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How to display related posts in WordPress








MonsterInsightsを使用すると、人気投稿機能を使用して、サイト上の任意の場所にあなたの最高のブログ投稿を表示することができます。MonsterInsights Liteバージョンで始めることができます。

しかし、人気投稿アドオン、高度なトラッキング機能、ダッシュボードレポート、関連投稿をカスタマイズするためのより多くのオプションを解除したい場合は、MonsterInsights Proバージョンを使用することができます。


有効化すると、WordPressの管理画面からInsightsに 移動します。ウィザードを起動」ボタンをクリックするだけで、サイトにプラグインを設定できます。

Launch setup wizard

その後、WordPressダッシュボードからInsights ” Popular Postsにアクセスします。MonsterInsightsは、あなたのサイトに関連投稿を表示するための複数のオプションを提供します。

コンテンツ内に投稿記事を表示する「Inline Popular Posts」オプションを選択したり、ブログ記事の最後やサイドバーに関連投稿を表示する「Popular Posts Widget」を使用することができます。また、オンラインストアの 人気商品を表示する設定もあります。

MonsterInsights popular posts

このチュートリアルでは、Popular Posts Widgetオプションを使用し、記事の最後に関連投稿を表示します。



Theme preview in popular posts



Customize the design

次に、’Behavior’セクションまでスクロールダウンし、Widget Stylingを変更することができます。初期設定を使用するか、カスタムCSSを追加して人気投稿ウィジェットの外観を編集することができます。




Choose popular post behavior

また、MonsterInsights Pro版をご利用の場合は、サイトトラフィックに基づいて過去30日間の投稿上位5件を自動的に表示する設定も可能です。



Enable widget title



Embed options

ショートコードやPopular Postsブロックを使って、投稿日やページに関連記事ウィジェットを手動で表示する設定もあります。


Select popular posts block



Related posts preview

WordPressで関連投稿を表示するもう一つの方法は、Yet Another Related Postプラグイン(YARPP)を使うことだ。これはWordPressで最も人気のある投稿プラグインの一つで、ブログのトップ投稿を自動的に表示することができます。

YARPP plugin




プラグインを有効化したら、WordPressダッシュボードからSettings ” YARPPに行き、プラグイン設定を行うことができます。

Change YARPP settings




Change algorithm settings

Match threshold」の数値を変更することで、関連投稿を選択する際のアルゴリズムの厳密さを設定することができます。アルゴリズムを厳しくしたい場合は、「一致しきい値」の数値を大きくしてください。



ここで、下にスクロールし、「Automatic Display Options」セクションで関連投稿の表示オプションを選択することができます。プラグインには、リスト、サムネイル、カスタムテーマの追加など3つのオプションがあります。

Automatic display options



Preview related posts

最後に、一番下までスクロールして、RSSフィードとREST APIオプションを有効化します。


Save changes to your related posts






WPCode's homepage


有効化したら、Code Snippets ” + Add Snippetにアクセスしてください。そこから「カスタムコードを追加」にマウスオーバーし、「スニペットを使用」をクリックします。

Add your custom code


<div class=”related-posts-after-content”>
<h3>You Might Also Like</h3>
$orig_post = $post;
global $post;
$tags = wp_get_post_tags($post->ID);
if ($tags) {
$tag_ids = array();
foreach($tags as $individual_tag) $tag_ids[] = $individual_tag->term_id;
‘tag__in’ => $tag_ids,
‘post__not_in’ => array($post->ID),
‘posts_per_page’=>4, // Number of related posts to display.
$my_query = new wp_query( $args );
while( $my_query->have_posts() ) {
<div class=”related-thumb”>
<a rel=”external” href=”<? the_permalink()?>”><?php the_post_thumbnail(array(150,100)); ?><br />
<?php the_title(); ?>
<?php }
$post = $orig_post;



Related posts snippet

次に、ページを下にスクロールします。そして、「Location」の隣にある「Insert After Content」オプションを選択する。


Insert after content



Save snippet



Related Posts after content


Code Snippets ” Libraryに行き、’Display Related Posts by Category’スニペットを探してください。見つけたらマウスオーバーして「Use snippet」ボタンをクリックします。

Search for the Display Related Posts by Category snippet in the WPCode library


WPCode automatically adds the code


Switch the toggle to 'Active' and click the 'Update' button


Simple related posts demo



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Reader Interactions

72件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Jiří Vaněk

    Thanks for the snippet. I don’t like to use external plugins for everything. I tried to create a similar snippet using a chatbot and it finally worked, but it wasn’t the same. And besides, it was quite a painful journey before it all started to at least basically work. I will replace the snippet :)

  2. Kanzool Khaliq

    I need some help.
    I used the method of displaying related posts using MonsterInsights. However, after selecting the necessary options, the text of the related posts is not displaying. Only a black bar(s) is being displayed without any post text.

