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WordPressにCloudflare Free CDNを設定する方法(ステップバイステップ)


Cloudflareは、市場で入手可能な最高のWordPress CDNサービスの1つです。ウェブサイトを高速化する無料のCDNと、中小企業のウェブサイト向けの強力なセキュリティ機能を提供しています。



How to Setup Cloudflare Free CDN in WordPress (Step by Step)







Content Delivery Network (CDN)







Cloudflare CDNとは?

Cloudflare CDN





関連 WPBeginnerがSucuriからCloudflareに切り替えた理由についての投稿をご覧ください。

それでは、WordPressでCloudflare Free CDNを設定する方法を見ていきましょう。以下のクイックリンクからチュートリアルの各パートに飛ぶことができます:

WordPressでCloudflare CDNを設定する

まずCloudflareのサイトにアクセスし、「Sign Up」ボタンをクリックします。

Visit Cloudflare website



Create Cloudflare account



The Cloudflare Thank You Page



Enter Your Website's Domain Name



Select Cloudflare free plan



プライマリドメインがCloudflare上でオレンジ色の雲のアイコンで有効化されていることを確認するために、リストを確認する必要があります。状態を変更するには、「Proxy status」トグルをクリックします。

Verify DNS Records to Set up Cloudflare



Change to Cloudflare nameservers


Domain.comなどの ドメイン登録業者のアカウントからネームサーバーを変更できます。





Click the Settings Button Next to Your Domain in Bluehost



Click the 'Manage' Button Next to Your Bluehost Nameservers



Bluehost Disclaimer About Updating Nameservers



Managing Nameservers in Bluehost

その後、Cloudflareのセットアップページに戻り、’Done, check nameservers’ボタンをクリックしてセットアップを完了します。


Check Cloudflare nameservers



Cloudflare success message





最初の設定は「Automatic HTTPS Rewrites」である。

Cloudflare Automatic HTTPS Rewrites




Always Use HTTPS

一部のユーザーから、Cloudflareでこの設定を使用した際の問題が報告されています。この設定は初期設定では無効化されていますので、そのままにしておくことをお勧めします。この投稿の後半で、All In One SEOプラグインを使用してHTTPからHTTPSにリダイレクトする方法を紹介します。



Brotli Compression




Cloudflare Quick Start Summary


  • HTTPSの自動書き換え:オン
  • 常にHTTPSを使用:オフ
  • ブロトリオン







まず、ページ左のメニューから「ルール」オプションをクリックします。その後、’Create Page Rule’ボタンをクリックします。

Cloudflare Page Rules



  • ページURL:*
  • 設定セキュリティレベル – 高

完了したら、’Save and Deploy’をクリックしてルールを保存し、有効化する。

Secure WordPress login page




Click the Create Page Rule Button



  • ページURL:*
  • 設定セキュリティレベル – 高
  • キャッシュ・レベル – バイパス
  • パフォーマンス無効化
  • アプリの無効化

完了したら、本当に〜してもよいですか’Save and Deploy’をクリックして、新しいルールを追加してください。

Exclude WordPress dashboard



Set SSL certificate settings




4.All In One SEOを使ってHTTPからHTTPSにリダイレクトする

Cloudflareの「Always Use HTTPS」機能を使用することはお勧めしないと前述しました。素晴らしい代替案は、All In One SEOプラグインを使用することです。これは、300万以上のサイトで使用されているWordPress用の最高のSEOプラグインです。

最初に行う必要があるのは、All In One SEOプラグインを有効化してインストールすることです。詳しくはWordPressプラグインのインストール方法をご覧ください。

その後、All In One SEO ” General Settingsにナビゲーションし、ライセンスキーを’License Key’ボックスに入力し、’Connect’をクリックします。

Enter AIOSEO license key

ライセンスキーは、All In One SEOサイトのアカウントプロフィールで確認できます。

次に、All In One SEO ” リダイレクトに移動し、「フルサイトリダイレクト」メニューナビゲーションオプションをクリックします。

AIOSEO Full Site Redirect

ページを下にスクロールして、「Canonical Settings」トグルを見つけてください。このトグルが青くなるようにクリックしてください。

次に、「Redirect from HTTP to HTTPS」トグルをオンにします。これにより、HTTPからHTTPSへのリダイレクトが作成され、訪問者が常にあなたのサイトに安全に接続できるようになります。

