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How to fix the Facebook and Instagram oEmbed issue in WordPress




代わりに、WordPressブログにFacebookやInstagramのコンテンツを埋め込む前に、アプリを登録し、クライアントトークンを使用してFacebook Graph APIからデータを取得する必要があります。



An example of an oEmbed error in WordPress





oEmbedの問題を解決する最も簡単な方法は、無料のSmash Balloonプラグインのいずれかを使用することです。

WordPressにInstagramの投稿を埋め込みたい場合は、Smash Balloon Social Photo Feedプラグインが必要です。

An instagram post, embedded in a WordPress website

WordPressにFacebookの投稿を埋め込みたいですか?その場合は、代わりに無料のSmash Balloon Social Post Feedプラグインを使用することができます。


いずれかのプラグインをインストールしたら、Instagram Feed ” oEmbedsまたはFacebook Feed ” oEmbedsにアクセスするだけです。

すべての画像でSocial Photo Feedプラグインを使用していますが、どのプラグインを使用しても手順はまったく同じです。

Enabling the oEmbed feature for Instagram and Facebook




特定のInstagramやFacebookの投稿を、任意のページ、投稿、ウィジェット対応エリアに埋め込むことができます。例えば、 WordPressサイトのフッターに 追加できます。



Adding the Embed block to a WordPress page or post



Embedding an Instagram post in WordPress



An example of an Instagram post in WordPress



Adding an Instagram post to a widget-ready area such as the WordPress sidebar

FacebookやInstagramの投稿をウィジェット対応エリアに追加するには、外観 ” ウィジェットにアクセスし、青い「+」ボタンをクリックするだけです。


Embedding an Embed block in WordPress



Embedding Instagram photo in Instagram



Embedding Instagram post in WordPress



Smash Balloonプラグイン(無料)を使えば、WordPressサイトにFacebookやInstagramの投稿を簡単に追加できます。

これは、少数の投稿だけを埋め込みたい場合や、各ソーシャル投稿がWordPress上のどこに表示されるかを正確にコントロールしたい場合に最適です。しかし、サイトにカスタム Facebook フィードや Instagram フィードを埋め込みたい場合もあるでしょう。



WordPressにInstagramのコンテンツを埋め込みたい場合は、Smash Balloon Instagram Feedプラグインを使うことができる。

An Instagram feed, created using Smash Balloon


次に、Smash Balloon Facebook Feedプラグインを使用します。

Facebook reviews, embedded using Smash Balloon

WordPressサイトにFacebookとInstagramのフィードを追加したいですか?それなら、Smash Balloon Social Wallをお勧めします。

Smash Balloonプラグインで作成したフィード(Facebook、Twitter、Smash Balloon YouTube Feedなど)を組み合わせることができる強力なプラグインです。

Creating a social media wall using Facebook and Instagram

例えば、Facebook FeedとInstagram Feedプラグインを設定した場合、WordPressダッシュボードのSocial Feeds Create a Social Wallに アクセスするだけです。


Creating a social wall using Smash Balloon



Adding multiple social media networks to a WordPress feed

例えば、Facebookイベントカレンダーと Instagramアカウントの最新投稿を組み合わせることができます。

それが終わったら、『Create Wall』をクリックする。

Smash Balloonエディターが開き、ソーシャルウォールのあらゆる部分を微調整できます。例えば、WordPressのテーマに合わせて配色を変更することができます。

Adding Facebook and Instagram to a social wall



Adding the social wall block to a page or post



Publishing a social wall in WordPress


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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


ツールキットへの無料アクセス - すべてのプロフェッショナルが持つべきWordPress関連製品とリソースのコレクション!

Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Ryan Elizabeth says

    Oh my goodness, THANK YOU for providing this fix! I was loosing my mind just now trying to figure out why none of my Instagram links were embedding. Guess I missed the memo about the October 24 deadline. O:-) Thank you again for saving me lots of headache!

