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How to create a staging site for WordPress




多くのユーザーは、変更をテストするために、Windowsや MacコンピューターにWordPressをローカルにインストールします。更新が終わったら、ローカルホストからライブサーバーにアップロードします。














Turn on Bluehost plugin

その後、WordPressサイトのダッシュボードに移動し、Bluehostの ” ステージングページにアクセスします。


Click create staging site button



Click not currently editing button



Click switch button



Activate theme on staging site


ステージングからライブサイトに変更をプッシュする準備ができたら、WordPress管理サイドバーからBluehost ” Stagingページに移動するだけです。



Choose the Deploy All Changes option from the Staging Site option


ポップアップが表示され、ステージング・サイトを本番サイトにデプロイすることを確認するよう求められます。Deploy’ ボタンをクリックして続行します。

Click the Deploy button in the prompt



Switch to the Production Site




これを行うには、Bluehostの ” ステージングページにアクセスし、 “ステージングにクローン “ボタンをクリックする必要があります。

Click Clone to staging button






SiteGround dashboard

次の画面では、左の列からWordPress ” Stagingメニューをクリックする必要があります。


SiteGround make a staging copy of your website


その後、’Go to protected URLs’ボタンをクリックして、ステージングサイトをパスワードで保護し、プライベートに保つことができます。

Siteground staging site created



Protect staging website


WordPress ” Stagingページに戻り、ステージングウェブサイトの横にある ‘Log in to Admin Panel’ ボタンをクリックします。

Login to your staging website





左のカラムからWordPress ” ステージングメニューをクリックします。次に、ステージングサイトの横にある「ステージングコピーの管理」セクションの3つの点のメニューをクリックします。

Deploy all changes from staging to live website

メニューには2つのデプロイオプションが表示されます。Full Deploy」または「Custom Deploy」オプションを選択できます。







WP Engineでステージングサイトを作成する

WP Engineは世界最高のWordPressマネージドホスティングサービス会社です。マネージドWordPressホスティングサービスは、ホスティングサービスプロバイダーが更新、バックアップ、セキュリティ、パフォーマンスを管理するWordPressサイトのコンシェルジュサービスです。

WP Engineは、すべてのプランでワンクリックのステージングソリューションを提供しています。WP Engineを使用してサイトをホスティングサービスしている場合は、この方法でサイトのステージング環境をセットアップします。

まず、WP Engineのダッシュボードにログインする必要があります。次に、「サイト」ページに移動し、サイトをクリックして選択します。

WP Engine sites


ここで、左カラムの’Add Staging’リンクをクリックするか、上部のサイト名の下にある’Add Staging’リンクを選択する必要があります。

Click to add staging environment in WP Engine



Copy existing environment to staging site


  • Start with a new blank site(新しい空白のサイトから始める)」は、新しい空のサイトを作成します。
  • Start with a guided experience」は、ガイド付き体験とデモコンテンツを含む新規サイトを作成します。
  • 既存の環境をこのサイトにコピー」は、本番環境または開発環境をこのサイトにコピーします(例:本番サイトをこの環境にコピー)。
  • Move an existing environment’(既存の環境を移動)は、このサイトに環境を移動します(例:開発環境をステージングに移動)。
  • Start with a WooCommerce site」は、WooCommerceがプリインストールされた新規WordPressサイトを作成します。

ライブサイトのステージングコピーを作成したいので、’Copy an existing environment to this site’ オプションをクリックする必要があります。

Choose environment you wish to copy



Staging site name


WP Engineがステージングサイトを作成します。その後、ステージング環境のダッシュボードにリダイレクトされます。

Password protect your staging environment



staging site password

上部にある「WP Admin」ボタンをクリックして、ステージングサイトにログインすることができます。


login to staging website

WP Engineでステージングサイトからライブサイトに変更をデプロイする



Copy staging environment



Deploy options



次に、「Review and Confirm」ボタンをクリックしてデプロイを開始します。ライブサイトにすべてをコピーするにはしばらく時間がかかります。









最初に必要なことは、WP Stagecoachプラグインをインストールして有効化することです。詳しくはWordPressプラグインのインストール方法をご覧ください。

プラグインを有効化すると、管理バーにWP Stagecoachという新しいメニュー項目が追加されます。クリックするとプラグインの設定ページに移動します。

Enter WPStagecoach API keys

WP Stagecoachのユーザー名とAPIキーを入力する必要があります。APIキーはプラグインサイトのアカウントにあります。

その後、WP Stagecoach ” WP Stagecoachページにアクセスし、ステージングサイトの名前を選択する必要があります。この名前はWordPressステージングサイトのサブドメインとしても使用されます。

