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Setting oEmbed maximum width in WordPress






A WordPress embed overflowing the content width





しかし、埋め込みショートコードとその幅と高さのパラメータは、すべての oEmbed プロバイダーに対して機能するわけではありません。例えば、WordPress の Giphy 埋め込みの高さと幅を設定するために使用することはできません。その場合は、後述の他の方法をお試しください。



width="900" height="600"]


Embed shortcode width



oEmbed width adjusted



Embed blocks in WordPress





Adding aligning to an embed block in WordPress




この方法の問題点は、埋め込みコンテンツがすでに’width’を定義していない場合にのみ、最大幅属性が機能するということです。埋め込みコードがすでに独自の ‘width’ 属性を含んでいる場合、この方法は動作しないかもしれません。




WPCodeはまた、設定済みのコードスニペットのライブラリが付属しており、「Set oEmbed Max Width」スニペットも含まれています。これにより、oEmbedの最大幅と高さを指定することができます。

まず、無料のWPCodeプラグインをインストールし、有効化する必要があります。 詳しくは WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。

有効化したら、WordPress管理画面のCode Snippets “ Libraryに移動します。

The WPCode ready-made code snippets library

ここで、「Set oEmbed Max Width」を検索し、同じ名前の結果にマウスオーバーすることができる。


The ready-made oEmbed code, provided by the WPCode code snippets plugin

WPCodeは、プラグインがすでにあなたのためにすべてを設定している「Edit Snippet」ページに移動します。


function wpcode_snippet_oembed_defaults( $sizes ) {
	return array(
		'width'  => 400,
		'height' => 280,

add_filter( 'embed_defaults', 'wpcode_snippet_oembed_defaults' );


最後に、’Inactive’ スライダーをクリックして、’Active’ と表示されるようにします。そして、’Save Snippet’または’Update’ボタンをクリックするだけで、コード・スニペットがライブになります。

Activating a custom PHP snippet



また、埋め込みブロックにいくつかのCSSクラスを追加します。これらの CSS クラスを使用して、WordPress ブログの埋め込みブロックの最大幅を設定できます。




Chrome's inspect tool




Finding CSS classes for embed blocks



.wp-block-embed-pinterest {
    max-width: 900px!important;



.wp-block-embed {
    max-width: 900px!important;



Adding a CSS snippet to WordPress




ソーシャルメディアプラットフォームのコンテンツを定期的に埋め込むのであれば、Smash Balloonを使えば時間と労力を大幅に節約できます。

Smash BalloonはWordPressに最適なソーシャルメディアプラグインでWordPressサイトにソーシャルメディアのフィードを簡単に追加することができます。

An example of an embedded social media post, created using Smash Balloon


さらに重要なことは、Smash Balloonはモバイルレスポンシブで、どのWordPressテーマでも動作するため、埋め込みコンテンツが常に美しく表示されることです。

An example of an embedded Facebook timeline, created using Smash Balloon

この投稿が、WordPress で oEmbed の最大幅を設定する方法を学ぶのにお役に立てば幸いです。WordPress で iFrame コードを簡単に埋め込む方法についてのガイド、または中小企業向けの最高のライブチャットソフトウェアの専門家による比較もご覧ください。

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


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  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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  2. Andreu

    The problem of this is that it makes the max width of the images also to the size defined. What can I do if I want to limit the embed width in the editor but not the image one? Thanks

  3. Joe Daniel

    Thank you. I’ve been struggling with this for weeks… works for WP 4.0 with Genesis theme

  4. digg

    Hi, it works perfectly for me.
    But this affects to the overall site, which have different widths since there are full-width pages, with sidebars, or forums, etc.
    Is it possible to discriminate this to affect only bbpress forum’s pages?

    It will be very useful, thanks!

  5. Ajit Kumar

    For anybody who can’t get this working or if Youtube videos and other iframe content are not getting resized, you will need to add the following code to your style.css

    /* Make sure embeds and iframes fit their containers */
    object {
    max-width: 100%;

    Hope this helps. And Syed, thanks for the great post!

    • Waymond

      Thanks for posting the solution!

  6. Abhishek Sachan

    not working

  7. Dj

    THANKS! This was driving me crazy.

  8. Anto (@imanto)

    You can’t use iframe, object, embed { max-width: 100%; height:auto;} yes it gets the width correct and makes the video responsive, but it doesnt fix the height when viewing in the browser.

    Is there actually a way to do this? Ive tried pretty much everything, even fitvids dont work because you are setting a px base width in the functions, but it shows that width on mobile, then when you try to correct that with max-width, the height messes up even in the browser….

    im thinking media queries or something? ugh im beat.

  9. Amir

    Works perfect, thanks a lot!

  10. Pierre Dickinson

    Hi, thanks for the tip, but it doesn’t work, here’s what you need in your function.php file :

    function yourthemename_embed_defaults($defaults) {
    $defaults[‘width’]=600; // or whatever you want
    $defaults[‘height’]=360; // or whatever you want
    return $defaults;

    it works great!

    • Filip Kojic

      This code doesnt work well. I put my theme name and theme just blocks.

