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Moving WordPress from HTTP to HTTPS / SSL








Connection not private error in Google Chrome



2018年、Googleはサイト所有者にHTTPからHTTPSへの切り替えを促すことで、ウェブセキュリティを強化する取り組みを発表した。この動きをサポートするために、同社のChromeブラウザは、SSL証明書のないすべてのウェブサイトを “Not Secure “とマークするようになった。

Connection not secure


安全ではありません」という警告が表示されると、ChromeはHTTPサイトにフラグを立てるようになった。たとえば、シークレット モードで HTTP サイトにアクセスしたり、HTTP サイトのお問い合わせフォームに入力したりすると、警告が表示され、安全でないサイトとしてマークされます。




Stripe、PayPal Pro、Authorize.Netなどの支払いプロバイダーは、安全な支払い接続を必要とします。











SSLを設定する時間がない場合は、プレミアムWordPressサポートサービスを ご利用ください!すべてのプロセスを弊社が代行し、サイトの安全性と訪問者への対応を確保します。

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まず、Really Simple SSLプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。

有効化したら、設定 ” SSLページにアクセスする必要があります。プラグインは自動的にSSL証明書を検出し、HTTPSを使用するようにWordPressサイトを設定します。

SSL enabled on a WordPress website


  • SSL証明書の確認
  • WordPressのURLでhttpsを使用するように設定する
  • HTTPからHTTPSへのリダイレクト設定
  • コンテンツ内で、安全でないHTTPソースからロードされているURLを探し、修正を試みる。


プラグインにはSSLを維持したままプラグインを安全に無効化できると書かれていますが、100%真実ではありません。プラグインを無効化するとミックスコンテンツエラーが復活するので、プラグインはすべて有効化したままにしておく必要があります。詳しくはReally Simple SSLレビューをご覧ください。





まず、設定 ” 一般ページにアクセスする必要があります。ここから、httpをhttpsに置き換えて、WordPressとサイトのURLアドレス欄を更新する必要があります。

Update WordPress URLs




<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]


server {
listen 80;
return 301$request_uri;


これらの手順を実行することで、WordPressがHTTPSを使用してサイト全体を読み込むため、WordPress HTTPS not workingエラーを回避できます。


wp-config.phpファイルの“That’s all, stop editing!”行の上に以下のコードを追加します:

define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true);


これを行うと、サイトはSSL / HTTPSを使用するように完全に設定されますが、コンテンツが混在したエラーが発生します。


Not secure



Insecure content blocked



Mixed content errors displayed in browser console





Search & Replace Everythingプラグインをインストーラし、有効化することで簡単に行うことができます。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。

有効化したら、Tools ” WP Search & Replaceページにアクセスしてください。検索」フィールドの下に、httpであなたのサイトのURLを追加する必要があります。その後、「置換」フィールドにhttpsのサイトURLを追加します。

Add URLs into the search and replace fields



Select all tables in Search & Replace Everything

次に、’Preview Search & Replace’ボタンをクリックして、プラグインが行うすべての変更を確認します。


Click the Replace All button





Using inspect tool to find mixed content error





注:何らかの理由でまだコンテンツが混在したエラーが発生する場合は、ステージングサイトで問題を解決するか開発者に依頼する間、ユーザーに影響が出ないように Really Simple SSL プラグインを一時的に使用することをお勧めします。

HTTPSサイトをGoogle Search Consoleに送信する


そのためには、Google Search Consoleアカウントにアクセスし、「プロパティを追加」ボタンをクリックするだけです。

Add property



Add website URL in Google Search Console



HTML tag method to verify your site


All In One SEOを使ってSearch Console検証コードを追加する

まず、All In One SEO for WordPressプラグインをインストールして有効化します。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のチュートリアルをご覧ください。