Using AIOSEO to Force HTTPS






完了したら、管理画面のSettings ” CloudflareでCloudflareの設定を行います。


Cloudflare plugin settings


Get your API key from here(APIキーを取得する)」リンクをクリックします。

Entering API Credentials Into the Cloudflare Plugin



その後、「Global API Key」セクションに移動し、「表示」ボタンをクリックする。

Get global API key



Click to Copy the Global API Key


次に、’Save API Credentials’ ボタンをクリックします。

Save Cloudflare API Credentials in WordPress




Apply to optimize WordPress



Cloudflare for WordPress Settings



Change WordPress security level


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情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


ツールキットへの無料アクセス - すべてのプロフェッショナルが持つべきWordPress関連製品とリソースのコレクション!

Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
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  2. Nelson

    My hosting provider connected my website over Cloudflare CDN.
    But main problem is with website speed.
    Speed ​​with direct access 100% and when accessed via CDN 85%. How can it be fixed?

  3. Andrew Hansen

    My hosting plan through Host gator says it has cloudflare installed. Is that good, or should I uninstall it through the hosting plan and manually add it so i can customize my options?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on how Cloudflare is set up on your account, if you have access to cloudflare’s settings then you can continue to use what is on your account without worrying.


      • Andrew Hansen

        I do not have control over settings.

        • WPBeginner Support

          Jus to be safe, check with your host as there may be a hidden settings area for Cloudflare in the hosting settings.

        • Andrew Hansen

          I checked the information regarding cloudflare through Hostgator. you can manage what level caching (assets only, assets and web pages, or assets and web pages extended) and you can clear the cache, but hostgator says under the cons of using it “No option to customize – Currently, you cannot customize cache settings (for example, which content gets cached, the cache timing, etc.) for the CDN.”

  4. Jiří Vaněk

    I use Cloudflare DNS along with their CDN. The integration of Cloudflare CDN into the WP Rocket plugin, which I use for caching, is fantastic. The CDN can be linked with the caching plugin, allowing for the simultaneous clearing of both the website cache and the CDN cache with a single button in WP Rocket.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Connections like that to help simplify the process are very helpful :)


  5. Ralph

    I plan on making website from europe server (cheaper) to US users and this guide is godsend! Even better it is possible to do it for free. Thank you for this detailed guide. It will definitely help me setting everything up as I never really understood how to do this. Every other guide was lacking details and was too general.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad to hear our guide was helpful :)


  6. Salman

    Hi, I use the “WPS Hide Login” plugin. While creating a page rule for the login page should I use the default login URL or the new login URL which I am using with the help of the plugin?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If the login page is on a different URL you would want to set the page rule for the active login page that users would visit.


  7. Neal Umphred

    Thanks for another useful how-to article!

    Regarding the ‘Always Use HTTPS’ option, you wrote: “Some users have reported issues when using this setting with Cloudflare.”

    What are those issues?

    • WPBeginner Support

      The errors vary between sites so we don’t have a specific list of errors to point to at the moment.


  8. Sohil Jain

    If I setup comment on my main domain wil it will be setup automatically to subdomain too? Because I don’t want cloudflare setup to apply to subdomain as I only want on main domain. So where to click so that it will not apply to subdomain

    • WPBeginner Support

      There is an option in Cloudflare to exclude a subdomain so you wouldn’t need to worry about that.


  9. Evindu Shavinda

    I added Cloudflare to my website today. So, I had to remove my hosting’s nameservers & replace them with Cloudflare nameservers from my domain registrar.

    This is the question – 1. So, how my hosting account still works? I have removed its nameservers from the domain registrar

    • Aftab

      Don’t worry about hosting. Cloudflare doesn’t modify or change your hosting configuration. Your site will be hosted on your current host only. The reason why cloudflare asks you to change the nameserver because it passes your site through their DNS. It routes your web traffic through the Cloudflare network. So they can proxy your traffic through their network. Cloudflare offers security, ddos protection to all the sites that are configured with their nameservers. You don’t need to spend a single penny to configure your site through network. It’s a part of the free plan. No matter how many sites you have.

