- What Is HTTPS?
- Why Do You Need HTTPS and SSL?
- Requirements for Using HTTPS/SSL on a WordPress Site
- Setting Up WordPress to Use SSL and HTTPS
- Method 1: Setup SSL/HTTPS in WordPress Using a Plugin
- Method 2: Set Up SSL/HTTPS in WordPress Manually
- Submit Your HTTPS Site to Google Search Console
- Bonus Resources
- Video Tutorial
2018年、Googleはサイト所有者にHTTPからHTTPSへの切り替えを促すことで、ウェブセキュリティを強化する取り組みを発表した。この動きをサポートするために、同社のChromeブラウザは、SSL証明書のないすべてのウェブサイトを “Not Secure “とマークするようになった。
安全ではありません」という警告が表示されると、ChromeはHTTPサイトにフラグを立てるようになった。たとえば、シークレット モードで HTTP サイトにアクセスしたり、HTTP サイトのお問い合わせフォームに入力したりすると、警告が表示され、安全でないサイトとしてマークされます。
Stripe、PayPal Pro、Authorize.Netなどの支払いプロバイダーは、安全な支払い接続を必要とします。
SSLを設定する時間がない場合は、プレミアムWordPressサポートサービスを ご利用ください!すべてのプロセスを弊社が代行し、サイトの安全性と訪問者への対応を確保します。
- 1回限りの料金
- 迅速な納期
- オンデマンドで24時間365日利用可能
まず、Really Simple SSLプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。
有効化したら、設定 ” SSLページにアクセスする必要があります。プラグインは自動的にSSL証明書を検出し、HTTPSを使用するようにWordPressサイトを設定します。
- SSL証明書の確認
- WordPressのURLでhttpsを使用するように設定する
- HTTPからHTTPSへのリダイレクト設定
- コンテンツ内で、安全でないHTTPソースからロードされているURLを探し、修正を試みる。
プラグインにはSSLを維持したままプラグインを安全に無効化できると書かれていますが、100%真実ではありません。プラグインを無効化するとミックスコンテンツエラーが復活するので、プラグインはすべて有効化したままにしておく必要があります。詳しくはReally Simple SSLレビューをご覧ください。
まず、設定 ” 一般ページにアクセスする必要があります。ここから、httpをhttpsに置き換えて、WordPressとサイトのURLアドレス欄を更新する必要があります。
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
server {
listen 80;
server_name example.com www.example.com;
return 301 https://example.com$request_uri;
これらの手順を実行することで、WordPressがHTTPSを使用してサイト全体を読み込むため、WordPress HTTPS not workingエラーを回避できます。
wp-config.phpファイルの“That’s all, stop editing!”行の上に以下のコードを追加します:
define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true);
これを行うと、サイトはSSL / HTTPSを使用するように完全に設定されますが、コンテンツが混在したエラーが発生します。
Search & Replace Everythingプラグインをインストーラし、有効化することで簡単に行うことができます。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。
有効化したら、Tools ” WP Search & Replaceページにアクセスしてください。検索」フィールドの下に、httpで
次に、’Preview Search & Replace’ボタンをクリックして、プラグインが行うすべての変更を確認します。
注:何らかの理由でまだコンテンツが混在したエラーが発生する場合は、ステージングサイトで問題を解決するか開発者に依頼する間、ユーザーに影響が出ないように Really Simple SSL プラグインを一時的に使用することをお勧めします。
HTTPSサイトをGoogle Search Consoleに送信する
そのためには、Google Search Consoleアカウントにアクセスし、「プロパティを追加」ボタンをクリックするだけです。
All In One SEOを使ってSearch Console検証コードを追加する
まず、All In One SEO for WordPressプラグインをインストールして有効化します。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のチュートリアルをご覧ください。
注: All In One SEOには無料版もあり、試すことができる。
有効化したら、All In One SEO ” 一般設定ページに移動し、Google Search Consoleをクリックします。
その下に、先ほどGoogle Search Consoleのサイトからコピーした認証コードを追加する必要があります。
次に、Google Search Consoleタブに戻り、「検証」ボタンをクリックします。
また、https版とhttp版の両方がSearch Consoleに追加されていることを確認する必要があります。
- WordPressでよくあるSSLの問題を解決する方法(初心者ガイド)
- 最も一般的なWordPressエラーとその修正方法
- TLSとSSL:WordPressにはどちらのプロトコルを使うべきか?
- WordPressのセキュア接続エラーを修正する方法
この記事がWordPressにHTTPSとSSLを追加するのにお役に立てば幸いです。また、WordPress サイトを安全に保つためのステップバイステップの手順や、SSL 証明書の更新方法が記載された究極のWordPress セキュリティガイドもご覧ください。
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This article is a little bit trap for newbie because if you first change to https in your wp panel and then try to add those codelines to right files you can’t reach your webiste or wp admin panel. (443 error) I had to edit files through ftp and made myself fool at work for making such a mistake. So first you have to get the certificates and edit htaccess file etcetc and then add that S in your wp admin panel (or directly edit thorugh ftp).
