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How to Update URLs when Moving your WordPress Site



WordPressサイトを新規ドメイン名に移したとします。WordPressダッシュボードから設定 ” 一般ページにアクセスして、WordPressアドレスとサイトアドレスを変更することができます。

Changing WordPress and site URLs









サイト上の古いリンクを更新する最も簡単な方法は、WordPress用のSearch & Replace Everythingプラグインを使用することです。これは無料のWordPressプラグインで、投稿、ページ、画像、抜粋、ウィジェットなどのURLを更新することができます。


次に、Search & Replace Everythingをサイトにインストールし、有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。

注: Search & Replace Everythingには、より高度な機能を備えたプレミアム版もあります。

有効化した後、WordPress管理画面からツール ” WP Search & Replaceに移動してください。

まず、古いリンクを新しいサイトURLに更新するセクションが表示されます。Search for’フィールドに古いURLを、’Replace with’フィールドに新しいURLを入力してください。

Enter old and new URL in Search & Replace Everything





Select all tables in Search & Replace Everything



Preview changes and click Replace All




サイト全体のリダイレクトを実行する最も簡単な方法は、All In One SEO(AIOSEO)プラグインを使用することです。これは最高のSEO WordPressプラグインであり、300万人以上の専門家に信頼されています。


このチュートリアルでは、リダイレクトマネージャーやサイトマップ、カスタム・パンくずリスト、スキーマ・マークアップなどの機能が含まれているAIOSEO Proバージョンを使用します。無料版のAIOSEOを試してみることもできます。


有効化したら、WordPress管理画面からAll In One SEO ” ダッシュボードに移動する必要があります。セットアップウィザードを起動」ボタンをクリックして、プラグインを設定します。

AIOSEO dashboard launch setup wizard

セットアップウィザードのステップに従うだけです。詳しくは、All In One SEO for WordPressの設定方法に関する詳細なチュートリアルをご覧ください。



WordPressの管理エリアからAll In One SEO ” Redirectsに移動し、’Activate Redirects’ボタンをクリックするだけです。

Activate AIOSEO redirects

有効化したら、「Full Site Redirect」タブに移動し、「Relocate Site」トグルを有効化する必要があります。

次に、「Relocate to domain」オプションに新しいドメイン名を入力します。

Full site redirect




301 Moved Permanently」リダイレクトタイプを選択することをお勧めします。これはブラウザーに、ページが新しい移動先に永久に移動され、元に戻したくないことを伝えます。

Add redirection for old links



Redirection logs in AIOSEO




Select the Redirect Method



まず、WordPressダッシュボードからAll In One SEO ” リダイレクトにアクセスしてください。

次に、Redirectsの下にある’Settings’タブをクリックし、’404 Logs’と’Redirect Logs’オプションを有効化するためにトグルをクリックします。

Enable 404 logs



これで、AIOSEOのリダイレクトの下に新しい’404 Logs’タブが表示されるはずです。このタブでは、プラグインがあなたのサイトの404エラーページを追跡し、表示します。



Click 404 logs menu option


ターゲットURL」フィールドに新しいリンクを入力し、ドロップダウンメニューからリダイレクトタイプとして「301 Moved Permanently」を選択する必要があります。

Add redirect for your broken link




この投稿が、WordPress サイトの移転時に URL を更新する方法についてご理解いただく一助となれば幸いです。サイトの引っ越し方法については、他のガイドもご覧ください:

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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126件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Asrar

    Hi Everyone
    i want to upload my local wordpress site to online, but when i download all the files and want to change the links (localhost/websitename/ ) there is no such links available except two links. As there must be many lins to be changes bu i dont see . Why the links are missing ?
    anyone knows ?

  2. Yogi

    The Velvet Blues Update URLs plugin is excellent. I want to share my experience with it. After i did my URL change with it. I still see the error on opening all post. I solved it by going to “Settings > Permalinks” section and then saved my permalinks once more by clicking the “Save Changes” button. This solved my problem and will also solve yours if you still get some error.

