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この包括的なガイドでは、WordPressログインページのリフレッシュとリダイレクトの問題を解決する方法を紹介します。 WordPressダッシュボードに戻り、ウェブサイトのコントロールを取り戻しましょう!

Fixing the login page redirect and refresh issue in WordPress





Login page redirect issue in WordPress



注: このWordPressチュートリアルの高度なステップを試したい場合は、まずサイトのバックアップを作成してください。WordPressデータベースのバックアップを手動で作成する方法については、こちらのガイドをご覧ください。



Google Chromeでは、ブラウザー設定メニューをクリックし、その他のツール ” ブラウジングデータを消去 を選択するだけです。

Clear browsing data in Google Chrome



Clear cookies and cache in Google chrome

次に、「データを消去」ボタンをクリックすると、Google Chromeがブラウザーキャッシュを消去します。





WordPressの管理エリアにアクセスできる場合は、設定 ” 一般ページでこのオプションを見ることができます。

WordPress URL settings




Editing wp-config.php file via FTP










Delete .htaccess file in WordPress




ログイン中、WordPress管理画面の設定 ” パーマリンクのページに行き、何も変更せずに「保存」ボタンをクリックするだけです。これであなたのサイトに新しい.htaccessファイルが生成されます。





Rename plugins folder to deactivate all plugins













WordPress files



Upload core WordPress files




Overwrite core files





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Reader Interactions

354件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Eric

    I had to rename /wp-content/object-cache.php. Hope that helps for anyone who the other steps don’t work for.

  2. Alisha

    When i type the page shows blank. I can’t see any login panel either nor does my website opens… what is the cause? :(

  3. Akeem

    editing the wp-config worked like a charm. thank you so much!

  4. Jeff

    If you are having this issue, and nothing suggested here will work – log into the Cpanel and go into PHP My Admin, run a repair on your database table.

  5. Micah

    Adding the code to the wp-config.php solved this for me.


    Thanks for the article! It took me 3 hours sifting through other posts before I found your post and the resolution that I needed!


    • MuhdNurHidayat

      Thank you very much! You saved my day!!

  6. Gordon

    This problem can also occur if your server hosting WordPress has run out of disk space. Freeing up disk space can solve it.

    • Victor

      You saved my day. I lost hours trying to find what the hell was wrong… thanks dude

  7. Angelo

    Deleting the .htaccess worked for me. Thank you

  8. Friday0

    Sir please help me look at what am getting it started this night.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function
    wp_is_mobile() in /home/u318928021/
    public_html/wp-login.php on line 39

    I don’t know what to do

    • WPBeginner Support

      Seems like a plugin or your WordPress theme is causing this error. Deactivate all your WordPress plugins and check if this resolves your issue. If it does then you need to reactivate plugins one by one. This will help you find the plugin causing the error. If deactivating all plugins does not resolve the issue, then switch to a default WordPress theme like Twenty Fifteen. If switching theme resolves the issue, then the problem is your with your WordPress theme.


  9. Luis

    Thanks, it was a plugin conflict. I just deleted some useless crap via ftp and now it’s all sorted.

  10. Thomas Le Coz

    You guys saved my ass. I was stuck outside a client site after messing with a SSL certificate and some stuff on managed account.

    Never encountered this issue before, got saved by your guide.

    Thanks ;)

  11. Eva Duli

    Nothing of these work for me. I want to work the site localhost but when I am trying to login in the admin it redirects to the old admin login. Do you have any idea?

  12. Marco Panichi

    My problem was that I hadn’t renew the database and the provider denied my user to insert/update the database.

    The error I received was: “INSERT command denied to user ‘Sqlxxxxxx’@’’ for…”

    So the solution in my case was:
    1) activate the debug into wp-config.php > define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true); in order to discover the problem
    2) renew the database

    Hope this help!

  13. JohnnZenith

    I have a blog and all these instructions either are not relevant or I do not understand them, so I guess i’m going to leave it.

