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Creating category templates in WordPress





Category page example












WordPress category archive





このチュートリアルでは、Twenty Twenty-Threeテーマを使用します。


有効化したら、外観 ” エディターに移動する必要があります。


Add New Template button in FSE



Category Archives option in FSE



Choosing a specific category item



Category list



Editing category template in FSE


方法2:Thrive Theme Builderを使ってカテゴリーテンプレートを作成する


Thrive Theme Builderは Thrive Themesブランドの一部です。WordPressカテゴリー用のカスタムテンプレートを作成するための最高のツールの一つです。

Thrive Theme Builder homepage

このツールを使用するには、まずThriveアカウントを作成する必要があります。サイトにアクセスし、「Get Thrive Suite」ボタンをクリックしてください。

ツールを購入したら、Thrive Product Managerをダウンロードしてください。すべてのThrive製品がダッシュボードで利用できるようになります。

Downloading Thrive Product Manager

次に、WordPress管理エリアに戻り、プラグイン ” 新規プラグインの追加に移動します。ここで、Thrive Product Managerプラグインの.zipファイルをアップロードします。


その後、「Product Manager」に向かいたい。ここから、ページをスクロールしてThrive Theme Builderを見つけます。


Installing Thrive Theme Builder

Product Managerがインストールを終了したら、先に進み、「選択した製品を有効化」をクリックします。次に、「テーマビルダーのダッシュボードへ」をクリックして、カテゴリーテンプレートの作成を開始します。



Choose Shapeshift theme



Adding new template in Thrive Theme Builder




Creating new list in Thrive Theme Builder

その後、’Defined for’フィールドで’All Categories’を選びましょう。そして、「Choose Template」をクリックして、カテゴリーテンプレートを素早く作成することができます。


Choosing a template for the new list



Editing template list



Thrive Theme Builder's template builder

方法3: Beaver Themerを使ってカテゴリーテンプレートを作成する

もう一つの初心者に優しいソリューションとして、Beaver Themerではテーマのレイアウトを作成することができます。テンプレートを使用したい個々のカテゴリーを選択し、ドラッグアンドドロップツールを使って編集することができます。

まず、Beaver Builderをインストールして有効化する必要があります。ヘルプが必要な場合は、WordPressサイトのインストール方法のガイドを参照してください。


設定 ” Beaver Builder “ ライセンス にアクセスします。そして、テキストボックスにライセンスキーを入力し、「ライセンスキーを保存」をクリックします。

License key field in Beaver Builder

キーは Beaver Builder アカウントにあります。

Beaver Builder ” Themer Layouts ” Add New を開きます。

Add new category template



Edit Beaver Themer layout

あとはBeaver Builderのドラッグ&ドロップエディターを使って、カテゴリーレイアウトページを自分好みにカスタマイズしてください。

Beaver Themerには、カテゴリーレイアウトページをデザインするために使用したり移動したりできるモジュールがたくさんあります。

Using Beaver Builder to design your category template



A category template made with Beaver Builder



* A Simple Category Template

get_header(); ?> 

<section id="primary" class="site-content">
<div id="content" role="main">

// Check if there are any posts to display
if ( have_posts() ) : ?>

<header class="archive-header">
<h1 class="archive-title">Category: <?php single_cat_title( '', false ); ?></h1>

// Display optional category description
 if ( category_description() ) : ?>
<div class="archive-meta"><?php echo category_description(); ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>


// The Loop
while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<h2><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
<small><?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?> by <?php the_author_posts_link() ?></small>

<div class="entry">
<?php the_content(); ?>

 <p class="postmetadata"><?php
  comments_popup_link( 'No comments yet', '1 comment', '% comments', 'comments-link', 'Comments closed');

