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How to Turn Off Related YouTube Videos in WordPress













まず、YouTube用Embed Plusプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。


有効化すると、セットアップウィザードがポップアップします。関連動画だけを無効化したい場合は、ウィザードを閉じてください。次に、WordPress管理画面のサイドバーからYouTube Freeメニュータブに移動します。

Click the Option to Hide Related Videos




まず、Smash Balloon YouTube Feed Proをインストールし、有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法をご覧ください。

Smash Balloon YouTube Feed Proは、市場で最高のWordPress YouTubeプラグインです。YouTubeの動画やプレイリストを自動的にサイトにフィードする最もシンプルな方法です。関連動画を非表示にするオプションもあります。

有効化したら、WordPressダッシュボードからYoutubeフィード ” 設定ページにアクセスします。ここでライセンスキーを入力し、「有効化」ボタンをクリックします。

この情報は、Smash Balloonサイトのお客様のアカウントに記載されています。

Activate your smash balloon license key

それができたら、WordPressダッシュボードからYouTubeフィード ” すべてのフィードページにアクセスします。


フィードの種類を選択する画面が表示されます。Smash Balloonでは、ライブストリーム動画、YouTubeプレイリスト、個別動画、チャンネル全体のフィードを簡単に追加できます。


Choose YouTube feed type

画面に、APIキーを使用してYouTubeアカウントとYouTube Feed Proプラグインを接続するよう求めるプロンプトが表示されます。



Add YouTube API key



Copy the code after channel or user in the URL


次に、「接続」ボタンをクリックして、YouTubeチャンネルとプラグインを接続します。次に、’Next’ ボタンをクリックして先に進みます。

Add your YouTube channel ID



Choose a template for your Live YouTube feed

Smash Balloonのフィードエディターが開き、右側にYouTube動画のプレビュー、左側にカスタマイズ設定が表示されます。


Click the Videos tab to open new settings



Choose the video player experience option

左カラムに新規設定のリストが開いたら、「Call to Action」セクションまでスクロールダウンしてクリックする。




Choose the custom link option



Save your YouTube feed



Copy the embed code for the feed


ブロックメニューが表示されたら、左上の「ブロックを追加」(+)ボタンをクリックします。ここから「Feed For YouTube」ブロックを追加します。

Paste embed code into the Feeds for YouTube block





Preview of turning off the related videos



そのためには、Smash BalloonのYouTube Feed Proプラグインが必要です。

Smash Balloon YouTube Feeds Pro

有効化したら、WordPressダッシュボードからYouTubeフィード ” すべてのフィードページにアクセスし、「新規追加」ボタンをクリックするだけです。


Select Playlist as feed type




そうすると、Smash Balloonのフィードエディターが開き、フィードのレイアウト、ボタン、背景色、表示、日付などをカスタマイズできます。

YouTube feed editor



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Reader Interactions

39件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Joffry

    Hi there,

    That plugin doesn’t excist anymore and it looks like YouTube nowadyas (Januari 2019) is ignoring the (?rel=0).

    Is there another solution available of not showing the related videos?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Not at the moment but we will keep an eye out for alternatives for this article.


  2. Paweł

    It is no longer avaible or the “engine” has been changed.

  3. Sandra R.

    This was a good fix and it worked but now my autoplay doesn’t work. Any suggestions on how to make the embedded video autoplay without any related videos at the end?


  4. roberto

    thank you so much! I tried the plugin and it didn’t work but this worked fine. Thank you! It works on mobile devices aswell

  5. Chris

    The code rel=0 etc does work however it also then stops the video from playing on mobile devises. Also the plugin docent work on the updated version of wordpress. So does anyone have a solution?

  6. Grace

    None of the solutions in this post worked for me. On further research, I discovered this plugin: Hide YouTube Related Videos

    Install. Activate. Done.

    [happy dance]…

  7. Eliza

    Thank you very much! This was very useful.

  8. Jen Audetat

    How do I make this work for multiple videos?

  9. Mia

    Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I tried the plugin and it didn’t work but this worked instantly. Thank you!

  10. Mike

    I have a few YouTube videos on my site, where I’d like to remove the related videos. I tried all the suggestions listed in previous comments by adding ?rel=0 or &rel=0 at the end of the URL, and nothing seems to work.

