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編集メモ: WPBeginner のパートナーリンクから手数料を得ています。手数料は編集者の意見や評価に影響を与えません。編集プロセスについて詳しく知る。

Twitterはその機能をより広いワールド・ワイド・ウェブに拡張している。すべては公式ツイートボタンから始まり、Twitter Anywhere Platform 、そして最近では新しい公式ツイッターフォローボタンが登場した。ツイッターのフォローボタンとは一体何なのか?Twitterフォローボタンとスマートフォローボタンは何が違うのでしょうか?ご心配なく。この投稿では、Twitterフォローボタンとは何か、WordPressサイトに追加する方法について説明します。



Twitter Follow Button


スマートフォローボタンはTwitter Anywhereとの統合が必須です。また、フォロワー数の表示やカスタマイザーもできません。一方、Twitterフォローボタンはカウントを表示でき、統合もとても簡単です。以下のライブ例をご覧ください(フォローをクリックするのを忘れないでください):







このコードをWordPressテーマの好きな場所に貼り付けることができる。ほとんどの人は、このようなコードをサイドバー.phpファイルに貼り付けるだろう。しかし、テーマファイルを編集するのが面倒な場合は、WordPressテーマのウィジェットを利用することもできる。すべての優れたテーマには、ウィジェット対応のサイドバーが付属している。したがって、あなたがしなければならないことはすべて、外観 ” ウィジェットタブに移動することです。そして、適切なサイドバーにテキスト・ウィジェットを追加する。 最後に、上記のコードを貼り付ければ完了です。下のスクリーンショットをご覧ください:

Twitter Follow Button Widget





  • data-show-count(真または偽)
  • data-button(青または灰色)
  • data-text-color(16進コード)
  • data-link-color(16進コード)
  • data-lang (en, fr, de, es) – 2文字のISO-639-1言語コードを使用します。
  • data-width – (300px)
  • data-align – (右)





情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


ツールキットへの無料アクセス - すべてのプロフェッショナルが持つべきWordPress関連製品とリソースのコレクション!

Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Pj Germain says

    SWEET! I didn’t wanna install yet another plug-in and this worked like a champ! I know it’s an old post, but hey, you nailed it!!!

    Thanks a bunch!

  3. Verity says

    Hi there, thanks for the info. I’ve added this on to my HTML page but the link is coming up just with text (ie my twitter name) and not the official Twitter button. Any advice? Thanks in advance.

  4. Si Sai says

    what if i have multiple authors on my blog and i want individual authors twitter follow button to be displayed for the posts they have submitted ?

  5. Chris Q says

    This is great! Thanks.

    I’ve built my blog from scratch with zero previous knowledge, and resources like yours have proved invaluable along the way.

    I have a question though: is there anyway to hide or remove the counter? It’s half obscured by an image so thought I’d just get rid. I tried deleting what I thought was the obvious piece of code but it’s still there.

  6. Nadia says

    I got the button to post just fine and it links and everything but I don’t know how to change the location its in. I posted it in my header but I want the button to show up right next to my FB icon and right now its being half covered up by another picture in the header. Suggestions??

      • Nadia says

        For anyone else having this problem-

        I had posted the link provided on this page into my header section. To edit the location, you need to go to the style section. I used this code:


  7. Judy Hochberg says

    I installed it in a text widget, and it looks fine on my blog, but I don’t understand how it works. When a user clicks on it, what happens? How does WordPress or Twitter know who the would-be subscriber is?

    When I try clicking on it I get a pop-up message that says something like “You are now subscribed to @my_twitter_handle.” The message is the same whether or not I’m logged into the website. So how is my identity known?

  8. Gemma says


    I followed the instructions and it did work–the button appears and when I tested it, it links to my twitter. However, the widget also shows the html code underneath the follow button on my blog. Is there any way to hide the code and just have the button?


      • David M. Perkins says

        The instructions above didn’t help at all–but fortunately I found another way through the plug-ins (after some *hours* I’ll never get back). You have to remember that this is called “WPBeginner”–emphasis on the “Beginner,” and telling someone to post code willy-nilly and not laying out *all* the steps: do this first, then click on that, which will show you this, etc. (some of us “beginners” are complete digital diplodoci, you know), is not helpful.

        In any case, I got it done–but *not* by following the instructions above.

        • Editorial Staff says

          Hi David,

          The reason why we say paste it anywhere in your theme is because we do not know where you want to add it. It could be in the header, sidebar, footer, after each post etc. Those are all different locations. Furthermore, we did mention that you can go to Appearance » Widgets and add it in the text widget. You can put the text widget in the appropriate widget areas (supported by your theme). Some have widget areas in the footer, but most have it in the sidebar.

        • David M. Perkins says

          @ Editorial Staff said ~

          “The reason why we say paste it anywhere in your theme is because we do not know where you want to add it. It could be in the header, sidebar, footer, after each post etc. Those are all different locations.”

          My point was that the directions could have said: “If you want to put it in your sidebar, go *here,* click on *here,* which will show you *this,* and then you paste the text *there.* If you want to have it appear at the bottom of your post, go *here,* click on *here,* which will show you *this,* etc.” I’ve still got the code, which did not make the button appear, pasted *somewhere* on my dashboard page–but the goddesses only know where it is at the moment.

          Again–some of us *are* beginners here–and digital diplodoci–and beginners sometimes need a gentle, kind, *guiding* hand to get where we want to go, n’est–ce pas?

        • Editorial Staff says

          Hello David,

          While we understand exactly what you are saying, it is harder than it sounds. Each WordPress theme is coded differently (general theme, child themes based on various frameworks etc). On top of that, we can’t possibly cover every single spot a human brain can think of displaying the button. This is the reason why we covered the most basic spot (Appearance > Widgets). Depending on the theme, you will have widgets for your the sidebar, header, footer, etc.

          We have a detailed overview of widgets in our free videos here:

  9. eggtartbox says

    I tried it and links to my twitter, but as regular text…would that be because I’m on a blog?

    • Alyssa says

      I have the same problem. It links it to my twitter but does not show the button. Any ideas on how to fix this?

  10. Gorn says

    Thanks for this. It doesn’t work for me, though. When I save the Text widget, the script element gets stripped out, and I end up with just a text link in my sidebar. Any ideas?

  11. TheNerdyNurse says

    nice addition. Feel my site loads too slow as it is. Worried that will be just one more thing to slow it down. I really need to figure out what it causing the drag in loading.

  12. jasonfox_me says

    Thanks for the tip. i took the code from Twitter and it it looked good (bad me for not testing) the other day my friend tells me he tried to follow me and got user does not exist. For some reason it left my old handle in the code….just a heads up.

