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[解決済み] WordPressでメールが送信されない問題の解決方法

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How to fix the WordPress not sending email issue


メールが行方不明になる最も一般的な原因は、WordPressホスティングサービスサーバーが PHPmail()関数を使用するように適切に設定されていないことです。







SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)はメール送信の業界標準である。


WordPressには、PHPのmail()関数の代わりにSMTPを使用してメールを送信するようにWordPressサイトを設定するWP Mail SMTPプラグインがあります。

SendLayer、Brevo(旧Sendinblue)、Gmail(Google Workspace)、Amazon SESなど、一般的なSMTPサービスとの接続に使用できます。



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ステップ1: WP Mail SMTPプラグインのインストール

どのSMTPサービスを選択するにしても、WP Mail SMTPプラグインをサイトにインストールする必要があります。これにより、WordPressをビルトインPHP mail()関数の使用からSMTPサービスの使用に切り替えることができます。

まず、WP Mail SMTPプラグインをインストールして有効化します。方法が本当に〜してもよいですか?WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。

次に、WordPressダッシュボードの「WP Mail SMTP」をクリックして、プラグイン設定を行います。

The WP Mail SMTP settings page in your WordPress dashboard



Entering the name and email address that you want your WordPress emails to come from

WPFormsのような他のプラグインが異なる設定をしていても、この名前とメールアドレスを使うようにメールを強制することができます。WP Mail SMTPは他のプラグインの設定を上書きします。


WP Mail SMTP's mailer options

WP Mail SMTPのセットアップを終了するには、SendLayerのアカウントを作成する必要があります。次にWP Mail SMTPのセットアップを行いますので、このタブを開いておいてください。

ステップ2: SMTPメールサービスのセットアップ





Click SendLayer free trial link



The SendLayer dashboard

ステップ 3: WordPressサイトとSendLayerの接続




Click the Add Domain button in SendLayer


次に、「Add Domain」ボタンをクリックする。

Add your domain in SendLayer

注: Brevo(旧Sendinblue)などの他のメーリングサービスでは、まずサイトのサブドメインを設定する必要があります。しかしSendLayerは自動的に送信者ドメインのDNSレコードにサブドメインを追加します。




SendLayer's DNS records



他のホスティングサービスを使用している場合、またはDNSがDomain.comNetwork SolutionsGoDaddyなどの ドメイン登録業者で管理されている場合は、それぞれの指示に従ってください。



Opening Bluehost's Domains page and clicking Settings


その後、Advanced DNS Recordsの隣にある「Manage」ボタンをクリックする。

Clicking Manage in Bluehost to open the Advanced DNS Records Manager



The Advanced DNS Records warning message in Bluehost

Manage Advanced DNS Records(高度なDNSレコードの管理)ページに到着します。


Adding a new DNS record in Bluehost



Refers to」セクションで、「Other Host」をクリックします。後ほど、すべてのDNSレコードにこの同じオプションを設定します。

Choosing the DNS record type and refers to setting in Bluehost



The Host Name, Alias, and TTL fields when adding a new DNS record in Bluehost



Filling out the Host Name, Alias, and TTL fields when adding a new DNS record in Bluehost




Adding a TXT record in Bluehost

レコードを追加したら、SendLayerに戻り、’I have added these DNS records and am ready to proceed’(これらのDNSレコードを追加したので、次に進む準備ができました)の横のチェックボックスにチェックを入れます。

そして、「Verify DNS Records」ボタンを押す。

Verify DNS records SendLayer


ボタンをクリックしても何も起こらない場合、レコードはまだ検証されていません。SendLayerのダッシュボードから’Settings’に移動し、’DNS Records & Settings’タブに移動することで、後で確認することができます。

SendLayer DNS TXT records once they've been verified



ステップ 4: SendLayerを使用するためのWP Mail SMTPのセットアップの完了



Finding SendLayer API keys



Click to copy the API key in SendLayer

これで、WP Mail SMTPセットアップウィザードタブに戻ることができます。


Paste the SendLayer API key into WP Mail SMTP


WP Mail SMTP “ Toolsにアクセスします。Email Test’タブで、メールを送信するメールアドレスを入力します。初期設定はサイトの管理者メールアドレスです。メールを送信」をクリックします。