  3. abraham

    are i safe by posting that code to my site?

  4. Marcel

    Very nice article but how can this be done with custom taxonomies? And can I add featured images of the related posts?

  5. HAMID

    yet another related posts plugin is no longer available for download.

  6. Bill

    Nice article. But how can I show the latest ones?

  7. jack

    is there any way that i show visitors a code which shows my related post or recent post in their websites?

  8. Fintan

    If I use this code, will it open the posts up in a new window or the same window.

  9. Mohammed Khaled

    Thank you for this useful post,
    but i need to know What is the -ID- in line below return to…
    $tags = wp_get_post_tags($post->ID);

    • Scortt

      Mohammed, $post is a variable that is holding a WordPress object. The object contains many things, one of which is the id number of the post.

  10. andi

    i added this code in single.php i wordpress theme but not work

  11. Judy Hicks

    I have set my posts to display recent posts from the post category. When I have a post with more than one category, I get 2 instances of recent posts. Is there a way to tell the plugin to limit to the first category instance? thanks!

  12. Aamir

    Is there any way to show the related post in between the blog post, I mean somewhere middle of the post, as per choice.

    • Aamir shahzad

      You can do this with shortcode

  13. dineshkashera

    nice job, code working fine.

  14. Mike G

    What plugin allows to display related post/pages on pages by “manually” selecting the pages that are related? Thank you

  15. Mike

    Hi, thanks for your awesome website!

    I have a question and would be grateful if your answer it; I have problem with both ways in this post regarding displaying relatedpost in my blog, if I add the related posts to the end of each post manually, then is that ok in terms of seo (or anything else)?

    Kind regards,

  16. Sumit Kumar Gogawat

    Great Post!

    I want to know how to add Related post right after first paragraph or middle in post in wordpress. can you please update me.

  17. Kyler Boudreau

    Thanks for this info! Exactly what I needed.

  18. JMunce

    I don’t get ‘related posts’ from this code.

    I just get recent posts

  19. Debb

    How about second tag? Can i change $first_tag to $second_tag?

  20. Ben Chung

    Thanks for the great tip.
    One thing I noticed is that I got an error when running it:
    “WP_Query was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 3.1! “caller_get_posts” is deprecated. Use “ignore_sticky_posts” instead. ”

    So replacing:

    ‘caller_get_posts’ => 1


    ‘caller_get_posts’ => 1

    fixed the problem.

    • Ben Chung

      Sorry, I meant, replace it with:
      ‘ignore_sticky_posts’ => 1

  21. David

    This is great. Please direct me to how I can add a post image and date. Thanks!

  22. Sam

    Appreciate the tutorial! Very simple to implement.

    One question, does this only match articles by matching their first tag?


  23. Allie

    I am also using Genesis and there is not single.php form. Where do I input this? Thanks!

    • Chris Arter

      This code can be put in your functions file depending on what location of the page you’d like. for instance..


      if (is_singluar(‘post’)) {

      // your related posts code here


      The best place to put this is in your own plugin. Try not to edit your Functions file..

      • Chris Arter

        Whoops, typo above. Should be is_singular

  24. Jornes

    Hi! I did apply this code to my website sidebar. But, i am wondering why it doesn’t work after i have implemented a php code that calls this function to work when the page is single.php. Do you know what is going wrong?

  25. Dave Noel

    You can insert ads at runtime using jquery. That’s what I do.

  26. Clay Teller

    Thanks for this useful bit of code! I think ordering the results randomly can be helpful for some sites to keep the related posts “fresh”. Can be done by adding ‘orderby’=>’rand’ argument like so:

    ‘tag__in’ => array($first_tag),
    ‘post__not_in’ => array($post->ID),

    • Sam

      Thanks Clay, useful!

