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How to Display the Last Updated Date of Your Posts in WordPress





Last Updated in WPBeginner









サイトのコアWordPressファイルの編集は、小さなミスやタイプミスでもサイトを壊してしまう可能性があるため危険です。 そのため、WPCodeを使用してコードスニペットを追加することをお勧めします。


WPCode's homepage

注: WPCodeプレミアムバージョンは、より多くの機能を持っています!無料版が気に入った場合は、アップグレードして、プライベートクラウドライブラリ、変換ピクセルアドオン、ビルトインアクセスコントロール、マルチサイトサポートをお楽しみください。プラグインの詳細については、WPCodeのレビューをご覧ください。

プラグインを有効化したら、WordPressダッシュボードのCode Snippets ” + Add Snippetに移動します。Last updated date」を検索し、「Display the Last Updated Date」というタイトルの結果にマウスオーバーします。



WPCode searching for a snippet by name

次に、「Edit Snippet」画面が表示されます。WPCodeはすでにあなたのためにスニペットを設定しています。


WPCode edit snippet page and activate code



.last-updated {
    font-size: small;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    background-color: #fffdd4;


Last updated example on a live website



$u_time          = get_the_time( 'U' );
$u_modified_time = get_the_modified_time( 'U' );
// Only display modified date if 24hrs have passed since the post was published.
if ( $u_modified_time >= $u_time + 86400 ) {
    $updated_date = get_the_modified_time( 'F jS, Y' );
    $updated_time = get_the_modified_time( 'h:i a' );
    $updated = '<p class="last-updated">';
    $updated .= sprintf(
    // Translators: Placeholders get replaced with the date and time when the post was modified.
        esc_html__( 'Last updated on %1$s at %2$s' ),
    $updated .= '</p>';
    echo wp_kses_post( $updated );






$u_time = get_the_time('U');
$u_modified_time = get_the_modified_time('U');
if ($u_modified_time >= $u_time + 86400) {
echo "<p>Last modified on ";
the_modified_time('F jS, Y');
echo " at ";
echo "</p> "; }


デモサイトではこのように表示されました。Twenty Twenty-Oneテーマでは、コードスニペットをincフォルダー内のtemplate-tags.phpファイルに追加しました。

Preview of Displaying Update Date by Editing Template




All In One SEOとしても知られるAIOSEOは、市場で最高のWordPress SEOプラグインです。複雑な専門用語を学ぶことなく検索順位を向上させることができるので、ウェブサイトのトラフィックを増やすことができます。

AIOSEO's homepage


まだの方は、まずAIOSEOをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、All In One SEO for WordPressを正しく設定する方法をご覧ください。

注: AIOSEO無料版でもこの作業は可能です。しかし、プロバージョンを購入することで、ChatGPT AIツール、コンテンツ崩壊トラッキング、リダイレクトマネージャー、内部リンクアシスタントなどの高度な機能を利用できるようになります。詳しくは、AIOSEOのレビューをご覧ください。


Checkbox Added by AIOSEO




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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

144件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Jamie Brower

    Can you please tell me how to post the modified date AFTER the content. I tried using a in the footer.php but then it just displays before the content AND in the footer. I would just like the footer to display.

  2. Daniele

    Thanks guys, it works like a charm! A so so cool tip!

    If you want to add the last modified ONLY ON POSTS, that works for me (I’m Italian and I edited it not showing the hour and modified the date order):

    function wpb_last_updated_date( $content ) {
    $u_time = get_the_time(‘U’);
    $u_modified_time = get_the_modified_time(‘U’);
    if ($u_modified_time >= $u_time + 86400) {
    $updated_date = get_the_modified_time(‘d F Y’);
    $updated_time = get_the_modified_time(‘H:i’);
    $custom_content .= ‘Articolo aggiornato il ‘. $updated_date . ”;
    $custom_content .= $content;
    return $custom_content;
    return $content;
    add_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘wpb_last_updated_date’ );

    • David Aguirre

      Dude, this is gold, I don’t know why anyone has thanked you before.
      Thank you :D

    • PET

      Yeah, good stuff! Thanks bro!