<?php endwhile; 

else: ?>
<p>Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.</p>

<?php endif; ?>

<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>


そのためには、特定のカテゴリー用のテンプレートを作成する必要があります。外観 ” テーマエディターへ


Theme category file editor







すでに使用するカテゴリーがわかっているので、タイトルや説明、その他の詳細を手動で追加することができます。また、<? php the_ content();の代わりに<?php the_excerpt();を使って いることに注目してください

* A Simple Category Template

get_header(); ?> 

<section id="primary" class="site-content">
<div id="content" role="main">
// Check if there are any posts to display
if ( have_posts() ) : ?>

<header class="archive-header">
// Since this template will only be used for Design category
// we can add category title and description manually.
// or even add images or change the layout

<h1 class="archive-title">Design Articles</h1>
<div class="archive-meta">
Articles and tutorials about design and the web.


// The Loop
while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
<h2><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
<small><?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?> by <?php the_author_posts_link() ?></small>

<div class="entry">
<?php the_excerpt(); ?>

 <p class="postmetadata"><?php
  comments_popup_link( 'No comments yet', '1 comment', '% comments', 'comments-link', 'Comments closed');

<?php endwhile; // End Loop

else: ?>
<p>Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.</p>
<?php endif; ?>

<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>




場合によっては、カテゴリー.phpや アーカイブ.phpのような一般的なテンプレート内の条件分岐タグを使用することで、それほど複雑な変更を加える必要はありません。




さて、この特定のカテゴリーについて、カテゴリー・アーカイブ・ページに追加情報を表示したいと思います。そのためには、category.phpファイルの<?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>の直後に次のコードを追加します。

<header class="archive-header">

<?php if(is_category( 'Featured' )) : ?>
	<h1 class="archive-title">Featured Articles:</h1>
<?php  else: ?>
	<h1 class="archive-title">Category Archive: <?php single_cat_title(); ?> </h1>
<?php endif; ?>







Restricting categories in MemberPress


WordPressでカテゴリーテンプレートを作成する方法について、この投稿がお役に立てば幸いです。次の投稿日:カテゴリーのベースプレフィックスを変更する方法と WordPressの投稿ループで親カテゴリーだけを表示する方法についてのガイドもご覧ください。

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Reader Interactions

57件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Gwyneth Llewelyn

    I just wanted to thank you — not only for the clarity of the explanations, but, most importantly, for restricting your code to the essential, while keeping all typical WordPress conventions (in terms of styling) as they were originally coded (even if they have, today, a ‘retro’ style of coding!).

    This simplifies, for beginners and forgetful experienced programmers alike, to fully integrate a category page on a theme that doesn’t support them; because even though every theme does it slightly differently, there is enough common ground for a simple template to do its job while delegating more complex functionalities to theme-specific functions. That is, at least, the case with well-written themes, of course.

    Thanks again!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad you found our guide and writing style helpful!


  2. Ashlesha Shirsath

    Very useful, Nice Tutorial !!
    Thank You

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful!


  3. Muhammad Zeeshan

    I want to create the same custom page for all categories but I don’t want to create it one by one. If I add a new category in the future, I want the same template for the new category as for the old one. How can I get this?

    • Alexandro Giles

      You only need to create 1 category.php template, this category template will be used in any category archive that you create.

  4. Daniel

    Hi – Its a very helpful tutorial but I am trying to show a specific category and its sub categories on a page – How do i do that ?

  5. Mike Clegg

    This is incredibly helpful! Thanks so much! :)

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  6. shilpi pandey

    Thanks a lot, You saved my time.

  7. Barbara

    I’m putting my question here because it’s the closest topic to what I am looking for. My church is going to put out a newsletter using Constant Contact. Our current newsletter has both short items and longer articles. I want to use short excerpts of the longer articles in the newsletter with a link to the article online. To that end, I have created a category-newsletter and using a plugin Unique Headers have changed the header image. I want now to suppress the H1 in the header, but since the header is called from the post page, the only way I can think of to obtain the result that I want is to do a custom page/post in which I don’t call header.php but include the contents of header.php in my custom post page. I might even want to do a custom footer.