    • Nice Kid

      Thanks Yogi !!

  3. Sirisha allamneni

    Thank you very much. this solved my problem

  4. Jhavinder

    I am using the same domain but i have changed my hosting. After that my all images in post are not showing. How can i fix this problem.

  5. BEN10

    WIll it still maintain it after updating the urls and i delete the plugin?

  6. Michael

    Thanks so much! Worked like a charm

  7. Shawn Rebelo

    Velvet blues is great, but misses one thing. Does not change URL’s in options if URL’s are there. Say for Custom CSS. Also, anyone have issues of you changing the URL’s, see changes in the DB. But when you go edit the page, they are still say http, when they should be https? Seems to only happen with image URL’s.

  8. jan

    I used this wonderful plugin in the past, always worked fine. But this time it only changed the full URL links, not the internal links that don’t include the full URL. Any ideas on how to fix this?

  9. Blessing Mashoko

    I had the same issue I just changed my permalink settings to “plain” and changed back to the permalink setting I was using and somehow it works.

    • Consultant Nine

      this worked! AWESOME! THANKS!

  10. Priscilla

    The plugin hasn’t been supported in over 1 year and is untested with WP version 4.9.1. Nevertheless, I gave it a try, but unsurprisingly, it didn’t work, giving a MySQL server error. So much for a once very good plugin that the developer decides to abandon!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Priscilla,

      We just tested the plugin and it worked as expected. Please try again and see if the error has resolved or may be the error is unrelated to the plugin.


  11. Kokila

    Post update of URL, images are not showing up properly in wordpress admin site. Please comment on this and also URL update didn’t happen for images on Media folder

  12. Gautam Sharma

    After migrating from local to server, I’m getting 404-File not found error. Only my Home Page is loading, rest are not working, I have changed the permalinks also! Please help…

  13. Emma Booth

    Is there anyway I can avoid links from social media breaking once I have done a re-direct?

    I’m trying to re-direct from a blog to a blog on a new domain on, however I’m concerned previous links in tweets and linkedIn posts will break….any way to avoid this?)

  14. sanjeev kumar

    If i tried this but what is for seo how they upadated old link and redirect

  15. Neha Prajapati

    I changed my server keeping same web URL. and properly configured.
    But why my all old post r showing in google search with page not found.
    What to do??

  16. Ben

    I want to merge two websites. Should we install the Velvet plugin on the old or the new site? Thanks

  17. Peter

    I use Velvet Blues with very good results. However, it is important to note that VB will not change URL in widgets or if there are URLs in your CSS code. These will need to be manually changed.

  18. Jeremy

    In response to ADITYA’s comment about this being a substitute for 301 redirects.

    I would say that a find and replace plugin is NOT a substitute for 301 redirects. 301 redirects are still valuable from an SEO standpoint, as well as for users who may have bookmarked or are accustomed to using your old domain.

    Just using this plugin would result in your users hitting an old site that is no longer being maintained or a site that’s been taken offline.

    On a personal note, I definitely recommend Migrate DB Pro for this type of activity. It’s worth the money, if you’re doing local development.

  19. Jennifer


    Does this plug in also work for updating links that are embedded inside tables that I created with TablePress? I also have a number of URLs as part of image descriptions for photos that I added using FooGallery, and i assume that these are stored inside the database, rather than in the HTML for the pages – is Velvet Blues able to update these as well, or do I need a different plug in for that task? My site (which I am going to move from its current directory to a subdirectory of my site that I want to use for an add-on domain) contains about 13.500 images and 500 tables, and it would be extremely tedious to check every single one for links, and then manually replace them with the new URL.


    • Nico


      I have the same problem changing domain name.
      Had you learn any tip ?


      • Brian

        Does anyone know how to get the url’s updated that are in table press??

