. Ben Daggers says

    Quick question, what if I assigned “5” as the number of paragraph for the adsense code to appear, but the number of paragraphs in my post is only four. What will happen? Will it still work?

  10. Amanda says

    I have 2 qusestions:

    1. Is there a way to add text above an ad? For example, amazon affiliates has a banner for $3 per sign up, but they are also doing a contest in the same signup where users can win $500, I’d like to ad a note above the referral banner for sign up about the contest, is there away to do that?

    2. How can I had this to the front page?

  11. Belinda says

    Great tutorial, thanks. Is there a way for me to had the ads also show up on my homepage? I have a sticky post at the top and then my posts show up after that but this version of the posts have no ads. So ads only appear if the reader actually clicks through on a post to the individual post URL. Would be great if the ads would show also on the homepage.

  12. steve says

    What impact does this have on SEO considering there will be links to adverts within the content of the page?

  13. Aadil says

    Hello Wpbeginner,
    Really a good explanation. Really like it. However I have one question, would be really grateful if you could help me. If we use the code way,Is there a way to exclude some pages like- about, contact us etc where we dont want want the ads to appear.

  14. Antonios says

    With this plugin the ads placed in a post appear in all the other posts. How can I place an ad in one specific post, and that it won’t appear on other posts?

    I have posts related to specific services, products, and topics. I need to be able to place ads related to the specific post, and that won’t appear on other posts, because ads won’t be related to those other posts.

  15. tigaruk says

    How do i get it to only appear on posts pages using the code above, not the plugin. Currently its also appearing on my product pages.

  16. Dan Sz. says

    Is there a way to get this to work within a custom loop? For example, when showing the full content of a featured post on the home page.

  17. kristarella says

    Thanks for this. I would recommend tweaking the code slightly to add the insert at the end of a post if it is shorter than the specified number of paragraphs. This can be done with:

    $num = count($paragraphs);
    if ($num == 0 || $num < $paragraph_id) {
    return $content.$insertion;

  18. Brandon says

    Is there a way I can do this but have it on last paragraph? I want to insert at bottom right of every post’s content and have text wrapped using div align=”right” which I can see in your code I can change the div ad container, but I want it on bottom. Thanks!

  19. Magic says

    Thanks for the tutorial. What would the functions.php code be if I wanted the ad to show as the second paragraph up from the “bottom” of the page (not the second paragraph from the top of the page)?

  20. Margaret Anne @ Natural Chow says

    What do I do if there is only a blank space showing up where the ad is supposed to be? I don’t have an ad-blocking software on my computer so am I doing something wrong?

  21. Josh M says

    Hi, great, simple plugin. Just wanted to make two suggestions.

    I would recommend removing the hard-coded styling for the div or add a css box in settings, so it can be positioned easier. For those wondering, remove this in insert-post-ads.php…

    style=”clear:both;float:left;width:100%;margin:0 0 20px 0;”

    A simple option (checkbox?) on the post/page to “exclude content ads” would be great as well.

  22. St3elSh0t says

    Hi Syed, could you please tell me how to add 2 ads after 1st paragraph so that there is one ad then a tab then another ad code?

    • Brandon says

      You could use the code to add to functions.php and instead of using ad code here … you could do first ad code here second ad code here

      Then edit style sheet to set sizes and alignment for .maincontainer

  23. ETphonehome says

    I’ve installed the plugin and it shows all in the preview but the ads are not shown when I publish the post. What did I do wrong? Thanks.

    • David says

      Not familiar with Adsense, could you provide an example? If I’m designing my own ad and its is a jpeg, what would the ad code be if the jpeg is called MattsAutoSales.jpeg ?? I’m used to working with print ads which usually just use the digital name for placement (MattsAutoSales.jpeg)
      Thanks for the help!

  24. WPBeginner Staff says

    An existing plugin on your site may be conflicting. We recommend deactivating all plugins except insert post ads and then activate other plugins one by one until you figure out which plugin is causing the issue. Let us know.

  25. Kim Whitley-Gaynor says

    Very helpful information! Thank you very much. What plug-in do you recommend for inserting ads into a sidebar?

