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この投稿では、この例のために、デフォルト設定のTwenty Twelve WordPressテーマを変更します。注:この投稿は、HTMLとCSSをそれなりに理解している初級テーマデザイナーやDIYユーザー向けです。





WordPressのコメントレイアウトのスタイリングに移る前に、新規ユーザーにちょっとしたヒントを。Google ChromeとMozilla Firefoxウェブブラウザには、WordPressテーマ開発者のスキルアップに使える便利なツールがあります。このツールは、Inspect Elementと呼ばれています。ウェブページ上の要素にマウスを持っていき、右クリックして要素の検査を選択するだけです。ブラウザーウィンドウが2行に分かれ、下のウィンドウにその要素のソースコードが表示されます。また、下のウィンドウでは、CSS要素と、それらがどのようにスタイル設定されているかを見ることができます。テスト用にCSSを編集することもできます。覚えておいていただきたいのは、Inspect Elementを使って変更した内容は、あなただけに見えるということです。ページを更新した瞬間に、その変更は消えてしまいます。変更を恒久的なものにするには、テーマのstyle.cssファイルやその他の適切なファイルを使用する必要があります。

Inspect element in Google Chrome to look at source code and quickly find matching CSS rules






Using CSS to add alternate colors for even and odd comments in WordPress





Styling comment meta and author information in WordPress comments



いくつかのテーマは、コメントを表示するために独自のコールバック関数を使用しています。コールバック関数を使うことで、これらのテーマは投稿者別のコメントに追加情報を加えることができます。例えば、Twenty Twelveではコメントコールバック関数twentytwelve_comment()(テーマのfunctions.phpファイルにあります)の中で以下の行を使っています。



Twenty Twelveとは異なるテーマを使用している場合は、テーマがどのようにコメントを処理するのかを確認する必要があります。テーマのcomments.phpファイルを開いてください。もしあなたのテーマが独自のコールバック関数を使用している場合、wp_list_comments関数の中にこのように表示されます:

<?php wp_list_comments( array( 'callback' => 'twentytwelve_comment', 'style' => 'ol' ) ); ?>







Styling aurhor comments differently in WordPress comments


ほとんどのWordPressテーマには、各コメントの下に返信リンクがあります。この機能はスレッドコメントを有効化している場合にのみ表示されます。スレッドコメントを有効化するには、WordPressの管理画面(設定 ” ディスカッション)にアクセスします。その他のコメント設定というセクションを見て、スレッド化(入れ子)コメントを有効化するボックスにチェックを入れてください。

返信リンク用にWordPressによって初期設定されたCSSクラスはreplyと comment-reply-linkです。これらのクラスを使って返信リンクを修正し、CSSボタンにします。



Styling the comment reply button in WordPress comments using CSS





Using CSS to style comment edit link in WordPress Comments

スタイリング コメントをキャンセル 返信先: .

ほとんどの優れたWordPressテーマでは、返信先のリンクをクリックすると、返信するコメントのすぐ下にコメントフォームが開き、コメント返信をキャンセルするリンクが表示されます。初期設定のCSS IDcancel-comment-reply を使って、コメント返信のキャンセルリンクを変更してみましょう。



Styling the cancel comment reply link in WordPress comment reply form




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Reader Interactions

40件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. denny

    Thank you. This post is extremely helpful.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful!


  2. murat

    hi, i added the codes to comments.php with tags but it didnt change anything.how to solve it?

    • WPBeginner Support

      The code in this article is CSS code, you would want to add it under Appearance>Customize>Additional CSS for the code to affect your site.


  3. Prashant

    I have my site where i have the replies to comments appear right below in straight line below the actual comment.. how can we put a small offset like you have done here for the replies to comments?

  4. Will

    It’s 2018!

    Is this still the easiest method to style a WordPress comment?

    This article was written 5 years ago. A search around Google. It seems like the WordPress comment system is NOT beginner-friendly to customize, and hasn’t evolved much at all. Disappointing!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Will,

      Yes, it still applies. You are right that the default WordPress comment system is quite basic. However, you can easily extend it using plugins like De:comments which add lots of other features to your comments and make them more engaging.


      • Prashant

        Yeah.. nice tip!