  14. chris

    I cant find my .htaccess file? I can find it in my rootfirectory but not on my subdomain (where I have a whole new wordpress site). What do I do? It is my first time ever to log in to my subdomain wordpress.

  15. Kenny

    The dreaded Internal Server Error and web host support quickly identified a corrupted .htaccess. Spent next 3 hours trying to find how to use my ImportBuddy when I didn’t have WP Admin access. Finally thought to check WPBeginner, found the .htaccess issue above and 30 seconds later had fixed the issue. Next time I come here first!

    Thanks guys and gals.

  16. Drew

    Changing the wp-config.php file did it for me! This is the second time I’ve had this issue in two weeks, so I think the fix via htaccess was only a temporary solution.

  17. joel

    Seriously a life saver! Corrupted .htaccess files was my issue. But following your steps helped me solve it. Much, much appreciated!

  18. Sumdi

    Its working

    Have rename .htaccess and update WP_HOME, WP_SITEURL to proper URL in wp-config.php file….

  19. rubenjm

    I had this issue, tried all these options and none worked for me.
    Finnally solved it… apparently my database was overloaded!! I had to login through phpmyadmin and delete and clean some tables. Hope it helps someone!

    • Moises

      Which tables clean you?

  20. Liviu

    I did all of the proposed solutions, but nothing works for me! It keeps refreshing and redirecting it back to the login screen. Changing the folder of my current theme gives the white screen of death. It doesn’t revert to the default theme. Any other idea, please?

    Being at a dead end, I’m thinking to download all the site through ftp, make a new one site from WordPress and then upload one by one all my content. I’m worry however if I’ll be able to insert all the customization settings afterwards. The current theme was made custom by another person which cannot help anymore. Is it safe to do that? Thanks!

  21. Mary Anne

    Thank you so much. I have WordPress pages built via my account with bluehost. One of my wordpress sites stopped working. I had the white screen of death.

    I followed each step in order, until I found the step that worked to resolve my problem. The step that worked for me was, Revert Back To Default Theme. Instead of using an ftp though, because I was having a hard time with my fetch working, I logged into my bluehost account and went into my file manager and then accessed my wpcontent/themes/directory that way for changing the title of my current theme.

    this worked perfectly. I was able to log back in and choose a different theme. Thank you again


  22. Manish


    Its not working for me. I had made every change into my site as per this tutorial still no luck. Added these two line in web config file.



    deleted .htaccess file. but still same problem. My site running on 1&1 hosting.

    Please help me.


    • Umair

      Dear manish , there is small change use it will definitely work


  23. Claudia

    Update Site URL worked perfect for me! Thank you!

  24. Louis

    Noting work for me… wp 3.9.1, Hostpapa hosting.

  25. Beck Abad Lastimosa

    I have had my site for more than 6 months now and I finally decided to transfer hosting. After the transfer was successfully done, I as still able to access my login page. But these past few days has been a nightmare! I am was able to login to WP under the new DNS but as of this time, this problem suddenly occured:

    – Everytime I login to WP admin, I should see the login page right? But what I get is a download of wp-login.php. I have tried checking issues ith the guide of WP Codex. I tried contacting GoDaddy (my new host) but they told me they do not handle coding, etc. Right now, I’m on a dead end! I have tried different browsers but I still get a download of wp-login.php instead of the login page showing itself.

    I ould really appreciate it if you can help me.

  26. Thilip kumar

    I Check with all the above but unable to login, I can ablre to see the login window, after I submitting login form. I Displays ‘.’ (Dot symbol)

  27. Alison Withers

    You’re a godsend!!! Editing the config file to define the site address again did the trick.

    • Jaka

      YES! This did it for me too. Magic! Thanks!

  28. Isak

    Did all of the above, nothing works. My main wp-login.php redirects me to one of my subdomains.