注: All In One SEOには無料版もあり、試すことができる。

有効化したら、All In One SEO ” 一般設定ページに移動し、Google Search Consoleをクリックします。

Add Google Search Console verification code in All in One SEO

その下に、先ほどGoogle Search Consoleのサイトからコピーした認証コードを追加する必要があります。


次に、Google Search Consoleタブに戻り、「検証」ボタンをクリックします。

Verify ownership


また、https版とhttp版の両方がSearch Consoleに追加されていることを確認する必要があります。





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この記事がWordPressにHTTPSとSSLを追加するのにお役に立てば幸いです。また、WordPress サイトを安全に保つためのステップバイステップの手順や、SSL 証明書の更新方法が記載された究極のWordPress セキュリティガイドもご覧ください。

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

405件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Raul


    I’m in a predicament due to lack of knowledge and Google. My website is currently ranked # 2 in Google for a particular organic keyword. I ordered a SSL from my hosting company and I received confirmation that the SSL is ready to be used. I would like to use the SSL on every page in my site including the shopping cart but I don’t want to lose the #2 ranking in Google by not converting to SSL properly. Your advice will be appreciated.


  2. Jonathon Fowler

    Hi there,

    Great article. One question, I read that using a wildcard redirect will have a negative impact on SEO – is this correct? The articel says ranking will drop using a wildcard redirect.

    I have thousands if images on my site using http in the url…using yur redirect would direct all images to the new https?

    Thanks !

    • WPBeginner Support

      No, the whole purpose of redirects is to help with SEO and avoid negative impact of changed URLs. This is the method recommended by search engines themselves.


  3. dylan


    I love your site – lots of good stuff here.

    I’m wondering if you can recommend a wordpress security plug-in that you know for sure plays friendly (without too much hassle) with full site SSL / HTTPS.

    My site is covered already (every page) but I’m worried about installing a plug-in that may interfere.

    Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


  4. turan

    Thank you very much everything solved by adding above code to .htaccess file

  5. Joe

    Will changing the Site URL in WordPress to “HTTPS” auto redirect any HTTP requests?

    We don’t need htaccess rewrites if the SITE URL is HTTPS?

  6. Cristi Scutaru

    Great post, it helped me switch my WordPress site to SSL in just a few minutes!

    Great site as well, congrats for such a valuable content. I found myself often googling for some WordPress related answers for the past few days, and your pages came on top frequently, with clear and concise solutions.

  7. Piet

    When only switching the WP backend to SSL, the next challenge is how to show featured images in the backend? These are loaded via http instead of https and as such do not show in the WP backend anymore.

    Is there a way to load them from https for the backend only or do I just have to accept the fact that I will not be able to see them (in the backend)?

  8. Tushar

    Good article. Why don’t you use https on WPBegineer?

  9. Yuvraj Khavad

    Hi Team wpbeginner,
    Thanks for this post. You save my time.

    Keep Good Work.

    Yuvraj R K.

  10. Logan

    Thanks for this great guide to setting up https. Was using the plugin your mentioned for a long time but it caused problems with my site so I only used it to secure my admin panel. Now I can cover my entire site.

  11. Felix Figueroa

    The .htaccess edit broke my site with the “ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS” message. Tried suggestions detailed in this post. After disabling all plugins i get a 500 Server Error. Thanks, my site is completely broken now.

  12. Eivind F Skjellum

    Thanks, very helpful. Got my ssl working thanks to you!


  13. beamkiller

    Dear wpBeginner,

    I have made the modifications in htaccess and Options too but I got error in Chrome:

    So my page is not secured with SSL, on Checkout and My-Account it is working with WooCommerce. But I cannot get to work it on the whole WP installation.

    • MMPrint

      Hope this helps:

      Uncheck the WooCommerce “Un-force HTTPS when leaving the checkout” setting.

      The htaccess if forcing https but then woocommerce forces http so they just go back and forth in a loop.

      • Chetan

        Hi MMPrint

        I can give thousand thumbs up to your answer. This has solved my issue which i was living with since the last 10 days. No matter what i tried in the .htaccess file the site wasnt showing up. I also played with deactivating the plugins etc etc. Finally it was woocommerce which was the culprit.

        Thanks a lot man !


  14. Kevin Verlinden

    I like this site the information is very useful and comprehensive. It has helped me already a lot of times.

  15. Austin

    Hey – any reason SSL is not being used on Optinmonster etc like mentioned in the article?

