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このエラーは、WordPressの管理画面やブログにはアクセスできるが、特定の記事を開こうとすると「404 Not Found」というメッセージが表示される場合に発生する。


How to fix WordPress posts returning 404 error


WordPressで404「Page Not Found」エラーが表示される原因はいくつかあります。以下のような原因が考えられます:

  • プラグインやテーマの競合:サイトにインストールしたプラグインやテーマが、WordPressのパーマリンク処理に干渉することがあります。これはリンク切れや404エラーにつながる可能性があります。
  • カスタムコードの問題: カスタマイザーコードをサイトに追加している場合、パーマリンクに影響するエラーやその他のコンフリクトがコード内に存在し、投稿に404エラーが発生している可能性があります。
  • .htaccessファイルの問題:.htaccessファイルは、WordPressがURLをどのように構造化するかという役割を果たします。このファイルが破損していたり、見つからない場合、投稿やページに404エラーが発生する可能性があります。



これを把握する簡単な方法の1つは、Google Search Consoleを使用することです。まだGoogle Search Consoleにサイトを送信していない場合は、Google Search ConsoleにWordPressサイトを追加する方法についてのガイドをお読みください。

Googleボットがあなたのサイトをクロールし、インデックスした後、Google Search Consoleはあなたのサイトのパフォーマンスに関する詳細な情報を提供します。

どの投稿が404エラーを返しているかを調べるには、Search Consoleのダッシュボードにログインします。そして、「ページ」レポートに移動すると、すべてのエラーの詳細なリストが表示されます。

Google Search Console Pages Report

詳細については、Google Search Consoleを使用してウェブサイトのトラフィックを増やすためのヒントリストをご覧ください。


404エラーを自分で修正する時間がない?WPBeginnerプロサービスがお手伝いします!404エラー、リンク切れ、リダイレクトの問題などを専門家に依頼することができます。WordPress の問題にストレスを感じるのはやめて、問題を解決しましょう!WordPress 緊急サポートサービスを今すぐご予約ください!







確認するには、一時的にTwenty Twenty-ThreeやTwenty Twenty-FourのようなWordPressのデフォルトテーマに切り替えることができます。必要なのは、外観 テーマに 行き、デフォルトテーマの「有効化」をクリックするだけです。

Activating a default WordPress theme






WPCode error warning



WordPress管理画面の設定 ” パーマリンクに移動し、「変更を保存」ボタンをクリックするだけです。

Check Permalinks








.htaccess file permissions



Change file attributes for the .htaccess file to 666



Edit .htaccess file


# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress







これをどのように行うかは、使用しているプラットフォームによって異なります。XAMPPを使用している人は、コントロールパネルを開き、Actions内の「Config」ボタンをクリックします。そして、「Apache (httpd.conf)」を選択してください。

The Apache (httpd.conf) menu on XAMPP

次に、#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.soという行を見つけ、’#’を削除してアンコメントする必要がある。


Finding the rewrite_module on httpd.conf file

次に、AllowOverride Noneのインスタンスをすべて見つけ、AllowOverride Allに変更する。

All’ はすべてのディレクティブを上書きできることを意味します。

Changing AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All





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Reader Interactions

770件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. taher

    My problem is a little different i do have access to my wp-admin, But i am unable to access to any page within wordpress, including dashboard or settings and re-directed to 404-error page. I have disabled cloudfare, but the problem persists.

  2. sikkandhar

    great help, by just changing theme of wordpress, my 404 errors solved,
    thank you for simple and great idea.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide could help :)


  3. Oswaldo

    Thanks for this amazing solution. I have a membership site and when i looked up to my mail this morning i have a lot of users that wrote that the cant access to the page because is showing the 404 error message and in fact this was happening, i didint know what to do, i thought it was some plugin or some function i put the night before….

    Then i found this post, i saved again the permalinks as shown in this post and WORKED!!! :)

    but i am not happy yet, i want to know why happened this problem? so this wont repeat again :( because all night while i was sleeping this problem happened :(

    please can you tell us, why happened this problem, so we can avoid this?