Thanks for heads up ! good article
Hi! Thank you for this article. Very useful!
But I was faced with one problem. After installing SSL (I use free version of Cloudflare SSL) I cannot edit any pages/posts/products. Does anybody face with such problem? And how did you solve it?
Thanks in advance!
Michael Penner
Thank you for the excellent and easy to understand article about WordPress and SSL. I was pleasantly surprised to see it was from one of my favorite plugin authors. Cheers!
WPBeginner Support
Hi Michael,
Glad you found it helpful
Maurizio Mau
Hi and many thanks for post,
i have implemented SSL, run good on all bowser included mobile, load in 1.5 sec, console upgraded, analitucs upgraded, redirect done, fixed all element but ranking drop approx 20% and above…
Onis Egwu
Hello There,
Wonderful article. The issue I have with using the .htaccess file to route through https is that whenever WordPress updates, it cleans off the edits done.
Is there a way to avoid this?
hi there,
i saw your post and is interesting..but i can’t understand one thing… I read you article and i made all about it … in admin area is ok all is https..
but the front end no .. i mean when i see the site with chrome the padlock appear and then disappear ???!??!?!
any ideas?
I am having the same issue. :/
Swapan Kumar Manna
I’ve purchased an SSL certificate form Godaddy and it is approved and downloaded the .crt file. I’m bit confused what are the next steps to install the file in the server and how to redirect all the URLs in the existing WordPress site. Can anyone give me the detailed guide step by step.
Also requesting WPBeginer to write an article on this topic “How to install SSL certificate in Godaddy.
Cathy Larkin
did you fix your issue? I am getting ready to do this. I thought GD did it for you?
Hi, as you said I went to my wordpress blog settings page and changed my domain url to https from http and clicked save however Now I am not able to login to my wordpress dashboard and getting 404 error.
How can I solve this please becuase I cannot even login to my wordpress dashboard to change it back to http again
Hello sir, I want to know why you are not using https on wpbeginner?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Abhay,
We don’t use HTTPS because we don’t collect any secure data. We do plan to change as our needs will change in the near future.
Pat B
Fantastically clear and helpful instructions. Many thanks!
Brody James
This worked great after following your steps. However, I notice that a few pages i.e. contact page does not display the green SSL lock but still displays https://
How do I fix this?
That really rocked!!! Thank you so much. The https rocks
Thanks so much for this.
all SSL redirections have problems with cookies didn’t found a solution from a year now. can someone help ? plz ? there is a big problem on auth cookies .. and got redirect to reauth=1
there is no synch of cookies between front and backend , and authors get disconnected when they upload files .. I think it’s related to root/wp-load.php and /wp-admin/async-apload.php
Amritosh Pandey
Please try this –
# BEGIN WordPress
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^443$
RewriteRule (.*) https://{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress
This Worked for me in my .htaccess file, all I needed to do was to change the port to “80”
The htaccess snippet in the post just refused to work.
thanks for this.
Hi, just wanted to let you know I added Let’s Encrypt to my site and changed it in my WordPress dashboard it automagically updated the LOGIN page. I didn’t need to add the code to the wpconfig.php file.
I wonder if this is a new addition to WordPress?
I recently moved my WP site from WP’s free hosting to another hosting site, the issue I’m facing is with SSL. Any help from here is appreciated?
What issues are you having?
Hi , after converting to https i am getting error like
“You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page” in wp-admin
Not able to access wp-admin.
When i revert the changes its working fine.
Can anybody please help
My website is redirecting under
https to a different website and I cannot find where the redirect is.
Any ideas as to where to look would be appreciated.
I have tested the plugins by disabling them.
I have tested the themes by changing themes.
I have looked at the htaccess.
All works well except under https where it redirects to one of my other sites.
Any help appreciated.
I changed the wordpress and site address at the General settings tab at wordpress from http to https. And I can’t access my site again.
I now get your site is insecure when Ii type in he url.
I can’t even access the admin.
Please help
Karl D.
Don’t know if you got this fixed, but you can go into mysql (phpMyAdmin) and look for the table wp-options. There you will find a table entry titled “siteurl” and one titled “home” you can remove the s from https in the url there and your site will come back. I would make sure that you have the .htaccess and wp-config edited like stated in this article first and upload them to your site first and check if things work from there. If not, reset the .htaccess and wp-config file and edit the mysql like stated above and your site will come back when accessed without the https.
Good luck!
Karl D.
Thanks Karl ! This worked ! I just edited the files in (phpMyAdmin) !
So if you mess with http / https settings with your wP try this !