  20. Vidy

    Cool plugin and great tutorial, I’ve just migrate my domain and I have 300 post. I searched exactly the plugin u reviewed. Thanks for your help. I didn’t needed to replace my internal link one by one.

  21. Michelle Z.

    Question: I updated my theme, and the blogroll is now on a secondary page, when it used to be on the homepage. So I have the same url but different path. Check it out:

    Old Link (we want to maintain these):

    New Link:

    I tried adjusting the permalinks but its not working…yet. Any ideas?

    Thanks so much!

  22. Sourabh Saraf

    Thanks for the wonderful tut , i usually go for backupbuddy for my migration but sometimes due to server limitations backupbuddy doesnt work . This trick comes handy everytime i manually migrate wordpress and works like a charm .

  23. Sonali

    My old and new site urls are the same since I migrated my site content from to Not sure how to use this and get those errors fixed…Please advice! Thanks!

  24. Melissa

    I used this plugin after migrating from Blogger to WordPress. None of my image URLs are updating…so none of my images are currently showing on my blog ( Can anyone help me with this? I’m freaking out!

  25. jatinder

    I installed this plugin and is working perfectly.

    But my question is, why doest it work on the content build using Content Builder plugins like Visual composer or Muffin tool. i have certain hard-coded links it does change those link.

    Any comments??

    • Josh

      Hi Jatinder.
      The reason this plugin doesn’t work for content inside Visual Composer is because Visual Composer stores the links in a strange way. If you click on “Classic Mode” in Visual Composer you’ll see that links don’t look like proper URLs.

      For example, I have a VC button that points to this link:

      But in Classic Mode I can see that the link looks like this:

      So this will be why Velvet Blues doesn’t change these links.

      To fix the content, without having to manually edit every link, you’ll need to run another search and replace plugin and search for the urls using this structure.

      • Jeremy

        Good tip, ive been trying to work this out for a while now, didn’t even occur to me that the url would have been done like that. Hooray.

  26. marcelo araujo

    hi, cool post. some media does not change. specifically the media that is added in theme options. any command to change all urls in all database? i change mine from .org/site for

    • Aditya

      It Means We Don’t Have to Use 301 Redirect If We Use This Plugin

  27. Henry

    Hi Syed

    I am desperately looking to get advice on the following. I have recently flicked my website from http to https. It all works fine however the links in the content hasn’t changed to https. I was just wondering do I have to rewrite them all manually (hope I don’t) or is there any solutions for making them sitewide https?

    Does anyone know the answer?

    Thanks for your help in advance.


  28. Christine Lavery

    **SOS** I have recently changed my site to a site, I followed every instruction on your post about “How to Change Your to” ( Everything seemed to transfer smoothly. However, I also ran the Velvet Blues plug-in and it did not work because I needed to update the domain name. I don’t know what to do to fix this, and I am still new at this enough that I don’t trust my abilities to manually adjust the links myself. I’ve already paid and set up/activated everything through Bluehost, and I noticed on the link above that you guys also will change everything over for an individual for free. Is it to late for you to help with that? I desperately need the help and I don’t want to do anything else to “mess up” my new blog further.

    • oladayo awe

      Have you been able to solve your wordpress migration challenge?

  29. Maggie Dill

    Hi there, I can’t figure out how to edit my original URL, because my default blog address is a address that I can’t seem to change. I’ve transfered everything else to a site including updating the name servers to bluehost, and I wonder if this last blog url
    detail is holding me back?

  30. Jose

    Hello there,

    I have just used velvet blues update urls to change my urls to make them protocol relative, changin by // In order to revert the changes, should I use in both the old and new url fields or should I enter // in the old url field and in the new url field?

    Thank your. Love your site!

  31. tiggyboo

    Does changing the links have to be associated with a site move? I.e., I work in an area where tons of wordpress content addresses an internal URL that will be changing, and we’re looking for a way to do it en masse… would this be applicable? Can it ignore parameters in a URL?

