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このエラーは、WordPressの管理画面やブログにはアクセスできるが、特定の記事を開こうとすると「404 Not Found」というメッセージが表示される場合に発生する。


How to fix WordPress posts returning 404 error


WordPressで404「Page Not Found」エラーが表示される原因はいくつかあります。以下のような原因が考えられます:

  • プラグインやテーマの競合:サイトにインストールしたプラグインやテーマが、WordPressのパーマリンク処理に干渉することがあります。これはリンク切れや404エラーにつながる可能性があります。
  • カスタムコードの問題: カスタマイザーコードをサイトに追加している場合、パーマリンクに影響するエラーやその他のコンフリクトがコード内に存在し、投稿に404エラーが発生している可能性があります。
  • .htaccessファイルの問題:.htaccessファイルは、WordPressがURLをどのように構造化するかという役割を果たします。このファイルが破損していたり、見つからない場合、投稿やページに404エラーが発生する可能性があります。



これを把握する簡単な方法の1つは、Google Search Consoleを使用することです。まだGoogle Search Consoleにサイトを送信していない場合は、Google Search ConsoleにWordPressサイトを追加する方法についてのガイドをお読みください。

Googleボットがあなたのサイトをクロールし、インデックスした後、Google Search Consoleはあなたのサイトのパフォーマンスに関する詳細な情報を提供します。

どの投稿が404エラーを返しているかを調べるには、Search Consoleのダッシュボードにログインします。そして、「ページ」レポートに移動すると、すべてのエラーの詳細なリストが表示されます。

Google Search Console Pages Report

詳細については、Google Search Consoleを使用してウェブサイトのトラフィックを増やすためのヒントリストをご覧ください。


404エラーを自分で修正する時間がない?WPBeginnerプロサービスがお手伝いします!404エラー、リンク切れ、リダイレクトの問題などを専門家に依頼することができます。WordPress の問題にストレスを感じるのはやめて、問題を解決しましょう!WordPress 緊急サポートサービスを今すぐご予約ください!







確認するには、一時的にTwenty Twenty-ThreeやTwenty Twenty-FourのようなWordPressのデフォルトテーマに切り替えることができます。必要なのは、外観 テーマに 行き、デフォルトテーマの「有効化」をクリックするだけです。

Activating a default WordPress theme






WPCode error warning



WordPress管理画面の設定 ” パーマリンクに移動し、「変更を保存」ボタンをクリックするだけです。

Check Permalinks








.htaccess file permissions



Change file attributes for the .htaccess file to 666



Edit .htaccess file


# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress







これをどのように行うかは、使用しているプラットフォームによって異なります。XAMPPを使用している人は、コントロールパネルを開き、Actions内の「Config」ボタンをクリックします。そして、「Apache (httpd.conf)」を選択してください。

The Apache (httpd.conf) menu on XAMPP

次に、#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.soという行を見つけ、’#’を削除してアンコメントする必要がある。


Finding the rewrite_module on httpd.conf file

次に、AllowOverride Noneのインスタンスをすべて見つけ、AllowOverride Allに変更する。

All’ はすべてのディレクティブを上書きできることを意味します。

Changing AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All





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Reader Interactions

770件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Larry


    I have moved my two domains from a web hosting service provider to another web hosting service provider. The new web hosting service provider setup WordPress websites from the cPanel. Only the homepages are loading correctly but the other webpage links are showing Server Error 404 Page Not Found.

    The webhosting service provider told me to update my permalinks and the web.config code. I updated the permalinks to show “post name”. I don’t know how to update the web.config code. From watching these videos, I see that I should update the htaccess file. However, my htaccess do not show any missing text and it contains identical as shown in your video. What next should I do?

    Many thanks.

  2. Joe

    My problem is, I moved my blog to a self host. And changed my permalink to “post name” Ever since then,

    1. I noticed my traffic start reducing,

    2. Couldn’t get searches from Google/yahoo/bing linking to my blog again.

    3. Got a lot of broken links.

    What do I do please?

    I’ve started getting discouraged with this..

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Joe,

      You can change your permalink structure to whatever it was before by visiting Settings » Permalinks page.


  3. David

    Thank you very much! This tutorial was very helpful.

  4. Bert Ramirez

    Worked like charm…THANK YOU!!

