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Add a Favicon to Your WordPress Blog




WPBeginner favicon














最初のステップは、WordPressカスタマイザーにアクセスすることです。クラシックテーマを使用している場合は、外観 ” カスタマイザーで これを行うことができます。

The WordPress customizer


次に、左サイドバーの「Site Identity」タブをクリックする。

Selecting the Site Identity tab on the WordPress Theme Customizer



Choosing the 'Select site icon' option inside the Site Identity tab of the Theme Customizer



Selecting the WPBeginner logo as the WordPress blog favicon




Cropping the WordPress blog favicon





そのためには、WordPressの管理画面から外観 エディターに アクセスする必要があります。

Selecting the Full-Site Editor from the WordPress admin panel



Selecting Patterns on the WordPress Full-Site Editor



Selecting the Header pattern on WordPress Full-Site Editor



Clicking the pencil button to edit the header using the Full Site Editor



Opening the block inserter to find the Site Logo block



Clicking the Upload button on the Site Logo block to insert a WordPress blog favicon



Activating the Use as a site icon option on the Block settings sidebar



Ticking the Icon box when saving an image as a WordPress favicon on the Full-Site Editor





有効化したら、WordPressダッシュボードの 外観 ” ファビコンに 移動します。


Navigating to the Favicon by RealFaviconGenerator plugin on the WordPress dashboard



Clicking the Generate favicon button on the Favicon by RealFaviconGenerator plugin page


背景色やGoogle検索結果ページ(SERPs)、iOS、Android、macOS Safari、Chrome、Windows Metroでの見え方など、さまざまな設定をカスタマイザーでカスタマイズできる。

Editing how a favicon looks with the Favicon by RealFaviconGenerator tool




Generating a WordPress blog favicon using the Favicon by RealFaviconGenerator tool




テーマカスタマイザーに「Site Identity」セクションがない場合や、ブロックテーマを使っていてサイトロゴとは別のファビコン画像が欲しい場合に便利です。








Choosing the Image option on



Downloading the newly-generated favicon from





An example of what a WordPress root directory may look like in Bluehost



Clicking the Upload button on Bluehost's File Manager



Inserting files into Bluehost's File Manager



What the root directory looks like when the favicon files are uploaded


左サイドバーで、Code Snippets Header & Footerに移動します。

Paste code into the Header section in WPCode


次に、そこからHTMLコードをコピーする必要がある。このHTMLコードには4つのlink rel タグが含まれているはずです。

Copying the HTML code from



Inserting the HTML code from to WPCode's Header & Footer














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Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Hajjalah says

    This article was so helpful for me because I was wondering why other websites logos are present in search results while mine wasn’t there. When I used “Method 1: Adding a Favicon Using the WordPress Customizer” Google was the only engine showing up, I also used “Method 3: Adding a Favicon Using a WordPress Favicon Plugin” and then Yandex search started showing up but, Bing search results failed to show my Favicon. I don’t know why?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If you did a search recently after changing your Favicon, the most likely reason would be that the search engine had yet to recrawl your site.


  3. mohadese esmaeeli says

    In my opinion, having a favicon can attract the audience’s attention and add a stylish and aesthetic touch to the website in the browser. Perhaps it can capture the viewer’s gaze and be a distinctive feature.

  4. mohadese esmaeeli says

    Hello. The favicon section of my website is not working. Even when I provide the url in the theme settings, it doesn’t show. I also tried from the site ID part, but it gives an error of not processing the image. Can you please guide me on this?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If you are using the built-in option for your theme then we would first recommend reaching out to your theme’s support as they may have a specific requirement for the favicon image using their tool.


  5. Jiří Vaněk says

    The last time I uploaded a favicon to a website, I struggled for a really long time with the icon not showing up on the website. I cleared the browser cache and wordpress itself and it didn’t help. She didn’t show up on her own until a few hours later. If someone is having trouble with it, the cache can be in many places. CDN, on the network element at home, on the server. So sometimes it’s good to just wait a while and not stress right away. Otherwise, the Favicon is a small thing, but it is a great way to customize your own page.

  6. WPBeginner Support says

    Having a favicon can help with your SEO as well as to help users remember your site but it is not required and the first favicon you set can be changed to a different one later on.


    • Peter Iriogbe says

      Now I see why site owners stick to using Favicon which looks the same as their site logo.

