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WordPress 広告管理プラグインとソリューション 6選

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6 Best WordPress Ad Management Plugins and Solutions







Advanced Ads

Advanced Adsは使いやすい広告管理プラグインです。広告はページ上の異なる位置に固定したり、グリッドに配置することができ、訪問者のウェブブラウザで設定された言語に一致させることができます。

Advanced Adsは、Google AdSense、Google Ad Manager、Amazon Adsなど、すべての広告タイプに対応している。無料のプラグインも利用可能だが、プレミアム版ではさらに機能が追加される。




WPCode - Best WordPress Code Snippets Plugin



さらに、WPCodeを使用して、Facebook、Pinterest、TikTok、Google広告などの他の一般的なプラットフォーム上の広告パフォーマンスをトラッキングすることができます。Conversion Pixelsアドオンでは、わずか数クリックでeコマースのトラッキングピクセルを追加できます。そして、商品ページの表示、お買い物カゴへの追加、購入手続きなどのイベントをトラッキングし、広告費用対効果の改善に役立てることができます。












Google Adsenseのような外部広告ネットワークだけでなく、ホスティングサービス(あなたが直接管理・販売するバナー広告)にも対応しています。また、広告スケジュール、広告グループ、個別広告または広告グループのインサーター、表示と統計の監視などの強力な機能が付属しています。





Ad Inserter

Ad InserterはWordPressの広告管理プラグインで、無料版と有料版がある。無料バージョンはメインの広告管理ツールとして十分に使えますが、高度な機能を求めるのであれば、有料バージョンにアップグレードすることをお勧めします。



6.Google 広告マネージャ

Google Ad Manager

Google Ad Managerは、ウェブベースの広告販売・配信プラットフォームです。Googleのこれまでの広告製品であるDoubleClickとAd Exchangeの長所を組み合わせたもので、信頼性と費用対効果の面で他のプラットフォームより優れています。

Google Ad Managerは大規模サイトに最適です。Google Adsenseと他の広告ネットワークを価格競争させ、自動的にあなたのサイトに表示するために最高の支払い広告を選択します。

Google 広告マネージャには、他のソリューションよりも正確に広告パフォーマンスを測定できる優れたレポートツールも含まれています。その効果とは裏腹に、使い始めるには少々複雑です。


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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


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Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Ahmed Omar says

    A comprehensive roundup of the best WordPress ad management plugins and solutions
    Your analysis of features, including ad rotation and targeting, is incredibly helpful for optimizing revenue.
    I suggest for those seeking a lightweight yet powerful option, Ad Insert has been a game-changer for me.
    Thanks for simplifying the ad management landscape

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Thank you for letting us know, we’ll be sure to look into this and update the article should it need to be replaced.


    • WPBeginner Support says

      You may want to start by taking a look at the AdRotate plugin for geo targeting.


  3. Jason Gregg says

    I’m looking for a plugin that will allow me to server ads from publishers to advertisers. I have 400 sites. Setting up an affiliate plugin on each site, and managing them independently is a daunting task. I’d basically like to set up one site that’s like a LinkShare of CJ clone and serve all my affiliate programs from one site.
    Is there a plugin that sort of clones Commission Junction?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Unless I hear otherwise, we do not have a plugin we would recommend for that at the moment.


  4. Raakesh V says

    Hi, Can you explain why I can’t see any AdSense ads on your site?
    As per your guidance, I get Adsense approval with just 5 months old domain. Thank you so much for your valuable help.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      We don’t have Adsense on our site at the moment. If you mean for your site then you would want to use Adsense’s can’t see ads troubleshooter for why your ads aren’t showing on your site.


  5. donation iptv says

    Good day! I simply want to give an enormous thumbs up for the good info you might have here on this post. I will be coming back to your blog for extra soon.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You may want to first go through the recommendations in this article for what you’re looking for.


  6. Nee says

    I am using Insert Post Ads. While it’s easy to use, it does not offer much. Which plugins will enable me to create Advert A, Advert B and Advert C. Then I get to choose for each post, which or combination of Advert A,B,C shall be displayed?