  5. Tejash

    Thanks so much. I was able to resolve the error

  6. prakhar

    when i try to see plugins it gives 404 error.
    add plugin is working fine but i can’t get to plugin.php when i try to see
    installed plugins.
    also update-core.php also gives 404 error.
    what could be the reason?

  7. jeff

    I have the same problem. I couldnt able to install a plugin which is this “” .i always get file not found error 404 as result. can anyone help me out please? thanks guys in advance

  8. Marisol

    Hey thank you work for me took me 2 minutes to fix it!

  9. Sjoerd


    I have the same problem. The first solution worked for me, just now wordpress somehow keeps getting back tot the 404.
    So i click save changes, it works again. And then a few minutes later the 404 error is back. Anyone any ideas?


    Kind regards,

  10. Ravi J

    I have the same issue too….

    1) Changed Permalink
    2) Manullay created the .htaccess file
    3) removed and created the site once again

    Amy help is greatly appriciated

    Note: I am setting up a local instance in Ubuntu 16 LTS.

  11. Biggles

    I have a similar problem: I moved hosting providers and now my WP login box is top left hand corner of my browser screen and, most critically, when I login, every page and link for WP gives me a 404.

    The website loads fine for my visitors but I am unable to gain access myself in WP. Well, I am, I can log in, but that’s all I am able to do. After many years of web design, this is a first.

    I have done the following:
    1. deleted the .htaccess file
    2. tried an old .htaccess file
    3. created a new .htaccess file
    4. changed the name of some and all of the plugin folder names via ftp to see if there’s an issue with a plugin

    FYI, that I was unable to load my sample website (subdomain) after the migration, and all that was showing was a ‘database error’ white screen. I finally managed to track down the issue, and I was a little bit upset about it: in my new cPanel, I noticed the username had disappeared next to the database name, and when I tried re-entering it again it wouldn’t take it because I had been limited to only a few characters in length. I created a new username and updated the config file, and it works okay now.

    So, I opened my new cPanel and my previous cPanel side by side and my old host didn’t restrict me on database username character length, whereas my new host did to about 7 or 8.

    …so, I’m starting to think that even though all of my other subdomains and client websites are now all loading fine, that it may be that a different version of cPanel and how my new hosting provider has set it up has affected how I interact in WP for my failing website.

    v. 68.0.23 new cPanel
    v. 66.0.34 old cPanel

    Do you think there is an issue with how my new host has setup WHM and / or cPanel.

    Many thanks in advance : )

  12. Wen

    Hi there, i did other test and the error show everytime, so any ideas??

    • Afroze

      for me, after going nuts, i had to enable the rewrite module… i forgot to do this when I migrated sites.

      in ubuntu:
      sudo a2enmod rewrite

  13. Wen

    Hi guys!
    I’ve tried everything and its shows still the error in my links, can you help me?

  14. Hank Wilson

    Thanks for this, permalinks idea worked. Bookmarked for future reference

  15. Alan Ross

    Thanks for the fix. Worked like a charm !

  16. Fahad Siddiqui

    I tried this .htaccess code but the error remains same as “Not Found
    The requested document was not found on this server.”

  17. TJ

    I am wondering if this would fix my admin login page? Keeps showing 404 error and not the login page. I don’t have issues with a 404 error on pages and post. I think it might be conflicting plugin I’m using called Hide MyWp, but they told me its working and reset the settings anway and said it’s beyond their plugin control.

  18. LaVonne Carlson

    Thank you! This worked for me. I did have to change the Common Settings from “Custom Structure” to “Post name”, but once I did that my blog came back.

  19. Nick

    I followed your instructions, but I still get the “white page of death” with my posts. Is there a way to actually remove “index.php”?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Nick,

      The index.php file is crucial for your WordPress site to work properly. If you think it is causing the issue, then you can download a fresh copy of WordPress, unzip on your computer, locate the index.php file and upload it to your website replacing the old file.


  20. Malik aadil

    Thanks so much
    It helped me to solve 404 error problem

  21. srinivas

    i dont know how to thank you…it really helps and solved my problem…thanks ….lovely post

  22. Demari

    Thank you so much for this!

  23. Christina

    Thank you very much! Your help solved the problem!

