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Fixing the internal server error in WordPress





“500 Internal Server Error “レスポンスコードは、サーバーがリクエストを処理できない予期せぬ状況に遭遇したことを示す。




Internal server error page on Apache

NginxとGoogle Chromeを使用している場合は、表示が異なる場合があります。

また、Google Chromeが表示するエラーページを見つけられない場合にも、表示が変わります:

Google Chrome http 500 error












Subscribe to WPBeginner











Clear cache






この問題を解決する最も簡単な方法は、WordPress管理エリアの「 設定 ” パーマリンク」ページにアクセスし、何も変更せずに「変更を保存」ボタンをクリックすることです。

Update permalinks to regenerate .htaccess file









Rename .htaccess file



Create new htaccess file




Edit .htaccess file



# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress




重要:他のことに移る前に、WordPress管理エリアの設定 ” パーマリンクのページに行き、変更を加えずに保存ボタンをクリックすることを確認してください。これにより、投稿ページが404エラーを返さないように、適切な書き換えルールで.htaccessファイルが再生成されます。








Edit wp-config file


define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );




  1. コンピューター上に空白のテキストファイルを作成し、php.iniと命名する。
  2. そこに次のコードを貼り付ける: memory=256MB
  3. ファイルを保存する
  4. FTPで/wp-admin/フォルダーにアップロードします。








Deactivate all plugins




Plugins deactivated via FTP











WordPressの管理エリアにアクセスできる場合は、外観 ” テーマページにアクセスします。デフォルトテーマがすでにインストールされている場合は、有効化ボタンをクリックするだけでテーマを切り替えることができます。

Activate a default theme

デフォルトテーマがインストールされていない場合は、上部の「新規追加」ボタンをクリックし、デフォルトテーマ(Twenty Twenty-Three、Twenty Twenty-Twoなど)をインストールすることができます。




Download theme folder




Download a default theme



Extract theme files



Upload theme folder









Download WordPress



WordPress folder extracted





Upload core WordPress files



Overwrite WordPress core files





WP Debuggingプラグインを使用することでオンにすることができます。詳しくはWordPressプラグインのインストール方法をご覧ください。



define( 'WP_DEBUG', true);
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true); 


Debug log








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情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


ツールキットへの無料アクセス - すべてのプロフェッショナルが持つべきWordPress関連製品とリソースのコレクション!

Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Yasir says

    I encountered the following error :

    Error 500 – Internal Server Error

    An error was encountered while processing your request. Typically this is a temporary condition. Please contact the web site owner for further assistance.

    So I talked to my hosting support and they suggest me the following procedure :

    ” Your cPanel account was set to use the PHP version 5.2, and it needed to be updated to the PHP 5.4 version. ”

    Thanks ………. I worked for me ….
    I am using inmotionhosting .

  3. Sue says

    Thank you! Great advice even a non-techie volunteer can follow. The htaccess file was the main fix, but I could see by the logs that memory was creating a continual problem, so fixed that while I was at it.

  4. Helpful Colin says

    I have not been in the situation where I have had to test my plugins by disabling them all yet, but if I had to test them all I would try this method to try and reduce the number of tests required after deactivating them all:

    1. I would reactivate 50% of them. If the problem recurred I would know the problem plugin was in the reactivated group else it would be in the deactivated group.
    2. If the problem was caused by the reactivated group I would deactivate 50% of them and retest else I would reactivate 50% of the other group that had not yet been reactivated and retest.
    3. At this point I would know which group of 25% of all my plugins contained the faulty plugin and change the activation state of 50% of that group and retest.
    4. At this point I would know which group of 12.5% of all my plugins contained the faulty plugin.

    If I had 32 plugins the percentages above would divide them up very neatly into groups of 16, 8, 4, 2 and 1. It’s more likely that I would have to divide them into groups of unequal sizes but that doesn’t detract from the basic concept of reducing the number of tests to only 5 instead of 32.

    If the problem proved to be with the only plugin I had not reactivated by this method then I would obviously carry out a sixth test with that plugin alone. If it proves that there is only a problem when it is activated along with other plugins then the scene would get complicated.

  5. mgarfath says

    it was w3 total cache plugin that caused error on my site, I renamed the cache folder but it didn’t changed any thing, then there were some other files that were written like w3 advanced cache.php something like that, I renamed EVERY FILE that had w3 cache or Even cache written on it worked but i accidentally deleted my .htaccess file, i had copied the content of the file safely, so i created new .htaccess file and uploaded it on the server, everything got fixed.