Connect WP Stagecoach

ステージングサイトをパスワードで保護する “オプションの隣にあるボックスにチェックを入れるのを忘れないでください。ステージングサイトを一般表示や検索エンジンから保護します。

Ride the Stagecoach(駅馬車に乗る)」ボタンをクリックして次に進む。

WP Stagecoach progress




WP Stagecoach fiinished creating a staging site



WPSC staging preview

WP Stagecoachを使用してステージングサイトをライブにデプロイする

本番サイトに変更をインポートする準備ができたら、WP Stagecoach ” 変更のインポートページに移動し、変更のチェックボタンをクリックします。

Check for changes



Changes options







まず、ステージングウェブサイト用のサブドメインを作成する必要があります。あなたがBluehostを使用している場合は、ホスティングアカウントのダッシュボードに移動し、 “詳細設定 “タブに切り替えます。


Click Manage button next to the cPanel option



Click the Domain option in the cPanel





Create a sub domain

注: スクリーンショットの例ではBluehostを使用しているため、お使いの画面とは異なる場合があります。




Create a new backup in Duplicator


Enter a name for your backup



Duplicator build package button


完了すると、インストーラとアーカイブパッケージのダウンロードオプションが表示されます。両方のファイルをコンピューターにダウンロードするには、「Download Both Files」ボタンをクリックしてください。

Download Duplicator package and installer to your computer





Click the Manage button next to the Database option


MySQL Databases’ページが表示されるので、データベースの名前をプロバイダーで指定します。


Click create database button to create a  Staging site database

次に、データベース用の MySQL ユーザーを作成する必要があります。

MySQL Usersセクションまでスクロールダウンし、新しいデータベースユーザーのユーザー名とパスワードを入力します。

Database username and password


Add user to database “セクションまでスクロールダウンし、データベースと作成したユーザーを選択します。

Add user to database


ユーザーの権限を選択するよう求められます。先に進み、’All Privileges’ チェックボックスを選択し、’Make changes’ ボタンをクリックしてください。

Manage user privileges




Duplicator インストーラウィザードが起動します。

Enter database details




Duplicator validated




Duplicator wizard finish





Click the Manage button next to the cPanel option



Click on the Directory Privacy option in the Files section



Configure directory privacy settings to password protect staging site










他に選択肢がない場合を除き、この方法はすべて避けることをお勧めします。ステージングサイト機能がビルトインされているBluehostSiteGround、またはWP Engineのような信頼できるホスティングサービスを使用することをお勧めします。

この投稿が、WordPressサイトのステージング環境を簡単に作成する方法を学ぶのにお役に立てば幸いです。もし何らかのエラーに遭遇した場合は、WordPressの最も一般的なエラーを修正する究極のガイドをご覧ください。また、ブラウザーで WordPress Playgroundを使ってテストする方法もご覧ください。

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Reader Interactions

204件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Jiří Vaněk

    I recomend WP Staging plugin. This is really awesome plugin, with all feature you need for live website and copy as staging website. I use it for this purpose all the time and I must say, it is “must have” plugin.

  2. Moinuddin Waheed

    Staging site is a must have feature for anyone who is working for clients and .asking websites and blogs for clients.
    it is really helpful as there is always requirements for some tweak at the time of development of the website.
    Plugin option and the other doing manually is the only option for my client as I am using hostinger and there is not showing any staging website feature there.
    Does any of the hostinger plan not have built in staging feature like that of bluehost and siteground?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to check with the hosting provider’s support for what they have currently available.


    • Jiří Vaněk

      You can use any hosting you want, becouse for staging purpose exist awesome plugin. Look on plugin with name WP Staging. This is all you need.

      • Moinuddin Waheed

        Thank you for the suggestion, This will be very useful as it is needed very often.
        I will explore this plugin and see to it for the functionality it has at its end.

  3. Chip Bearden

    There IS a downside. I followed all the steps for BlueHost and made a number of changes to my home page. Worked perfectly on the staging site.

    When I pushed it to production, my home page was a disaster. A few changes made it through but most did not. Worse, much of the content on the production site was trashed or even missing.

    Panicky, I put the production site into maintenance mode to prevent users from seeing it. Then BlueHost’s tech support did a great job of moving the staging site to production for me and cleaning up a bunch of other problems that resulted. It took a long, tense 90 minutes before everything was back, mostly, to what I wanted. I just had to change some internal links and menu items that still pointed to the staging site.

