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How to Fix the WordPress White Screen of Death (Step by Step)





WordPress showing white screen instead of website



Critical error in WordPress





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WordPress 5.2で導入された新しい致命的エラー保護機能は、エラーをキャッチすることができるため、白い画面が表示されないこともあります。その代わりに、サイトが技術的な問題を抱えているというメッセージが表示されます。

This Site Is Experiencing Technical Difficulties Error Message


メールの件名は「Your Site is Experiencing a Technical Issue」です。

Technical Difficulties Email With Link to Recovery Mode



WordPress recovery mode dashboard










WordPressの管理ダッシュボードにアクセスできる場合は、プラグイン ” インストール済みプラグインのページにアクセスします。インストールされているプラグインをすべて選択し、「一括操作」のドロップダウンから「無効化」を選択します。

Deactivate all WordPress plugins




Using FTP to Rename the Plugins Folder







Using FTP to Download the Current Theme as a Backup



Using FTP to Delete the Current Theme

Twenty Twenty-TwoやTwenty Twenty-ThreeのようなWordPressのデフォルトテーマをサイトにインストールしている場合、WordPressは自動的にそのテーマをデフォルトテーマとして使い始めます。








define( 'WP_DEBUG', true);
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );




Debug log








/** Trick for long posts */



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Reader Interactions

295件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Omar Sirwan

    I solved it…
    I tried those:
    define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’);
    Change Plugins name
    Check white spaces
    Increase memory
    Change Theme
    Upload new wp-admin
    And everything related to plugins

    Finally I downloaded my wp-config using FTP. Opened it with notepad++ and save it again with the encoding utf-8… It was utf-8 BOM.

  2. Linda

    My page does not work! it shows SERVER ERROR 500. and i am unable to log into the admin

  3. Andreas

    Thank you, changing the SiteURL did the job.
    What a weird bug…

  4. Girish

    I am telling you i cannot access my wp-admin page how i am suppose to disable plugin and change the theme.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Simply connect to your website using an FTP client and rename the plugins folder to plugins-old. This will deactivate your plugins directory.


  5. Madeleine Landley

    This is one of the most extensive guides I found so far – with easy tutorials on how to solve it. I like it!

    I’m actually only missing one thing causing WSOD and that is extra spaces in the code, usually in functions.php, header.php, single.php etc. I’ve found this error causing most of the white screens I’ve resolved. The extra spaces are usually at the end of the file, after a closing ?>, used instead of tabs and on line breaks (empty rows).

    Thanks for a great guide.

  6. Michael Silva

    After some changes (failures !!) in the code of a plugin did the famous White wp screen with the following message “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘the’ (T_STRING) in / home / velafati / public_html / wp-content /plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc-countries.php on line 436 ”
    How to know where the problem had been entered in the file “class-wc-countries.php” through cpanel and replace all the code for the original code (had recorded the original code in Notepad). The problem is that even after upgrading to the problem folder remains, what should I do?

  7. viki sangre

    I have the same issue. I have made no changes to my website but when I saw my website in the morning it show white blank screen. I haven’t updated any plugin.

    Backend is working well.

    Any help please!!

    • viki sangre

      I updated my wordpress with latest version and every things gonna fine. I think automatically updation of wordpress also cause a problem.

  8. Hansel

    Hi Guys,

    I got some white space page issue in our wordpress page and did below troubleshooting but still no luck. It’s also weird that I don’t get any error.log that’s why it’s kinda hard to know the exact issue. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks Guys.

    Troubleshooting made:
    Disabled all plugins
    tried to use the default theme
    restarted apache2

  9. Sabina

    I fixed it! It was a plug in. Do NOT update the Yuzo plug in if you currently have it!

  10. Sabina

    Please help!!! I think I’m gonna die! I get the white screen and I cannot get to my admin page. Everything is white :(:(:( Please, please tell me step by step what I should do not to mess things even more!
    Thank you!

  11. Naomi

    I experienced the white screen of death tonight and I couldn’t access my login, website, or any of the pages. I fixed it by going to hosting site and pulling up the file manager. I was able to edit the code I had misplaced through the files on the hosting site and then my site came back up!

  12. Lee Binder

    In our case it was problems with cron, either WP cron or the server’s cron service. “Fixed”/ worked-around with the WP Delay Cron Plugin

  13. Thomas

    Hi all, I have the same error but cant even access the login page for my site! Any ideas on what i could do? Thanks!

    • calvin

      I had the same issue, it was a plugin. went to the cpanel, then file manager, public html folder and on right side, right click on “error log” to view error. Plugin causing error was renamed and whala… I could get to the dashboard.

      Hope this helps you and others!