  3. David

    I have applied above all settings on my website and its working fine.

    But I have one question that when two dates shown above content then which date will be shown in google search engine result page? Please provide answer because I have done all this only for showing last update date in google search engine result page.

  4. ahmed

    i like this it is very good and easy to install with genesis child theme function.php thank you

  5. Vishal Mukherjee

    Added the following code to functions.php

    function wpb_last_updated_date( $content ) {
    $u_time = get_the_time(‘U’);
    $u_modified_time = get_the_modified_time(‘U’);
    if ($u_modified_time >= $u_time + 86400) {
    $updated_date = get_the_modified_time(‘F jS, Y’);
    $updated_time = get_the_modified_time(‘h:i a’);
    $custom_content .= ‘Last updated on ‘. $updated_date . ‘ at ‘. $updated_time .”;

    $custom_content .= $content;
    return $custom_content;
    add_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘wpb_last_updated_date’ );

    Works fine for posts but … the same is displayed in Pages also.
    I want it only for post. or if pages then at a different place eg End og the page article.

    Best Wishes
    Vishal Mukherjee

  6. Victor Step

    Thank you for the code.
    However, there is a common problem that Google pulls the date of the embedded youtube video instead of the updated blog post date. In your case, I see that the search results do in fact show the correct date, and not the embedded video’s upload date. How did you achieve this? Thank you.

  7. RUWAN

    hello, I want only show updated date like your website, not both(updated and published date), when I add your code to site then its shows that both dates, please guide me to show only that updated date. thanks

  8. Ludwig Sörmlind

    Thank you for this post, I tried it and it works like a charm. I went for the site-specific plugin-option.

  9. Ebuka

    Thanks a lot it worked perfectly. but for the custom CSS only the “text-transform” worked on my theme. Other CSS like; color, text-weight, background-color etc. did not work. Please is there any possible way around it?

  10. peter

    hi syed ,am peter. the code work on my theme, but when i tried to add css style , i mean this code .last-updated {
    font-size: small;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    background-color: #fffdd4;

    my site goes blank. please what do i do to restore my website…

  11. Steve W

    Thank you for this tip. I actually turned it into a shortcode so that it only shows up where I want it, and not on every page or post. [last_updated]

  12. Velyz Zhang

    Actually the code is work, but the result showing some numbers before “last update”

    1494555840LAST UPDATED ON JUL 9, 2017

    Every single post that I updated showing different numbers like that. Any one can help me?

    Thank you

  13. mathhew

    Can you please explain how to apply it for genesis framework. i tried it but it didn’t worked

  14. Adarsh Sahu

    Hey I just tried this method it worked fine for me but the problem is that now my post is not showing any date in google search please help me i also want to show last updated date in Google search when anyone searches my content.

  15. Filip

    The code work great, thank you!
    Can you tell us how to edit published time and add Published by “author” like in your images?

  16. Chuks Ibe

    I tried using this for my blog but it is also showing the “Last Updated” in the latest post page and its making it look like Last updated is part of the post content.

    i need help to correct this thanks.

  17. Rui Oliveira


    I tried this on my website and it didn’t worked.

  18. Gaston

    Hi, i want to show last update date/time but of the entire web. How can i do this?

  19. Andy Trigg

    By the way I preferred not to have the time displayed, which I think is completely unecesssary so I deleted the following –
    at ‘. $updated_time .’

    I hope I did it right, it seems to work OK.

  20. Andy Trigg

    Excellent. This works great on my site. I too update articles all the time. Constantly improving them. I’m just completely rewriting and improving every article from day 1. Now instead of it showing my article is 10 years old people can see it has recently been updated.

  21. vishnu narayan v

    This adds a new section showing modified date, but I would like to show updated date instead of published date as you have done in wpbeginner.

    i would also like to know will this preserve seo and shows updated date in search engines??

    • Paul

      Yes I’d like to know re above.

      Especially the SEO impact of removing the original publication date.


