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How to create a custom page in WordPress










ただ、これらの方法はThemeIsle Hestia ProやTwenty Twenty-Threeのようなブロックベースのテーマでしか使えないことに注意してください。ブロックベースのテーマを持っていない場合は、代わりにページビルダーを使用することをお勧めします。


How to create a custom theme using the built-in WordPress template


表示されたポップアップで、「Add Template」アイコンをクリックします。

How to create a custom WordPress template



Creating a new template in the WordPress block editor



Editing a WordPress template using the block-based editor




A selection of patterns in the WordPress editor




Changing the WordPress template





ページを作成するには、ページ 新規追加 をクリックします。タイトルを入力し、カテゴリーとタグを追加し、アイキャッチ画像をアップロードし、その他の変更を加えることができます。

基本的なページに満足したら、変更を保存し、外観 エディターに移動します。

Opening the WordPress full-site editor (FSE)



Editing a page layout using the full-site editor (FSE)



Create a custom page design using the full-site editor (FSE)



Create a custom page design using the block-based editor



Create a custom page design using the block-based editor


方法3. SeedProdを使ってWordPressにカスタムページを作成する(推奨)




より多くのコンバージョンを獲得するためにカスタムページを使用している場合、SeedProdはコンバージョンを獲得するために既に使用している多くの人気のあるサードパーティツールと連動します。これには、トップクラスのEメールマーケティングサービス、WooCommerce、Google アナリティクスなどが含まれます。


注: SeedProdには無料版もあり、予算に関係なくカスタムページを作成することができます。しかし、このガイドではSeedProd Proを使用します。SeedProd Proはより多くのテンプレートがあり、すべて最高のメールマーケティングサービスと統合されているからです。


SeedProd license key

この情報は、SeedProdサイトの自分のアカウントの下にあります。キーを入力した後、「Verify Key」ボタンをクリックしてください。


それができたら、SeedProd ” ランディングページに行き、’新規ランディングページを追加’ボタンをクリックします。

SeedProd's page design templates



The SeedProd template library



Previewing a ready-made template





Creating a custom page for your WordPress website




The SeedProd courses template



Editing the headline for your custom page



Editing images in a custom page design



Removing a block from a SeedProd custom page



Adding a social sharing block to WordPress

また、SeedProdには「セクション」という行やブロックのテンプレートが用意されており、カスタマイザーのページを素早く作成することができます。例えば、Google広告のランディングページをデザインする場合、SeedProdのHero、Call To Action、Featuresセクションを使用することができます。


SeedProd's ready-made sections



Adding a section to a custom page




The SeedProd global settings bar



Previewing a custom page on mobile



Publishing a custom page


カスタムページを編集したい場合は、WordPressダッシュボードのSeedProd ” ランディングページにアクセスしてください。変更したいページを見つけて、「編集」リンクをクリックしてください。

Fine-tuning a custom page in WordPress


方法4.Thrive Architectを使ってWordPressでカスタマイザーページを作成する

Thrive Architectを使ってカスタムページを作成することもできます。Thrive ArchitectもWordPressで人気のドラッグアンドドロップページビルダーです。


Custom page example built with Thrive Architect

まず、Thrive Architectプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。

有効化したら、WordPress管理ダッシュボードのページ ” 新規追加にアクセスしてカスタムページを作成します。次に、’Launch Thrive Architect’ボタンをクリックします。

Launch Thrive Architect



Choose the Pre-built Landing Page option in Thrive Architect


以下の画像では、「Smart Landing Page Sets」を選択しています。

Pick a template for your custom page in Thrive Architect



Apply Thrive Architect template

これでThrive Architectエディターでテンプレートが開きます。ここから、ブログ、サイト、オンラインストアに一致するようにページテンプレートを簡単にカスタマイズできます。


Customize page elements in Thrive Architect



Customize page settings in Thrive Architect

SeedProdのブロックと同様に、Thrive Architectにはカスタムページに追加できる多くのビルトインエレメントがあらかじめ用意されています。


Click the Add Element button



Drag and drop elements onto your page



Save custom page in Thrive Architect



Publish custom page


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Reader Interactions

232件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Hemant Kuswah

    Hiii, Thanks for the information.

    I have a little problem/confusion. I had made the custom page as you described in the tutorial above. But i want to add custom php code to fetch data from other place and display on the custom page i just created.

    There will be a dropdown on the custom page and on selecting a value it will display some data on the same page which is either coming from database or from some other website.

    How can i do that ?

    Any suggestion :) ?

  2. Jared

    Hi – I was wondering how I can avoid including other plugins css and js files such as woocommerce and various others in my template.