  27. Szyam

    Very nice! Looks like ‘caller_get_posts’ Now needs to be ‘ignore_sticky_posts’ instead. Works great.

  28. Russ Edwards

    Works great, but how would I split the results. I want to put an ad in between, so it would be, for example, 5 related posts -then ad- next five related posts, etc. i know there should be an “offset” somewhere in the second query, just not sure how or where it insert. help?

  29. Tom Nguyen

    Thanks for posting both ways of doing this. I prefer not to use another plugin. I’m going to try on my website since I have more than 20 blog posts.

  30. Sid

    I’m using Genesis and you know, there’s no separate single.php file. So, where should I paste this? In functions file? Also, is there something to edit at stylesheet?

  31. Danny

    Whoop! Whoop! Thanks so much for this code, I have been search for about a week, and this works just great once you style it.

    Thanks alot!

  32. Eline

    I don’t know how this work, and on linkwithin it doesn’t work, my blog isn’t slef-hosted! Help:(

  33. Rodrigo Ghedin

    I’m using and enjoying the manual solution. But I miss a conditional trigger for situations when there aren’t related posts. Right now it returns nothing. How could I fill that space with a “there’s no related posts” when… well, when there’s no related posts?


    • s.i

      is easiest if use has_tag insted of $tags

      if (has_tag( ‘mytag’ ))


  34. Nadine

    I’m trying to change ‘showposts’ to 12 but it only shows up 2 items. Any ideas why? :/

    • Editorial Staff

      Just updated the article Nadine. showposts parameter have been depracated with posts_per_page.


  35. Vincentb

    Can you please add some more detail to your explanation? What do you mean by ‘tag version”? What file do I add the code above to (page.php?) and what do I change in that code to make it do what I described above?


    Serg, your plugin only works on Posts, is there a way to make it work on Pages too?

  36. sara

    I’m looking for something similar to this but based on categories. I would like to only display related articles from the current category.

    I have searched for a solution but can’t seem to find anything, any idea’s?


  37. will

    very use full thanks installed the YARP plugin and it works better than i thought it would thanks.

  38. Paisakamana

    Really great piece of code you got there.
    Great article I used this on my site and I like.

  39. brynh

    Very good article! It helped me much! Thank you.. I installed YARP and it works great..

    • Taylor

      Thank you for linking to this! I was looking for a way to show related posts based on all tags and not just the first one.


  40. Vincent

    (revised comment)
    I’ve been looking for a way of adding POSTS related to specific tags on the bottom of PAGES I have created. EG: POSTS that are related to the pyramid of Teti…

    …on the bottom of the Pyramid of Teti PAGE:

    At the moment I’ve just added the tags at the bottom of the PAGE but would be much better to have exerpts of the related POSTS added.

    Is there a way I can adapt the code that you have given to do this?


  41. matthew

    Great tip! thanks for sharing this

  42. Sal Surra

    Great tip! Works perfectly and thanks for sharing this. I like the tip as it shows my recent posts in a nice lists view.

  43. palmamod

    Hey, I implemented the non-plugin version of this and am 99% happy with it. I know it’s not you who have developed it but maybe you could help. If you check the posts on my blog, you will see that 5 posts are displayed (matching the first tag of the post) but “in line”. Do you know how can I tweak this so that a list occurs? Like, tweaking the php so that a and tags are created?
    Thanks a lot and keep up the good job!

  44. Vin

    I’ve been looking for a way of adding posts related to specific tags on the bottom of pages I have created. EG: Posts that are related to the pyramid of Teti…

    …on the bottom of the Pyramid of Teti page:

    At the moment I’ve just added the tags at the bottom of tghe page but would be much better to have exerpts of the related posts added.

    Is there a way i can adapt the code that you have given to do this?


    Do you have a link?

    • Editorial Staff

      Cannot access your site. Database connection error.

      For Sergej, use the link associated with his name. It takes you to his website and the link to the plugin is there.


  45. Ileaneb

    Does this work for as well? Are the instructions the same?

    • Editorial Staff

      If you can install the plugin, then yes it will work. If you can change the codes in theme then it will work.


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