    Start to finish I was only down a couple of hours. The BlueHost customer support rep was wonderful but didn’t have a good explanation of what went wrong. Suffice it to say I’ll NEVER use staging again!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you for your feedback, we’ll look to make it more clear in the article but unless you sync changes like posts, they will not go to your staging site and if you overwrite your live site with your staging it won’t include your new content. For your design it would heavily depend on what you’re using on your site as that should normally include any design changes.


  4. Audra

    Is this something that can be used to test out a new theme? Can I keep my current website live and work on a new theme at the same time?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yes that is one of the more common reasons to use a staging site.


    • Jiří Vaněk

      It’s one of the reasons why I use staging. When there’s a request to change the website’s design, a copy of the website is created where all the necessary adjustments are fine-tuned, and then the changes are easily transferred to the live version. It’s much more practical than copying the website to a subdomain and performing subsequent migration, which can be quite complicated.

  5. Sharlene

    HI there. Is there a way to test the speed on a staging site please?

  6. Carol Henrichs

    Should I use the staging site just for plugin updates and such? Can I update pages and posts in staging then push to live? Otherwise I have to create a new staging site prior to every plugin/update test.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to use a staging site for major plugin and design updates for your site. Updating pages and posts is normally something you would do on your primary site and you can do minor updates safely as long as you have a backup of your site from before the update.


  7. Kevin

    Do the Staging URLs (for posts and pages) automatically change once you hit deploy? I am worried that I am going to have a ton of 404 errors and ruin my SEO.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Unless we hear otherwise, the URLs should update so they are not 404s.


  8. Philippe

    I want to create a sandbox, I’m using WordPress on Bluehost, however I don’t have the Bluehost entries on my wordpress admin menu, and I can find no sandbox wizard directly on the Bluehost site. Where do I go from here?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may have removed the plugin that added that, if you reach out to your host they should be able to assist.


  9. Jana Boswell

    This worked like magic. I seriously could not live without wp beginner. My hosting service does not have a staging option, so I followed the instructions for manual set-up, no problems, everything went smoothly! Thanks for the great instructions!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was able to help :)


  10. Desmond Sim

    after creating the staging site…how do you sync data between the staging and test site….the test site is used for updates and checking…whereas….the live site has new inputs from its users….

    Is there a plugin you can recommend syncing databases when each database has two different pieces of new info,

    • WPBeginner Support

      We do not have a recommendation for that at the moment as it is very difficult for a tool to know what specifically to sync or not.


  11. Brandon

    How does a person just delete a staging site? I believe I backed up the staging site with updraftplus, but if I back up the staging site with updraftplus, does it also back up the regular website too or vice versa?

  12. S

    so this manual staging does not work?

    so how do users target ‘installer.php’ if the subdom URL is ‘’, then.

    • WPBeginner Support

      The method should still work, you would target the installer in the staging site’s subdomain. If you are having trouble with setting up or targeting the subdomain you may want to reach out to your hosting provider for their assistance.


  13. Brandon

    I used the manual method to set up a staging site for testing out updating plugins before they break something. Well, something broke in the staging site. How do I go back to the original configuration of the staging site?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you did not create a backup for the staging site then you would delete the staging site and recreate it as one option.


  14. Ben

    Looks like there’s a chunk missing for the manual staging site creation. No upload of files for Duplicator.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you for sharing that, we will look into updating the article when we are able


  15. Ankur

    I use bluehost hosting and they say they don’t recommend the beta version. So, the local host is the best option for me. Isn’t it?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If they do not recommend beta for your site, you can use local as an alternative.


  16. Jay

    If I have new blog posts on the original production site, what will happen I push the staging site to the production site later in the future?

    • WPBeginner Support

      The new content would be removed, we would recommend importing all new content to the staging site before overwriting the live site.


  17. KIZITO

    Hello friend.
    Just today, I mistakenly activated the staging mode (I’m a newbie tho) and there wasn’t any more option.
    Later I came on, I couldn’t login to my wordpress. It returns an error message that I can’t login to a site that’s on staging mode.
    I contacted bluehost, that did all they can, yet my site still says it’s on staging mode and I can’t login my wordpress.
    What do I do please?

  18. Alice

    Thanks for this. I have WP engine and my WordPress theme got d-registered because I am using it on the stage environment and dev.
    What’s the workaround that?

    thank you

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would need to reach out to your specific theme’s support for their workaround for this situation


  19. Jim Jones

    Hi I made changes in my WP Production site but not in the staging area. I want to reset my staging area to look like my Production site, or failing that delete my Staging area and start again. How can i do this?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on the method you used but if you made changes to the live site’s design then the simplest method would be to remove the current staging site and create it again.


  20. Jeff

    Great article. I really learned a lot.