  3. Valerio

    What if the theme has a kind of wrapper base.php? I would like to create a new custom page template but I always get also what is in the main wrapper base.php. Did I make myself clear enough?

  4. Dre

    how about this one,

    I want the sidebar on the very right and all the other content “full width” on the page. How can I do this?

    When I choose “Full Width” in the WordPress-Site-Settings, the sidebar of course is gone and my content still isn’t full width.

    you can see my page here:
    thank you!

  5. Yazhini

    How to make FTP client connection?

  6. Yiani

    Nothing shows up in the drop down in Page Attributes? I am using Storefront theme for Woocommerce. What is the solution? Is Storefront not allowing custom page templates? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.

  7. Henry

    Very educative indeed, thanks alot. However, I have a rather unique situation and after reading your post felt I should ask. I have two lovely pages I long to add to my wordpress theme, but sadly they are static HTML pages with commenting, voting as well as sharing system. Is there a way I can get them into my existing wordpress theme and also get them to use the wordpress commenting, voting and sharing systems?

  8. Ketan Chaudhari

    Thank you for this tutorial.

    Today, You give me a chance to learn something new in wordpress.

  9. Natacha

    Thank you for the tutorial. I am happy to learn new stuff step by step.
    But, When I preview the page with the new template, I don’t have a white page, I have my default theme loaded.

    How can I change that?

      • Natacha

        Thank you for the answer.
        But, I cannot change the theme of my whole website. I just needed to create a blank page so I can create a forum.

        • Hero

          Instead of reinventing the wheel, why not just use BuddyPress?

  10. Tim

    I just want to THANK YOU for posting this. I’ve been trying to get a static front page to work with my custom template and I just couldn’t find a straight and simple answer until stumbling upon this article. Much appreciated.

  11. hamed ahmed

    thanks, the google search console requires to save .html file to my wordpress website , but .html will not be appeared in the website , can any one help please because i want to register my website to search console

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Hamed,

      You can also verify by adding the meta tag or by using Yoast SEO plugin which allows you to add the meta tag from its settings page.


  12. Sameer Kumar

    how to remove sidebar Php?

  13. KH

    I don’t see the template option in the Page Attributes section of my wp page – is there something I need to do to see this?

  14. Yasser

    thanks alot.
    It worked perfectly.

  15. Luis

    Thanks for the post! It was so difficult to find this simple answer in the wordpress codex. One suggestion, though. Please add to your post that when users create their ‘custom_page.php’ file to add a header tag, i.e. with a text title so they don’t get a white page on the first go. It’s just a quick way of making sure the page is really working. Again, thanks a lot for making this so easy!

  16. ashkan 261

    So cool thank a lot dear

  17. AltisB

    I m trying to embed some javascipt or html codes into the blank page… how should i do that? Because i now have the blank page but when i embed the embedded codes onto the editor it doesnt seems to work.

  18. kray

    How do you do this for WordPress 4.7? No Template shows up when I attempt to create a page in 4.7.

  19. Altisb

    “Once you have added the code, save the file to your desktop as, custompaget1.php.”
    My notepad save the file as .txt
    How to you even save it as .php file???

    • WPBeginner Support


      Try using ‘Save as’ instead of save option from the file menu. When using save as write full name for your file. You can also rename the existing custompaget1.php.txt file to custompaget1.php


  20. Ben

    I’m truly a beginner and found the steps easy to follow. I created my new .php file following the instructions, pasting the page.php text at the end of my new .php file. I’m to the point where my new custom page template is available in the drop down when I create a new page. I select the new template for the new page, and when I make changes to the new page in the customizer (delete a text widget from the sidebar), the changes are applied to the other pages that have the default template selected as well, not to just my new page with the new custom template selected. Any ideas?

  21. Marshall

    I found this really helpful. However, I did have one problem. When I go to the new page
    there is a 32px top margin on it which does not show on the other page.

  22. Logan


    I have an issue with my WP pages. I have a website up and running and I recently needed to add a new page and a new menu button. I’ve made a new menu button and created a new page (default template) and published it. However, on the website, after clicking on the new button under which this new page should be, it’s only showing header and footer. Not my new page.

    Could you be so kind and advise me on this? I’m a total WP beginner so building my own template page is out of the question and I was under the impression that simply adding a new page to my WP website should be only a few clicks away…


  23. Anish

    Hi! I did as you said.
    I created a .php file with the same code snippet as given and uploaded it onto my /wp-content/themes folder. Now, when i go to the Page section on WordPress, there is no option for the Template choosing. What should i do ? Can you figure out where i might be going wrong ?