    Thank you

    • WPBeginner Support

      Sadly, it is difficult to say the root cause. It could have been an update from the host’s end or something on your site could have updated your permalinks incorrectly as some possibilities.


  4. Lina Jin

    I checked .htaccess and permalink settings too but its still not working.
    In pages, I can see only some pages and others show errors.
    ‘Trying to get property ‘post_author of non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\aaa\wp-admin\incldues\class-wp-posts-list-table.php on lline 1180’

    So the page links are not working and after login, the homepage is automatically redirected to wp-admin and dashboard shows nothing.
    Can you help me with this?

  5. Harry

    Thank you for this tutorial, solved my problem.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our article could help :)


  6. kaleab

    i had the same problem geting 404 error in post.php …it was frustrating but the only thing worked form me was change the the theme..and change it again…it worked for me………..

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thanks for sharing what worked for you :)


    • TrigienIT

      i had the same issue. tried the options above but they did not work until I also changed the theme to another, then reverted back to the normal theme.

  7. José

    None of the solutions worked for me. I can only acces to my home page, any other link like pages & post are not working. The update that caused this was the 5.0.3

  8. Nikki S

    Wheew! This DID work for me. All I had to do was hit the Save button. So thankful for the article.

    I just updated to WP 5.0.2 yesterday from 4.9.8. Could that have been the cause? It seems to run fine yesterday.

    • WPBeginner Support

      As with any technology, there are many possible reasons. It could have been the update, a hiccup with the host, or another unknown reason.


  9. Anjalai

    am working in wordpress admin suddendly it showing 404 error message. so what am to do and i am beginner for wordpress

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to follow the steps in this article and should none of them work, reach out to your hosting provider and they should be able to assist.


  10. Okan

    Thanks thanks thanks. You are the man!

  11. Mike

    Thank you so much. It worked. My site is fully back online. Thank you.

  12. RKapunan

    Thank you so much. My links are back!

  13. Jennifer Nelson

    Thank you!!!!

  14. Daniel S

    I have tried all the suggestions from the article and some from comments.
    Then I contacted my hosting company and it turned up that their ModSecurity module on the server blocked POST requests with “+src=” string in it.
    It could be different rule for you but if everything else fails try asking your hosting company to check if any request was blocked at the server level.

  15. zak

    thank you so much you are amazing, i love you so much, you are great, i searched a lot of pages and no one knows and teaches like you. you are awesome.
    Thank you Thank you Thank you

  16. Matzi

    Thank you. It worked perfectly.

  17. jay

    this is happening to our site almost monthly and the only way to fix is to reset the permalinks in wp dashboard. debug log file is clean so i dont have any clue where to start fixing. any one having the same problem?

    • Ronny

      I have the same problem! but I do not know where the problem comes from? does anyone know how to solve it?

  18. Musab

    Thaaanks many thanks

  19. Arlene

    My world was torn apart when I received this 404 error. Thank you WPBeginner for this helpful guide.

  20. Jerry Bordadora

    Thank you!! You save my me bro

  21. Toyin

    My issue has to do with the next page. I reduced the number of posts showing on my home page from 10 to 5, and when I click on the next page, it’s coming up with the 404 page not found

  22. Aram

    Hello! Thank You for interesting article! I have a little different problem. I want to redirect my 404 page to another, accurate and beautiful page. And normaly use plugins or template possibilities for that. But one of my sites, where there is the same template that I usually work with, the 404 page does not exist at all. Whatever I do. I get error telling that The requested document was not found on this server.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Aram,

      Try updating your permalink structure. Simply visit Settings » Permalinks and then click on the save changes button without changing anything.


  23. Ann-Jeanette

    I cannot put in words how grateful I am for this exact article. THANK YOU

  24. behdad

    extremely helpful thanks

  25. Renan

    Works like a charm!

  26. Morcio

    It works, thanks THAAANKS a lot!!

  27. Zihad

    Thanks for such an easy solution.