      • Austin

        “We already use SSL for our eCommerce sites like OptinMonster, Soliloquy, and Envira Gallery.”

        I took this to mean all of the pages – wondering if that was the case and now for some reason it has been reverted to non-SSL?


  16. Armando Landois

    I followed this guide and now my domain is working at

  17. George

    I tried this plugin and it broke my site. Uninstalled in immediately. I still need what this plugin offered, which is https on some pages, but not the whole site. Is there any other plugin (other than this one, which hasn’t been updated in over two years) that can do this?

    • Patrick

      The free version of iThemes Security will take care of this for you ;-)

      • Celeste

        What do you mean, Patrick, that iThemes Security will take care of this. I just went to their website and it seems like a good plugin for enhanced security. But I didn’t see any reference to SSL or setting up specific pages to use SSL only.

  18. Octavio Cestari

    I did the installation of a plugin which forced all the site enter https, now I can no longer access the site or the wordpress dashboard, how do I reverse the process?

  19. Drew

    I just added the code using your .htaccess solution. Worked perfectly and exactly as described. A big thank you!

  20. michael s

    You say all you need to do is buy a certificate, but my hosting service requires a static IP address also which is WAY more expensive than a basic certificate. My service wants $4/month for static IP.

  21. DJ

    I did this change and now I can’t access my site through WP-ADMIN
    It is stating my site is down. I don;t have an .htaccess file in my files. I have set FileZilla to show hidden files and cannot find it. Can you help me get back into my site?


      • DJ

        I cannot get in to deactivate any plugins.

    • DJ

      OK, added the htaccess file and added the code you have above but I still cannot get in.

      Any ideas? All I’m seeing is a message saying my site does not exist.


      • David Coombes

        Not sure if you are still having an issue but if you google ‘a plugin broke my site’ or something similar then there’s some good answers – basically it involved removing the plugins folder which should get your site back then reactivating the plugins one by one.
        Hope it helps – it’s frustrating when a site goes down.

  22. Sasha

    I used the .htaccess method and got this error:

    “The page isn’t redirecting properly

    Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

    This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.”

    Any one has an idea?


  23. Mike S

    I added the code into the .htaccess and I got the following issue:

    The page isn’t redirecting properly

    Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

    This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.

  24. Marych


    I didn t get a certificate but just went to settings > General and replaced http by https .
    after updating I can t access to my wordpress url and the message ‘ Your connection is not private

    Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). ‘ is displayed .

    Any solution , please help me

    • Andron

      You need to get a certificate in order for it to work. When you request a page over https, it starts a conversation between your browser and the server in which the server validates its identity as the correct site. That validation occurs by sending a trusted certificate to your browser. If a certificate doesn’t exist, your browser will give you that “connection is not private” warning. It’s done to protect you from sites that aren’t who they claim to be.

      Namecheap offers basic SSL certificates for $9 a year, and there are plenty of other options. If you can wait, look into — they’ll be offering free ones starting this September, I think.

    • sewe herbert

      Hi Marych, just had that same problem, but managed to fix it; here is how

      use an FTP Program, alocate the wp-config.php
      then put this just after (define(‘ABSPATH’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/’);)


      then save and re-upload the wp-config.php file
      Then all is well

  25. Gary Morrison

    We have did like you said .. and not we are locked out of the dashboard and any page we go to on front end will not display only home page works.

    Thank you for your time ..

    P.S. and now my images are not showing up…

    • WPBeginner Support

      Please retry all the steps in the article again. If the problem persists contact your web hosting service provider.


      • Gary Morrison

        There was a problem on Hosting side with the migration to SSL server..
        All is good TY

  26. Tom L

    Thank you very much for your support. I was able to install the plugin and have my site with all pages https without any adjustments.
    Perfect instructions.

  27. Tecnologia Geek working i make this to show the green bar?

  28. Tecnologia Geek

    can i have some help here.. i dit all this step but..the site look diferent and i cant login to admin..

  29. Maarten

    It is worth mentioning this technique breaks WooCommerce downloads. It will end in a 403 access denied for forced download or x-sendfile downloadable products.