  32. Robin Jennings

    Great plugin. Worked a treat and saved me hours of time!

  33. Johanna Summers

    We ran Velvet Blues today to try to fix the image urls that appear with the temp url address in the html on each page ( but correctly as the file url in our WP Media – eh?) – it hasn’t changed them – we now have the blues? Why didn’t it work? (we moved our site to WP about 3 weeks ago.. stressed!

    • Philipp C. Dukatz

      Hi Johanna, have you found a way to solve this? I am about to move my blog from temp to live and I am really afraid of the same thing ….

  34. Vincent


    Great article. Thanks.

    Unfortunately I am still confused about whether “updating the URLs” using these special plugins is actually necessary for when you’re simply taking a development site (in a subdirectory, say live on the root domain, and not actually moving any files??

    For example, I did a test and made my site live by following the instructions is the WordPress Codex. I simply changed the wp site URL in general settings, put a copy of the index and htaccess file in the above root folder (and tweaked index.php to require the subdirectory), updated permalinks and viola: everything works including my links to my attachments in posts.

    Curiously however, when I then “update the URLs in the database” using a dedicated plugin, then it actually breaks some of my links. Note I update all the tables except the options table as this has the wp home url link which should remain as

    I actually think this topic is one of the more unclear parts of the WordPress Codex.

    Perhaps I don’t understand the difference in effects between hardcoded links and non-hardcoded links properly?


  35. Mimi

    I ran the plugin and it seems it did not update any of my links so I have to them all manually :(

  36. Felix Whelan

    I have been blogging for a while using domain name A. I am changing to a new domain name, domain B. But I have the same hosting account with the same host. I want all my old posts to stay right where they are. I just want my new domain name to lead to them. Essentially, someone who logged in to domain A yesterday would be able to click domain B today and get to the same experience. Will this plug in accomplish that? Thank you for your help!

    • WPBeginner Support

      On your hosting account edit your Domain A and point it to some other directory. After that Edit domain B and point it to the directory that was previously used by domain A. You can also ask your webhost for support. After that you will need this plugin to update your URLs, you will also need to update your WordPress site and home URL in wp-config.php file to make sure it is pointing to domain B.



  37. Todd Lohenry

    Is there a way to do this with

  38. Joy


    I need a little help. I activated the Velvet Blues plug-in, and had it update my URLS for my old site to move to, but now when I do a Google search and click on old links at the I get “Not found, error 404″ on the How can I fix this?

    Also, I’m pretty new to this tech stuff, how do I “manually change any links that are hardcoded”? What’s a hardcoded link?

    Thanks in advance!

    • WPBeginner Support

      The plugin updates your URLs in the database but you still need to import your old site first and set the permalink structures.


  39. Elizabeth

    Forgive my ignorance. I’m fairly new to all this and I may not be using the right terminology but I migrated from .com to .org last week. I didn’t see the “move your blog” tutorial from wpbeginner until after and so I followed my new hosts tutorial which was MUCH more difficult and technical. Anyway… I’m moved. Everything appears to be working fine but my images are still pointing to the old site. From what i read, this plug in would help but I’m stuck on old url/new url. Isn’t my url the same as my domain name? And my domain name stayed the same when I moved so… I’m a little lost there. On my NEW admin page I can go to settings>general and see that my “wordpress address” and “site address” are both the same as http:// mydomainname which is what I’ve always thought of as my url, both before and after I moved. On my OLD admin page (.com) I can’t see my “wordpress address under general settings. How do I differentiate?

    • WPBeginner Support

      We are sorry, but we can not understand how can your old site and new site have the same domain and how can they both be live at the same time? Can you please reply to this comment with your old and new site URLs?


      • CathyWebSavvyPR

        I’m betting that he paid to do 301 a redirect from to his full domain name

  40. Marshall

    O my god!
    When did it happen. Can’t wait to give it a try…
    Doing it via database is painful.