  10. Nina Cen

    When I tried to add the page rules for my wordpress login page, I got message “Not Acceptable! An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.”
    Is anything I did wrong? Or I just need to wait for a little while to try again?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to check with your hosting company for that specific error as that normally means they have a security rule set to prevent certain things on your site.


  11. Shyam

    I s there a way to turn off the second loading screen for security verification purposes and that CAPTCHA page which you have mentioned in the Cons of Cloudflare?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You should be able to change the settings to remove that if you wanted but you would want to check with CloudFlare for the current method.


  12. Lou

    I’m setting up Cloudflare – thanks to your article! I’ve already got W3 super cache plugin – do I need both? Are they going to confuse each other? Total newb question I know!

    • WPBeginner Support

      They have slightly different functions and there is an integration so the two can work with each other without an issue.


  13. Faith Nte

    Thank you for this guide. It helped me reduce the time my page loads

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful :)


  14. Muntaha

    What if someone mistakenly adds the wrong parameters in page rules and then deployed it. Is there any way back to change page rules after deploying it?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can change your settings after setting them if you need to.


  15. bali kratom

    thanks for sharing this content

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  16. Will

    Probably a noob question, but I have a lot of existing video and photo files on my site. Will they all be migrated to Cloudflare’s CDN or do I have to do that manually? I followed the setup steps, but my content still takes forever to load, and when I view its URL, it’s still showing my site’s URL and path.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You shouldn’t need to transfer your content, for the slow loading you may want to reach out to CloudFlare for them to take a look


  17. Brooke

    Thanks so much for this, helps a lot!

    Just to be clear, even though I’ve added my site to cloudflare, I still need to get an SSL cert separately? Cloudflare does not supply ssl cert?

    Thanks again!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to take a look again under the Configuring Most Important Cloudflare Settings section for CloudFlare’s SSL :)


  18. Ibraham Aali

    Admin, kindly answer these question like

    After changing the DNS, who is actually will my hosting provider? The hoster OR cloudflare and all editing can be done by same cpanel?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Your hosting provider would still be your hosting provider.


  19. Soumya

    thank you very much, I was looking for a proper step-by-step Cloudflare set up! and TA DA!! you guys are savior.
    It would be great if you publish about the best of cloudflare settings, from the plugin.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad you found our article helpful :)


  20. Alabura

    Thank you for such a great publications, it really help me set up my cloud flare account easily. Keep the good work.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our guide was helpful :)


  21. Bryan Wagar

    Very helpful information and with the pictures for verification i could confirm everything instead of guessing, thankyou very much for compiling this! It is BRILLIANT

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our guide could be helpful :)


  22. PKV

    superb guide, easy to follow thanks :)

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful :)


  23. randhir singh

    I want to know which is the best CDN ? cloud Flare or max

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Randhir,

      At WPBeginner, we recommend MaxCDN. However, if you want to use the free CDN, then Cloudflare can be a good solution.


  24. anurag saxena

    If i will use cloudfare free version and will change the nameserver then it means my website will run on cloudfare server then how i can edit my website? through cloudfare or my present hosting provider? pls tell me detail.

  25. andy

    The only reason I use cloudflare because you can hide where you hosting the site.

  26. Mehmet

    i am wondering..
    for cloudflare, we need to point the DNS to theirs..
    so how we gonna use custom email set up using our own domain (which also need to point the DNS to the email provider) ?

    as far as i know, we can’t use two DNS .. (actually we can, but it is expensive)

    • Aqib

      I am using custom email and cloudflare. Cloudflare doesn’t affect my custom email working.

  27. Abhi

    If my domain is from go daddy and hostino is from inmotion hosting and I change my domain name server to my hosting now I want to join cloudfare to it then what can I do?

    • andy

      I try to help answer. from godaddy change nameserver to cloudflare, and from cloudflare, set up your DNS and point to your in motion hosting ip address.

  28. Syed Shan

    After Setting Our Host DNS To Cloudfare DNS, Which bandwidth and storage will be used from our local hosting plan e.g godaddy, namecheap etc or Cloudfare ?

  29. Haydrion Rayel

    The reasons why I don’t use cloudflare is because of changing the nameservers and second like in this article : it blocks some of the legitime users and that is what I really hate.