  30. Matthew

    Thanks for the excellent article.
    I was under the impression that installing an SSL certificate was as simple as you have indicated… however, when I installed mine it appears to confused (and completely broken) my site. I am being told that some parts of my wordpress database have changed to https, but others haven’t.
    Now I can’t get in to the wordpress admin area at all – but I can ftp to the hosting.
    Any ideas how I can update my wordpress databases and themes to reflect https rather than http ?
    I am tempted to uninstall the certificate, restore my entire site from a backup and wander off, shaking my head in frustration.

  31. Shane

    Your article made no mention of verifying plugin compatibility with SSL before making the change. Is that because plugin code generally doesn’t go “offsite” and hence result in “insecure” content warnings, or are plugins something that we should be concerned about and carefully review before considering the switch?

  32. Jim R

    thank you for this- never used SSL or HTTPS before and suddenly needed a java donations page to be HTTPS. with your instructions I was able to get it working in a matter of minutes.

  33. Jennifer Goddard

    Don’t download this plug in. As of late 2014 there are multiple complaints of incompatibility!

  34. GJ

    Thanks for the tutorial.

    I wanted to add a few more resources..

    1) Change all the ur’s media/js etc through the Bluevelvet plugin from http to https

    2) if you do not have the green https color you can look for insecure files at

    3) Submit your https version to the webmaster tools as well

    • Kevin Donnigan (@anythinggraphic)

      Very good additional tips. Appreciate it.

    • Amr

      Ahh All what i needed bro you’re the man!

  35. Ollie

    Excellent tips as always.

    I’d like to point out for anyone using the .htaccess redirect, to include that in their htacces file first at the top. I had the usual wordpress htaccess code at the top of the file and it wasn’t working until I pasted the new code before it.

  36. Johny P

    Really now a days ssl is moving to a new level . Awesome article. :)

  37. Rael

    hi guys,

    I have an http link which cannot be changed using // because the server it’s on doesn’t have SSL.

    The issue comes when this link appears on a secure page on my site.

    Is there a way to redirect it to http once off the https page?

  38. Muhammad Umer

    Hi Syed i really need your help in this, some plugin causing this i added this today more than 5 times after few time it remove automatically from htaccess file, i am using w3 total cache.

  39. Muhammad Umer

    Hi, Thank you for the guide i configured everything perfectly with your guide, but when i empty cache or use w3 total cach plugn they removed my .htaccess file and start their own.
    is there any settings in the plugin?
    currently want to use ssl on

  40. Mark

    Hi, the WordPress HTTPS plugin hasn’t been updated in a couple of years. Do you still recommend it?

  41. WPBeginner Staff

    Your site is making http requests to resources which are not secure. For example many WordPress themes fetch Google fonts using a non-https url. View your site’s source code to figure out which scripts, images, stylesheets are using non-https URLs.

    • Dustin

      Very helpful. SSL works great on my sites now. The main issue I ran into was securing images. Easy to identify, but time-consuming to fix. It seems all I had to do was reload the same image and it fixed the problem. For sites that have hundreds or more images, is there a plugin or an easier way you’d recommend to fix insecure images? Thank you.

      • Gavin

        Like Justin, the biggest issue I had was with images. I’m currently running SSL Insecure Content Fixer plugin with the ‘Content’ option checked to resolve this issue, but it’s unsatisfactory to have to have a plugin activated all the time instead of just being able to apply a change from http to https to images across the board (perhaps other media types too? – I haven’t check this). Is there a way to apply a universal permanent change? Thanks.

  42. Travis Pflanz

    One of the biggest culprits of elements not being loaded over HTTPS is a theme calling Google Fonts. Unfortunately, many theme developers call the Google font with http://, rather than just //

  43. WPBeginner Staff

    Seems like your website has some elements loaded from a non secure URL. Most probably a third party script or stylesheet.

  44. Heri Saputra

    Hi.. I have been installed comodo ssl to my site but ssl on my site is not green light, how I can fix it?

  45. Heri Saputra

    Hi,,, I have been installed ssl to my website but my ssl is not green light but like this, how I can fix it? Tx

  46. Matthew Bochnak

    Thanks for posting this! I had to go through this process and could not figure out the redirect from http to https.

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