Sending a test email using WP Mail SMTP



The test email from WP Mail SMTP



WP Mail SMTPプラグインのメーラーオプションのリストを見てわかるように、SendLayerを使う必要はありません。SendLayerは私たちの無料の一番のおすすめですが、Microsoft 365、Gmail(Google Workspace)、Amazon SESなど、他にも使えるオプションがあります。


Gmailをお持ちなら、それを使ってメールを送信できます。WP Mail SMTPプラグインを使用している場合、WordPressにメールのログイン情報を入力する必要はありません。

GmailまたはGoogle Workspaceを使用するには、上記のようにWP Mail SMTPを設定し、メーラーの’Google / Gmail’オプションをクリックします。

次に、WP Mail SMTPのワンクリックセットアップを使ってメーラー設定を行います。


Setting up Gmail on WP Mail SMTP

しかし、プロ用のGmailやGoogle Workspaceを使うには、いくつかの欠点がある。



WordPressのメールを修正するためにWP Mail SMTPでMicrosoft 365を使用する

通常のメールアカウントにMicrosoft Office 365やOutlookを使っている場合は、WordPressからメールを送信することもできます。ただし、安全性が低いため、あまりお勧めできる設定ではない。

上記のようにWP Mail SMTPを設定し、SMTPメーラーを選択する際に「365 / Outlook」オプションをクリックする必要があります。次に、Microsoft Azureにアプリを登録し、以下のフィールドに記入できるようにする必要がある。

Choosing Outlook as the WP Mail SMTP mailer

詳細については、WP Mail SMTPでOutlookを設定する方法の詳細ガイドを参照してください。

WP Mail SMTPでAmazon SESを使用してWordPressのメールを修正する

Amazon AWSプラットフォームには、WordPressのメール問題を解決するために使用できるSimple Email Service (SES)があります。


しかし、ご想像の通り、多くの専門家やエキスパートがWordPressのメールSMTPサービスにAmazon SESを使用しているため、これを抜きに投稿を書くことはできませんでした。

WordPressでAmazon SESを設定することに興味がある場合は、WordPressでAmazon SESを設定する方法の完全な説明を参照してください。




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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


ツールキットへの無料アクセス - すべてのプロフェッショナルが持つべきWordPress関連製品とリソースのコレクション!

Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Will says

    My problem is that wordpress won’t send emails to or from an address that is coming from my domain name. E.g. But it will send from any other email address type.

  3. Md Sajid says

    i successfully setup my site, and it is working very well.
    thanks for this nice and working tutorial..
    i used gmail api first method..


  4. idayat says

    hello, please does anyone know how can stop WordPress from sending automatic emails to blog subscribers, i want to use MailChimp but it seems i have to first disable WordPress. thank you

  5. Iman says

    Thank you so much. You have tutorial helped me fix my email problem . this was one of the best tutorials I have ever seen. every step is very well explained.

  6. alex says

    Hi, I have installed SMTP – I think right.. but I’m still not receiving emails from the contact form. I’m also not getting new order notifications. can someone please help me? :(

  7. Nifemi says

    I’ve completed all the steps using mailgun but when I try to send a test email to my other webmails in that same domain, they never get delivered. However it works pretty well with other emails such as gmail.
    Any idea about what might be causing this issue?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Ron,

      Default WordPress notification emails are not stored in the database. However, if you are using a plugin which stores entries in the database then you may be able to see them.


  8. Daniel Koo says

    Instead of the Success! message, I get an error like this:
    Not Acceptable!

    An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.
    What is the problem?

    • Colin says

      I’m having the exact same problem. The answer appears to lie in complicated CSS maneuvers that I hate.

  9. Michael Zorko says

    So…this used to be my go to app. Found a similar help video from you guys a while back. Loved Mailgun – then they started changing their policy. Now, it only works for verified email addresses..unless…you put a credit card on file.

  10. Jack Hernandez says

    I’ve been having problems with admin and users (and new users) not receiving automatic notifications.