    Currently, Insert Post Ads allow me to create a few advert, eg; Advert 1 to be displayed after paragraph 3, the Advert 2 to be display after paragraph 10. But not all my articles have paragraph 10, so they will appear right at the bottom of the article (not what I want). I can only disable none or all adverts with Insert Post Ads.


  7. malik irfan says

    i am adding google adsense in wordpress,
    but not found option in word press widget,in appearance list have a widget but not have main widgest area….for coding adsense HTML….

  8. AJ says

    Is there such a thing as a wp (.com, not org) theme (free) that will allow me to display sponsor logos on a left or right hand side column?

    Getting a headache just trying to wrap my head around how to drive a wp blog, much less sorting out columns and sponsor logos…*groan*

  9. Dan says

    I tried a lot of plugins. I tried adSanity, quick adsense and alot more.
    My latest purchase was easier custom blocks.. Easier blocks by far the most user friendly and flexible plugin for ads. Weird that nobody know about it.

  10. Oliviero says

    I wanted to use AdRotate in my blog to rotate some ads, and so I purchased the paid version, also because it allows you to mask the ads from adblockers.
    Alas I discovered that Adrotate uses AJAX calls continously to rotate the ads (i.e. each new view of an ad makes a new call to our server).
    This strained my allotted resources on the server, and soon my hosting provider had to block my blog because I was using too many resources. As soon I uninstalled the plugin the problem went away.
    I have a SiteGround plan, the most expensive one for a shared hosting (not the cheapest one), but I do not have the money to invest in a single server hosting.
    When I asked the developer of AdRotate if he planned to resolve the issue, his response was that it was my problem and he didn’t plan to do anything (not the best customer service answer to give to someone who paid for your product, IMHO). Between the lines I understood that it’s not his fault if I’m too poor to afford my own server…
    So I had to uninstall AdRotate.
    It’s a shame because it was a good plugin. My advice is to use the free version and to verify your hosting plan before parting from your hard earned cash!

    • nick gibbs says

      you are not alone. i have sitegrounds cloud vps, but i have had to turn off much of the functionality in adrotate as it is just too resource heavy.
      i am reading this for an alternative – i like the look of wp-pro advertising manager. it doesn’t have a direct selling option (though the one in ad-rotate is pretty basic anyway), but it does have an inbuilt html5 animated ad creator.

      note to reviewer – it would be great if plug in reviews included info on their resource load, and other important considerations like how well they clean up after themselves on removal. I am sure many of us running blogs would rate these factors at least equally to the actual functionality of the plug in itself.

  11. malik says

    I have a website and upload movies to a lot of servers and I am aware of the pop-up ads from the video playback Is there any way to prevent these ads on my site. These ads come from other sites

  12. Bablu Prodhan says

    I have a 6-month aged blog in, can I transfer it to wordpress costom domain. If can, Have I get paid ads automatically and I earn?

  13. Brent Bergherm says

    Is there an ad solution that will insert ads (with tracking) into a photo gallery. So after the 7th image, for example, an ad would be shown. Thanks.

  14. Ali says

    I want to use wordpress plugin that allow me to insert two different Ad sizes e.g 336*280 with responsive ad unit, and I want the plugin to show 336*280 only on desktop and show the responsive ad unit for mobile visitors.

    Is that possible ??

  15. Nick James says

    That’s not accurate. The plugins above are well coded and are being updated constantly except for WP125 and Simple Ads Manager being partially deprecated. Labeling this post as a disappointment is not good.

  16. Jami Kling says

    What program can accommodate 50 ads in rotation at one time? 700 x 100 plus 240 x 140 combinations. Of course that you are aware of.
    Thank you.

    Great article.

  17. Allabakash says

    I have a site. Is there a way that we can manage these ads page wise. I want to display only specific ads for a given page. Please let me know.

  18. Dev says

    Heyy there, I have signed up for dfp some days ago.

