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WordPressで「Howdy Admin」を変更・削除する方法(簡単な方法)

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多くの人は、実生活で “howdy “という言葉を使うことはない。もっと親しみやすい挨拶に変えてみてはいかがでしょうか。サイト翻訳が間違ったことをしないようにしたいとか、もっとプロフェッショナルな挨拶にしたいとか。

この投稿では、3つの簡単な方法で「Howdy Admin」を変更または削除する方法を紹介します。

How to Change or Remove Howdy Admin in WordPress

なぜ「Howdy Admin」を変更または削除するのか?


例えば、ジョン・スミスがログイン中なら、画面右上に『Howdy, John Smith』と表示される。

Howdy, John Smith




Howdy Admin’の変更・削除はとても簡単ですので、下記の動画をご覧いただくか、文章での説明がお好きな方はスクロールダウンしてください。


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WPCodeを使用して「Howdy Admin」を変更または削除する(推奨)

テーマのfunctions.phpファイルにカスタムコードスニペットを追加することで、プラグインを使用せずに「Howdy Admin」を変更または削除することができます。


そのようなことが本当に〜してもよいですか?WPCodeを使用して、あなたのサイトから「Howdy Admin」を変更または削除することができます。WPCodeは、WordPressで利用可能な最も強力なコードスニペットプラグインであるだけでなく、事前に作成されたコードスニペットの膨大なライブラリが付属しています。


有効化したら、コード・スニペット ” ライブラリにアクセスし、検索バーに「howdy」と入力してください。その結果、「Change Howdy Admin in Admin Bar」というコードスニペットが表示されます。


Select the Howdy snippet in WPCode


必要なのは、トグルを「有効化」にクリックしてから「更新」ボタンを押すだけです。すぐに画面右上の「Howdy Admin」が「Welcome Admin」に変わっているのがわかるだろう。

Activate the snippet to replace Howdy Admin

挨拶をカスタマイズするには、個別引用符で囲んだ単語を’Howdy’から好きな言葉に変更するだけです。例えば、$new_howdy = 'Welcome,';$new_howdy = 'Hi there,';に変更すると、メッセージは “Hi there, Admin.” となります。

挨拶文を完全に削除して、ユーザー名だけを隅に表示することもできます。これを行うには、個別引用符で囲まれた部分をすべて削除し、単に$new_howdy = ''; となるようにします。

Completely removing howdy



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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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  2. Moinuddin Waheed says

    Thanks for this guide on removing howdy message from the dashboard.
    I had to handover the dashboard to my client and I thought of changing this message because he may not be aware of hwody message.
    So, I wanted to create personalised greeting.
    However, It never felt alien to me to use howdy.

  3. Jiří Vaněk says

    Before reading this article, as a non-native speaker, even though I speak English relatively well, it never occurred to me what the word ‘howdy’ actually means. And that’s while I use WordPress on a daily basis.

  4. simon says

    hello can anyone help me?
    I want to translate a string in wordpress theme
    if($mt_o[‘mt_rewrite_doctor_name’]!=””) { $mt_cpt_doctors_name = $mt_o[‘mt_rewrite_doctor_name’]; } else { $mt_cpt_doctors_name = “Staff'”;}
    i translated such :
    if($mt_o[‘mt_rewrite_doctor_name’]!=””) { $mt_cpt_doctors_name = $mt_o[‘mt_rewrite_doctor_name’]; } else { $mt_cpt_doctors_name = __(‘Staff’,’madza_translate’);}
    but it does not work!!!!
    can you guy help me ? plz plz

  5. Ast says

    It doesnt work,,, after I use this code, wordpress (Version 4.2.2) admin panel cant load,, should remove this code..

  6. David Labbe says

    There is a much easier way to do this by using the old menu node values:

    function np_replace_howdy($wp_admin_bar){

    //New text to replace Howdy
    $new_text = ‘Welcome’;

    //Call up the ‘my-account’ menu node for current values.
    $my_account = $wp_admin_bar->get_node(‘my-account’);

    //Replace the ‘Howdy’ with new text with string replace
    $new_title = str_replace(‘Howdy’, $new_text, $my_account->title);

    //Rebuild the menu using the old node values and the new title.
    ‘id’ => $my_account->id,
    ‘parent’ => $my_account->parent,
    ‘title’ => $new_title,
    ‘href’ => $my_account->href,
    ‘group’ => $my_account->group,
    ‘meta’ => array(
    ‘class’ => $my_account->meta[‘class’],
    ‘title’ => $my_account->meta[‘title’],

    add_action(‘admin_bar_menu’, ‘np_replace_howdy’, 999);

    See my gist:

  7. Gauranga says

    I tried but it didn’t work.. kept saying error and when tried to repair it, my WordPress admin panel couldn’t load any more :-( I had to switch back to my back up functions.php file (fortunately i had it). Perhaps i made a mistake but it would be nice to have something that is really copy and paste for neophytes like myself with clear instructions instead of expecting everyone to know something else that may be common sense for those who know codes. Gauranga.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Yes, you can. It may be a little complicated but do able. You will need to create an array in PHP with greetings in different languages. Then randomly pick a string from the array and use it with the rest of the code above.


  8. iTechRevo says

    Hey in the admin panel howdy can be edited but on the front end howdy is still there and cannot be changed so what should i do to edit it?

  9. graphicagenda says

    @senlinonline: That is a great snippet! but it reverts back to the howdy for the frontend admin bar while logged in.

  10. senlinonline says

    Changing “Howdy” can actually be done quite a bit simpler than the above code. Add this to your functions.php (or functionality.php or any other file): /** CHANGE HOWDY – **/add_filter(‘gettext’, ‘change_howdy’, 10, 3);function change_howdy($translated, $text, $domain) { if (!is_admin() || ‘default’ != $domain) return $translated; if (false !== strpos($translated, ‘Howdy’)) return str_replace(‘Howdy’, ‘Welcome back’, $translated); return $translated;}/** END CHANGE HOWDY **/

  11. Sean 'Wordpress Guy' Vosler says

    I know, actually had a client ask me if it was made by a southern company because when I was signed it in said ‘howdy’, had a good laugh, but def something to do if your not positive on how a client might react

  12. WPBeginner - WordPress for Beginners says

    Sean ‘WordPress Guy’ Vosler for the sake of customization? Not everyone thinks that Howdy is cool. Greg said he will be sending us a more detailed tutorial on how he added more links and such.