    This is how the redirect problem occured:
    1. My web hotel shut down my site, saying that it had been infected with malware.
    2. I changed all my passwords via PhpMyAdmin as well as to the database.
    3. I manually updated WP in my root directory as well as 2 out of 3 subdomains (the 3rd one already had the latest version) by uploading the new files and replacing the old ones, since I was not allowed to access my WP admin area.
    4. I manually added a .htpasswd and .htaccess to my root WP install and tried to access wp-login.php. I tried my 3rd subdomain (the one with the latest install of WP) first and it worked. After that, I tried my main domain and came to a page saying “update database”, so I did. After that I tried again, but every time I try to reach my root install or any of the other subdomains, I get redirected to my 3rd subdomain.

    Any ideas?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Open the wp-config.php file on the root site. Add these two lines to your wp-config.php file:


      Replace with your own domain. Also delete .htaccess file from all your subdomains and root domain. Once you get access to WordPress admin area on your root domain you need to go to Settings -> Permalinks and just save your permalink structure.


  29. Jesse

    Deleting .htaccess file from root directory worked for me. Thank you!!!

  30. Moaz

    none worked for me!

  31. Diane

    The extra lines in the wp-config worked! I love you! Thanks :)

    • carl

      WP-config worked for me too! I could kiss you!

  32. Jonny

    WP_SITEURL did it for me. Seems illogical but it worked, so thanks for the tip! This only started happening recently to me – I wonder if it’s more prevalent with subdirectory installs with newer versions of WP.

  33. igor

    ok I deleted all plugins and it works but whenever I add any plugin it does the same thing

  34. Anna

    Thank You :)

    It was really helpful, great info … Resolved y issue by adding site name in wp-config.


  35. Peter Evans

    Recently WP started getting me to login ever 5 of so minutes. I noticed that my wp-config.php did not have the following lines

    and when i inserted then the need to login was a less but I was then told that my session has expired and I needed to relogin in.

    This is very frustrating and I would be greatful if you could assist me. I am using WP 3.6.1

    Peter Evans

  36. Aamna

    and Yes if your wp-config.php file does not provide you a solution.
    Try going to functions.php of your theme via ftp and add same two lines right below the <?php line and upload again. here you go !!!
    it works for me :)

  37. Aamna

    Thanx a lot the site URL was the solution … Thank you Thank you Thank you

  38. W.J.Kok

    I use Epic Browser for testing because that browser will not store cookies (by default). Therefore clearing the caches will not delete all my stored passwords in the process.

  39. W.J.Kok

    Set chmod wp-admin at 750 did kill my admin login access. So, now I use 755.

  40. Brent Norris

    Had a special case of the redirects all day. This particular post, out of about 20 keyed me in on a solution. Just wanted to say, “thanks!” Your perspective was a refresh after ten hours chasing down a solution.

    It was the part about generating a new .htaccess file that made the difference for me. Wish I could be more helpful to others but the problem I was having wasn’t very related and wouldn’t make a lot of sense to your readers.


  41. Adrian

    Thanks a lot for the ‘Update Site URL’ fix. That solved an issue I was battling with for a while and saves me from any further headaches.

  42. Omar

    This was really frustrating me but thanks to your tip on updating the URL my site is now working. Thanks!

  43. Haseeb Ahmad Ayazi

    This error is very rear with WordPress but mostly occir in Blogger

  44. Paul

    I normally get this error when working with multisite, normally it’s a cookie path problem which can be fixed by changing the wp-config.php.

  45. Robert Connor

    I really needed this tutorial it happens to me all the time usually a plug in conflict. I am addicted to plugins. Thanks staff! Have a great day on purpose…

  46. Kartik eye

    I had the same issue, few days ago. I was trying to enable the wpmultisite function for my new website with sub directories. My website is hosted on bluehost. I did everything step by step. But after editing all the files like wpconfig.php and htaccess. When I finally tried to login, I was getting a redirect to the same wp login page. I disabled the multiste and then everything was fine again. Please can you help with this?

    • lelebon

      I tried everything — I said every little advice here — to no avail. Until I noticed I was using wp_config.php instead of wp-config.php. That simple! It solved my problem. HURRAY!!
      Anyways, thanks for the tips. Hope I can help someone too.

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