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Latest Sticky Posts Demo

注:これは中級レベルのチュートリアルであり、基本的なHTML / CSSの知識とWordPressテーマの知識が必要です。


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この投稿が気に入ったなら、WordPressの動画チュートリアルをYouTubeチャンネルに登録してください。Twitterや Google+でもご覧いただけます。

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
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  2. umair says

    very informative efforts made by you, this code works perfectly fine,
    i have a question that i have multiple categories & sub-categories, so i just want to make a sticky post to each category separately, and displayed on category list page where all posts of that specific category listed, like (Sports category->one sticky post – cooking recipes category -> one sticky post) etc

  3. Dom says

    Thanks for getting me on the right track!!
    The code works great in getting the Title to show up where the short code is pasted.

    However, I was trying to find a method to display the entire post (all content, in stead of just a title or even excerpt) on a specific page.

    I decided to play with your code above in order to try and achieve this and finally managed…
    Although the title displays the same size as paragraph text, I’m sure I can fix that.

    Here’s what I changed…please let me know if you think there’s something I should reconsider lest the whole world explodes ;)

    I simply changed your get_the_excerpt() text to get_the_content() and this successfully pulled in the entire blog post into that page.
    In order to remove the bulleted indentation I then removed the ” ” ” ” tags, but had to leave the apostrophes in place, otherwise the page wouldn’t load.
    So in essence, where ” or ” was before, now there is only ” and so on.

    That’s all I changed and it mostly works like a charm for me…
    There are 2 issues I noticed:
    1: Sometimes it loads most of the post, but not always right down to the end, especially if the post is edited afterwards…anyone with suggestions to ensure this doesn’t happen?
    2: I’d love if the featured image would also show up, this would make it the ultimate flexible solution! Any thoughts here?

    Thanks again for the advice!

    Hope what I explained makes sense to anyone who wants to achieve the same as I was after.

  4. richard says


    Thank you for your code. However i try to achieve something and i have 2 issues.

    I want to display only one sticky post on my home page and only the youtube video present on the content.

    ACtually i display the title and all the content of a post (include texts, pictures and videos).
    Second problem is that it display youtube as a link and not embed directly the video into my homepage.

    Thank you for your help

  5. Raviraj says


    I have tried out with the code, It works fine when at least 1 post has been assigned as sticky post else when none of the posts are assigned a sticky, then it will display all latest 5 posts.

    So would be the condition to display only sticky posts, if there are no sticky posts assigned then It should not display anything.

    Thanks in advance

  6. AnastisSourgoutsidis says

    ‘caller_get_posts’ has been replaced by ‘ignore_sticky_posts’ since v3.1 so I think its important to change your code to reflect that.
    Also, a) $post->ID is not needed in this instance of get_permalink() as you’ve setup the post data by calling $the_query->the_post(), and if for whatever reason you still want to include $post->ID, you should be global-ing it, i.e. global $post;