    I hope this solution helps some one else who has this problem.

    Than ks

  6. anton says


    i changed my theme to a tube video them named ” detube”
    but after changing i am receiving a huge number of internal error 500 in Google webmaster( more then 800 error daily) and sometimes when i browsing my website don’t load and show me ” bandwidth limit resource” and also i receiving about 15 warning regarding to sitemap in Google webmaster
    before changing theme i didn’t have any issues
    can anyone help me? what can i do? i am losing my Google visitors

  7. sarfraz khan says

    Thousand likes . .htaccess was problem and i just did it as shown in the video and the problem is solved

  8. Gulshan Kumar says

    Internal Server Error mostly happens in Free Hosting. When I upgraded to premium, everything was on track.

  9. Imran Bughio says

    “Checking for Corrupt .htaccess File” This section helped me solve the issue, Thanks for the post :)

  10. Sandile says

    Hi. Thank you for sharing this, I have recently experienced a 500 internal server error on my website but I re-uploaded wp-admin and wp-includes from fresh install, now everything is working in a good condition. Thank you.

  11. Karan says

    The problem with my site is that sometimes it loads correctly and sometimes it shows 500 internal server error. Can you please tell me the reason for this?

  12. Andrew P. says

    So, I have a really weird internal 500 error happening. My homepage loads up fine but whenever I click a link in the nav bar to go to another page the internal error pops up. I ran through this list of fixes and can’t seem to figure it out. Also my hosting provider doesn’t have a clue any ideas?

  13. Sheff says

    Thank you for this. My dashboard crashed midway through a Wordfence Security update. I tried for over 3 hours to fix it but could not get into my dashboard. (500 http error in IE, white screen in firefox)

    I was about to get my host to do a restore from last night and lose a day’s work until I found this page. I used FileZilla renamed the plugins folder on the serer to “plugins-frs” and was able to get into my dashboard with all 14 plugins deactivated. I then renamed the folder back to “plugins” and was able to activate them one at a time. They retained all of their settings, no problem.

    I manually downloaded and uploaded the latest version of the Wordfence Security plugin that started my problems and activated the new version without issue.

    I need to move to Newfoundland and become a cod fisherman before I go insane!


  14. Maher Aarag says

    What is a FTP?
    And how to log in to my site using the FTP?
    Do you mean log in to my Godaddy domain? or worldpress?

    • Prashant says

      FTP = File transfer protocol.

      to login with ftp (in Godaddy Cpanel) you should go to your control panel and then go to FTP options and create new ftp by selecting ‘public_html’ directory and then login with any ftp clients like Filezilla.

      host: ftp. yourdomain. com
      username and password: as your specified while creating FTP user.
      port: leave blank or 21.

    • Akpan Promise says

      FTP means file transfer protocol. It helps you transfer and edit files on your server.
      FTP software for instance are Filezilla, CuteFTP.

  15. Lisa Martin says

    Thanks you. I’ve used this technique multiple times on the same site. How can an .htcaccess file get corrupted? Is there anything that can be done to prevent it?

      • Lisa Martin says

        Thanks – I just thought to check here for your reply. The permission on the file is set to 644, but it keeps happening. It always works to rename the site and reload it, but often the client has to tell me his site is down before I know to go fix it for him. It looks like this is an issue in many WordPres forum threads as well.

        • Stephen Lee says

          Some plugins access the .htaccess and if there is a disruption to their function while doing so can introduce errors into the .htaccess coding.

  16. Jon says

    Thank you for the tips, as I successfully recovered my site using these suggestions. A corrupt hta access file was the issue. Using FileZilla (highly recommended FTP Client) I was able to disable my plugin folder, then disable the hta access file.

  17. Richard says

    What do I do when I can’t even enter the WP Admin without getting this error??
    I can sign in fine and see those options, but the moment I want to enter the Admin panel, it gives me this error. I can’t even look up themes, customizer, etc because it involves the WP Admin menu.

    What Do I Do?
    Please Help
    PS: I’ve never had issues with my site, but the WP Admin.

  18. Danielle Olson says

    Thank you! This was so helpful. When I added _deactivate to my plugins folder, I got a different error message that had to do with one plugin in particular. So, I went in and added _deactivate to individual plugins until I found the one that was the problem.

  19. msmith00 says

    Just had an issue with this and thought I’d pass along my findings… looking in the root folder, a second .htaccess file had appeared overnight and created the 500 Internal error.