      – Paul

  22. Jason G.

    One question I have: After pasting in the function in the article, I noticed that only my home page displayed the updated date / time. What if I do not want it to run on the home page? I tried adding an additional condition, ! is_home(). That did not work as it still showed up. Is there a way to only display this on posts (and not on any pages). Nothing has worked so far. Thanks for any help!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Jason,

      You can try the second method and add the code directly to each template where you want the updated date to be displayed.


      • J M Das

        This plugin works. But, Last Updated is showing in the Home Page also. How to add the code to the Post Template alone? Thanks for help

    • samsor ithnin

      This working on me

      function wpb_last_updated_date( $content ) {
      $u_time = get_the_time(‘U’);
      $u_modified_time = get_the_modified_time(‘U’);
      if ($u_modified_time >= $u_time + 86400) {
      $updated_date = get_the_modified_time(‘j F, Y’);
      $updated_time = get_the_modified_time(‘h:i a’);
      $custom_content .= ‘Last updated on ‘. $updated_date . ‘ at ‘. $updated_time .”;

      $custom_content .= $content;
      return $custom_content;
      return $content;
      add_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘wpb_last_updated_date’ );

      • Green Yang


        You are the man! The correct solution for show it only on posts exclude pages.
        Good if(is_single()){ way, thanks!


    If you update the post, will it go out in RSS feed again? I assume no?

  24. Roger

    The code that you display in this article shows the last updated date only but with no text explaining what that displayed date is in the post. It shows it like this:

    March 4th, 201701:29

    That is not very useful to my readers. Why won’t it display the $custom_content of line 7 of the code?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Roger,

      Thanks for pointing this out. We have updated the article, please try the new code.


  25. Matus

    I’ll be really grateful, if you could update your post about showing Related articles below posts. Or maybe recommend me plugin you’re using right now :)

  26. Ashoksinh Gohil

    Sorry but after used i find that if your article not updated that it shows blank, i.e not shows the date of published article
    it shows only when article updated or modified otherwise shows blank

  27. Ashoksinh

    Is SEO Shows This Modified Date ?

  28. Markus Martin

    My theme uses the wordpress default date in its theme and these modifications don’t work. Any help?

  29. Mohan Manohar Mekap

    Nice code and nice explanation. It is implemented on my site and working nicely, I have been seaching this code for internet though know it from wordpress codex but the instructions given here absolutely help for me kudos.

  30. Karan

    Hello WPBeginner Team,

    Can you please state your SEO point of view about displaying last updated date instead of published date?
    I have just successfully applied the changes and my blog posts are showing last updated date.

    What would be your opinion? Is it better to show last updated rather than published?

    Thank You,

  31. Hardhik

    Hi Buddy,
    If I am not wrong, I have to replace this code in index, single and page.php pages.

  32. Amar

    Hello sir ,

    I wanna know that is there any way to find out when a article was published first time ??

    • WPBeginner Support

      Most sites show the publish date instead of last updated date. However, if a site does not show it, then you can still try viewing the source code. They may or not have a meta tag for published date and time.


  33. ld

    Can you recommend a plugin that accomplishes this?

    Also, if I simply type “Last updated on XXXX”, will search engines recognize this and give appropriate credit for the freshness of the content?

  34. Milt Klingsporn

    The plugin “Last Modified Timestamp” seems to get the same results. I added it to a widget in the footer. Now that date the page was updated is shown.
    And I didn’t have to enter any code in any of the files.

    • Hardhik K Chitalia

      Code is always better than plugin bro. Code will not slow down your site, but plugins will.

      • WPBeginner Support

        Not exactly true. Plugins are code too, and the functions file where users usually paste code also acts as a plugin.


        • Roger

          Wow this is new. I always thought using code was better than adding a plugin any day. Guess I was wrong – at least to a certain extent. I will say tho that you really have to watch out installing slow or badly coded plugins because they have been proven to cause security issues, which is one big reason why I tend to stay away from them as much as possible.

  35. parvez

    I changed post date from created to modified,its working fine,How to show DESC order modiefied date posts on wordpress.

    right now order of posts based on posted date.

  36. ryan

    What if I still want to keep teh original publish date?

    Something like :

    Jan. 1, 2015, last edited | published on Dec. 15, 2014 by Ryan Hipp

    • Cezar

      Did you manage to add the code to show like in your example ?