    How do I do that without causing an error?

  8. Steven Denger

    This is a knowledgable tutorial for making templates – if you are an advanced user of code. This is what I see too much here- an explanation for the advanced users or developers but is of little to no value to beginners. I thought that this was WP BEGINNER – this is hardly a beginners tutorial and was of no help to me what-so-ever.

  9. Daniel

    Hello, great tutorial. I really want to add a limit of 5 posts per page and have page numbering. Can someone help me with the code?

  10. Chris Smith

    Thank you so much for writing this article – I was trying so hard to find where the categories were stored for my personal blog site. I had been through every php I could find and searched relentlessly for categories in my FTP/ control panel. Although the advice given here basically said it couldn’t help and i wouldn’t find it useful, it did encourage me to look at the content.php which was in the ‘framework’ directory of the theme. If anyone else is using the free version of the plum theme and wants to know how to do this in ftp, I hope this comment is useful!

  11. Richard Lowe

    My theme came without a template for categories, tags, etc. So this article is perfect since I want them.

    Question: Would it be best to do this in a child theme so custom changes are not lost if and when the theme is updated?

  12. Borislav

    For Custom Single Post page templates by category one could make a separated folder called “single” and then put inside all single templates like single-category-slug.php. + the general single.php. There was also necessary to add some code in functions.php. Can you do the same technique for Category page templates, like put all category-slug.php + the general category.php in a map called “category” ? I wonder that just to have a better file oragization istead of having all category-slug.php among all other theme php files like header.php footer.php index.php etc.

  13. rami mike

    Thanks… that’s very useful. What if i want an archive page that display all the posts from 3 of my 5 categories….
    How can i do that ?

  14. Bruno Silva

    Very useful, saved my day!

  15. Amit Moral

    how to develop many category template with different-different layout

  16. Mark

    Nice tutorial, I really appreciate the huge investment in wordpress tutorial and also in OptinMonster. But I will like to point out something in the tutorial: In the category template, you forget to echo the single_cat_title( ”, false );

    It should be:



  17. Dan

    When I use this template, I get the max set number of posts in the Dashboard, which is 10 posts only. When I select a category I want all of the posts for that category, not only the most recent 10. I tried adding query_posts(‘posts_per_page=50’); at the beginning of the Loop, but when I do that then posts from a different category are appearing in my selection. Any ideas?

  18. Dnil

    Hi, I have category.php file on my theme. But whenever I view it, it shows only the title and a brief summary of the post. I want to have image of the post instead of text appear below the blog title. Please help me sir. I can’t find a better solution. I’m a newbie at wordpress :( Thank you

  19. Dnil


    I’m getting real problem on how can I add “Image” in the category page instead of “text”? :( Please is anyone can help me here?

    Here’s my category.php

    Thanks in advance. Please email me on how to fix this stuff.

  20. SevenT

    Thank you for this helpful post. But when i try a first one code. It make error.
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<' in \category.php on line 22

    And the second one is same error on line 31

    What happen? I have checked it.

    • DJ

      I realize I’m a little late but hopefully it’ll help someone. Line 21 and 29 are missing closing tags ?> which causes an error on the following line:

      21 if ( category_description() ) : ?>
      29 while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>

    • Kasper

      just add ?> after while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); on line 30

  21. Lisa

    I am using Divi 2.1.4. I do not see any archive or category php. Can I use the index.php as the base and modify from there for a custom category page?

  22. JAspen

    How would I have all my category page templates display on one page? I have 3 different category templates and look great on each single category page, but need them to display all together on one page.

  23. Bruce Bates

    I solved my problem with your example code. You didn’t close the while loop on line 29 ?>

    29 while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();

    • Muddasir

      kindly have a look on line 41 you will see while loop closed.

      • Brian Bambl

        No, it’s not closed on line 40.

