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この包括的なガイドでは、WordPressログインページのリフレッシュとリダイレクトの問題を解決する方法を紹介します。 WordPressダッシュボードに戻り、ウェブサイトのコントロールを取り戻しましょう!

Fixing the login page redirect and refresh issue in WordPress





Login page redirect issue in WordPress



注: このWordPressチュートリアルの高度なステップを試したい場合は、まずサイトのバックアップを作成してください。WordPressデータベースのバックアップを手動で作成する方法については、こちらのガイドをご覧ください。



Google Chromeでは、ブラウザー設定メニューをクリックし、その他のツール ” ブラウジングデータを消去 を選択するだけです。

Clear browsing data in Google Chrome



Clear cookies and cache in Google chrome

次に、「データを消去」ボタンをクリックすると、Google Chromeがブラウザーキャッシュを消去します。





WordPressの管理エリアにアクセスできる場合は、設定 ” 一般ページでこのオプションを見ることができます。

WordPress URL settings




Editing wp-config.php file via FTP










Delete .htaccess file in WordPress




ログイン中、WordPress管理画面の設定 ” パーマリンクのページに行き、何も変更せずに「保存」ボタンをクリックするだけです。これであなたのサイトに新しい.htaccessファイルが生成されます。





Rename plugins folder to deactivate all plugins













WordPress files



Upload core WordPress files




Overwrite core files





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情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


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Reader Interactions


  1. Helen

    this is one of the best tutorial that fixed my issue.. ive tried so many and it just messed my code.

    what i did was just delte my htacess and generated a new one.. and im even able to login to my wp admin already

  2. Kelly Taylor-Faye

    Thank you. Really helped after a VERY frustrating day to find out it was a broken plug-in. Many thanks :)

  3. Jen

    Thank you so much! This worked!

  4. Benjamin Marlatt

    I have tried everything and nothing works!! I then tried re-registering, but that completely wiped out my dashboard. I’m getting extremely frustrated over this!!

  5. Brown

    My site doesnt login to dashboard or takes time to load the /wp-login page which after inserting the login details it takes forever to load … but on a different network it loads well what could be the problem

  6. Bethany

    Thank you so much for this article! Thankfully mine was an easy fix and I just needed to delete the cookies from so I could sign in. I had just reset my password before the error occurred where it kept refreshing the log in screen so that may have had something to do with it.

  7. Shay

    Hi guys,

    I’ve tried everything and nothing worked. I had the same problem with another computer and after about 5 attempts I got in but this morning I tried logging in with another computer, it’s happening again. The page redirects to Any ideas?

    Thanks all for your help!

  8. Patrick Ogbuitepu

    You can temporarily disable redirection from the wp-login.php file and then delete all newly installed or updated plugins.

    1. Disable redirection by opening the file wp-login.php

    2.Scroll down to the line where you have the code “do_action( “login_form_{$action}” );”
    Mine was around line 461

    3. Comment out that line of code to disable redirection

    4. Save the file. You will now be able to login using

    5. Disable or delete all recently installed plugins especially plugins that manage access control functionalities

    6. Clear your cookies and cache

    • Luqman Arif

      Thank you so muchhhhh!!!.Finally i can access my admin site.after 2 days struggling.

    • Luqman Arif

      Should i continue to comment the codes?because i am not sure which plugins that cause the problem.Before this i have disable all the plugins manually, but still cannot access wp-login.php.

    • Slav

      Tylko to mi pomogło. Wielkie dzięki! ;-)

  9. nirmal


    i change this to my site url, now not able to login. it shows 401 unauthorized. After changing the original file wp-config also, not able to login. any idea?

  10. Paul

    Turned out to be one of my plugins that was giving me grief, simply went into my Ftp and deactivated them and got rid of the last plugin that i installed, happy days fixed the problem, many thanks guys your knowledge is invaluable , respect!

  11. Oliver McLeod

    Great thank you I appreciate it. Clearing my cookies worked.

  12. Graham Campbell

    Tried these to no avail. My host says “The site ran out of space” except that there is 3gb free, so that’s not true. This problem is on 40+ sites and happened at the same time, so it’s not me but I have grumpy customers expecting me to fix it.

    Site works but login does not,

    I get :

    Any thoughts welcome. Thank you

  13. Abby

    Finally! The delete .htaccess file works fine for me! Also have to go to Settings > Permalinks and click Save to generate a new .htaccess file.

    • August P

      How can I go to Settings > Permalinks if i can’t log in to the dashboard????????