  28. Okereke Divine

    This article is actually very very helpful.

    But my problem seems to be different. Please WPBEGINNER, you guys should please and please help me…

    I have tried the methods above but its not working. though my problem is kindoff different.

    My problem is:
    Sometimes, When I try to update my previous post or make a new post.., it redirects me to “404 error. Please and please help me.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Okereke,

      Please try these steps. Go to Settings > Writing page and under the update services section delete any URLs in the box (Normally you will only see one URL Now click on the Save changes button to store your settings.

      Try editing a post to see if this resolved your issue. If it didn’t then, please try steps in our WordPress troubleshooting guide.


  29. Lisa Cox

    This article saved me so much time….I was ready to scrap the whole thing and re-do the blog from the start because I thought I had made an irreversible mistake. Two clicks everything is fixed – THANK YOU! Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound like Dr. Suess. Enjoy your day!

  30. Daulat khan

    Hi! This article was helpful but when i put my site on google search bar ex, an error 404 found how can i enter into my word press.
    Guied ne thanks

  31. Mark Wayda

    Just wanted to say thanks. Simple and effective fix for a problem that had been perplexing me for a few days!

  32. joseph

    thank you, this was very helpful

  33. Khulu

    Thank you Tom

    Your solution works perfectly!!!!

  34. Ash

    Thanks. Your instructions worked 100%. It was driving me crazy.

  35. Okereke Divine

    Though my problem was that if i try to update my post., it redirects me to 404page.

    I followed your instructions and it worked perfectly!

  36. Collins

    I can’t access my home page.
    It keep saying 404 not found whenever i go to my url

  37. Fernando Njaria

    Thank you so much, had me going crazy with the 404 error, but after saving changes to the permalinks settings it worked!

  38. Ibrahim Shabbir

    I Cannot Even Access My Admin Page

    • Doni

      That is my problem also. I can access my home page and one of the two top-nav pages, but I can’t access the second page, and I can’t get to /wp-login or /wp-admin.

  39. Paulo

    Awesome… saved my life, thank you

  40. Tom

    Great tips – for some reason, this didn’t completely fix my issue as AllowOverride was set to ‘None’ in my httpd.conf file

    Should anybody else run into the issues, simply edit your Apache2 httpd.conf file located in one of these locations: /etc/apache2/httpd.conf. /etc/apache2/apache2.conf.

    Look for:

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted

    And replace with:

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted

    Hope this helps somebody!

    • Clinton

      Thank you Tom,
      I deployed a new site with Google One Click Deploy and missed some instructions about setting the AllowOverride All for the docroot directory. Your reply along with this article helped me get this working again. With AllowOverride set to None .htaccess files are ignored, so the directives to use make permalinks work, fail. In my case the config that I needed to edit was /etc/apache2/sites-available/wordpress.conf which had the directory of the wordpress install with the AllowOverride None set.

    • My Real Name

      Thank you sir. You are my hero right now. I looked at so many sites and not a single one of them mentioned this. It wasn’t even obvious from the apache manual, to the extent that I read that.

  41. Dipak Vasava

    Thank You very, problem solved. its working code.

  42. Simran

    Thanks a lot..nothing to say. It really helped me. You done a great work..Thank you so much

  43. Lagz

    Worked like a charm, Thanks!
    Contact form 7 Ajax was not working, giving me the feedback 404 error in console log.
    I did not suspect rewriting rules until I read this.
    Saving the permalink settings did the job!
    Thank you

  44. Favour

    am confused, at the .htacess what I saw there was 0644 not 660, how do I go about it.

  45. JP

    Thank you for posting this- it saved me a ton of time- Cheers!

  46. prabhat pandit

    very helpful information for me

  47. Richard

    Thank you very much!!

  48. Prabhat

    thank you very much. for a moment i felt all my work is gone. you saved me :)

  49. Sonja

    Thank you!!! This was an awesome guide. Made my evening a lot better!

  50. eriab nsereko

    Thx WPB team, it worked like charm and that’s why I really love this mighty site!

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