  14. Bomi

    This should be the firt option if you only have access to FTP, it will tell you exactly which file is messed up. Thanks.

    error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set(‘display_errors’, 1);
    define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true);

  15. Kay

    I get an error message that says Site can nor be accessed. Disconnect site. When I click on admin the screen goes white. Please help!

  16. Andy

    I had this problem with my installation (white screen only on WP-admin. I eventually solved it by using the debug tools in the browser (hit F12 in most browsers). Using the console view in the debug I could see that there was some sort of error in a frame that was being used.

    I haven’t got to the bottom of this yet but I was able to access the login page and access wp-admin by switching my re-directed URL for the raw IP address. I expect I have mucked up the re-direct in some way but I’m just relieved to have fixed it to be honest!

    Hope this helps someone else!

  17. Jacob J

    The error reporting thing solved my problem. Knew I had a misplaced code in there somewhere, and those few lines in the config file showed me where. Thanks a lot. /Jacob

  18. dinesh Kumar

    thanks a lot i found error wp_debug already defined and resolved this error and also installed new theme now my site is opening but i can’t access my admin page when i type admin url it’s showing it’s not redirecting properly

  19. Kaley Basham

    Ok, so I replaced the theme by replacing the current_theme, template and stylesheet in PHPmyAdmin to twentyeleven and it fixed the white screen of death issue. Now I checked my functions.php document and I had no extra spaces in the end.

    So now what?!?!??? Thanks for any help!!

  20. Adria

    THANK YOU SO MUCH! It was one of the Whatsapp Plug-ins which was causing an issue. I can now sleep peacefully tonight – my site is up and running again.

  21. Timothy

    Thanks for this. I ran the error code and found a malicious file. link-template.suspected.

    I removed the file and replaced it with a new one that I had downloaded and that fixed.

    All this after going through every other thing to no avail.

    Replacing the bad file got things back.

  22. stef

    Thanks, debug mode works great i could find the faulty php script

  23. Hugo

    The blank screen can also be caused by using the wrong version of php. PHP 5.2 has cause me trouble in the past, changing to 5.4 fixed it. Be sure to check this if all else fails.

    • Kelly

      Another vote for PHP version. I tried almost everything and was about to replace the theme when I gave this a go. Upgraded to 5.5 and like magic, it was fixed! Thanks Hugo.

  24. Bobby

    Coded my own theme and had blank screen when trying to update posts and pages, deleting spaces at the bottom of my functions file solved the issue! :)

  25. Jonas Holm

    I went through all the above steps without succes. I downgraded PHP 5.6 to 5.3 on my providers PHP-admin-page. That solved my problem.

  26. Grace

    I’ve read through all of this but sadly my problem is that I can’t even log on anymore – I got the white screen of death but it says that when you try to go onto my page and when I even try to go to the WordPress dashboard (via Godaddy). I now have absolutely no way to log on to my wordpress – not sure what to do!

  27. Tawanda

    I just fixed this problem, it was a caching issue. If you go to your wp-config.php file then remove the code just above the define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘your_db_name’);

    This should work, as it worked for me

    • Nhan Nguyen

      It worked fine for me. Many thanks.

    • Jan Fallon

      I had the WP CACHE code in my wp-config.php file – just above the define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘your_db_name’); as stated by TAWANDA and removed it – and so far my home page, which was completely white, is holding!

      I could log in via admin, and saw all my content, but at the URL the home page was white.

      FIXED with crossed fingers!

      Many thanks wpbeginner crowd!


  28. Juan Jose Hernandez Cruz

    I cannot even log in I have a blank screen. what do you suggest please help

    • LaQuata

      I had the same issue and I did the replacing the theme. This work for me.

  29. Sam

    Had this same problem when updating my wordpress plug-ins. I accidently clicked on a link while a couple of plug-ins were updating. The site was okay but could not get into the admin section. Log-in was blank. After reading this article tried changing the plug-ins file name. Admin was still blank and site now wouldn’t load. Change the plug-in folder back to its correct name.
    I didn’t delete the theme since this would be a headache to ressurect, I have text widget areas with code and all of this would delete. Instead skipped to the error fix, under “other suggestions” and placed the script in the wp-config.php file. An error popped up for a “google analytics plug-in”. I ftp’d in and changed the name of the folder for that plug-in which fixed the problem.
    I could now log-in to the admin area. I then checked the name of the plug-in and found the plug-in through the wordpress “new plug-in” feature. Loaded it in then deleted it. Did this to clear it out of the database. Haven’t reinstalled it yet. Enough headaches for one day ;)
    Hope this helps someone…

  30. Paola

    I have a problem inside my WordPress admin panel. I can get in but then I get the
    white screen of death when I try to edit comments and the like and I cannot
    seem to get to use my dashboard. I have tried deactivating plugins and also
    re-installing a fresh copy of WordPress but this didn’t seem to help. I also tried replacing my
    current theme with a default twenty ten theme but that seemed difficult and I
    am not sure I was able to do so. The article also suggested
    using the WordPress debug function to see what type of errors are being
    outputted. I did manage to add the suggested code in my wp-config.php file and
    I got some messages but I am not very good with code so I don’t really
    understand what is being said. Any suggestions?