    • Valerie

      Not sure if the other commenter realized it, but the code has curly quotes and would break a site. Gonna test here to see if shortcode wrappers will prevent the change that broke the code…

  11. John Cronin

    I am attempting to post a high-end animation film from YouTube to my WordPress blog. The bottom of the frame is cut off in the preview. Once the play arrow is clicked, this problem goes away. But the filmmaker is rightfully unhappy that the preview in the post will give the appearance of an error. Adjusting height and width in the post code works, but does not solve the problem. Ideas?

  12. Colin

    Worked like a charm – thanks!

  13. Ryan Silver

    Hi there,

    I used your solution for width and it worked great. But how do I set the height now? Is it just the same if ( ! isset( $content_width ) ) $content_width = 560; but with the word ‘width’ is replaced with the word ‘height’ ? I tried that and it did not work….

      • FIlip Kojic

        It looks like it is 16:10. Here is example:

        How can I change height. Please someone answer. :)

  14. Jasmine Ham

    greats, it’s working! but what if i need it to be responsive?
    any idea to doing that?

  15. josef

    is there a way to force all ifreams in the site to be 100% widht. not omly youtube
    i have about 300 ifreams and all fixed size so… thanks in advance

  16. josef

    is there a way to force all ifreams in the site to be 100% widht. not omly youtube
    i have about 300 ifreams and all fixed size so…

  17. Ryan

    I added this code to my functions.php but it made no difference, and I assume that’s because my theme doesn’t define $content_width.

    I see the link to the codex about defining it, but I’m not a developer and don’t have one on call; how does one add a $content_width definition to a theme? Where does it go? Thanks!

  18. Justin Germino

    This worked perfectly, is there anyway to force and default the video to HD quality instead of SD quality which seems to be the default even though in my YouTube settings I have it set to default to HD?

    • Editorial Staff

      What is your max width? I have read in the past that Youtube adjusts quality based on the width of the iframe.


  19. Grant Norwood

    Please note that the $content_width variable must be declared as global before this fix will work.

  20. Nigel Parry

    WP seems to be updated by people who are unclear about the centrality of multimedia on the Internet. Why this basic preference would have to require code intervention I don’t know. WP clearly could not tell how wide my columns were. Anyway, all fixed now. You folks rock.

    • Editorial Staff

      Well Nigel, there is more to it. They are trying to make WordPress easier to use for “users”. Overtime, WordPress has added one option after another. This gets really terrifying for new users. This is why they are going with decisions over options route. The hope with this oEmbed max width is that each theme designer should/will define it in their themes, so the end-user doesn’t have to worry about it.


  21. Alex Leonard

    Thanks! I was a little baffled as to where the media embed setting had gone to!

  22. Azad

    Thanks for your post.

    But I can’t get this right, I wrote the other post you mentioned in the comments. But I still can’t get it working, I put this:

    At the begginin of my functions.php, but then my whole site stoped working. everything turned white, I had to edit the file through ftp to get it working again.

    What am I doing wrong?


    • Azad

      Hey :)
      I got it working, thanks!

  23. Monica

    Hi, where in the functions.php file should this code be placed?

  24. Jesse Garnier

    What value would be appropriate for $content_width for a variable-width or responsive design?

    • Editorial Staff

      For responsive design, you probably want to use fitvid.js or something similar to resize your videos.


    • Paul Lumsdaine

      I was able to kind of get the responsiveness to work with setting a max-width: 100% on my iframes in CSS. Of course the height is set automatically depending on your content width but this should at least get it working correctly without using any extra js. Fitvid is the way to go, but this worked for me.

      • Jeremy Myers


        Can you include the css you used to set your iframe width to 100%?

        • Roman

          I use this CSS code for responsive design:

          iframe, object, embed { max-width: 100%; } ( if you want you can add -> height: auto )

        • Tevya

          Unfortunately Roman’s CSS either doesn’t work on some themes or doesn’t work with the new WP 3.6 media player that’s built-in to core. I just tried it and nothing. I’m trying to get a theme that’s responsive to keep the new WP 3.6 player responsive as well, but no luck so far. The 2012 theme seems to handle it very nicely, but I can’t figure out what they’re doing different than this theme I’m working with.

  25. Melanie

    I am a novice to WP & coding, with that said not sure where to put the code “if ( ! isset( $content_width ) ) $content_width = 600;” I went to the function.php file in my Suffusion theme and not sure where exactly to insert this code. I tried a number of places where it mentioned video attachment and it is not working. In my case, the embedded videos are now too big for my theme since upgrading to WP 3.5.

    • Editorial Staff

      Change the number 600 to match your theme size. If it is too big for your theme, then make it smaller.


  26. Jessi Linh

    It’s been released at right time!!! The name “Elvin” is so special,too.
    Thanks for your post.

    • Editorial Staff

      Yup, totally agreed with you there. Only poorly coded themes will not have that. But there are a lot of those out there. A theme that one of our clients was using had that piece missing. Overall, its a good theme.


  27. Devin

    Perfect timing. Thank you!