  3. Tiffany Clark says

    The Instagram plugin is glitchy for me. It’s preserved most of the Instagram posts I had in previous content, but when I paste a link in a new piece of content, it doesn’t populate the Instagram post. Any suggestions?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Reach out using the plugin’s support page for assistance to help check and ensure it is not a conflict with a different plugin or something that needs to be fixed :)


  4. Alyssa says

    I installed both plugins and connected to FB but FB posts are still not auto-embedding in my WP articles!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      These plugins are for ensuring your embeds work, not for automatically embedding them on your site.


  5. Harry says

    i have an issue of embedding instagram igtv’s after these recent changes. and seems like your plugin solve this issue, but the thing is my site is not only using my personal instagram account, its a platform where bloggers can promote their stuff (igtv) so the question is, being an admin how could i connect various instagram accounts? kindly solve this problem i will be very pleased.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      While our solution is not for multiple channel embeds at the moment, we will certainly look into what we are able to do with what Facebook and Instagram allow.


    • WPBeginner Support says

      We do not have a recommended method for that at the moment with the options available from Facebook.


  6. Carl Gross says

    To fix the issue, your article suggests two plugins by Smash Balloon.
    Let’s say I install the Smash Balloon Facebook plugin (Smash Balloon Social Post Feed). Once I do that, will that *automatically* fix all current Facebook oEmbedded content on my site? Or will I have to manually remove all such embeds, and re-add them using the plugin?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Yes, it should automatically fix the issue for any current embeds without needing to recreate them.


  7. Barbara says

    So far I have not embedded anything from Facebook. However, our need to do so is coming up fast. And I need to find if there is a way we can embed the live feed into our website?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You can activate it after but if you are able to now, we would recommend activating the plugin before your embeds break.


    • WPBeginner Support says

      This is for when you post a link from Facebook or Instagram on your site, you do not need this for sharing your site on one of those platforms.


    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would want to reach out to the support for specific plugins for if they have something in place or if they would recommend our solution.


    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would want to reach out to the support for specific plugin for if they have something in place or if they would recommend our solution.


    • WPBeginner Support says

      This article is for oEmbeds, sharing is not normally part of embedding on your site. We would recommend reaching out to the support for the plugin you are wondering about for specific questions like this.


  8. Babs says

    Hi, thanks for this!
    I’ve implemented instagram media in the past but using a HTML block with the code from Instagram rather than a link and embed. Am I correct in thinking that this will keep on working like before?

    Thank you!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      For safety, we would still recommend adding the plugin to prevent any future issues.


  9. Rogerio says

    There is another issue with the Facebook API: they are not allowing to show the comments count. I use the AddThis plugin and they say they will have an alternative soon. Hope so.

  10. Elaine Savage says

    Not at all techie so this may be a silly question. Does this have any impact on the simple SFP – Facebook Page Plugin widget that I have in the main sidebar of my front page?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      This tutorial is for the default embeds, if you are using a plugin then you would want to reach out to the support for the plugin you are using for how it will handle this change.


  11. Andy Beard says

    Is the functionality free for every kind of media that was previously supported by oEmbed by default?
    My understanding currently is that for Video oEmbeds the Smash Balloon plugin would have to be upgraded to Pro.

    • Editorial Staff says

      Yes all default oEmbed functionality is available for free in the free Smash Balloon plugins (including video oEmbeds).

      I think you’re confusing the custom video feed feature that’s listed on the Smash Balloon Pro which is completely separate of oEmbed.


  12. Andrés says

    Hi! Great to know all of this, I was wondering…What if I just paste the link directly in my post? will it work? Or will it look like the examples on this post? Because you’re talking about embedding posts instead of copying the links and paste them :O it’ll be good to know!

    • Editorial Staff says

      By default, when you currently paste the link in your posts, WordPress oEmbed feature automatically converts it into a proper embed.

      That feature will stop working, and for older content it will show the broken layout. For new content, it will just show the URL itself (not embedded content).