    Will this also solve that issue?


  11. Chloe says


    I’m confused in the step of opening the cPanel in the hosting account. What is the hosting account? Is it found in WordPress? Thanks

  12. Owen says

    I was having the exact same problem with e-mails not sending and these instructions were v useful. I have now fully resolved the issue – thank you very much

  13. Amol says


    Thank you for the topic. It helped me a lot and fixed the issue I was struggling with for last 3 days.


  14. Fred says

    I started to use the video guide and the first step was to set up a mailgun account. I created a password and clicked the verification link in my email to complete the account. However they then wanted to text me a confirmation code to a cell phone as a second verification. I only own a landline not a cell phone and there was no workaround so it is impossible for me to use mailgun. I realize most people these days have cell phones but it seems stupid they would not allow signup via computer (or via a voice code over the phone).

  15. Fernán says

    Thank you so much! I just had some changes regarding domain settings, and this pointed me in the right way.

  16. Pankaj Kumar says

    Hi, If i am using Zoho mail for for email.

    Can i still use and configure mx record?

    Will it work or stops my email account created on zoho mail for

  17. Leo says

    My wordpress send emails, but, this emails Go to Spam folder… I need a soluction. I try using codes from functions.php but does not work. My solution was install Mail Bank plugin but, I dont want this plugin. I want a simple soluction.

  18. casey says

    hello! I am having issues with my Contact page, we are not receiving new contact information in our CRM site. Can you please guide me to fix the issue?

  19. Doron says


    Thanks for the great tutorial. I’m getting
    “Mailgun HTTP API Test Failure; status “Free accounts are for test purposes only. Please upgrade or add the address to authorized recipients in Account Settings.”
    Do you know why or how to resolve?
    (Added an “authorized user” to my acount)

    • Alex Cramer says

      I’m having the same problem. I also don’t understand how to get to the cPanel. What am I missing?

  20. Lawrence Ip says

    Ah! When in doubt add this TXT Record. @ v=spf1 ~all
    That is, this works for Namecheap (and most likely others) when Gmail is enabled. Enjoy!

  21. Aaron Williams says

    I am having the problem that the wp_mail() function is not showing up in our functions.php document. If I read the documentation correctly, that means Gmail SMTP plugin still won’t work because it uses that function still. Every time I have tried to add the wp_mail() function it has resulted in a fatal error that kills the website and I have to remote into our server to delete the code to get the page working again. Any ideas?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hey Aaron,

      wp_mail function resides in the core WordPress files, so you will not find it in your theme’s functions.php file. Since it is already part of the core, you do not need to add it. Try installing Gmail SMTP plugin, and it should work.


  22. Clare says

    Hi there, so happy to have found this tutorial! Can anyone tell me if you need to use a subdomain to setup Mailgun? We have set this up using our root domain and are having some issues and I am wondering if this could be why. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks, Clare.

    • Michael Halbrook says

      It can cause problems if you set it up with out one from what I’ve been reading, because if you set up the MX records for MailGun with your current e-mail address it can be problematic.

  23. Callan says


    I think I found an easy workaround for this problem. When setting up form fields, instead of using the generic email field I just use a different type of field and mark it as a “required” field. That way people will know that it is a required field and still provide you with a valid email address.

    I have just had the same problem with all of a sudden WordPress not sending me mail from anyone who has a gmail address. I’ve changed the field types and am again receiving emails from submitted forms.

    I’d be interested to see if anyone else would try to see if this works.

  24. Steve says

    First off…very informative article…including the YouTube video on setting up the Google Apps for Work. So thank you for that!

    A couple questions:

    I use Mad Mimi for my email marketing…and they sent the below article out a while ago telling Gmail users to not use Gmail addresses for sending out Mad Mimi email campaigns (which is what I used to do), but instead to use a custom domain. So that’s what I did. I set up a custom “” address and have been using that. If I want to use the exact same “” address for the Google Apps for Work setup to receive notifications from my WordPress site…will this mess up stuff with the Mad Mimi emails?