    • Henry

      did you try increase the memory by

      define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘128M’); in wp-config

  31. Pat

    I tried everything listed on this post to no avail. I finally found the
    fix for my situation! My problem was related to an older versions of
    WP: 3.3.1.

    I looked at the error_log file in the wp-admin
    directory and saw the following error: “PHP Fatal error: Access to
    undeclared static property: WP_Screen::$this in
    /home2/bellex/public_html/wp-admin/includes/screen.php on line 706”

    I had things setup using the WordPress debug function described above.

    Anyhow this error led me to a website that directed me on how to alter the screen.php file. See this site for details:

  32. Gerle Haggard

    Like Nese, this simply explained solution was the answer, Thank you, thank you!

  33. Steven

    Remove the extra spaces at the bottom of function.php save my life! Many Thanks!

  34. WPBeginner Staff

    Yes you can delete and reinstall a theme. However, you will also loose any other customizations you made to the theme.

  35. Veronca

    Thanks a lot for the help. I add some code to my Cron Job. I deactivated all my network plugins and asked hostgator to increase my memory. The last thing I need is the white screen of death during production. My site has been down all day, but now its back up. THANKS AGAIN!!

  36. Bboo

    Can I just delete the the entire theme file. And re-install it? Will that fix the white screen? I was working on the .php, but now looking at the files, i have NO IDEA which one i was in!!

  37. Nese

    Thank you so much. This post and this comment solved it for me.
    You’ve made my day.

  38. Bboo

    How is everyone having to option to see pages?? When I login I ONLY see BLANK PAGE. No options, no links, no files. NOTHING!! Someone please help!!

    • Eduardo Flores

      A month later but… Maybe you have to check your files via FTP

  39. WPBeginner Staff

    You can use an FTP client to access files on your web server. Locate the file you edited earlier and undo the changes you made to it.

    You can also use the File Manager in your web hosting account’s cPanel dashboard.

  40. Morgan

    I fixed my white screen of death by deleting the code I had written just before it crashed. I did that through the Bluehost file manager. I found my website file (the wordpress install file), then went into wp content, found the theme I was using, then opened the functions file (to fix the theme’s function .php file).

    • Piotr

      Hi there, I am having the same problem and tried literally everything :( how did you fix the functions file?

    • Laura

      Thanks!!! That’s exactly what I had to do – thanks for spelling it all out for me!

  41. Morgan

    I just found this article about how to do things on the site through Bluehost. But since I know it’s not a plugin problem; I know it’s my .php file, is there something else I can do? Is there an outside way to access my .php file (via Bluehost)? I’m sorry but I am freaking out over here.

  42. Morgan

    Hi, thank you for telling me what this is. I tried putting in the code from your how-to-avoid-no-thumbnail-issue-while-sharing-post-on-facebook post, and I’m sure I’ve corrupted a file doing something wrong. I can’t get anywhere, it’s all white. How do I disable plugins or go to a default theme this way? I’m going to lose so much work, aren’t I?!???

  43. Mark

    Rather than deleting a potentially broken theme, you can just rename it. WordPress will still fall back to a default and it saves the bother of backing up & deleting.

  44. imLOST

    I had extra spaces at the bottom of my functions.php file.

    After the closing ?> tag. Cleared them up and all was good! :D

  45. Hasan Shahzad

    I have got it fixed by renaming plugins folder to plugin, WordPress deactivated my all plugins and I was able to access WP-Admin, I tried to activate all plugins manually, however one plugin returned fatal error while activating itself “(include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’)” Then I got it, that plugin was creating mess. Now my blog works fine.

  46. Beetzy Chase

    Thank you for the article. I did fix my site. Your article just got my fix it thoughts going in the correct direction, nice reads like this make programming a little less lonely :-)

  47. gaurav

    Hi Admin,

    please help

    Just Now I got an error. my wordpress site is not working even wp-admin also not working, i was doing some changes on footer and have done small change. after saving my wordpress editor. my site not opening and also wp-admin not opening,

    I am getting this error Parse error:

    syntax error, unexpected end of file in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas01_data02/60/2213460/html/wp-content/themes/fashionistas/functions.php on line 295

    i am using wordpress managed hosting from godaddy.

    When i am trying to open wordpress admin and my website. both are not opening, returning that error only .

    Please help.

    Thanks in advance

  48. Anindyo Yudhistiro

    I have add

    error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set(‘display_errors’, 1);
    define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true);

    on my wp-config file, but still didn’t get the error..

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