    • Jiří Vaněk says

      Favicon is not necessary and does not affect SEO and search in any way. It is the personalization of the page. A favicon is great in two ways. If someone adds your page to their favorites, they will immediately recognize it by the favicon and do not have to search for a long time. The second great thing is when you have multiple pages open in your browser. You can also recognize the given page immediately by the favicon. So I definitely recommend having it, even if it doesn’t really affect SEO and search itself.

      • mohadese esmaeeli says

        Exactly, I agree. I’ve experienced the same issue. Often, when searching, I open various websites, and after an hour, I realize I have many tabs open in the Chrome browser, right in front of my eyes! However, having a favicon helps me quickly locate my desired site among the numerous tabs.

  7. Meer Hamza says

    1-Is it ok to just upload site Icon from theme>customize>site Icon. Will it show as favicon?
    2-I upload site Icon on wordpress website. Is it necessary to show Favicon at URL

    • WPBeginner Support says

      1. Yes it is fine to upload it from there
      2. It is not necessary but it can be helpful for finding the favicon later.


  8. Ben says

    I think this needs an update. I tried this and there’s no “Site Identity” tab under Appearance > Customize

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Your specific theme may have a custom editor or if you are using the block editor you could add the site logo block, set an image, and in the block’s settings have that set as the site’s favicon.


    • WPBeginner Support says

      Our blob is a simple design of a face smiling using an exclamation point and parenthesis :)


    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would normally want to clear your site’s cache as well as try setting the favicon again for a common reason.


  9. John says

    I’m new to this so would appreciate some guidance with favicon. The website I’m trying to look after needs the favicon changing. Can I load a new image as a favicon that will overwrite the favicon currently on the pages or must i delete the current one then load a new image?
    Thanks for any reply

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would want to reach out to the support for your specific theme for if your theme has this option.


  10. Ray says

    I was fine on the video until you said “click on site identity”… there is no such tab on my version. The first option is “Global” then Header, Breadcrumb, UberMenu{main], Blog, etc. No “Site Identity”…so obviously without being to get to that screen I’m not going anywhere. Is there another way in?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If your theme has different settings and you are unable to find the favicon in the customization settings, you would want to reach out to the support for your specific theme to see if they have it located in a theme-specific area.


  11. Krishna says

    Hii Wpbeginner!
    I’m using Astra theme my website Favicon is working every one except Google search results. How can I fixed it?

  12. Raj says

    Great ! I always go through from your tutorials when ever i get stuck in any kind of issue. Thanks for it.

  13. John Barson says

    Can’t Add a Favicon to Your WordPress Website? That was my problem. I did a fair bit of research where I finally found my issue. It was because the PHP GD Library was not enabled. Fortunately, I control my own server. I had upgraded the server PHP to v7.2 but I forgot to enable the PHP GD library. So…if you find when you try to add the site icon in the appearances section of your wordpress admin and the image you upload/select is not being accepted or you can’t use the crop image feature it is most likely because your webserver host has not enabled the GD Library.

    • Cean Herzfield says

      Thank you so much! You saved me a lot of frustration because I’m working on Xampp and it was disabled by default. Now wouldn’t it have been nice if they had mentioned it in the article.

  14. Pritam says

    Favicon of my website was visible before I changed DNS for Cloudflare. Now it is visible in the admin side but not on the website. How to solve this problem. you can check on my website

  15. RAJ says

    “When I go to the “Site Identity” tab, there is no place to upload a site icon. The only option I have is the “Site Title”. That’s ALL!
    I am using WordPress 4.7.3.”

    • Bekzat Sadykov says

      I guess, the WP theme you are using doesn’t have favicon implemented. So, if it is not declared in theme functions.php file, it won’t appear in admin/editor side.
      You can hardcode it to header.php or use third-part plugins.

  16. Eleanor says

    Hi, I recently updated my website from HTTP to HTTPS and when that happened, the site icon stopped working. Does this mean that somewhere along the line I’ve missed a step? I’ve tried changing the image and reuploading a new one and that hasn’t worked. If someone types in the website URL using http then the old favicon (and not site icon) shows up, but the minute it’s https, then it disappears. The site icon though is visible when I’m logged into the dashboard.

    • Matt Parker says

      I’m on HTTPS and I have the same issue, did you find a solution?
      Favicon only shows when I’m logged in in admin mode!