I tried to edit my .httaccess file for 2-3 hours…..
After activation and change force admin ti https can’t login- Page Not found 401
can you please let me know how can I revert the changes?
I have erased the plugin via file manager,
Now can login to my wp admin but still can’t get into the plugins panel VIA Wp ,
it is asking for an https address
Please help
Naeem Hussain
Dear Sir WPbeginner,
I installed SSL + dedicated IP Certificate to my Wp Website name computerpakistan.com. Now its everything working fine, But problem with my website page speed.
Before SSL Speed
1.8 seconds
After SSL Installation site page Speed
4.3 Secondes by gtmatrix report
I am not able to access the admin area after I uploaded define(‘FORCE_SSL_ADMIN’, true); to wp-config.php. My site was already using wordpress https plugin with force ssl administration checked in. I removed that plugin using ftp but I am still not able to login. It says incorrect username or password. However neither the password nor the username has been changed. I think this was the problem after I tried adding define(‘FORCE_SSL_ADMIN’, true); to wp-config.php. I can see the login page on https version of the site but not able to login. Please guide further.
Its absolutely blank page and nothing else.
The Platypus
I’m hopeful you ran a back up before doing any changes to your site.. in either case revert back your site to an earlier state via your database, and whatever back up of your config.php file you have.
I’m having the same problem. I checked everything but I still cannot login in my admin area.
I had a similar problem after enabling FORCE_SSL_ADMIN in wp-config.php.
The login page etc. was coming up ok over HTTPS but it wouldn’t let me login successfully.
In this case, it was a plugin interfering – “Chap Secure Password Login”. After deactivating it, logins worked ok (and in fact, it’s not needed when WordPress is configured to force SSL on the admin page).
So I would suggest checking any login related plugins and try deactivating them.
Another issue is if you are using something like HAProxy in front of your webserver for load balancing, and get something like a “too many redirects” error message after trying to move WordPress to HTTPS.
In this case, you most likely need to modify wp-config.php to tell WordPress that the connection is actually HTTPS, otherwise it will keep trying to redirect even when the client connection is over HTTPS. There are some details here,
Hello sir I am using wordpress with https and www ……………….. in my site everthing is okay url of posts and pages are also use https but in google search results not show https in my website address only show http://www.example.com/post...
WPBeginner Support
You will need to inform Google about change of address from Google Webmaster Tools.
Hi, I followed your tutorial. Thanks, Everything works! But I am getting an error when I load the home page saying “Your connection to this site is private, but someone on the network might be able to change the look of the page”. I checked it out and it seems there is a problem in one of my font resources which uses Google Fonts with http instead https, can you show me how can I fix this?
Try removing the “http://” from the Google Font call. So it’s not being forced across HTTPS. The reference call to the Google Font link should start with the “www.” instead of “http://”
Naval Gupta
Should we use 301 redirect to redirect all http pages to https pages?
Mark Cohen
Everything working fine, except that when on Dashboard > Home I get exclamation mark across padlock in URL bar. Anyone know what content is being served insecurely on this page?
I made the changes in the site before I set up the certificate and now can not access the back end of my site.
David gillies
Hi followed your example and now cant access the website at all
if I try
all I get is jumbled page with no styling
WPBeginner Support
Instead of WordPress HTTPS SSL, please try Really Simple SSL plugin.
I need to do this soon for my nonprofit site, and I’m scared! Paying for this is going to be extra too, but I have to do it!. Thanks for this info….
So this comes up when I google my Blog Page. Using Bluehost/wordpress – DOES THIS MEAN O need to fix the SSL Cert issue aka buy from bluehost? Thank you!!!!
[We didn’t find any SSL certificate present on the website which is bad for users privacy. The site has a title but meta description is absent, it will be better for SEO if both are present. Homepage is in English.]
Thanks for this post! Helped a lot!
What if you have Mixed Content going on and were asked to fix that before you proceed with installing SSL?
My Firewall, Sucuri said that I need to fix the mixed content before they can install the SSL. Now I’m stuck and do not know how to proceed. I’m nervous with installing plugins. They recommended really-simple-ssl plugin. Have you had any experience with this? I try to limit the using plugins…
Thanks BRO
We installed the plugin WordPress HTTPS (SSL). We chose to only use SSL on specific pages option and everything is working great. However we have two important questions that came about after reading the GOOGLE article about migrating to https. Not sure if I can share link on here, so this is the title “Secure your site with HTTPS” on support google.
1. Does the plugin WordPress HTTPS (SSL) automatically create 301 redirects to help search engines know we moved to https on those specific pages?
2. If the plugin does not create the 301 redirects, do WE need to go ahead and create the 301 redirects manually for those specific pages that we added SSL on? Thank you in advance
WPBeginner Support
See if the plugin is redirecting by checking it with an online redirect checker tool. If it isn’t, then you can setup your own redirects.
