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How to create a custom archives page in WordPress







The WPBeginner custom archive



The WPBeginner custom archive







How to create a new custom archives template



Creating a custom archives template



Naming a WordPress custom archive template



Adding blocks to the full site editor



How to add an archives block to a custom template



Configuring the archives WordPress block

手始めに、「Group by」ドロップダウンを開き、リストから設定を選択することで、投稿の整理方法を変更することができます。



Grouping archived posts by date



Displaying posts as a dropdown menu



Creating a custom archive page in WordPress



Adding a Categories List to a custom archives page




A list of categories and subcategories on a custom archives page



Showing indented subcategories on a custom WordPress archive

もう一つのオプションは、’Show only top level categories’トグルを有効化して、子カテゴリーを完全に非表示にすることである。


Adding a tag cloud to the archive page



Adding a tag cloud to a custom archives page



Changing the tag cloud settings



Showing categories in a tag cloud



Showing a list of latest posts



Showing your most recent posts on the archive page



How to show post content and excerpts on the custom archive page




ここでは、ブロックが投稿を新しいものから古いものへと整理していることがわかります。Order’ ドロップダウンを開き、’A-Z’ などの別の設定を選ぶことで変更できます。

Organizing the latest posts on your WordPress archive page



Changing the order of your latest posts




先ほど作成したページは新しいアーカイブテンプレートを使用しています。ページを更新または公開し、WordPress サイトにアクセスしてカスタマイザーアーカイブページを見ることができます。






注: SeedProdには無料版もあり、予算が限られていて始めたばかりの方でもカスタマイザーページを作成することができます。しかし、このガイドでは、より多くのテンプレートとブロックがあるSeedProd Proを使用します。


Adding the SeedProd license key

この情報は、SeedProdサイトの自分のアカウントの下にあります。キーを入力した後、「Verify Key」ボタンをクリックしてください。

それができたら、SeedProd ” ランディングページに行き、’新規ランディングページを追加’ボタンをクリックしてください。

Creating a new SeedProd page



SeedProd's professionally-designed templates



Previewing a SeedProd template

気に入ったデザインが見つかったら、「このテンプレートを選択」をクリックします。ここでは、まっさらな状態から始められるように「Blank Template」を使用していますが、お好きなテンプレートを使用することができます。



How to create a custom archive using SeedProd



How to create a custom archive using SeedProd



Choosing a layout for your custom archive page




Adding a 'Posts' block to a custom page using SeedProd


また、「Continue Reading」リンクがあり、訪問者がクリックすると各投稿の全文を読むことができる。

How to add posts to a custom archive page in WordPress




Filtering your archive posts based on category


投稿の順序を変更するには、’Order By’ボックスまでスクロールし、新しい設定を選択するだけです。初期設定では、SeedProdは「ASC」(昇順)で投稿を表示します。


Showing posts in descending order



Creating a multiple column archive page

また、リストに含まれる投稿の数を変更したり、投稿の抜粋を追加または非表示にしたり、「Continue Reading」のテキストを変更したりすることもできます。



Adding social profiles to a custom page



Publishing your SeedProd custom archive page




この投稿がWordPressでカスタムアーカイブページを作成するのにお役に立てば幸いです。また、WordPressで 最高の 関連投稿プラグインをピックアップした記事や、最高のカミングスーンページの例に関する投稿日:もお読みください。

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Reader Interactions

79件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Woolker Cherenfant

    Thank you for this helpful tutorial. I do follow along and have my custom archive page up. However, I still get the default WP archive under my custom settings. Could you please have a look and tell me what have I done wrong?

    Thanks for your kind reply.

    —Woolker Cherenfant

    • Woolker Cherenfant

      Never mind. I got it solved. Thanks.

      —Woolker Cherenfant

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Woolker Cherenfant,

      Unfortunately, its hard for us to detect any mistakes. We will recommend you to try the tutorial again and see if this helps.


  2. Neil

    I wonder if anyone can help?
    hopefully someone might be able to help with an unusual problem that I have noticed – and it appears to have been occurring since Nov 2017 or before…
    For example…
    this url has been generated/created and I don’t know how or why… it seems that with two categories if I take a ‘whole’ url and copy and paste that after the category part only url then it will resolve… (and has been indexed!)


    I think this has only happened with (archive) pages…

    To make matters worse these urls have been indexed by Google. I don’t know if a plugin has caused this or something else…

    Note the single ‘/’ in the second part of the url…

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Subhash,

      For that you’ll need to edit your theme’s date.php or archive.php template files and call your sidebars in the template file.


      • Subhash

        Hi Support Team,

        Thanks for guidance about this.

        Have a good day!


  3. Nyx

    Wonderful tutorial! Thanks so much.

    Quick, I hope, question: I used your instructions for adding “Adding a List of all Categories.” How can I get my list itself to show justified inside the space, instead of left aligned. Thanks for any help.

