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WordPressテーマでFacebook Open Graphメタ情報を追加する方法

WordPressウェブサイトのコンテンツをFacebookで共有する場合、魅力的で魅力的な見た目にすることが重要です。Facebook Open Graphメタデータを使用すると、プラットフォームで共有されたときに投稿やページがどのように表示されるかをコントロールでき、視覚的な魅力を向上させることができます。



今回は、WordPressテーマでFacebook Open Graphメタデータを簡単に追加する方法をご紹介します。WPBeginnerで使用しているAll In One SEOを含む3種類の方法を紹介しますので、あなたのWordPressサイトに最適な方法を選んでください。

How to Add Facebook Open Graph Meta Data in WordPress Themes



All In One SEOは、300万以上のサイトで使用されている人気のWordPress SEOプラグインです。検索エンジンだけでなく、FacebookやTwitterのようなソーシャルプラットフォームのためにあなたのサイトを簡単に最適化することができます。

まず、無料のAll In One SEOプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。

有効化したら、All In One SEO ” ソーシャルネットワークページにアクセスする必要があります。ここで、あなたのFacebookページのURLと他のすべてのソーシャルネットワークを入力することができます。

The AIOSEO SEO plugin for WordPress

次に、ページ上部のFacebookタブをクリックすると、Open Graph Markupが初期設定で有効化されていることがわかります。

投稿にオープングラフ画像がない場合、「アップロードまたは画像を選択」ボタンをクリックして初期設定のFacebook OG画像を選択することができます。

Set default Open Graph image


サイト全体のOpen Graphメタタグを設定したので、次のステップは個々の投稿やページにOpen Graphメタデータを追加することです。



AIOSEO Facebook preview



Choose which WordPress image to use as your Facebook thumbnail

方法2: Yoast SEOを使ってFacebookのオープングラフメタデータを設定する

Yoast SEOもWordPressのSEOプラグインで、Facebook Open GraphメタデータをWordPressサイトに追加することができる。

最初に行う必要があるのは、Yoast SEOプラグインをインストールして有効化することです。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。

有効化したFacebook Open Graphデータは初期設定で有効化されます。

これを確認するには、Yoast SEO ” 設定に行き、ソーシャル共有セクションまでスクロールダウンします。これで、Open Graphデータ機能が有効化されていることを確認できます。

Enable Facebook Open Graph

SEO ” Socialに移動し、’Add Open Graph meta data’の下にある’有効化’オプションを選択する必要があります。




Yoast SEOのプレミアムバージョンでは、個々の投稿やページにOpen Graphメタデータを設定することもできます。投稿やページを編集し、エディターの下にある「Yoast SEO」セクションまでスクロールするだけです。

Set open graph meta data for post and pages using Yoast


投稿やページを保存すると、プラグインがFacebookのOpen Graphメタデータを保存します。

方法3:コードを使用してFacebook Open Graphメタデータを追加する


WPCodeはまた、基本的なOpen Graphタグを追加するためのものを含む、既製のコードスニペットのライブラリが付属しているので、クリック数回で済みます。


有効化した後、WordPressダッシュボードからCode Snippets ” + Add Snippetに行くことができます。

ライブラリから「Add basic Open Graph Tags」スニペットを探します。見つけたらマウスオーバーし、「Use snippet」ボタンをクリックします。

Select the 'Add basic Open Graph Tags' snippet from the library


WPCode automatically adds the code for Open Graph data

その後、スニペットを「有効化」に切り替え、「更新」ボタンをクリックするだけです。テーマがWordPressヘッダーにFacebook Open Graphメタデータを表示するようになります。