  24. Rafi ullah

    Hi every one..
    i have a website which is working properly but when i login to admin panel and want to edit a page it show me a error that “page not found” but in the front end it look fine this error show only on editing time ..
    please help me i am stuck
    Thanks in advance

  25. Jeremy

    THANK YOU SO MUCH! I’ve tried everything else thinking it was a timing error. You saved me lots of time.

    Thank you again!

  26. Serguei Kireev

    didn’t work for me. installed Yoast SEO, noticed it defaulted to weird permalinks with /index.php/ in them, went to change that to normal way – no more permalinks for me… only works via ?p=123

  27. mudi

    Hi, you guys are great it’s work for me

  28. elham

    Thank you so much!!!!

  29. Vikash

    Thanks, Its worked perfectly.

  30. Karen Holst

    You guys are the best!

    I always find your tutorials to be just what I need to update/fix my WordPress site!

    Regarding the 404 not found issues, I had some template pages (I purchased a WordPress theme from a vendor and had some live pages hidden that I wasn’t using) that were getting indexed that I didn’t want indexed. So I changed the pages to “unpublished” in WordPress.

    I ran an analysis on indexability and now all those pages are showing “404 Not Found” errors.

    Do you all suggest a way to keep these pages from being indexed altogether? What is the best practice for fixing something like this?

    Thank you again for all the great work you all do!

  31. Shahidul Islam

    Thanks So much! It works great!

  32. Azizul Haque

    Thanks, This worked for me too!

  33. Mark Quinn

    Many thanks. This worked a treat.

  34. vishnu

    please help to fix the following.
    while submitting a comment in my webpage its working properly but after 3 or more submission it showing 404 page not found
    how can i fix this problem without using a plugin.

  35. Munesh Dagar

    this is very helpful.. my website is not not load page cause of URL not found
    i am go to permalinks & select other links & again i selected postname & save settings my website is work properly

  36. zhivko

    The update in Settings Permalink worked perfectly for me.

  37. danny

    I had the problem with the permalinks and fixed the issue by saving as a plain permalink then saving as custom permalink. that worked but I am having a problem with the permalinks issue again. i fixed it by doing the above step again. is there a way to avoid it happening again. thanks!

  38. Milos Mitrovic

    Hello guys,
    I have the same problem, some pages appear as ‘not found’ but they are present in wordpress. Check this one:
    I have updated permalinks but it didn’t work.
    I wouldn’t dare accessing my FTP and would like to know if there is any other way to change it? I use hosted wordpress.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Milos,

      We will suggest that you update .htaccess file using FTP or File Manager in cPanel.


  39. Jheel

    I am getting error for rest of my pages , excluding the home page. The images & the videos are not visible. I have done all the required steps. Kindly help me out.

    • jora

      same probleme did you find any solution yet ? Thank you

  40. Kimberly

    Thank you so much!! Flushing the rewrite rules worked.

  41. Hemant Pandey

    It helped. Very nice. Can you suggest best permalink structure? Also how to get social counts back after changing permalink structure?

  42. Himaja

    I am trying to add the wordpress blog as a subdirectory in nginx server. Added blog under cakephp/app/webroot/blog . Main page works fine but not the post links and sublinks. Shows not found error. I tried your post but no result. Can you please help me to sort out this?


  43. Mike

    Hello, I tried just about everything
    1. Deleted and uploaded new htaccess file
    2. Checked robots.txt
    3. Checked sitemap
    4. Disabled all plugins
    5. Checked google console
    6. Checked to see if my site is blacklisted
    Google will not communicate with my site all at.
    I only get “403 forbidden error”. I couldn’t even verify my site ownership with google until I verified through the “cname card”.
    During 1 test I did get a “200 server error”. Please help

  44. Lucky

    Many thanks for you help. It worked my site is back.

  45. Jill

    Hello! I downloaded the htaccess file and copy/pasted. I am still getting the 404 errors on my blog. Not sure what else to try. Any ideas?
    Thank you,

  46. Dias, Wesley S.

    THANKS!!!!! Very much.

  47. sam

    where is .htaccess? :)

  48. Phoks

    not work :-( same probleme halp me please

  49. tauseef shah

    thank you so much buddy, it really help me

  50. robert

    worked. thanks.

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