このエラーは、WordPressの管理画面やブログにはアクセスできるが、特定の記事を開こうとすると「404 Not Found」というメッセージが表示される場合に発生する。
WordPressで404「Page Not Found」エラーが表示される原因はいくつかあります。以下のような原因が考えられます:
- プラグインやテーマの競合:サイトにインストールしたプラグインやテーマが、WordPressのパーマリンク処理に干渉することがあります。これはリンク切れや404エラーにつながる可能性があります。
- カスタムコードの問題: カスタマイザーコードをサイトに追加している場合、パーマリンクに影響するエラーやその他のコンフリクトがコード内に存在し、投稿に404エラーが発生している可能性があります。
- .htaccessファイルの問題:.htaccessファイルは、WordPressがURLをどのように構造化するかという役割を果たします。このファイルが破損していたり、見つからない場合、投稿やページに404エラーが発生する可能性があります。
これを把握する簡単な方法の1つは、Google Search Consoleを使用することです。まだGoogle Search Consoleにサイトを送信していない場合は、Google Search ConsoleにWordPressサイトを追加する方法についてのガイドをお読みください。
Googleボットがあなたのサイトをクロールし、インデックスした後、Google Search Consoleはあなたのサイトのパフォーマンスに関する詳細な情報を提供します。
どの投稿が404エラーを返しているかを調べるには、Search Consoleのダッシュボードにログインします。そして、「ページ」レポートに移動すると、すべてのエラーの詳細なリストが表示されます。
詳細については、Google Search Consoleを使用してウェブサイトのトラフィックを増やすためのヒントリストをご覧ください。
404エラーを自分で修正する時間がない?WPBeginnerプロサービスがお手伝いします!404エラー、リンク切れ、リダイレクトの問題などを専門家に依頼することができます。WordPress の問題にストレスを感じるのはやめて、問題を解決しましょう!WordPress 緊急サポートサービスを今すぐご予約ください!
確認するには、一時的にTwenty Twenty-ThreeやTwenty Twenty-FourのようなWordPressのデフォルトテーマに切り替えることができます。必要なのは、外観 “ テーマに 行き、デフォルトテーマの「有効化」をクリックするだけです。
WordPress管理画面の設定 ” パーマリンクに移動し、「変更を保存」ボタンをクリックするだけです。
# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress
これをどのように行うかは、使用しているプラットフォームによって異なります。XAMPPを使用している人は、コントロールパネルを開き、Actions内の「Config」ボタンをクリックします。そして、「Apache (httpd.conf)」を選択してください。
次に、#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.soという
次に、AllowOverride Noneの
インスタンスをすべて見つけ、AllowOverride All
All’ はすべてのディレクティブを上書きできることを意味します。
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thanks man u saved my life
Thank you for very useful sharing. Just only one click can solve the problem:)
Ehiz Mikey
A million thanks Syed. I was stuck here for a couple of weeks. A fix indeed.
Hi. Really nice article.
I had a 500 internal server error issue with my site when I tried using the W3 Total Cache plugin.
To fix this, I renamed the .htaccess file to .htaccessbak. After doing this, I noticed that the 500 error cleared but then I got a 404 error! All the links and pages on my site returned a 404.
On the All Pages section, I see a link that says “Purge from cache”
Please what do I do to clear this issue?
You’re a life saver, worked for me.
Really grateful,
Thank you
thanks it works for me….
Christian Fraunholz
but why is that happening and how to fix it forever?
I tried to follow your direction in fixing my problem, it took for about a day, but I didn’t find the good result.
Then I gave up and contacted my hosting. And it fixed only in 5 minutes. Lol the problem came from the hosting…
Mark Kay
By careful with post variables names. I had a contact form with an input field called “name”, that caused WordPress to show the 404 page. Took me a long time to figure out the problem. I fixed it be changing the field name from “name” to “your-name”.
thanks you saved my life.
My problem is that I m going to wp adminin
And want to edit post it is not going in edit mode of post and page gives me error page not found 404 but my site and its pages are opening well in browser
Plz guide me I can solve this problem
Samo rpoblem here. Cannot edit the existing posts or add new one. I get 404 for both
Hi, I have tried following the above steps but my issue is this: when I visit my website directly by putting typing the url, then it works fine. But, when i type in my site url in google search box and then click on the link from the search results, I get the 404 error or message saying “your connection is not private”.