Activate and update snippet



//Adding the Open Graph in the Language Attributes
function add_opengraph_doctype( $output ) {
        return $output . ' xmlns:og="" xmlns:fb=""';
add_filter('language_attributes', 'add_opengraph_doctype');
//Lets add Open Graph Meta Info
function insert_fb_in_head() {
    global $post;
    if ( !is_singular()) //if it is not a post or a page
        echo '<meta property="fb:app_id" content="Your Facebook App ID" />';
        echo '<meta property="og:title" content="' . get_the_title() . '"/>';
        echo '<meta property="og:type" content="article"/>';
        echo '<meta property="og:url" content="' . get_permalink() . '"/>';
        echo '<meta property="og:site_name" content="Your Site Name Goes Here"/>';
    if(!has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID )) { //the post does not have featured image, use a default image
        $default_image=""; //replace this with a default image on your server or an image in your media library
        echo '<meta property="og:image" content="' . $default_image . '"/>';
        $thumbnail_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), 'medium' );
        echo '<meta property="og:image" content="' . esc_attr( $thumbnail_src[0] ) . '"/>';
    echo "
add_action( 'wp_head', 'insert_fb_in_head', 5 );

17行目の’Your Site Name Goes Here’と書かれているところに、あなたのサイト名を忘れずに追加してください。その後、19行目の初期設定の画像URLを、あなた自身の画像URLに変更してください。




この記事が、WordPressでFacebook Open Graphメタデータを追加するのにお役に立てば幸いです。WordPressでFacebookを利用する方法に関する他のガイドもご覧ください:

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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221件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. wpbeginner

    @SteveJoseph@joshuatj Josh not sure when you last checked the plugin, but our plugin has full support for the og:description. It has been there since version 0.1.2. Here is the changelog: version 0.1.3, we improved the description code to actually look for Yoast’s plugin’s description code, and if that doesn’t exist then it pulls the post excerpt if that exists.

  2. SteveJoseph

    @joshuatj Good point and thanks again for the links and your help. It’s much appreciated. Between Linter and the Yoast plugin I should be ok. All the best.

  3. joshuatj

    @SteveJoseph Or you can wait till Facebook do their Lint run.

  4. SteveJoseph

    @joshuatj I tried linter before but that only fixed the 1st post. The rest still display the old copy. I just realized however that if I lint each unique page then it shows the correct information which is what you’ve posted above. Annoying but I guess this is what I’ll need to use for now or check out the link you provided and see if that plugin works for me. Much thanks mate! Cheers.

  5. joshuatj

    @SteveJoseph Oops, you’re right, I did make a typo mistake there. I meant “Yoast”. in actual fact, Yoast does more than just solving the og-description issue, so it might not be what you want. I just used URL Linter ( for your site. It seem to be displaying this description “Future Tomorrow is the collective online moniker, portfolio site and blog of Steve Joseph. With over 14yrs creative experience across several disciplines and knowledge that far extends beyond “just being a creative”, there is much to share but still more to learn.”. Is that what you want in the description field? Try “sharing on Facebook” again?

  6. SteveJoseph

    @joshuatj Thanks for the response joshuatj. Unfortunately a search of “Yeost Facebook Plugin” or “Yeost Plugin” didn’t return any helpful results in guiding me to this possible solution. Do you have a direct link?

    I also tried searching “Yoast” thinking there may have been a typo in your response and that still didn’t lead me to a solution. Any further help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.

  7. joshuatj

    @SteveJoseph I don’t think this plugin deals with description. Try Yeost’s?

  8. SteveJoseph

    sorry for no link – – click on “share this on Facebook” on any post to see what’s happening in visual detail. Thanks again.

  9. SteveJoseph


    I tried both your plug-in and code method and neither worked. When clicking “share this on Facebook” from my blog, my title is correct, URL is correct, image is correct but the description is old and incorrect. Is there an update to the code or plug-in where the “description” is properly displayed?Thanks in advance.



  10. joshuatj

    The plugin is awesome! Thanks wpbeginner! However it’ll be awesome if we can also add the “description” content for the <meta property=”og:description” content=””> meta tag

  11. ExpandSM

    Thanks for this plugin! I have a blog that is also a Buddypress site and I can’t get it to pull the post excerpt. Any suggestions?

  12. jaffa

    @wpbeginner Thank you for your reply.

    I realise I’m turning into the biggest pain on this thread and this will be my last question:

    I use the catch that image and tim thumb function on my site and was wondering how or if I could implement that into this function to replace the code that looks for a featured image?