  17. Jimmy says

    When I go to the “Site Identity” tab, there is no place to upload a site icon. The only option I have is the “Site Title”. That’s ALL!
    I am using WordPress 4.7.3.

    Please help!

    • Ahmed Akeem says

      I guess, the WP theme you are using doesn’t have favicon implemented. So, if it is not declared in theme functions.php file, it won’t appear in admin/editor side.
      You can hardcode it to header.php or use third-part plugins.

  18. Tim says

    Can anyone tell me how this new “Site Icon” feature is supposed to work? I get to the point where the file is uploaded and I get a dialog box that offers to crop the image. The problem is 1) my image doesn’t need to be cropped and 2) there’s no “Save” button (or “Done” or anything similar), only a “Crop” button and the upper right corner X to close the dialog. If I click “Crop” I get an error (Error cropping this image, bla bla bla) and if I hit the X it closes. Either way, my image is not saved as a Site Icon (even though it is saved in the media library. After deleting the image, resizing it to exactly 512×512, I upload it again. This time, no crop dialog, just the “Select” image dialog. I click select, the image has a box around it and a check mark and nothing else happens. No Save, etc. When I close the dialog, there’s still “No image selected.” This happens in Chrome AND Firefox. I’m ready to throw WordPress away and hand code everything. I haven’t used WordPress in a couple of years and I’m frustrated with what seems like buggy, poor design and feature bloat.

  19. Jason says

    Why does it need to be 512 pixels for an icon? I’m hoping it’s converted somewhere inside WordPress, once and done, and not on every load. 512×512 is crazy for something that would very rarely be bigger than 32X32, unless I am missing something?

  20. John Krawczyk says

    Article not useful. Everyone tells you to make a path to your favicon & that’s it.

    However do you include http: www http do you specify .ico .png?
    Nobody says anything in detail.

  21. Joe says

    Using WP4.7 and the Site Icon functionality works, but it just seems off to me. The result is 4 links in the section:

    But it creates 10 different versions of the site icon image in addition to the original at sizes of 32×32, 100×100, 150×150, 180×180, 192×192, 250×250, 270×270, 300×300, 360×360, 500×310.

    Why so many cropped images if only 4 linked to?

    Also, I submit an icon image sized 512×512 as recommended, but the 500×310 version is always cropped so the top and bottom of the icon is cut off. Is there any way around this and/or is it a big deal?

    What browser support does this WP Site Icon cover (mostly in respect to how far back in IE)?


  22. Marieke says

    In Whatsapp, the image which appears left to a link address if you send a link: is that the same icon? Because I don’t see it there.

  23. Cos says

    The ICO Format plugin for Adobe Photoshop does not allow images more than 256 pixels high or wide. So how do you create one that’s 512px???

    • Marieke says

      It doesn’t need to be made an .ico. Just a plain .png or .lpg will do when you work in WordPress.

  24. Taimoor Ahmed says

    Kindly tell me any website or a software from where I can make an effective favicon for my site in a quick time????

  25. Kirstie says

    Thank you for another simple to follow tutorial. I’m a true beginner and y’all do a great job explaining things in a way I can understand.

  26. ccstacyline says

    how come my side identity menu doesn’t have the service for site icon? I am so frustrated… can you help ?

  27. John Davis Frain says

    Are the instructions you give here theme-specific? I’m using the Delicacy theme, and it doesn’t give me that option to alter Site Identity and insert a Favicon.

      • Mad Dog Malcs says

        Hi There, I also don’t see the site identity tab, I am using the sketch theme, how do I update a theme?

        Thanks in advance, Malcs

        • shashi says

          i may go to theme custimztion..there u see the option of uploading the favicon icon easliy…

    • Antonios says

      You might not see the word “favicon” probably site icon. If you see a scrow bar you might have to scrow all the way down to see the select image box.

  28. Alan says

    I upload a PNG file that is exactly 512×512 pixels, WordPress saves it, and then I end up with a cropped image in my media library. Super annoying! WordPress 4.4.

    • Alan says

      I should add that the new, cropped image is exactly the same dimensions as the original I uploaded, but now I have two in my library (albeit one has been processed twice, and has actually increased two kilobytes in file size!).

  29. Katherine Johnston says

    I have gone through the directory, exactly as you described, but my Site Identity tab only has “Site Title”, “Tagline”, and a checkbox for displaying header text. How can I fix that? Or do I have to go the FTP route?

    Thanks for the help!

