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Style Each WordPress Post Differently









WordPressは、サイトのさまざまな要素に初期設定のCSSクラスを追加します。テーマはpost_class()と呼ばれる WordPress のコア関数を使用して、投稿のデフォルト CSS クラスを追加する場所を WordPress に指示します。


Use the Inspect tool to view the CSS classes


  • .post-id
  • .投稿
  • .添付ファイル
  • .先頭固定表示
  • .hentry(hAtomマイクロフォーマットのページ)
  • カテゴリーID
  • カテゴリー名
  • タグ名
  • .format-{format-name}
  • .type-{投稿タイプ名}。
  • .has-post-thumbnail


<article id="post-412" class="post-412 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news">


そのためには、WordPressダッシュボードから投稿 ” すべての投稿ページにアクセスし、投稿にマウスオーバーする必要があります。






有効化したら、WordPressダッシュボードからコードスニペット ” + スニペットの追加ページにアクセスします。ここで、「カスタムコードを追加(新規スニペット)」設定の下にある「スニペットを使用」ボタンをクリックします。


カスタム・スニペットの作成」ページが表示されるので、まずコード・スニペットの名前を追加します。その後、右側のドロップダウンメニューからコードタイプとして「CSS Snippet」を選択します。


.post-13 { }


Add the individual post ID in the Code Preview box



.post-13 {
background-color: #FF0303;

次に、上部の「Inactive」スイッチを「Active」に切り替え、「Save Snippet」ボタンをクリックして設定を保存します。

カスタムCSSコードは、スニペットを有効化すると、個々の投稿日: に自動的に実行されるようになります。

Activate the CSS code snippet for the individual post



Background color preview for an individual post




コードスニペット ” + スニペットの追加”ページにアクセスし、’カスタマイザーコードの追加(新規スニペット)’ 設定を選択する必要があります。

次に、新規ページにコードスニペット名を追加し、コードタイプとして「CSS Snippet」を選択します。その後、ダッシュの後にカテゴリのパーマリンクのスラッグを使用して、コードプレビューボックスに特定のカテゴリのCSSクラスをこのように入力します:

.category-books { }.


Add the category CSS class and name in the code preview box


category-books {
    font-size: 18px;
    font-style: italic;



Preview of all the styled posts in a specific category



Preview of all the styled posts in a specific category

投稿日: 投稿者によって投稿スタイルを変える方法




カスタム・スニペットの作成」ページが表示されますので、コード・スニペット名を追加し、コードタイプとして「PHP Snippet」を選択してください。


$author = get_the_author_meta('user_nicename'); ?>
<article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class( $author );

最後に、「Inactive」スイッチを「Active」に切り替え、「Save Snippet」ボタンをクリックして設定を保存します。


Add the author's name as a CSS class


コードスニペット ” + スニペットの追加”ページに再度アクセスし、’カスタマイザーコードの追加(新規スニペット)’ 設定を選択します。次の画面で、カスタムコードの名前を追加し、右側のドロップダウンメニューからコードタイプとして「CSSスニペット」を選択します。




Add the author's name in the code preview box


.sarahclare {
border:1px solid #CCC;



Activate CSS snippet to style a specific author's posts



Preview of a specific author's styled posts

投稿日: コメント数を使って人気投稿をスタイル化する方法





ここで、コードタイプとして「PHP Snippet」を選択し、以下のコードをコピー&ペーストしてコードプレビューボックスに入力します:

    $postid = get_the_ID();
    $total_comment_count = wp_count_comments($postid);
        $my_comment_count = $total_comment_count->approved;
    if ($my_comment_count <10) {
        $my_comment_count = 'new';
    } elseif ($my_comment_count >= 10 && $my_comment_count <20) {
        $my_comment_count = 'emerging';
    } elseif ($my_comment_count >= 20) {
        $my_comment_count = 'popular';

その後、「Save Snippet」ボタンをクリックし、「Inactive」スイッチを「Active」に切り替えて設定を保存します。


Add the comment count code snippet



<article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class( $my_comment_count ); ?>>



Add comment count as CSS class


例えば、以下のコードを使用すると、投稿日: に投稿されたコメントの数に応じて異なる枠線の色を追加することができます。

.new {border: 1px solid #FFFF00;}
.emerging {border: 1px dashed #FF9933;}
.popular {border: 1px dashed #CC0000;}

設定が完了したら、忘れずに「Save Snippet」ボタンをクリックして設定を保存してください。

Style posts based on popularity





SeedProd website



Choose a Layout with a Sidebar



Drag the Blocks You Wish to Use Right onto the Sidebar


この投稿が、WordPressの各投稿を異なるスタイルにする方法を学ぶのに役立てば幸いです。 WordPressでタグをスタイル設定する方法についての初心者向けガイドや、WordPressで最も使いたいTips、トリック、ハックのリストもご覧ください。

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


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Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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  2. Rafael

    Nice article. I guess I could use something like this to check the category of a post and place a custom CSS to change the style of part of the website according to the category, right?