    I simply removed the new .htaccess file (where it came from I don’t know), and all is back to normal.

  20. Elliot K says

    This is the best WordPress help site around hands down! Love it so much! Guides are simple and everything always works for me first try. Thanks wpbeginner :)

  21. Adil Adeel says

    This is a very informative and simple to understand tutorial for WP Beginners like me. I am using WordPress for last 5 years but as a blogger. Recently I had to install and look after couple of WordPress sites. Now 10 days back first WordPress site went down with 500 internal server error. I searched for the solution and landed on this page and did first step i-e renamed .htaccess file and problem was solved. Now again today the second site went down :) OMG !!!!! But again I visited this page to check for the solution.Now I have done all the steps explained on this page and nothing worked for me :( I have contacted the hosting provider and they are looking into problem for me. I will come back to share the solution once they rectify the problem. Thank you

  22. jofralogo says

    After trying everything (.htaccess, fresh install of wp-include/wp-admin, deactivate plugins…) I finally solve this problem doing this:

    1) Create a new folder in your wp directory.
    2) Move all files to this new directory.
    3) Move them back to the original folder.
    4) Ta-da!

    I know it sounds stupid but it worked for me.

  23. JCP says

    Thanks for saving my ass guys, just got a new job and got thrown into fixing the website (despite not part of my job description) and wow, those pesky plugins! As deemyboy says: BACKUP that wp-content folder!!!!!!!

  24. thankfulpj says

    Thank you so much for this guide! At least I was able to start somewhere while I wait for my hosting to check it. In my case, it was not any of the ones listed but a large error log on the home directory (it was 2GB) that did it. But when I re-uploaded the core files, I decided to delete it and it worked.

  25. Paulo André Matta says

    Hi, I have tried all those sollutions above, but none worked for me. Im getting kind of desperated. Im new to WP.. I was changing some Settings (in the wp-admin link) and when I hit save, the 500 error came up. Idk what to do :(

  26. Shaswat Shah says

    I uploaded the php.ini file to my /wp-admin/ folder. But now I am confused how can i know if 500 interneral server error is fixed or not ? because the error was coming simultaneously not all the time. Please help.

  27. Patricia Mirasol says

    I know I got the internal service error because I was tinkering with my .htaccess file right before it occurred. Tried to log in using FTP clients (FileZilla and WinSCP) but I kept getting a connection error timeout. Just emailed my hosting provider. Hopefully, my provider will be able to help me with this.

  28. Andrea Spila says

    Hi Silvia and thanks for this! I changed the permissions of the two files in wp-admin that were causing problems to 775 (from 664) and this solved then issue. And I don’t know why this happened too! It happened out of the blue. Mystery!

  29. rajesh adulapuram says

    I tried all the above steps and finally when contacted My host provider iPage it was rectified. They told the problem is with file permissons and they rectified. This should have been my First step

  30. Matt says

    I got back into my WP-Admin by renaming .htaccess but when I did settings>permalink>save as you recommend, I got locked out of admin again. Now renaming .htaccess does nothing. Any ideas?

  31. Furkanicus says

    I’ve had this problem so many times and I feel comfortable sharing my advise on this as an 500 Error expert. Sometimes the problem was solved by changing the htaccess file, but it was a temporary solution. As it’s pointed out in the article, 500 service errror is mostly caused by PHP memory limit and unfortunately adding a php.ini file is not going to cut it. Most hosting companies set Php limit to 128MB, including Dreampress, and if you exceed that limit, your hosting provider will momentarily cut the connection to your website. My advise for you people who has this problem is this. Install P3 Plugin and designate the memory-hogging plugins. If they’re not essential, remove them. Also, changing your host provider to a boutique one instead of Bluehost or Hostgator will get your better customer service and higher product quality.

  32. WPBeginner Staff says

    If you cannot find your .htaccess file, then you can always create a new blank file in a text editor. Name this file .htaccess and upload it to your website’s root directory using an FTP client.

  33. Tobie! ® says

    i still have a problem with this. i cant find my .htaccess file, and i have been locked out of admin. the whole site can’t be viewed. please help me

  34. Tobie! ® says

    i’ve tried all these, and it still doesnt work!! i cant find my .htaccess file and i cannot generate it because i’m locked out of admin, HELP PLEASE!!!

  35. Hasan Zaheer says

    Very helpful, but one more thing, mostly its due to w3 total cache plugin, if you have that you can rename cache plugin folder through FTP and then try, my site was fixed this way