    Sometimes I don’t use the featured image so it would be handy if the script could just look for the first image in the post and if that is not there then use the default.

    Thanks in advance :)

  13. dbrabyn

    @wpbeginner @dbrabyn Fair enough. I’ve just tried it and for a post with no featured image but a post image, FB Lint tells me “The image url is not compliant with RFC2396 and will not be displayed correctly.” The absence of a default image is a problem too. Thanks anyway.

  14. wpbeginner

    @jaffa If you don’t have these meta tags, and the user LIKES a post using the like button on your blog (FB will pick a random image for them)….Now if they put the link on their Facebook profile (then they will get option)… Most of the time folks click on the like button then actually copying the link and pasting on their facebook status box. This plugin actually fixes that issue.

  15. wpbeginner

    @dbrabyn The plugin that we have in the repository actually does that. It looks for the featured image and if no featured image is found it falls back to the first image of the post… The snippet in this post doesn’t do that. Just use the plugin.

  16. jaffa

    Finally got this working with the help of wpbeginner!

    I have a question though, when I share a page that doesn’t have any images in the content the default image is used. Is it possible to specify more than one default image?

    Also, I noticed if I share the homepage of the website, I have a choice of all the images on the page to pick from but when sharing a normal page I am forced to use the default only. Is there a way to see all images on the page?


  17. dbrabyn

    Any way to make this function grab the first image from the post, then the featured image, then the default image? Just like get_the_image does.

  18. jaffa

    @wpbeginner will do so!

    Thank you so much :)

  19. wpbeginner

    @jaffa If you send us an email using the contact form, we can definitely look into it and help you get this working.

  20. jaffa

    @wpbeginner It is not that I am not satisfied with the article here, it’s just I can’t seem to get it working. I always visit this site as it has helped me greatly and allowed me to learn a lot about wp.

    I couldn’t get the opengraph to work and then started looking elsewhere online which lead me to other articles that just confused me really. I then came back here to try again. Maybe I have done something incorrect or there is something not right in my theme that is preventing it from working. That’s what I meant by ‘I’ll figure it out’

    I appreciate your replies and help.

    Thank you.

  21. wpbeginner

    @jaffa You don’t need an app if you don’t want it. You can still retrieve analytics for your like buttons through your personal account. There is nothing to figure out because the article explains everything, but if you still are not satisfied then sure do further research.

  22. jaffa

    @wpbeginner ok, thanks!

    Other articles suggested an app needed to be created which is why I was confused. Nevermind, I’ll figure it out.


  23. wpbeginner

    @jaffa You DO NOT have to create a facebook application for this tutorial. It will work regardless. We have the app on our page for other reasons that does not relate to the tutorial mentioned in this article….

  24. jaffa

    @wpbeginner thanks for your reply. I was getting very confused :s

    Do I need to create a facebook application for this open graph to work correctly? I just checked the source code for this page and you have an ‘fb:app_id’ field which isn’t included in the code above?

    I apologise for all the questions, if anyone can direct me to some documentation about open graph I will happily try to find some answers and come back and share any info I may find.



  25. wpbeginner

    @jbjb3077 Look at our article about showing custom fields anywhere on the site. Custom Fields 101 article covers that on our site :)

  26. wpbeginner

    @jaffa It is not the same as an app id…. Your personal user id is different.

  27. jaffa

    this may seem like a very silly question but in order for this to work do you have to create a facebook application first? I just have a regular facebook page and nothing else and I have tried this code many times but still cannot get it to work. When I run it through the linter tool I get the error: invalid app ID.

    Is the example of the USER ID above the same as an app ID or not?

  28. jbjb3077

    @jbjb3077 please check this….

  29. mark.bravura

    Thanks again for your quick response. And that is the heart of my question… the Facebook Open Graph Meta For WordPress plugin is pulling in all of the meta data correctly, except for no excerpt/description data. Hence why I am wondering how to manually tweak it. Any suggestions?

  30. wpbeginner

    @mark.bravura Your post title is being pulled as the title. Your excerpt is being pulled as the description. Your featured image (thumbnail) is being pulled as the thumbnail. Modify any of those, and you can modify the og data.