    I have a question, please, about the manual method:

    Is it required to password protect the directory of the subdomain in cPanel, since the admin access to the website is already protected by a password?

    Thank you very much.

    • WPBeginner Support

      While not required, it helps prevent your users from trying to access the staging site :)


  21. Mujeeb

    In that staging site
    I want to give someone details to do something on my staging site, but I don’t want him to know my live site password, but is the Same thing with my live site. How can I do that

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would create a new user for them on your staging site for what it sounds like you want to do and you can remove that staging user later.


  22. Beulah Wellington

    If I download WAMP on my computer and use the localhost, couldn’t install the UpdraftPlus plugin and let that be my staging site? Isn’t this another alternative?

  23. Jan Stetson

    I’m trying to set up a staging environment on my WordPress site hosted by Bluehost. I’m stopped at step one! when I go to the WordPress admin area, I don’t see bluehost at the top of the page. The topmost option in the nav menu on the left is “Dashboard”. No sign of “Staging” anywhere. Help?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You likely removed the BlueHost plugin, if you reach out to BlueHost’s support they should be able to let you know their current methods available :)


  24. Shashank Sachan

    I tried but did not succeed. Getting error ” this site can’t be reached”.
    I am on Godaddy and using Cloudflare. And I have not created a separate FTP account.

  25. simona

    thank you for the article. one question: If I update WordPress ONLY on the staging site, will it affect also my live-site?
    thank you for your answer. regards, s.

    • WPBeginner Support

      No, if you update one site it should not affect the other.


  26. oshibiko

    Thank you for this article.

    Do you know of a way to test membership (loginlogoff ) functionality without going live on the actual site. In the staging environment or developing. TIA

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would likely need to create a test user for you to log in with to test that.


  27. Mark E

    Great article, with one step missing for the manual instructions.
    After downloading the duplicator files to your computer, you then have to upload the installer file and archive file to your newly created subdomain directory.
    Otherwise when you try to run the installer you get a 404 page.
    Otherwise great guide!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you for pointing that out :)


  28. Charlene Marsh

    No option to try the staging feature on Bluehost yet. Message says “Please contact support to find out how to enable staging.” I was just on the phone with Bluehost about another issue and the rep I was speaking with never heard of this new feature.

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on what rep you were talking to as it is a new feature so not all reps may be knowledgeable yet


    • Matt Stephen

      To be able to use the staging feature provided by Bluehost, you must install and activate the Blushost plugin.

  29. Sean

    Thank you for this great info, as always. Now is this something I could use to play around with a new page builder? I want to test out Thrive Architect but want to do so without messing anything up. Or, suppose I wanted to play around with a new theme. These may be 2 different questions.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You could certainly test those changes with a staging environment without having to worry about what people see on the site.


  30. Vanessa

    Thanks for the info. I currently use Bluehost but don’t have the staging site option I would love to test it out for a new theme I’d like to try before purchasing it. I contacted BH tech support the rep told me the feature is in development. Thanks again for the info.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad we could bring this feature to your attention even if it is currently being developed


      • Vanessa

        I was able to access the feature today. I’m excited to use it. Thanks again for the info. I’m excited to try out the staging feature.

  31. Ani Chijioke

    this is a great information, I have two websites, but I don’t feel like having both look the same.

    pls, I need help.

    is there any code I can add on >dashboard >customize >additional css,,, for the font color of my site to be pure black in color..

    I have this theme that I am using, it gives me everything I want. but the font color of my blog posts are light black. I will like to change the color to pure black

    any solution?
    thank you.

  32. alykhan

    Great article but the push back to live is a little brief. I have a WooCommerce site that needs a theme change. I used Duplicator Pro to make a copy on a staging server. I’ve made all the changes to the site including adding a couple of new plugins.

    Now I want to push the site back but I can’t do the same thing as there are new orders on the live site. How do I copy the site back without affecting the orders etc..?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Sadly, the safest method for that would be to prevent orders while updating from staging.


  33. Jennifer Verdin

    I haven’t read the comments yet, but I’ve been at this all day. The reason why is because this page does not tell you how to create a database user and assign privileges to the said user.

    Thankfully, I was able to figure it out, but that’s a KEY step that is missing to connect the site and database.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Apologies about the confusion, we will certainly look into clarifying that. If you reach out to your hosting provider they normally have a user already created.


  34. Max

    Hi guys,
    Thanks for your awesome post. I like the idea that the provider has the staging, productive and a test environment out of box.
    But I have two questions:
    1. Can write a little bit how it works by your suggested providers?
    2. Have you also providers which are located in the EU or better in Germany? And offer staging environment out of box?