    I don’t use third party websites where I don’t have full control of it. I saw a couple of times there are you human google click on pictures and it takes forever.

    MaxCDN is the only option because you only have to add a cname .. but still ..

  30. Haydrion Rayel

    The reasons why I don’t use cloudflare is because of changing the nameservers and second like in this article : it blocks some of the legitime users and that is what I really hate.

    I don’t use third party websites where I don’t have full control of it. I saw a couple of times there are you human google click on pictures and it takes forever.

    MaxCDN is the onlly option because you only have to add a cname .. but still ..

  31. abhishek purohit

    My site is on wordpress and running on godaddy vps server with ssl certificate but it has lots of page load time, now, should I go for cdn cloud flare free account if yes than what about all static IP given with vps account , they will not useable and is vps based site need cloud flare ?

  32. Munna Hossain

    Page loading time is an important issue to get good user experience. This LoudFlare helps us to increase the page loading. Can you tell me which one is better to improve page speed, plugin or CDN?

  33. Iain

    Just to let you know
    I have had a joomla website working on the Free plan and SSL
    Not sure if your previous post is now outdated but it is possible.

    • Mircea Pop

      You can use the provided Cloudflare SSL but you are unable to use your own SSL on free account

  34. koushil

    bro can we use this for blogspot blog ?

    • King Rayhan

      of course :D why not

  35. Ikechukwu

    This was very helpful. Thanks.

  36. munetsi

    i am actually caught in between-
    which provider should i choose for my site,
    between cloudfare or maxcdn

  37. SOTHEA

    This is truly awesome tip. Anyways, I have a question. If my website contents and domain name are hosted in different hosting companies. In this case, I need to change Name Servers to CloundFlare for both. Am I correct?

    • Anubhav

      Did you find the solution for this as i have different hosting provider and domain name provider is different .If you know the solution then please let me know

  38. Ummi Mental

    after changing the DNS, who is actually will my hosting provider? The hoster OR cloudflare and all editing can be done by same cpanel?

  39. Captain Asif

    Really very helpful article i have setup my wordpress site with cloudflare

  40. Joe

    What minification services do you recommend that work well with Cloudfare? This is for a WordPress site that may have potentially high traffic spikes out of the blue. Thanks

  41. bobzyouruncle

    I live at the bottom of Africa (Cape Town) with none of their servers close to me am I correct in thinking that Cloud Flare will slow down my website. Most of my traffic is local. I have the same issues with CDNs none of them are close to my location, Europe is the closest. Is my thinking correct?

    • Damon Billian

      CloudFlare would add a little latency because we currently don’t have any data centers in SA just yet (being looked at). Visitors from SA would currently hit a data center in Europe.

      On the other hand, if you have visitors from a lot of other locations (EU, America, Asia, etc.), then the site would be faster for them.

    • munetsi

      was just checking ,looks like they have servers in johannesburg.

  42. Adesanmi Adedotun

    I have heard about cloudflare but have not tried to make use of it, bout talking about the fact that my site might be down during the propagation of my name server,how long could this take?

    • Einstein

      You will not experience any downtime while you switch to Cloudflare if you do it correctly.

    • Damon Billian

      You should not have any downtime at all switching to CloudFlare’s nameservers.

  43. Robby McCullough

    I am a huge fan of CloudFlare. At my shop, we do a lot of sites for professional photographers. CF does an amazing job at making image heavy pages load in a snap!

    One tip, don’t forget about CF’s developer mode when you’re making changes. I’ve bashed my head against the wall for some time when my CSS changes weren’t showing up — CF was serving a cached page!

  44. Boby

    When my website has ‘heavy load’ CloudFlare will make the users access screenshot of the website.

  45. Abhisek

    Cloudflare breaks my site’s design. I have a off-canvas menu and Cloudflare’s rocketloader and minification breaks ,y site’s design. So, I have to stick with basic W3 Total cache. Besides Cloudflare actually speeds up your site.

    • Damon Billian

      Those features are actually optional and easy to turn off. If you’re using a minify service already, then you don’t want to turn ours on as well (something eventually will break running two minify options at the same time). Rocket Loader would have the potential to impact JavaScript and jQuery & would generally impact something like widgets.

    • Joe

      What WordPress theme were you using? That way we can know to avoid using that theme with Cloudfare.