My website is http://www.example.com but google search result shows it as https://example.com/
So not sure what the issue is. I used to have wordpress.com but now I am dong self-host using HG.
Any help will be appreciated.
WPBeginner Support
www is considered a subdomain of a domain. So basically a site with www and without www will be considered two different sites by search engines. Go to Settings > General page to change your site URL from http://www.example.com to just example.com.
WordPress.com enabled https for all custom domains on WordPress.com. This means Google had already crawled your website with https in the URL. You can install free https using Let’s Encrypt.
Paul Nicholson
Great worked for me thanks!!
Shashdhar S
Thanks a lot , the second option worked for me ….. Thank you so muich
WPBeginner Support
You are welcome Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter for more WordPress tips.
hi, I tried first solution, nothing happened. I wanted to try the second, but I cannot find the .htaccess file. Not in FTP, not even in my WP online editor. I had this issue today for the first time. I use WPML plugin, until now everything went without problem, but today my translated post in English throws this 404 Error. Any idea what shall I do if I cannot locate the .htaccess file?
I noticed one thing. The post in the editor shows me the following link:
but when I click to see the post, or from any RSS feed click on the published post, the link showing 404 error is as follows:
WPBeginner Support
Please take a look at our guide on why you can’t find .htaccess file on your WordPress site.
Shirish Dhungel
Well thanks! I remember, that WP Super Cache official stated to remove rewrite code from .htaccess. After that, my posts redirected to 404. Thanks to you, now my site is perfectly fine.
Muhammad Nasir
Thanks it worked for me, thank you so much.
Do I have to remove the code snippet I added to htacces file after my problem has been solved?
Can someone contact me please? I am so new to these I don’t even know what a FTP server is…
WPBeginner Support
Please see our guide on using FTP.
Rohan khamkar
Sir, when I post a new post it gives me error that 404 page not found. Previously everything was fine but when I add a new user and give him a role of administrator from that time I can’t post new post. Any solution Please. Thank you in advance.
WPBeginner Support
You should never give administrator role to a user you don’t trust. You can always change back their role by going to Users page and then clicking on the Edit link below the user that you want to change. After that you check your site’s permalink structure. See if they installed any new plugin and if they did, then deactivate that plugin.
Shivani Sehdev
Wow……….. Solved a long ago problem .
Thanks A lot.
R Donahoo
Didn’t work on my apache server. Had an additional step to allow mod_rewrite to actually work. Edit your httpd.conf file and add ‘Allowoverride all’. For example:
DocumentRoot /var/www
find the section that sets up the directory options, such as:
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
Order allow,deny
allow from all
add Allowoverride all
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride all
Order allow,deny
allow from all
save and restart the web server to re-read the updated configuration.
All was well after that.
Thanks for your useful post moving me into the right direction.
forgot about htis #yaDaMan
Didn’t work for me either
Where can I find this file you are talking about
aderele olutayo samuel
this worked. …. Thanks
I found the some problem. However, I could not log in to the admin page. Could you give solution to mitigate this problem?
Rodrick Green
This was very easy and very helpful. THANKS A LOT!!!
B Pandey
thanks for your usefull tip. It worked for me on my website. Thanks a lot
Thank you .
It worked for me
Rachit Sharma
but not working for me when i updated permalink with post name and change .htcces file but not worked. any other solution for that.
Wowww Thank you so much, that was really helpful.
In my case it was WAMP server, after turning on “rewrite module” in apache, my problem was solved.
Wow – this still works. Done a search on google and found articles in wordpress but this was by far the simple-est and bang it works.
Thanks a mill – saved me a heap of time
WPBeginner Support
Glad you found it helpful.
Shawn Ritch
Hello and thanks for all the useful tips. Unfortunately, this tip didn’t work for me. I re-saved my permalinks in WordPress settings (didn’t work) so then I tried your next method and it didn’t work either. I’m thinking the reason for this is because I have different permissions. My original permission is 644. When I change permission to 660 none of my pages work so I believe the 666 permission is wrong as well. I’m using a Go Daddy server if that helps any :/
I’m at a loss and have no idea what to do from here. However, I can’t afford to have pages that don’t work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Shawn Ritch
Kevin Garcia
I tried this and it didn’t help me!!! My whole website crashed and had to restore it!!