  41. RW

    Love this whole post and discussion. Some great ideas. Personally, I don’t think this is worth a plugin. I always use an SQL query or export my DB and use text editor to find and replace, then re-import. Works great. Obviously, hard-coded links have to be done manually.

    I just don’t love the idea of using more plugins unless I have too. Chuck, I’ll try out your SQL next time. Thanks for the tip!

    • Vincent Robic

      I totally agree with you, but in some case, settings are stored as serialized array, and it’s more convenient to use a plugin.

    • Editorial Staff

      Why add more work for yourself, when a plugin can do it just fine. This is not a plugin that you keep active on your site. You install it, use it, and then delete it.


      • RW

        What about if you’re moving a site from a sub-directory to root or even the other way around? Can this plugin handle that as well?

        • Editorial Staff

          Yes. Because all it is doing is a search and replace in your database. This is very handy for those who don’t want to go in their phpMyAdmin. Plugins like Duplicator are more useful because they do the whole migration process and then this.

  42. Vincent Robic


    I just wrote a plugin that does the job. It also handles serialized data, VelvetBlues Update URLs doesn’t do at the moment ;-)

    You will still have to manually update the siteurl option in order to access the Administration Panel, but then, it will update all your stuff : posts (including pages and custom post types), excerpts, medias, custom fields, options, GUIDs.

    It’s available on the WordPress Plugin Directory :

    • Dotta Raphels

      Hi Vincent,

      I’m new to and would please like an idiot’s guide to installing this plugin. I host with GoDaddy. I just moved over and none of my links work. Please help!

  43. zimbrul

    This is something I didn’t know…used to do this manually …good tip.

  44. jeroenhoman

    @viking_olof Just what the doctor ordered! You saved me a few hours of rewriting my URLs…

  45. samuelcane

    @wpbeginner you wouldn’t believe how timely your tweet was, just moved from dev to live when I noticed my URL’s! thanks so much! #panicover

  46. easyP

    Hi Everyone

    I came across this plugin recently and will be trying it this weekend.

    I developed a site on a temporary URL, which means that all the URL’s for the graphics need updating so I’ll be using it for that.

  47. Adam W. Warner

    Yeah, this seems like a mostly un-useful plugin unfortunately. @chuckreynolds and @wpstudio advice below are both useful, use BackupBuddy (because it handles the search/replace, or do it manually with those SQL queries.

    However, one thing that I’ve run across on multiple occasions is that some plugins are using serialized data strings to store data and a simple SQL search/replace won’t update that data. BackupBuddy search/replace does account for serialized data, but I’m not sure it checks recursively.

    My method for migrating sites is using a mix of BackupBuddy, then running the awesome Serialization Fix script from

    I migrated a Multisite installation where the client had used a plugin that stored it’s data in serialized arrays and after the migration over 300 content blocks were missing. Running the script above saved the day;)

    • wpbeginner

      @Adam W. Warner Great suggestion Adam. This plugin might be a bit irrelevant when making the initial move, but it is a good free alternative for anyone who is not very well-versed with MySQL knowledge.BackupBuddy for the win though.

      • Adam W. Warner

        @chuckreynolds Sharing our collective experiences is all part of being in the community:)

        p.s. Sorry to hear you won’t be involved in another WordCamp Phoenix, but I understand it’s a HUGE undertaking;)

  48. wpstudio

    This is why I love BackupBuddy. It updates all the URLs for you when you migrate a site.

  49. chuckreynolds

    plugins typically fail for doing this as most of the time you’re moving from a temp url to a domain and once you’re moved over you can’t use a plugin becuase of the redirection in place to the old url.

    The SQL queries to run to fix all that are here:

    • easyP


      Thanks for the info Chuck.

      Problem is there are lots of guys like me who struggle with the SQL queries, scares me to death. LOL

      Here is the post that got me interested in the redirect url plugin…

      As you can see it’s aimed at we non techies.

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