I followed your advice and found a redirect tool. We used it and realized that the WordPress HTTPS (SSL) plugin DID in Fact create 301 redirects automatically. Great review and tutorial on this blog post and everything is working great. Thanks
WPBeginner Support
Glad you found it helpful
adam vikar
For a multisite setup, is there a code we can use to force SSL on the main site and NOT a specific subdomain?
I put the wrong info in the SSL host box and now I get a 404 error. I cannot get back to any of my pages to disable the plugin or to change the info in the SSL host box. Please advise….
Easiest solution - delete the plug-in
The easiest solution is to delete the plug-in.
Access the files on your server (If you are using cPanel, you can use ‘File Manager’
Browse to where the plug-ins are kept
Find the plug-in and delete it.
Hiep Pro
You can use ftp client to delete plugin folder on web dir.
Jithin Johny George
Awesome step-by-step guide.
But the plugin you have mentioned,WordPress HTTPS (SSL) has not updated in years.
Is there any alternative for the plugin ?
Thank You
I was advised by my firewall company to use Really Simple SSL. I haven’t tried it yet but they highly recommend it.
Kris Gabriel
Fantastic guide, simple and usefull.
The only thing to worry about is that the redirects causes the page to slow a bit down.
Is implementing the code listed above into the .access file the first choice or is it better with just a plugin?
I´ve chosen both options, that means both a wordpress https plugin AND .access code.
Would you say that is benicial or not?
Kind regards
Mursaleen Kamal
Assalam Alaikum Sir: We Have Been Successfully Implement this Guide on Our Website But We Still Facing Redirect issue,
Our Website Is Accessing from Both URL
http and https
and How to Resolve Mix Content Issue?
WPBeginner Support
Try really simple SSL plugin.
Ahmed Muhi
Thank you so much it worked.
Thank you for your guide. I add this code in my htaccess file
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.yoursite.com/$1 [R,L]
but now it do not do 301 redirect it is doing 302 redirect.
Please tell me is it ok to do 302 redirect or not.
WPBeginner Support
A 301 redirect means that the page has permanently moved to a new location. A 302 redirect means that the move is only temporary. Search engines need to figure out whether to keep the old page, or replace it with the one found at the new location.
Thanks for the article, but I should definitely have read it before adding the SSL and https to WP. Total newbie but somehow managing a wordpress site..
Changed WP site address on the settings page from http to https after an update recommendation on my admin panel. But now I can’t access the website or admin page! All I get is a blank page with the message ERR_TIMED_OUT and site can’t be reached.
I realised I hadn’t activated the free SSL certificate that comes with our web hoster. Now I have done that and I’ve tried adding a WP SSL redirect (http to https) code to the .htaccess file as well. And tried adding define force_SSL_admin to wp-config.php, but nothing has changed and I don’t know how to undo or fix the issue. Any suggestions or experience in this issue would be very helpful!
WPBeginner Support
Try using Really Simple SSL plugin.
sorry, but…I did not understand the part of .htaccess files … Must I add code to my htaccess or mix with my file ?
my original file is the default wordpress file
1-click Use in WordPress
The New file is correct ?
1-click Use in WordPress
Thank you, Mirko
WPBeginner Support
The new file redirects your users to HTTPS
I’m a little unclear what needs to be in the htaccess file to force SSL
This is my current htacess
after changing the url in general settings, all css styles are gone, and the wp-login page to change this setting is not showing because of to many redirects. be aware before using this tut, I have to back up.
WPBeginner Support
Please see our guide on how to fix too many redirects error in WordPress.
Mark C
Hi, what about if we’re using it only for the login.php page, where do we configure it?
Thank you for your article! I was wondering though, my website recently has suffered some problems with “too many redirects” error. I wonder if adding the .htaccess code you mentioned in the article for ssl redirect will make the problem worse? Some visitors to my website said they often see “this page isn’t redirecting properly” when they come to our website. Could it be that our customers are having trouble visiting our website because I don’t have that code in my .htaccess file?
Hi! I was wondering if there’s a reason why you only want SSL on specific pages instead of the whole website? Could this be because of performance?
Hello Syed! Great tutorial. I just want to ask that when ssl error window appears in browsers. Whether its the time to login,shopping or everytime you visit specific websit….For example if I have a blog which don’t offer login or shopping whteher ssl certificate is required or not???
WPBeginner Support
It is not required, but will certainly give you plus points in search results.
Jaclyn Mamuzich
For some reason our blog is not showing as https even though we have an ssl installed and I thought it was done before the migration but I could be wrong. I followed the steps in the article (greatly appreciated but for some reason when I complete all the steps, almost all of my styling disappears, specifically related to layout. Any suggestions?
As with JACLYN MAMUZICH. I have followed all the steps and when the site is viewed in https:// all the CSS has gone. Any suggestions?