  24. Bruce Bates

    I am trying to create a theme (first time) and I am stuck on the category template. Have things changed as of wordpress 3.9? I literally copied and pasted the code you have here (removing the line numbers), saved the file, and tested it out and I get a fully blank page. Not even an opening html tag is happening when viewing outputted source.

    • Andy

      Yes man same problem – copy and paste – blank page – no hidden html whatsoever

  25. Deepa Govind


    I am developing a child theme, and want to show a specific image alongside the category description — @ Category Archives page.

    ie, If category = Poetry, SHOW + description + post list
    if category = cooking, SHOW + description + post list
    if category = tutrial, SHOW + description + post list

    I know that we can put the IF-Condition in the category.php’s >> Archive header

    But, my list is pretty long — almost 20 categories
    and I donot want to clutter the actual category.php file

    Is it possible to write a custom function (in myfunc.php)
    and make a call at the category.php??

    Thank you

    • Deepa Govind

      This is wierd, some of my text in the comment is missing
      so here it is again

      ie, If category = Poetry, SHOW QUILL IMAGE+ description + post list
      if category = cooking, SHOW CHEF IMAGE+ description + post list
      if category = tutrial, SHOW TEACHER IMAGE+ description + post list

    • WPBeginner Support

      Deepa, yes you can create a function that checks for all categories in functions.php and then call it in your category.php file.


  26. Lars

    Hey! I have trouble with the theme I am developing. I want to show only one category pr. page, but when all posts for all categories shows up on all the pages. How can I show just one category pr. page without having to make a specific page for each page specifying the name of the category?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can use conditional tags in WordPress, or simply add your categories in the navigation menu.


  27. Muhammed Ashique Kuthini

    Can i get a function like showposts in this loop ? I am designer and recently came with development. I need to show the most recent post of the selected category in a different style.

  28. Cath

    This seems straightforward but I’m having problems. I’m creating a child theme from a parent theme. The parent theme has an archive.php file only. In my child folder I want the archive.php for my Archives widget and for my Category widget, I want a category.php file. I’ve copied the archive.php code into a blank php file and saved it as category.php. The archive.php still defaults for both. Am I missing something? Thank you.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Nope you are not missing anything. category.php should take over when ever a user is browsing a category page. This could happen for a number of reasons. For example WordPress may not be able to identify category.php file. Can you open category.php file in Appearance » Editor. Double check that you have not accidentally saved category.php as category.php.txt. Also check out our guide on creating child themes to make sure that you have created a child theme correctly.


      • Cath

        Hi. I am able to open category.php with the Appearance>Editor. Does the category.php file need to be added somewhere? Thank you.

        • Cath

          Hi. I am able to open category.php with the Appearance>Editor. The file is saved in my child theme with the rest of my files that are working on my site. Do I need to add it to the functions.php file in order for WordPress to use category.php instead of archive.php?

  29. Saravana

    Thanks a lot, You saved my time.

  30. Lex

    Thanks for your great article. Very helpful.

    I have a custom post type – ”video”, and a custom taxonomy – “video_categories” What would be the best way display them? I need a “home” for all videos, and a page that lists videos from a category.

    archive-videos.php – “home” listing page for all videos of all categories
    taxonomy-video_categories.php – a category listing page

    This is what I am thinking about. I feel there should be a better way. At the moment these two files have exactly the same code which is duplication.

    Thanks in advance for sharing your experience

  31. Amit Kumar

    I liked the Idea of creating different designs for each category page. Can you please tell me how can I achieve a particular design for post under one specific category?

    For eg. All the post under category “Design” will have a particular design format and background etc.

    I would be glad to have any link which can provide any hint related to this.

  32. Mark Roth

    I’ve been wanting to do this for quite a while. It’s not that I don’t know how to do it, it’s that I keep forgetting…and being distracted by more important projects. Your post is a great reminder…and will be a handy reference point. I’ve added it to my bookmarks. Thanks!

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