    Additionally, I currently have my personal Gmail setup to be able to send and receive email from the “” address…so how is that effected as well? Do I need to delete that stuff out of there if I go with this Google Apps for Work option to fix my issue with not receiving my WordPress notification emails?

    Thank you so much in advance for any clarification on this.

  25. Amy says

    Just wanted to say – thank you so much for this article! Has helped me fix my forms :) not sure what the issue was before, if it was the server or what – but the mailgun solution worked perfectly for me.

  26. David says

    Great article! Thank you for sharing!

    1) Why does the mailgun HTTP API not require a username and password like the SMTP solution does? Is it because mailgun is verifying at the DNS level (with its SPF and domain key records) and with the API — so this setup removed the need for the SMTP credentials?

    2) Am I correct that these sending issues (being rejected by Google or Yahoo’s mail servers) are mostly because people are trying to send email from their WP installations but are using a to send email from a WP install at

    3) Would mailgun allow someone to send email as even though the mail is coming from the WP install at

    Thanks for your help!

    • Jerry says

      Thanks Lucas, Me too!
      Postman SMTP solved all my email woes.. I’ve been trying to test mail function on WordPress installed on localhost under Xampp for a day or two.
      I’m brand new to WordPress and I’m learning that the secret to a happy life is getting the right Plugin.. recommendations are invaluable.

  27. Mabel says

    I need help. I have successfully installed mailgun using your videio How to Fix WordPress Not Sending Email Issue, but my email notifications still do not send. Do I have to enter some code into each email template? I have no idea what I am doing.

  28. bobby says

    You should really warn people about changing the mx records. It ruined my incoming mail for 5 hours and i had to change them back.

  29. Bobby says

    I set this all up and never got an activation email from Mailgun. Pretty pathetic that an email smtp service can’t even figure out their own account activation system through….ugh….email.

    I sent a support ticket in. Now, because I changed the settings on my hosting, NONE OF MY EMAIL IS WORKING. I have tried three different emails to activate the account, and none have gotten the activation email.

  30. Marco Floriano says

    Amazing video, amazing tutorial. Nice solution. Perfect! Mailgun is amazing, thanks a ton guys!

  31. Ademide says

    Thank you for tutorials. I couldn’t proceed because I was having the following error “Your account is temporarily disabled. Business Verification Please contact support to resolve”. I have raised two tickets already, it doesn’t seem to be helping. Any idea what I need to do to get this resolved?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Mailgun has internal checks in place which may sometimes flag an innocent account as suspicious. You simply need to contact their support, they will ask you a few questions about your email usage and will unlock your account.


  32. Wout says

    Oh man thank you so much for this! You’re lifesavers! Mails from my wp-site used to end up in Spam, now they reach the inbox with no problems… One thing worth mentioning may be that the domain you set up in Mailgun doesn’t show up in WP mails to users/customers, so you don’t have to use a matching domain for your site. You can setup in Mailgun for your WordPress site and it works.

  33. Lavish says

    My domain name is attached to Google Apps emails, I don’t want to mess up things. Can I instead use .org version of my domain name. I have .org and it is just parked (redirecting to .com) unused.


  34. Luke Cavanagh says

    Just make it easy and use SendGrid. You just create a general API and then add it into the settings of the SendGrid plugin on the site you need to use it on.

  35. Michael Story says

    Hi you mention needing the shortcode for later in the video, where do you use the shortcode? Does it replace gravity forms?

  36. Bill Frankell says

    Oh man, where were you last week with this? I spent four days of vacation working all this out on my own.

    However I do not see my problem listed, which was using Yahoo mail.

    Been a yahoo user since 2000 so hated to give way but finally set up new gmail accounts on all my websites which changed everything. I now have those accounts all forwarding to Yahoo, each with a note in the from address telling me their source.

    There may have been a way to make Yahoo work, but I didn’t find it and finally gave up. This is a better setup because it lets me set up separate mailing lists and work with mail chimp and sumo me. So far in the last week we have collected over a hundred new members on one site, the difference is that now I get to see each one as it comes in, can delete my yahoo notice and still have the record on Gmail archives.

    Having said all this, this page is being bookmarked for future reference. Thanks, it was almost timely.