Hannah Brown
Thanks, yours was the only place that told me HOW to fix my broken links! You’re the best
WPBeginner Support
Glad you found it helpful.
Kunal Yande
Thanks !!
You save my so much time….
How do I fix the issue when I upload a new plugin and then my categories, not posts, become 404?
This is great advice. I thought I was going to have to take a deep dive, but two clicks and I’m GTG. Thanks!
Ronn Reason
i keep getting this message with my email account;
Error Oops… a server error occurred and your email was not saved. (#404)
Please advise ASAP
I can’t belive this …. it works, thanks !!!!!
I had this problem after moving sites to a new server. Default Permalinks worked, but not the settings I was using.
I needed the apache server to “Allow Override” for the htaccess file to take effect.
I need a little help regarding 404 error.
I am getting 404 error in my Page 2 section.
I have googled a couple of times. but did not get the solution.
Could you please tell me what is the reason for it?
My site links will work ONLY after I’ve VIEWED the permalink settings, without any changes, and Voila! The links work again. What is causing this and how can I program this instead of having to log in?
I’ve tried the following commands in WP-CLI to no avail:
wp rewrite flush –hard –path=c:\xampp\htdocs\mywordpress
wp cache flush –path=c:\xampp\htdocs\mywordpress
Amit Schandillia
This saved my life!!!!!
Thanks man, just pressing the “Save changes” on the permalink-settings page did it for me! Cheers!
Hi there,
About an hour ago I was able to remedy a pesky ‘500 Internal Service Error’ by following your sage advice and renaming the .htaccess file to .htaccess_old. I was immediately able to access my wp-admin area–and I thought–get going again.
Unfortunately, something happened which rendered all of my other pages unfindable; each kicking a 404 error.
I attempted the steps you provided above, but to no avail. Might you have any further suggestions?
Thank you.
You guys are awesome, this was easy and fast. You guys save me a trouble!
why i coudl not see my post?
after I send a post my preveous posts appear.
it made me crazy please remove previous post
I found a solution to my problem and will say in next post
Hello agin
thank you for this useful article/ I found a bug in wordpress in rtl language in displaying permalink
I read your article and encourage to solve the problem with your contribute.
my problem in detail:
1-I created a mysql database(in utf8 general ci)
2-I installed last wordpress versin(locally) and install my theme(multiup v 1.2 from themeforst)
3-Next I did import demo as whele.
in the theme admin panel exixst category portfolio (in this section we create our category with name and slug) then in all post under portfolio section we can create our posts and determine category of post from portfolio category) finally in homepage we have a section that shows portfolio post in category(with their picture)
In english slug and name the category of portfolio show well but when i change category in portfolio category( slug) into rtl language the category in homepage canvert into charachter like base 64(I think that my slug convert into ansi ie each character convert into 6 charachter)
How I can overcome my problem?I think I must avoid change slug or show slug into utf8 or unicode . I am beginer in wpordpress , If I khnew wordpress more I could solve this simple problem .Any one with khnowledge of handling hoock and filter and plugin and wordpress can solve this permalink problem . I sure I will solve this problem with your help.
I tried the second way you offer (that phpmyadmin in utf8generalci) but it doee not work for me.
before thansk a lot for helping me.I followed your posts regularly .
1- first I did the trick in above article (this is so good but didnot solve my problem)
thanks to contribute you knowledge to others .my english is not well.excuse me.
I download a wordpress theme with portfolio link in admin panel that in porftoli section we can define some category with name and slug . in post we can determine category from portfolio.
in homepage we can display post in portfolio category! all thing is ok but wen i chang name and slug into rtl language the title of a group in home page shows like this %d8%a8%d8%b1%d9%86%d8%af%d8%b3%d8%a7%d8%b2%db%8c
i did your solution in this topic and that another topic(How To Enable Custom Permalinks) but not woks for my problem!
WPBeginner Support
This could happen if your WordPress database is not using UTF-8 character encoding. Please make sure that your database is using utf8_general_ci as collation. You can check that using phpMyAdmin from cpanel. Before you make any changes to your database, please create a complete WordPress backup first.
Atula Gupta
Thank you so much for fixing my problem in seconds! I was panicking about all my posts giving this error and this solution was so simple! Thanks again.
Thank you, thank you! This was making me crazy and you just helped me fix it in 2 seconds. High five.