      • WPBeginner Support

        Hi August,

        If you cannot login to your WordPress site, then you can refresh permalinks via FTP. Simply connect to your website using an FTP client. After that download your .htaccess file to your computer as a backup. Now delete the .htaccess file from your server. You can now try to log in to your website.

        Once logged in you can go to Settings > Permalinks page and click on the save changes button to generate new .htaccess file.


  14. Andrew See

    My problem was customers needed to try login 3 times before it goes through for Chrome, IE and Opera but not for Firefox users. I am using Woocommerce and WP (currently the latest although it started happening about the last upgrade or earlier). Tried clear cache, delete htaccess. Didnt work. The following worked:
    Added a new page and re-direct the “Woocommerce|Account” (login) page to the new page.
    This worked. I then pointed the Account page to the original Account page and it worked. Guess something got refreshed. Thanks for the tips anyhow.

  15. Gina

    after changing site URL through the dashboard the whole site went to 404. Your define(‘WP_HOME’,’’);
    solved that issue, but now I need to move my site to the root directory and don’t know how because of this fix.


  16. Phil

    Thanks for the guide.
    Updating the site URL using


    Worked for me :-)

  17. Rui Santiago

    I have tried every single step and no success… what should i do now??

    • Jason

      Pro Tip : I have the same problem, check your wp-config.php file and locate : WP_ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH or ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH and erase it!

  18. Jon

    All of these steps did not fix my problem.

    I think I’ve found part of the cause though.

    When I type in I am redirected to only the redirect is incorrect.

    Rather than redirecting to after login it is redirecting to

    Any help out there for fixing this?

  19. TH

    I moved my site from my local host to live following the steps in your article related to that.
    I faced some login/redirect issues.
    I tried all the steps as listed in this article.
    When I revert back to default theme, the page only shows a text of my domain name with no other content.
    When I delete .htaccess file, it shows my home page but when I click on login button it shows 404 error NOt Found
    When I update site url, I also get 404 error when I click on login button or go to domain/wp-admin

    What else can I try to troubleshoot?

    Will appreciate your help.

  20. Geetika jain

    I am not able to understand what is the problem with my website. In home page after 5 posts i am not able to post anything, in the dashboard, it redirects me to the post page. and revolution slider is not activating in my site.

  21. Richard Payne

    I can not log in it gives me a page can not be founed I think it is because my web page name was altered in an plug in

  22. Dan

    Everytime I log in I am redirected to the My sites page (light Blue) I want to go directly to the standard dashboard. Can someone help me fix this problem

  23. amacn

    hI! I have just paid my renewal and when I try to login to my account it keeps telling me error?? Why is this ?? Thanks.

  24. John D'signer

    thanks a lot..this is so helpful to retrieve wp site as mush as easier way.every pin points are so understandable and worth to try it.oncw again thank you so much

  25. Adele

    Why can’t I access my WordPress dashboard anymore? It’s driving me insane. I have tried resetting the password, several times, but it keeps telling me there is no account with that name. I need to publish a blog but I can’t. HELP!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Adele,

      Instead of username, try entering your email address in the username field to login. This should be the same email address you used to reset password. Hope this helps.


  26. Moha

    Thanks a lot, you’ve saved the life of my web! Love you guys!

  27. Arfat Malik

    It worked when I opened it in Incognito browser. thanks

  28. Mumbere Ausbel

    Thanks so much. your info helped me out

  29. chuck

    I could not login to wordpress site went to cpanel and deleted plugin I just installed and fixed problem

  30. Atif Sharif

    My site also fixed with last two lines added in wp-login.php file thanks for sharing

  31. Koupe lakay

    The last one worked for me

  32. Giorgio Mula

    Hi there,

    I have a weird issue with login on WP: my problem arise with domain redirect because I have a wp site into a subfolder of my domain ( and a redirect from my provider ( that I setup to point at
    WP works great except for “login”: I can access from but not from From this last one it happens that pushing “Login” button simply get no result. Do you have any idea? Both WP_HOME and WP_SITE_URL point to

    Thanks a lot for your support and your amazing site

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Giorgio,

      We are not sure we understand your issue correctly. However, it seems like is already redirecting to your other website. In that case, you’ll not be able to login from there.


  33. Tariq

    I am running a WP website, Its about mobile products tells Specifications and features of smartphones. I tried to activate a price filter plugin for my website but they said I have to activate the woo commerce plugin first then filter plugin will work. I did that. But it was a big mess. so I delete the both woo commerce as well as the first one price filter plugin. But now I am facing an issue. when ever I click on my any product on my website or from google search result it comes back to my site homepage. Can anyone help me out about it? I am a beginner. Thanks

  34. Mike

    Thanks a million! Deactivating Plugin fix worked perfectly!