  31. mark.bravura

    Thanks for the quick reply. So is there a reasonably easy way to manually fine tune (access/modify) the OG data?

  32. wpbeginner

    @mark.bravura The information is actually already stored in your database. This plugin merely outputs it.

  33. mark.bravura


    When using the OG meta data plugin, which PHP file does it store the tags in? Thanks!

  34. Liverpoolfcblog

    Hey there wpbeginner @wpbeginner , the code is working fine. Thanks for that.

    Just have a question. I ran individual articles through facebook’s linter and all appeared fine. However, when I ran my home page through it says this:

    Required Property Missing og:title is required

    Required Property Missing og:type is required

    Required Property Missing og:url is required

    Required Property Missing og:image is required

    I noticed this in the code: if ( !is_singular()) //if it is not a post or a page return;

    Does adding the above four affect how facebook sees my site? For instance, will it categorize as a website and show the Title?


    • Editorial Staff

      You can remove the is_singular item and show this on the homepage… Most if not all WordPress blogs are only shared from the single post page. That is also the page where the Like button is prominent.


  35. jbjb3077

    hello my post images are in custom field (thumb) i had a hack with previous version but now cant figure it out how to add that. please help me. this is the code i have replaced

    if ( get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘thumb’, true) ) { //the post does have featured image $thumbnail_src = get_post_meta($post->ID, “thumb”, true); echo ‘<meta property=”og:image” content=”‘ . esc_attr( $thumbnail_src[0] ) . ‘”/>’; } else{ echo ‘<meta property=”og:image” content=”mysite image in a path.jpg”/>’; } echo “n”;

  36. Danny Foo

    Still having the thumbnail problem even after doing the function method.

    By the way, do you have to update the xmlns:og? Facebook’s opengraph documentation notes it as;

  37. jaffa

    @Elliot – Theme does support post thumbnails, I’m using a child theme of Twenty Ten

    Here I have added a copy of the code within the functions.php to add thumbnail support;

    Maybe I have done something wrong here?

  38. jaffa

    Thanks Daniel, adding that did help remove the errors I was receiving before but now it’s telling me the title, url, image and type are missing even though they are there.

    It is also showing the wrong image, it doesn’t seem to be picking up the image from the article rather a random image from the page.

    I have no idea why I can’t get this to work, I wanted to avoid using the plugin but maybe that’s the way I need to go.


    Thanks guys for your help.

    • Daniel Chenery

      Oh! I have that issue too. I popped the info in my header.php, lint the homepage = Works
      Link a post page = Broken
      I just gave up and ignored it! :(

      • jaffa

        Thanks Daniel for trying to help.

        Think I’m going to have to give up too, can’t waste all my time on this.

        Would have been cool if it worked for me.

        • Elliott the web design guy

          Presumably you have re scraped it with the linter tool before testing it again also, have you put the code into your functions.php or your header.php ?

        • jaffa

          Yes, I followed your advice and used the linter tool but still no luck.

          And, I placed the code in the functions.php.

  39. jaffa

    I added the code to my functions file and then followed your article on how to add the Like and Send button and all seemed to be fine but today as my client posted a link on the FB wall to the latest article there was no option to select an image to go with the article.

    I can’t understand what went wrong or how to go about fixing it. I am assuming it is the FB code I added that has caused this as I have made no other changes.

    Any idea’s what could be the problem?

    • Editorial Staff

      Yes, it takes away the option for you to pick images…. The code picks the IMAGE for you. It picks post’s thumbnail and sends that as the image for that article.


      • jaffa

        Thank you for your reply.

        I didn’t realise it took that option away. But I still don’t understand why it didn’t display the thumbnail when I have included a thumbnail image. There just wasn’t an image there at all.

        When I view the source I can see a link to the image in the og:image field.

        I wish I could get it to work, might have to try the plugin.

        Just one other thing, I have defined a number of different thumbnail sizes in my theme to use in various places, so instead of it calling the ‘medium’ sized image do I need to set it so it calls one of my defined thumbnails??

        Sorry for the long and confusing comment, newbie here!