    I have not created any ad unit there, But from 2 to 3 days my site is showing blank ads only on the homepage or landing page.. If i browse my site with any backstring than it will show the ads..

    for example . is showing blank ads on homepage..

    and is showing adsense ads..

    please help me to sort this out.. and I am using Adsense WP plugin by google for ad placement

  19. Susan Cottenden says

    I have a blog on and I understood from them that I couldn’t post a sponsor’s ad on my blog. Is that correct? Do I need to have my blog on to include ads of my choosing?

  20. Harsha says

    We have a Google DFP for Small Business Account. I am not comfortable because of its complexity. We are looking at a plugin that can integrate Google DFP or for some one who can help us do that. Can you help me with this,

  21. Mike says

    Thanks for the fast response! I will look into both; however, I don’t want to have AdSense related ads, I want to only have/accept “Sponsorship” type advertisements, not competition or relevant keyword-based ads.

  22. David says

    Do you still use it ? Does it slow down the site ? What about the database growth (with the plugin we use right now, database often crashes due to the plugin). How does it manage the cache server ? Thanks for your feedback !

  23. Corine says

    Hello. We bought ad sanity but it does not let the banners rotate on their own. We are looking for a program that rotates all banners on their own so you can see the banners move. Any advice. GREATLY APPRECIATED.

  24. Schalk says


    I use Adrotae Pro, and am very happy with it.
    I am at the point where I will redesign the site I’m using it on, and need to decide whether I will continue.

    ONE feature I need is: To display adds which is on the main site on another site ( complete separate WordPress install ) like a rss feed.

    Is there a plugin that can do that?

    Thank you,


    • WPBeginner Staff says

      No sitemap_index.xml has links to posts and category xml files as well so you don’t need to resubmit them individually. Adding a sitemap doesn’t mean that Google will immediately index all your pages in their search results.

  25. Bharat says

    I want to set some ads with WP125, at the bottom of the wp website I making. However I am unable to do this …. any ideas or help pls.

  26. Amy says

    Be careful with AdRotate: the IP-based feature only works if your visitor has an IPv4 address, not IPv6.

    • Chris says

      Amy, I’m considering AdRotate for my multi-site. Could you explain the above restriction in layman terms? Thanks. Any other opines you’d like to share about AdRotate that might be helpful?

  27. Dance says

    Is there a wp ad manager plugin which is geo compatible. Adrotate gives the ability to target ads via cities and countries. Any one which can target counties and states? Appreciate a reply.

  28. Sudip Majhi says

    Is there any WordPress plugin that shows advertisements/ad banner based on category. For example, if the category is dog then I would like to show a banner related to dog food. If the category is cat then I would like to show a banner related to cat food etc. Is there any plugin that could do the same?

  29. GFerrell says

    Great overview! AdSanity looks especially fascinating for our application — which is to serve banner ads only. Although, we would have to add some code to drive some of these based on cookies.

    My immediate concern would be that AdSanity’s forum seems to be filled with spam and their latest blog post is over a year old. Is this product still supported ?

  30. The Event Chronicle says

    I’m new to WordPress, and every time I need to know how to do something WP Beginner steers me in the right direction. I’ve learned a lot from your articles. This site has been very helpful for me and I really appreciate it!

  31. Ralph Warom says

    Thanks for the guide. I had gotten lost in all the options. I think I will go with Simple Ads manager for a start.

  32. David says

    Thanks for the timely article, I look forward to your updates everyday. Any experience with Max Banner Ads? I’m just starting to use the free version for a couple of ads on a new site. I wanted a simple ad rotator for ads I sell to some sponsors of our non-profit car club and didn’t find many options. I see a couple here that I should look at and evaluate if they might be a better fit than Max Banner Ads. Thanks again for your site, you’re helping out this noob.

      • jeery says

        Very useful post. I need a plugin for banner ads management site. I want my entire website categories to be filled with ads spaces for e-commerce and internet marketers to advertise. Can you recomment and plugin or theme that can do the work for me?