  4. Dave Ward

    This worked great, but I want to display an actual snippet of the archived pages instead of just a list. Is there a way to do that?

  5. Mohammad Kharoofa

    Thanks for this useful article, I have one problem Add code to my theme’s style.css file, Where should I paste it exactly ? because I’ve tried to paste anywhere but nothing change!

  6. Emma

    Can this be done with a free WordPress account, or do you need the customising options of one of the paid plans?

    Thanks if you can let me know :)

  7. Andry

    Hi !

    I’m preparing a news site with WP theme but I have a GREAT question about archives, maybe you’d be able to give me your opinion thanks to your experience.
    The site must give a new version everyday (relating to the paper edition) and offer an archive page which allows to find the old editions as it was published the day ‘d’. Plugins in WP allow only to have articles by date, so we have a list of the old artilces for a specific date but not the whole edition (a complete copy of the site as it was published at a ‘d’ date). Do you know any plugin for WP to ‘make a copy’ of a site so it’d be possible to link every ‘copy-date’ with a date in the calendar table? or an archive plugin to have automaticly the old editions ? Is it possible to have a folder (in the WP repertory) which contains all the articles of an edition ? so I can link each folder to a date in my calendar table ?
    – Do you have in your favorite lists a good WP theme for newspaper ?
    Thanks in advance !

  8. Aaliya Thahseen

    Upload the page-archive.php in your WordPress themes folder, and you have created an Archives page template.

    I am having difficulty with this part. How do I upload the page-archive,php in the wordpress themes folder?

      • Cely

        Hello, I’ve been done the steps of uploading the php on the theme folder. then I went back to my wordpress, the templave “archives” is still not there. could you please help me.

  9. dwieyoko

    how to create search form and display search result on archive.php.. ?

  10. Kyran Wallace

    Hi there

    This worked great for me! Thank you.

    One thing though, My list of archives will not show on mobile devices. I am currently running the WPTouch plugin for mobile users.

    Could you advise how to resolve this please?


  11. Pete

    Hi, is there a way just to list certain categories i.e. exclude some categories from the list?
    Thank you.

  12. loic


    I have registered different CPT.

    I have created a page template which list posts for a given CPT.

    I have put a query (query_posts(‘posts_per_page=-1&post_type=my_cpt_one’); before the loop.

    Than I have selected the page template when creating the page archive of the given CPT.

    How to use the same page template for each CPT?

    For example, I want three page archive named “my cpt one”, ‘my cpt two”, “my cpt three” which calls the same page template.

    Of course, i could use three page templates, but I’m looking for a way to use only one page template.

    My problem is to set in the query the post type slug.

    Is that possible?


  13. Avdhesh Arya

    Thanks so much! This has helped a lot in creating a custom Archives page for my website.

  14. WPBeginner Staff

    That’s because template tag wp_list_categories generates a bulleted list of your categories by default. Child categories are displayed indented under their parent categories. You can use
    &lt?php wp_list_categories('title_li=&style=none'); ?> to display your categories with line breaks.

  15. Cara Zimmerman Seekell

    My categories look sort of all over the place, any idea why?

  16. yasinatagun

    Cant we make it without plugin? I just want to list my all of posts in one page. No matter there is 10000 posts or 2 post. i just want to list ?

  17. Luca

    I would like to create an yearly/monthly archive of a specific category. Is it possible using with a filter for a specific category?

  18. April

    I am looking high and low for my themes folder… I know a
    little more than basic for coding, but working with WordPress has been
    difficult for me trying to find everything. Maybe it is not compatible with
    what I have.

    I am trying to have a page on my blog for a list of Archived
    blog posts that looks like this: with year,
    month, and categories. I have a lot of posts. I tried the plugin
    for Archives and created a page and added [archives] and all I got was a whole
    list of all my blog post titles. It was long.

    I found this post
    but I cannot locate a themes folder in wordpress. Maybe I have the wrong set

    I am hosted with one of the outside WordPress recommended
    hosts using WordPress for my blog. My theme is Twenty Ten.

    If someone could help me get the result I am looking for,
    that would help me a lot. Thanks!

    • Essekia Paul

      If anyone is looking for an answer to this. The path is :

      WordPress root folder -> wp-content -> themes -> Twenty Ten

  19. Member At Blc

    I have added the archive page to my site but I only want to see the date / categories and archives in the members only section Is this possible?

  20. Member At Blc

    I have just added archive page to my site but want the posting pages, dates and categories hidden and only visible when you log in. My post pages currently show blocked but I see them in public view. Can these be hidden???

  21. Avinash

    Works Perfectly, When I tried to add &show_count=1 then the count breaks the category listing .. can you help with the css needed for the count to display properly.

  22. Pawan Kesari

    Very helpful. I have just added archive page to my blog site
    Question: Would this template file get deleted during theme upgrade?

  23. Charlie

    Nice howto, but is there any way to manage something like this in a plugin?