        • Elliott the web design guy

          Facebook will scrape your site every 24hrs or so… so if you’ve made any changes on your site facebook will need to catch up – 24hrs or so later. But, you can force facebook to re-scrape your site by using the linter tool. Before testing the Send button again run anyone of your url’s through to force Facebook to refresh the details, hopefully this should resolve the image issue ;-)

        • jaffa

          Thanks Elliott, the Linter tool you provided a link to was quite helpful.

          After passing a url through it, the error message I got was:

          fb:admins field contained some invalid ids, I noticed that my page ID is 15 characters long but the one used in the example above is only 10.

          The other message I got was:
          You put App ID in the fb:admins field. It should be in fb:app_id

          Should there be an extra field for app_id in the code above?

          I’m slightly confused now…

        • Daniel Chenery

          @Jaffa What you need to do is add

          Should do the trick.

        • Daniel Chenery

          Sorry, I thought the code tag might keep the tags, turns out not. Let me try and post that again
          <meta property=”fb:app_id” content=”Your_App_ID”/>
          <meta property=”fb:admins” content=”Your_Profile_ID”/>

  40. Gretchen

    I’m not seeing a field for the default image–just for ID and site name. Am I missing something?

    • Editorial Staff

      We updated the plugin to fix a bug with the default image issue. Now, it is checking if your post has a thumbnail… If it doesn’t, then it picks the first image from your post. We do have plans on bringing the default image feature back soon.


      • Gretchen

        Good! I definitely like the default image feature, because not all my posts have images.

        Thanks for the great plugin!

  41. Ayanna Mitchell

    I installed the plugin…but there is no spot to add a default picture. Please help.

  42. Ovidiu

    I am curios about this part of the code: add_opengraph_doctype the problem is that that function doesn’t seem to do anything on my install :-( the rest is working fine but this add_opengraph_doctype doesn’t.

    is it necessary and why do you think my themes doesn’t trigger that?

    • Editorial Staff

      It won’t do anything if your theme doesn’t include a standard code (language attributes) that all WordPress themes SHOULD include.


      • Ovidiu

        I am missing the inclusion of this code: `’ xmlns:og=”” xmlns:fb=””‘`

        my header.php has this at the top:



        whats wrong with that? what am I missing?

  43. Sheryl

    I installed the open graph plug-in to wordpress. I configured the settings swapping my business name out for the name on the URL you posted.

    Now what?? What do I do next to get the send button under my like button?

    • Editorial Staff

      Look at our send button article. You can also use our SmartSharing plugin.


  44. Thnok

    Where do I need to add the code in the functions.php? AT the top or where?

    THe plugin doesnt work.

  45. Preston

    This is great. Any guidance on how to modify this so that Facebook draws an excerpt from the written content? The plug-in doesn’t go to content but takes author name, categories, and date. Thoughts?

      • Preston

        I attempted to add that code and received a fatal error disabling the plug-in. Can’t figure out why.

        • Elliott the web design guy

          looks like the commenting doesn’t allow for certain markup, follow me on twitter and I’ll dm the code to you.
          The content should contain the wp the_excerpt() function

  46. Gretchen

    I assume that if we have a Facebook page for the website, we’d enter the user ID of the page rather than that of our personal Facebook profile?

  47. Chris Bracco

    This code only adds the OG tags to single posts and pages. I’d like to have the tags appear on all of my pages, and I can’t figure out a simple way to accomplish this. Any ideas?

    • Editorial Staff

      You have individual like / send buttons on your archive, category, tags pages??? Like buttons are only good on single posts / pages which is why the code adds that. The only other like button added on the site is the (Like Box) for the Facebook page of the site. Which doesn’t require this information.

      But if you must, then remove the !is_singular conditional statement.


  48. Daniel Chenery

    Surely it seems easier to just plug the info into the header.php? I’m sure I read a tutorial on that once

    • Editorial Staff

      You can hard code it into the header.php but that is a multiple step process as you have to edit doctype, then add the other meta tags… This is a one step process. Paste, and Done. Or install the plugin, and done. If you use the plugin, then you are even better of because the tags stay even when you change the themes.


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