    Kind regard

  35. Chris

    Thank you so much for this information! And if anyone’s wondering, yes, it’s still relevant 4.5 years later.

  36. Jess

    Hi there

    I am in the process of setting up a new WordPress site but I was planning to start building everything in my staging environment because I would like my live site to have a “under construction” landing page.

    What I am not sure of is how to push my changes from the staging site to my live site when I am ready. Would you mind describing this process please?

    Thank you

    • Johnny

      If it’s simply a matter of wanting a “Under Construction” page while keeping the rest of the sight off limits to the public, there are plugins that will do that. Search “under construction.”

  37. Russell

    How does this process compare to using a plugin like wp-staging.

  38. Fernando Lisboa

    Hi, my question is, i created a staging environment, work there make some updates on structure of pages, layouts, new categories, new pluig-in.

    Ok, but in real live, my site is growing with new posts, comments, images, videos, etc…

    When i push stage back to life, i will lost thes new itens that were create in real live ??? I test this in sitegroud, and i loose ever with advanved “push to live”


    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Fernando,

      The solution described above only syncs your website files not the database.


  39. Ravindra

    Thank you very much. This article was very helpful.

  40. Chris

    Hi, thanks for such a useful article,

    I’m having a small issue when I give it a go,

    I have got as far down as

    “Once WordPress has connected to your staging database, it should detect that WordPress has been installed, and prompt you to login” and I am stuck – it autoredirected to the wp-login and gave me a blank page. Not a 404, just a clean white screen.

    On the main page the login has been renamed so I try to navigate to that instead and again just a clean white screen.

    Can anyone give me any pointers on where I’m going wrong?

  41. Smitha


    Thanks for this article!
    I followed all the steps but I think I have missed one

    I created a staging environment and checked site url in wp-options and updated wp-config file but the staging site is being redirected to the primary site.

    Do I need to change any other setting?

  42. Ruth

    Hi! Thanks for the useful article!
    Question, is it necessary to create a new database for your subdomain? Can’t you just use your root domain’s database?
    Same for the FTP account, is it necessary to create a new one? I can now access my subdomain easily through my main FTP.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Ruth,

      Yes, it is necessary to create a separate database and a separate FTP account.


  43. Courtney


    Perhaps this was already covered. Do I need a child theme on my sub-domain serving as my staging site? I am adding custom code and modifications to the new theme on my subdomain with the intention of switching all of this over to the live site when finally ready. Would this complicate things when switching from the staging site to replacing what is currently the live site?

    Thank You!

  44. Lee Perry

    Hi, this article is super helpful. I have encountered one problem though, when I go to visit my staging URL, I have the following message appear ‘server DNS address could not be found’. I have also cleared my cache and browser history as someone wrote this might help, but it hasn’t worked. I’m wondering what I am doing wrong. Any help would be great.


    • Georgia

      I’m having the same problem – did you manage to resolve this issue?
      Thanks, Georgia

  45. Adrien

    While I appreciate the detailed instructions (I don’t like installing plugins to accomplish such tasks), I don’t see any advice concerning keeping the staging and live sites in sync. WordPress sites are generally edited live with respect to content—posts, products, media, etc. Once you follow these directions, the two content sets will diverge as users add content to the live site while the developer’s staging version remains an old copy. I don’t see a good solution for this save a cron rsync job. Any tips?

  46. Jason

    After you create the staging subdomain and ftp account.

    Skip all the other copying and database junk.

    Install duplicator on your live site. Make a duplicate backup, which includes a zipped copy and an install. Php file.

    Upload both to your staging area. (Maybe go in and create a database and user for the staging site in cpanel while you wait for the two fingers to upload)

    Point your browser to and follow the prompts.

    Then go back to the rest of this tutorial for locking it down.

  47. Gus Reyes

    Hi, I followed another tutorial before I found this one and I installed WordPress BEFORE copying files over and running the SQL queries. My staging site does not populate with live site’s data. Any help you can offer about what to do at this point would be appreciated…

  48. Martin

    The staging site does not look exactly like my primary site. The default banner is there instead of my uploaded media (even though that file has transfered) and rather than a nav bar with drop down menus, I have a list of all of my site’s webpages. Is this normal? If not, could you point me where to sort it out?

    Thanks for this article!

  49. BLZ

    I keep getting this error when I try to run SQL queries ” #2013 – Lost connection to MySQL server during query”

  50. Stefan

    Thank you for the great tutorial! I followed it thourgh and created a staging site. However, the staging site seems to be missing some settings from the original site (where I am working with a template), e.g. the font is different, the menu and logo is missing and some other settings are just off. Are there additional files I need to copy?
    Thanks a lot!

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