    Any ideas on why it wont’ work, or suggestions to make it work?

  11. Derek

    I added the plugin. It works just fine on my pc, but for some reason I’m still seeing the related videos photo on my mobile phone. How can I stop this as well?

  12. Isabel

    I have a youtube video embedded into revolution slider. I’ve tried to add the code ?rel=0 but it wont work. After I entered the code it will still show the previews of other videos at the end of the video being played.

    • Mike

      Hi Isabel,

      I am having the same issue as you are with YouTube videos being embedded into revolution slider. I’ve tried exactly what you stated in your comment (?rel=0 and &rel=0), and it doesn’t work for me. Were you able to find a solution to your issue?


      • Tyler

        Not sure if you have found the answer to this already, if not here is what worked for me.
        -Open the slider you want to work on and add a video layer.
        -Then in the video settings (if not there yet double click the video you want to edit) got to the “Arguments” tab. Mine looked something like this


        -In that tab add &rel=0 before the ; to make it look like this


        -Save and test the video.

  13. Tom Nordlund

    Since you’ve disabled full screen mode, I can’t see the text in the video that you’re using to disable related videos.

  14. Peggy

    I’m using my YouTube URL within a WordPress content slider. I’ve added the code listed above and I’ve installed the plugin, but no luck. Related videos still show. My guess is that it is because of the slider – any thoughts?

  15. Sacha

    Thanks for the tip!

    • Lam Truong

      i used Hide YouTube Related Videos in my site but related Videos still present.
      Help me !
      I use plugin Featured Video Plus in my site

  16. Erin K. Geyer

    Actually you have the code a bit wrong. You can’t use the “?” more than once in a URL. The character “?” means that you’re about to start appending variables in a query string. So ?v=XXXXXXX is where you set the first variable, and then if you want to append more variables you have to use the “&” character. So you append &rel=0 because it is the second variable to be appended to the query string.

    So it should look like this:

    • Shiaroi Tripura

      Many sincere thanks Erin K. Geyer.

  17. mikeb

    perfect – thanks for the tip on the plugin – does exactly what I needed

  18. MPS

    I am trying to use this tip on wordpress 3.8.1, but it is not working. Front end is showing video URL in plain text. Any suggestion?

    • WPBeginner Support

      if you are trying it on localhost, then please try it in a staging environment or live server.


    • Mike

      Try adding this to the end of your URL: ?rel=0&amp

      • Laurette

        This worked perfectly after struggling the whole afternoon to find a solution – THANK YOU!!

  19. James Messick

    The latest version of the plugin mentioned does not seem to work with WordPress 3.8.1.

  20. Theresa

    Your tip, of course, worked! Thank you.
    Is there a way to prevent the pop up ads that want to appear at the start of the video?

  21. cowboy Mike

    I tried this tip and it did not seem to work for me. At the end of the video it still shows suggested videos in the video player. The code I used;

    Happy trails, Mike

    • WPBeginner Support

      It should work only when embedded on your site not on YouTube. Also try using full video URL as shown in the article above.


  22. Jim

    This just doesn’t work for me. When I paste the link to my videos, they embed just fine. When I add the ?rel=0 to the end, then my page shows the url in plain text.

    I do have the privacy setting for my videos set to unlisted. I changed one to public hoping that would allow the ?rel=0 to work, but it didn’t seem to make a difference.

    Any ideas why it won’t work on my video? I don’t really want to use the plug-in, there’s only 7 videos on my site.

  23. Carol Butler

    Have to thank you for always having a tidbit that makes things better easily! Thanks!

  24. Karen

    Excellent information! I’ve been using a plugin to do this – but this bit of code is a much better & leaner solution.

  25. Jeremy

    Hmm… I think YouTube gives you an option to uncheck “Show suggested videos when the video finishes” at the embedding sharing options. Or am I not seeing something here?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Jeremy it does if you are selecting the embed code from YouTube. However, since WordPress uses oEmbed you don’t need to copy paste <iframe> embed code any more. Most users just paste the video URL from their browser’s address bar and add it in the post. You can still use the iframe embed code if you want.


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