    I’m looking to set different colors only to the background of the Title of the Post for each Category in a Blog.

  3. Kany

    Hi, great article. How to custom css style latest blog news? Just the latest one, any idea? Tnx.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Your theme would need to add something that can be targeted by CSS, at the moment we do not have a recommended method for adding that.


  4. Les

    Great article. I wanted to set the default Font size per category and followed the instruction by adding the code to the Style.css file but when I added a new post the font was the old size. See code? What am I missing?

    /* Begin Additional CSS Styles */
    .art-blockheader .t, .art-vmenublockheader .t {white-space: nowrap;}
    .desktop .art-nav-inner{width: 1200px!important;}

    .category-firstg {
    font-size: 18px;
    font-style: bold;
    /* End Additional CSS Styles */

  5. William D

    Great article, thank you very much. Could the read more button color/text color also be changed in a similar manner? Something (I probably did) has changed my buttons in a very unpleasant way and I’m having a heck of a time trying to figure out how to make them pleasant again.

    Thanks in advance for any help you might provide!

  6. Matus

    Great tutorial. Simple and clear explanation.

  7. Neon Emmanuel

    Hello, if i include this in single.php it echo back the current post title, but works fine in index.php, any suggestion to this?

  8. MayMyatKhine

    Hello,Please send to me the new event to use the wordpress.

  9. marisa

    This is a great article but I’m having trouble with placing
    ID, ‘post-class’); ?>

    Where exactly in the loop do I put it? I am using with foundation 5 and my new class isn’t appearing.

  10. Nadeem

    Thanx alot bro..its very helpful

  11. RW

    yet another bookmark! great post! thank you…

  12. Payal

    Very informative, thank you. I’ve bookmarked this page.

    I also have a question: What if I wanted to style the first (latest) post differently — so that the post displayed at the top of my index page shows up differently?

  13. James

    Hey there, I’m struggling with this atm..

    My post loop doesnt seem to have a post_class function so I cant figure out where to place the above code…

    This is the loop I use for posts, where would I place the above code? Or how could I get custom fields to work using this?

  14. Jon Fuller

    Hello, I am quite new to making WordPress themes and I am looking for a way to display each post in a box of its own which is seperated by a margin top and bottom. Please explain how this is possible.


    • Editorial Staff

      By default each post is inside its own div element. You just have to use CSS to add margin-top and bottom.


  15. Shaun

    Curious, how could this be applied to adding a CSS class to only posts posted that have the same “meta value” or “meta value number”?

    Thanks for the great tutorial by the way!

    • Editorial Staff

      We showed how to do it with custom fields, but that’s being done by key. But if you have the same key with multiple values, then you should get_post_custom_values function.


  16. Em

    Just found this post and it is great, clear, succinct and spot on, many thanks

  17. Jim

    I would like to do something where post one gets the class “1”, post two gets “2” post three gets “3”, and then it repeats this order, so post four gets “1” again.

    Any tips? it’s just repeating three different classes every three posts.

  18. Brit

    What I’m trying to do specifically is just make it so when someone lands on my blog, that the thumbnail (which is just a circle with the post title) is a different color for ONLY the most recent post. I’m at a loss of how to make this happen. Everything I’ve found is category or order specific. Thoughts?

    • Editorial Staff

      Brit, you would have to use the last method “Super Loop”. That is probably the only way of doing it because all what you would do is on the first post, you add a unique class such as “first-post” , and then style that using your CSS file.


  19. Jayaseelan Arumugam

    It is very Nice and useful post. Especially I like the way to Style Posts based on Custom Fields. Thanks.

  20. Kathleen

    Thanks for this great article! It’s exactly what I searched for and so much helpful! :)

  21. dina

    How do I add unique class to the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12nd posts in super loop. Thanks!

  22. vajrasar

    Well, that is a very good piece. I got what you said, but can you shed some light on how am gonna implement this on my Genesis driven News Child theme, as I am supposed to do all this with function.php

    I would like to style category specific posts differently. Thanks a lot for this piece. very informative.

    • Editorial Staff

      So if you are just using the post class method, then Genesis has the field under their Layout settings for each post. You can enter a custom class and style it that way. The rest can get pretty complicated depending on all the hooks and such. We don’t necessary do genesis specific articles here.


  23. jim

    What do you mean index.php in the loop. which index.php. Mine has nothing like yours. This is the 10th post I’ve read where no one has explained this basic concept properly. And what about the CSS. Last 10 posts didn’t explain that either. Internet is getting worse and worse.