  24. Nicole

    I love this tutorial! However, I want my tag cloud to be separated by commas. Here’s the code I used for the tag cloud (I don’t want the font sizes to change so I kept the smallest and largest at the same size)…


    Any tips?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Your code was stripped by WordPress comments. This snippet should work:

       $args = array(
          'smallest'                  => 8,
          'largest'                   => 22,
          'separator'                 => ','


  25. voltima

    Thanks a lot for a very easy to understand ‘how-to’.

  26. Thomas

    Hi, thanks for the great tutorial!

    I did set-up the list of all categories which looks perfect. The only problem I have is that if I add any content to that page, the list of all categories is always placed at the bottom. Is there a way how I can set it to the top of the page?

  27. Archurst O. A

    Is there a way to show per day or week instead of the monthly archive style?

  28. sameera

    Thanks. Grete work.

  29. Nad'

    Hello guys,
    First of all, thanks for this amazing website. I have used this post to create the archive but since yesterday the archive page is no longer working. I have not changed the code and now the only thing I see is By date. after that, I cannot see anything, not even the sidebar or the footer.
    My template is running locally as I am building it. Any idea what could have caused that?


    • WPBeginner Support

      seems like a coding error in your template is breaking the template right after it displays your archives by date.


  30. meki

    I copied your given code but my site is not showing any kind of archives. Your code has an error. 0n line # 16 you are closing ?>php then starting html, which will simply print html on page. I activated plugin, corrected the code but still my page is empty. Let me correct, thanks.

    • Meki

      I do not have a page.php as well.

        • WPBeginner Support

          Meki, we are sorry but we are unable to understand the issue you are facing. As for page.php file you may be using a Theme Framework so your theme may not show a page.php file. Please contact your theme author and ask them which file you should use as the base for your custom page templates.

  31. Craig Parker

    Awesome. I’ve got to bookmark it and come back, but an archves page is something I’ve been wondering about for a bit now.

  32. Kelly

    Great tutorial. Could you clarify something before I begin. I’m using a child theme. Should I add the page-archive.php file within the folder of the actual “theme files” or should I place it within the child-theme-folder? Likewise….Now we need to style this list, make it appear inline and improve their look. Add this to your theme’s style.css file. I’m going to assume I can add this within my child-theme as custom css; is that the correct approach?

  33. gary bvings

    I’d like to combine the two archive display ideas above. I have two categories: Cars and Boats. I’d like to show the monthly archives ( with the Compact Archive plug-in) for each. What php do I use? Thanks.

  34. Maschil

    Great tutorial — thanks :) It has worked perfect!

    I copy and pasted the css provided into my css file and it did not change the look at all. Thoughts?

  35. Kate Reid

    Thanks so much for this really useful post. I’ve just started using a really minimal theme, so this custom archive page is perfect to help navigation. It’s looking good!

  36. nicole holgate


    Great plugin and easy to use.

    I am trying to use it for a custom posts archive page (only the custom posts to be listed in years, by month.

    Does this work with custom post types at all? Currently it is only listing regular post types.

    With thanks :)


  37. Emily

    Ok I think I’ve figured out where to upload it, but now it’s not supporting my notepad file.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Make sure that your file name is page-archive.php and not page-archive.php.txt or page-archive.txt


  38. Emily

    I do not understand where to upload my page-archive.php file. Where is the WordPress Theme folder?

  39. Sheeba Yousuf

    I have created Archives.php and when on the page i click on the archives i don’t get which template is the posts using (custom posts) ,its a mess actually. Could you please help.

  40. Chris Raymond

    i see you are using the_content in the loop, but when you click on a month and see the posts, it is only showing a snippet. Is that controlled via another custom function? Could I instead use the_excerpt?

    TIA, very useful post

  41. real name

    good work man …kepp it up

  42. Atanas

    Well… This post is quite useful but I got problem… I have Thesis 1.8 theme and I am not able to find page.php file in my theme folder …. Sad… Any ideas…

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thesis is a theme framework you need to check Thesis Documentation to learn how to make these changes.


  43. Saranya

    Great tutorial. It helped me a lot as a beginner. Thank you so much.

  44. Syed Irfan

    Syed, you are doing a great job for the beginners, and I think its a great service specially for the very non skilled just like me. Masha Allah and JazakAllah!

  45. Carol

    Is there any way to limit the output from Compact Archives to one category of posts instead of all posts?

  46. Kenny

    I found it too difficult to add to a Woo Theme. The Woo Framework page.php is too complex to work out where the additional Compact Archives code goes. It doesn’t have a nice commented slot as does the sample in the example.

  47. Nusa Herba

    We’re trying to create something like this, thank you for the tutorial, very useful.

  48. Kenny

    So timely! In the last fortnight I have been frustrated at how difficult it can be to view archive posts in time sequence and some other ways. And I wondered whether my readers were having the same issue. I’m not into adding code but will make an exception in this case. Thanks.

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