  5. Henry

    Great Tutorial!
    But how do I get the comments to show up side by side (Like a “for” and “against”) kind of debate to a single post. Also will I need to have two different comment forms underneath them?

  6. Mike


    How can I style the hyperlinks in the comments area? I want to change the hyperlink color in the comments box.



  7. Szymon

    Great article. Thanks a lot!

  8. Aaron

    Hey WPBeginner,

    Awesome post! I read through it and am still having trouble figuring out what I need to do to display the “Reply” button and Gravatars.

    I’m not sure if the theme displays this information, but I do have Avatars enabled in the Reading section of the admin panel.

    I thought maybe I could place a bit of code somewhere in the comments.php file, but I don’t see where I could add these changes manually. The part of the code that brings comments in looks something like this:


    Recent Comments

    ‘comment’, ‘callback’ => ‘crawford_comment’)); ?>


    Am I looking in the wrong place? Answer is probably yes, but I’m not sure where to check.

    Here’s a page with comments, for reference:
    Any advice appreciated!

    • WPBeginner Support

      The comments.php template is pointing to you to look for the callback function. This callback is defined in your theme’s functions.php file. This is where you will edit your comment layout.


  9. Imad Daou

    Would you please show the same steps but for Gensis 2.0? I followed the above steps, but I still couldn’t figure out how to change the comment layout background color. I use Genesis Sample theme.

    My website under development and I can’t have it live yet, but the dropbox links below will show you how the comments boxes are white and I couldn’t find out using all the tricks you mentioned above how to change the color background color.

    I wanted to use #333333 as background instead of white.

    Thank you so much for all your hard work.

  10. Wakhid

    Hi WPbeginner, im trying to create a custom form comments but i really don’t know how to create it,

    sorry my english is bad

  11. Derek

    I followed this tutorial and have only one question:

    How can you get the reply box to appear nested under the post you are replying to?

    • Arauz

      Im add in this question too. I have a template but i cant show the nested comments from the admin of the site.

      Help us please.

  12. Sohil Patel

    Great post.. Thanks

  13. Charlene

    Wow all of these tips have been so helpful! Thanks for a great post!

    I’m now wondering how can I add text beside all Admin names in the comments, even if they’re not the post author?

    I’m assuming it would be here but not sure what needs to be changed:
    ‘( $comment->user_id === $post->post_author )’


  14. Cameron

    If you leave a reply it shows as being posted even though it hasn’t been approved.

  15. Geoffrey

    Careful on line 44 of default WordPress comments classes,

    .commentlist li ul.children li.depth-{id} {}

    is not a valid CSS selector. {id} must be replaced with the appropriate ID (an integer).

  16. hellobass

    .commentlist .reply {}
    .commentlist .reply a {}

    Where are the “-” in your exemple (‘Default WordPress Comments Classes’)?

    because its : .comment-list

    • WPBeginner Support

      hellobass, actually .commentlist or .comment-list is not generated by WordPress and themes usually choose them on their own. For example, Twenty Twelve uses .commentlist and Twenty Thirteen uses .comment-list you can find out which class your theme is using by look at comments.php or in Chrome developer tools (Inspect Element).


  17. Shuen

    Good tutorial! It help me alot for styling the comment area, Thank you!!! ^_^

  18. Avner

    Thank you! that was very helpful!

    How can I apply the odd and even styling to apply only inside a thread (in order to distinguish between child comments)? I would like the readers to be able to distinguish easily between comments in the same thread and allow them to follow it easily.


  19. Audee

    Is there any tips to style very deep levels of nested comments in WordPress?
    :D I must have been crazy for styling 5 deep levels nested comment.
    It will be nice and save up much time to have a set of CSS code which is reusable for different project. But often happened that different layout width might made this reusable styling took longer to configure.

    Thank you for sharing this article, bookmarked for further study ;)

  20. Adam

    This is so annoying i can not get half of this to work
    the odd and even colours only apply to the nested comments
    It will not let me style the Comment Author and Meta Information at all
    Please help me Fix this

  21. rolanstein

    Excellent post! Thank you.

    May I ask how you add the ‘Notify me of followup comments via e-mail’ and ‘Subscribe to…’ boxes below your comment form?


  22. Jannik

    Awesome Tutorial!
    How did you get rid of the – ordered list? It always has numbers infront of my comments and I really don’t like it.


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