    • Editorial Staff

      Hey Jim,

      Every WordPress theme does things differently. The concept of loop is pretty well explained in the WordPress Codex. It requires a simple google search: Loop WordPress which will take you to:

      Because every theme varies, some utilize a separate loop.php file others are child themes which don’t even have index.php files. It is really hard to explain all of those concepts. When we put tutorials in a theme category, we expect the users to have a fair knowledge of how WordPress themes work (even if you don’t know PHP).


  24. Haider E Karrar

    I think you should be using filters instead in combination with the template tags here

    For example

    function my_post_css_filters($content) {
    return ” $content “;
    else if (something else)


    add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘my_post_css_filters’, 1) — (priority 1, not sure what else it may affect).

  25. Hossein


    How i can wrap every 4 posts in a div ?

  26. gashface

    Nevermind got that working, but NOW it doesn’t style each post differently, it just styles them all according to the first post author it finds?

  27. gashface

    Is there a way to specificy a tag like H2 is styled by author I am trying .username h2{} for example but it won’t work?

  28. gashface

    This doesn’t show the author with me just a blank space, pasted your exact code, any ideas? posts made by admin and are private, does that make a difference?

    • wpbeginner

      @gashface not it doesn’t make a difference whether the post is private or public… If it is returning a white page, then you are pasting the code in a wrong place.

      • gashface

        I realised it was because I was putting the code before the call to the loop, I thought you meant before the if have posts etc.. when it needs to go after that, thanks for the heads up

  29. KimeeDoherty

    This was a little helpful, but I am still lost :( Not sure how to include the loop file in order to override the template. You started the <div> tag but not ended them, what’s inside the div? I’m lost :(

  30. kristelvdakker

    Thank you so much for this post! It has been very helpful.

  31. Stuart

    Hi, thanks for the ideas – especially the super loop – pleased to have got it working on my site.

    But I wonder, complete php beginner here, so is there a way to adapt the code so each subsequent page of posts doesn’t get the styling that posts 1, 2, 3, & 4 get on the first page.

    In other words, I only want the first four posts on the first page to look any different to the rest.


    • Editorial Staff

      Yes. You can use is_paged() conditional tag, so it only shows up on the first page, but not the others. You can also use is_home() … so only on the homepage.


      • Stuart

        Cool – thank you. Looks like is_paged() is the one for me – but unfortunately, my novice abilities mean I’m struggling to work out how to integrate it in to the code.

  32. Michael

    If you wanted to use this approach to separate posts visually based on their published date. How would you go about it? For example: style the 5 posts published on the 1st with a black background, and then style the posts published on the 2nd with a red background? Thanks in advance!

    • Editorial Staff

      The best way to do this is using the superloop method. Where you use the counter variable to set the post class values.


  33. Dale

    I am trying to style each authors name a different colour on our wordpress website and I have followed your code as below:

    Whilst this code is kind of working on my wordpress theme it is putting end quotation marks after class-2 but before the authors name so the class is being closed without the name in it. I only found this out by putting that php inside the body where you can see the full string.

    Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening?

    • Dale

      Sorry it stripped out the php I posted but here is the class output of styling my posts by the authors name. The author here is called admin, and as you can see the closing tag is before the author name admin.

      “post-395 post type-post hentry category-uncategorized class-1 class-2″admin

  34. Bec

    Great post! That info is awesome for adding those extra special custom features to your design.

  35. Adam W. Warner

    Indeed a great post, hats off! However, I couldn’t help but keep thinking about when it’s time to upgrade the theme you’re making all these custom edits to. I try to use the functions file whenever possible to avoid overwrites.

    I would think it would be better to roll these loop edits into a function. I know that with Parent Themes like Thematic, Hybrid, Genesis, etc…that it’s possible (and advisable) to filter the loop and thus add these changes.

    @Ken – Maybe your plugin would negate the need for any functions altogether?

    Anyway, just my two cents and congrats Syed and the team on your continuing excellence on this site!

  36. Azad Shaikh

    Very useful post indeed. Why don’t you publish some wordpress themes with your awesome ideas and functionality. I would be great success.


  37. Ken

    Your article has giving me a few ideas on how to improve my plugin, thanks for that!

    I just wrote a plugin (Scripts n Styles) for adding CSS directly to the head element from the post/page editing screen. (Only admin users can do this though.) It’s not as robust (or rather, doesn’t address the same thing) as your solution because the CSS only appears on the single view, not in the lists (archives).

    I’m considering adding the functionality to include a class name into post_class, but via a meta box on the admin screen. Then, the admin would only have to add the css to his theme. (Or, perhaps a setting screen to facilitate this?)

    Anyway, the Super Loop seems useful for theming in general, I’ll have to include that in my next one!

  38. Connor Crosby

    Wow, that is a great post! Perfect timing since I am making a new WordPress theme :)