  37. Gabrielle

    I’m using _s / Underscores theme, and in my inc/temlate-files.php
    have the all time functions, how to show only posted on or only updated on time?

  38. Sasanga

    Why you are using this type of long code?

    We can use just “Last modified: “.

    Am I wrong?

    • Sameer Panda

      You want to change the text or the date?

      If you want to the modified date then, retrieve the date. And add text whatever you want before the date

  39. Sagar Patil

    is there any plugin available for last updated date.
    because im using ipin these and its hard to find code or related code in that.
    Thank You

    • Hardhik K Chitalia

      Last Modified Timestamp”

  40. Damith

    I have a question.

    Assume that I have written a post in 2014-01-01.

    Then, a person has copied enter article on 2014-02-01 and paste it own his blog.

    I updated one or two line in 2014-03-01.

    Then what happens?

    I mean, Is Google think my article is copied article and copied article is original article? ( Because now date of my article is 2014-03-01 and copied article date is 2014-02-01).

    Your reply is highly appreciated.

    • Govind

      i think google is smart enough…it also consider post indexing date along with published date.

  41. Nitin Maheta

    Users have to look for the code :  “<?php the_time(‘F jS, Y’);?>”

    NOT  “<?php the_modified_time(‘F jS, Y’);?>”

  42. TecBrat

    I did it a little bit differently, but it is the same concept. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
    For the twentyten theme, you edit the functions.php file, replacing the contents of the twenty_ten_posted_on() function with the following code:
    $postdate = get_the_date();

    $u_time = get_the_time(‘U’);
    $u_modified_time = get_the_modified_time(‘U’);
    if ($u_modified_time >= $u_time + 86400) {
    $postdate=get_the_modified_time(‘F jS, Y’);
    echo ‘<span class="meta-prep meta-prep-author">’.$verb.’ on</span>
    <a href="’.get_permalink().’" rel="bookmark">
    <span class="entry-date">’.$postdate.'</span></a>’;

    echo ‘ <span class="meta-sep">by</span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="’.get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( ‘ID’ ) ).’"
    title="’.esc_attr( sprintf( __( ‘View all posts by %s’, ‘twentyten’ ), get_the_author() ) ).’">’.get_the_author().'</a></span>’;

  43. Barzrul

    This code doesn’t work for me. Had tried put in the theme but nothing showed up.

  44. Adriano

    The code is missing the most important part: else …

    the code compares the creation date of the update date, whichever is later then insert the date of update, but if the post does not have an update would not display anything, at least in my case.

    so it would be useful to add a:
    else the_time (‘F jS, Y’);

  45. Elena Nacci

    It’s me again:-) just another question: if I change to the “last updated on” date, the order in which my posts appear in my homepage will change?
    For ex. I publish a new article today, then later I update another older post, will the last updated post show as first in my home?
    Thanks again for your help!

    • WPBeginner Support

      No last updated post will not appear as the first post in your home page. Your home page will display posts by publish date not by update date.


      • Elena Nacci

        Thanks a lot!

  46. Elena Nacci

    hello, I’ve tried to find the code in any of the files index.php, single.php, page.php, but there is no trace of it.
    Where else should I look for it? Does it depend on the wp theme?
    Thanks a lot,

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yes there are many different WordPress Themes, Theme Frameworks, and child themes. You should ask in the support forums for your theme and they will let you know how you can add your custom code to the theme.


  47. GeraldoFilho

    This code doesn’t work for me, I search in codex and

    in Modified: at


  48. Arafin Shaon

    Hlw Syed I’ve been using genesis framework like you. So you know that genesis don’t have the following files and I guess this code snippet is not for gesesis. So it I’d be so nice of you if you kindly share the method you implemented with your child theme to show last modified date below post title instead of published date.

  49. Samedi Amba

    Just a small correction. It should be the genesis_before_post_content Hook, and NOT the genesi_before_content Hook, as I had earlier mentioned. ;-)

  50. jan geronimo

    Wow, you have many useful posts here on WordPress. You’ve forced my hand. I’m subscribing now to your feed. What a useful site you have here. I’m very impressed.

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