  35. Salman Ansari

    i Just copied all the wordpress folder to one site to another & Import All my database but… after login, page redirect to previous site….
    what should I do?

  36. Phil

    I have tried all what you said and i”m still getting a 404.php error when
    i try to login to

    If I reinstall WP on the server, will I loss all my blog posts?
    since I cannot login to Dashboard.


    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Phil,

      Before you reinstall please try these:

      1. Try to access login page by visiting

      2. Try updating your permalink structure. Connect to your website using an FTP client or File Manager in cPanel. Locate the .htaccess file in the root folder of your website. Download the file to your computer as a backup and then delete it from your website.


      • Vincent Sabatia

        Had the same problem though all I had to do was to reset my admin user password to something stronger, cleared the browser cache and everything started working fine

  37. Denise

    None of these solutions worked for me, nothing. I was completely perplexed. Finally, I went to the WordPress forum on my hosting site, Dreamhost, and found a thread about login problems. Turns out I didn’t have my auth keys and salts defined. A quick cut and paste into my wp-config.php file and boom! I’m in! So my addition is to check with your hosting service and see they have specific instructions or recommendations. IDK why my wp-config.php was wrong in the first place, but so glad I found the fix! This has been frustrating!

  38. Marcelo Muianga

    Thank you so much, deleting the .htaccess did the trick, just remind people to show hidden files on file manager html root of their cpanel

  39. Aman Potlia

    hey thanks your last method update url method really works for me. now i am able to log in my wordpress admin panel

  40. Brad

    Super helpful, thank you. I had 2 or 3 plugins running that did logins and membership and they basically made my site inaccessible.

  41. Graeme

    The site url option:


    worked for me. The problem happened when I moved a site from a to .nz url.


  42. Awais Khalid

    Sir i have uplaod database file and and backup for my old website on new domain but it is redirecting to old website and i am unable to access WordPress Login page

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Awais,

      You will need to change the site URL. You can do that in your wp-config.php by adding this code:



  43. David ACQ

    Last option worked for me just fine (Update Site URL)


    I wish i could know what caused the problem and why that solution was the one that worked, in order to prevent having this issue again and be alert of else issues could produce the origin problem.

  44. Bakkiya

    Having a problem login into wordpress wp-admin page. No error messages, but keep getting redirected to the login page itself.

    Wrong credentials return appropriate error message, but not in this case. No white screen of death also. Just the login page reappearing, after shaking a couple of times.

    Tried all suggested methods, including clearing cookies, deactivating plugins, deactivating theme. And deleting .htaccess, making appropriate entries for site url and home url in wpconfig, enabled wp_debug too. Tried all tricks recommended.

    Interestingly, this has happened in two different servers, with two different staging sites (both in advanced stages of development) – on two different servers…one windows, one linux. These were working fine till last night…and then this sudden has happened since morning.

    Can any one suggest what the problem could be?

    • Nithin Bhaktha

      Well I had the same problem yesterday just after installing WordPress. Check in your host cPanel if varnish caching has been enabled. If so, go ahead and disable it. Wait for 30 minutes and then try logging in.

      • Tushar

        You my friend deserve a pat on the back. After struggling for nearly the whole day and trying everything else out, your solution is what finally worked. I disabled varnish and voila, I am in :)

      • Kapil

        Superb..that worked for me too. Thanks.

  45. Siddhesh

    Nothing work for me ? dont know how to fix it? please help ?
    Cant login to wordpress dashboard
    it says sorry you are not allowed to access this page

  46. Sheila King

    I was locked out. At first I doubted my password and tried to get a reset but my admin log in page was just doing circles with my website front page. I tried every action suggested – even managing to get the dreaded blank, white page.

    So I started putting everything back as it was to try again another day. But with a deleted .htaccess file and the theme and plug in still deactivated I managed to get a password reset from WP – I’m in!

    Thank you to everybody who commented.

  47. Muhammad Aqeel

    follow this tutorial A to Z problem not solved. i couldn’t login to my wp-admin since i migrate my wordpress website from localhost wamp to web server using cpanel. the front end design not rendered properly and also i couldn’t login to my wordpress admin

  48. Javier Madrid

    The last option worked for me: “Update Site URL”

    Thank you

  49. christopher

    Just learned this … from a Bluehost help desk. To see what’s on the server press Shift/ Reload

  50. Cathy Ford

    I have a slightly different problem — when I am logged off wordpress and on my website when I click on the main menu to select a page I get redirected to the WordPress Login page. It is sporadic and seems to happen with several different links. This is also happening to visitors to my site so it’s not just my computer. .
    Thanks, Cathy

