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Migrate Custom Post Types
















Getting the post type key

投稿キーを入手したら、投稿タイプをインポートしたいサイトにアクセスします。その後、Custom Post Types UIプラグインを使ってカスタム投稿タイプを作成することができます。


インストーラをインストールしたら、WordPressの管理エリアからCPT UI ” Add/Edit Post Typesに移動します。



Creating pot type in CPT UI



Getting taxonomy key in WordPress


管理エリアに入ったら、CPT UI ” Add/Edit Taxonomiesに移動して同じタクソノミーを作成します。


Create Taxonomy in CPT UI plugin


ボーナスヒント: CPT UIプラグインを使って投稿タイプを作成した場合、それを使って移行することもできます。しかし、これは元のカスタム投稿タイプがこのプラグインを使って作成された場合にのみ機能する。プラグイン設定の「Import / Export」セクションにアクセスして、画面の指示に従ってください。


WordPressの人気プラグインの多くは、カスタム投稿タイプやタクソノミーを使ってカスタムコンテンツタイプを扱います。例えば、Soliloquyは スライダーを作成するためにそれらを使用し、eコマースプラグインは製品を作成するためにそれらを使用するなどです。

Soliloquy slider example




WordPressには強力なインポート/エクスポート・ツールがあり、WordPressのデータをエクスポート/インポートすることができます。ツール ” エクスポート.

Exporting custom post type in an XML file using WordPress built in export tool




管理エリアからツール ” インポートに移動します。WordPress」セクションで、先に進み、「今すぐインストール」をクリックする。

WordPress import tool

インストーラをインストールすると、ボタンが「Run Importer」に変わります。それをクリックするだけで、インポーターの画面が表示されます。

ここで「Choose File」ボタンをクリックし、先ほどダウンロードしたXMLファイルを選択します。その後、「ファイルをアップロードしてインポート」ボタンをクリックします。

Importing WordPress using XML export file




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Reader Interactions

23件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Kerry

    I am trying to export CPT data, but the WP export tool doesn’t list the CPT. I’m using the CPT UI plugin. Any help?

    • WPBeginner Support

      For that specific plugin, you would want to check under CPT UI, Tools and you should see that plugin’s specific method for importing and exporting post types.


  2. Bulut

    There are people, Trouble Maker
    There are Bloggers, Trouble Eraser

    Thanks guys. You saved my day and time!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful :)


  3. Gabriela


    We are switching themes – we want a new site basically – hopefully with a cleaner backend. The switch is from a custom-built theme to a new theme.
    Would it be best to install a new theme within our same back end, or would it be cleaner to export and import into a new backend?

  4. Raf

    Clear incoherence between title and intent and practical advises:
    1) says “Exporting Custom Post Types and Taxonomies in WordPress”
    2) says “in some cases you may not be able to locate the code.”
    3) says “Don’t worry you can still create the same custom post type on the new site.”

    So if the post-type is created using the UI : you can not export it but only create it again. Why the article doesn’t clearly state it?

  5. Francis

    So let say for instance if I was using a paid plugin that has to do with custom posts and want to switch to the free version how will i go about it? Am still very new to wordpress

  6. stefano

    Hi, can I ask you what plugin do you use for the social share?

  7. David

    How can you export and have the option of exporting by month like you have when you export post and page?

  8. charles

    When exporting custom post types it doesn’t export the featured image url path. Any idea how to resolve this?

  9. Amy

    Can I export a custom type type and import it as a different post type? Is that possible?

    • Paul

      I’m trying to do this too, which is why I landed here. I’m trying to rename a custom post type without losing the post data. Not having much luck.

  10. Jhony Penagos

    Thank you !! It work for me.

  11. Chris

    Does related custom field data get packaged with the custom post type export?

    • Carlitos

      It does not. you will want to bring that over either in your functions file or enter it in manually if you are using a plugin.

  12. Jim D

    Is this something you would need to do if you are using a custom post type currently and wish to switch to a different theme?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It depends on how you created the custom post types in the first place. If these custom post types were created by your old theme then you will need to export them before switching theme. If the custom post types were created using a plugin then they would remain unaffected when you switch the theme. Lastly, if you created the custom post type by adding code into your theme’s functions file then you just need to copy that code and paste it in your new theme.


  13. Philip Downer

    This article should have a bit of clarification. As Kris touched on, you can only import a custom post type if that specific custom post type actually exists on the destination site. You’ll need to either export and include the code that registers the post type; or if you’re using a plugin to handle custom post types, you’ll need to ensure that the same settings are used.

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you take a look at the article, the first section is about duplicating the CPT to the site where you want to import CPT data.


  14. Kris

    Not to forget: themes also make their own custom post types (portfolio for example). Not only moving a site, but also switching themes can also be difficult

    I ended up coding the post type and taxonomies in a separate site-specific plugin with the aid of; I was surprised how easy it went and found it less confusing then CPT-UI

  15. Sophia

    What does importing and exporting custom post types do? Sorry, I’m such a newb.

    • WPBeginner Support

      It comes in handy when you specifically want to move content from a custom post type to another site.


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