  24. Leonardo

    Hi. I don’t know any php and I need to creature a custom page for my website.

    Is it possible to create an HTML page from scratch, include javascript to the page and put it into the .php file as described?


  25. Mo

    @DAN Are you sure that you including the header. Thats usually where WP will enqueue your style.css

  26. Dan


    I’m trying to create a blank template to be used for a landing page. I succeded in creating the blank template, but now when I try to add content (using the WP editor or Visual Composer or even a CF7 contact form) no style is applied. Is there any way to tell the template to use the theme css style?


  27. Marco Milano

    This isn’t a new post type but is a new template. They’re two different thing. In fact the you can call a template from a post whereas the custom post type has a personal space in admin panel.

  28. Julie

    I followed all the steps and they worked until I tried to select it in the “Page Attributes” part. The “CustomPageT1” is just not an option in the drop down menu!

    What can I do so that WordPress and or my theme can pick up that it’s a template?

    Thanks in advance!


    • WPBeginner Support

      Most often users make mistake while copy-pasting code snippets. Please make sure that your custom template file contains exactly the same code
      <?php /* Template Name: CustomPageT1 */ ?>


  29. Ubaid

    I want to add a full width header image before entire content and sidebar. How can I do that?

  30. Girija Tandel

    Thank you so muc for this wonderfull tutorial.
    This helps me a lot.
    It works great.

  31. Harish S Reddy

    Thank You , it works Great !

  32. Charmy Dexter

    It was like I’m reading 123. I hope a page template of a theme could be used in another theme.

  33. Uchenna

    please can you help me out. I have two themes. one for my desktop view and the other for mobile. i used any mobile switcher to get the mobile view working. I designed a static page for desktop theme and this is where my problem begins because once i set from “reading” to use static front page for the desktop theme, the mobile theme homepage stops displaying posts. please is there a way i can get this working? this is the site am talking about thanks in advnce

  34. Matthew

    Way easier than I thought this would be. Thank you!

  35. Rahul Tiwari


    Its really helpful for me and very easy to understand.


  36. jass

    thank you very much.This article really helps :)

  37. Steven Denger

    For a “beginner” this was not helpful. You did not explain the steps more in detail, like “go to your current theme folder” – how do I do this? And your FTP instructions were way to vague. If I was able to understand your instructions I wouldn’t have needed this wp-beginner in the first place as it is explained for those that have mor tech experience.
    These tutorals were not at all helpful and are just targeted for the more tech viewers.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Steven,

      We are sorry that you didn’t find this article helpful. We will try to explain in comments.

      To connect to your theme folder you will need an FTP client. These are special software which allow you to connect to your webserver and upload, delete, and manage your files directly.

      When you sign up with a WordPress hosting provider, they send you an email with your FTP login credentials. If you did not receive this email then please contact your hosting provider via chat or email and then will send them to you right away.

      However, if using FTP seems a bit too difficult, then you can also use File Manager. It is a web based application available under your web hosting account. Login to your web hosting account and look for File Manager.

      Let us know if you need more help :)

      We will try to improve and make our articles even more beginner friendly in the future.


  38. Niki

    Many thank you for simple and informative article helped me to start :)

  39. Chibuike Mba

    Thank you very much, this your article about custom page have really pointed me in the right direction for I needed to override theme page in my plugin for some custom post types.

    Thank you once again.

  40. Wayne from Keys English


    What can I do if I see the successful transfer of the custompageT1 to my FireFTP client, but when I go into WP admin – create a new page – scroll down to template, the custompageT1 is not in the drop down list to select?



  41. zamaan

    Excellent, very useful. Thank you.
    but u fogot to tell where i want to add my custom php code in the template file :(

  42. Jaczkowski

    I learnt something new. Thanks alot

  43. Janet Fuller

    This is really extra ordinary. Generally, I do add a page and then create that. But today, I have known something new.

  44. nevenx

    is it possible to integrate another script to wp (e.g. faucetbox script) on this way?

  45. San

    Great article. Helps to ease my confusion

  46. Tak

    thanks for the very concise tutorial with simple examples. it was super easy to follow!

  47. Radhakrishnan

    Dear sir,

    I did what you say. but in my page edit screetn there no template comming in attribute. what i can do sir?

  48. levan

    many thanks to you my dear its very helpful

  49. Gabriel

    This is a great tutorial. Very simple and easy to follow. Thank you!

  50. Waleed Barakat

    Thanks for the tutorial! actually i have a games WordPress template and every time i try to create a page treat it as a game and not show the page content as usual, but i think everything will be okay after reading and applying this tutorial on my website:

    Thanks again

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