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How to Easily Track 404 Pages and Redirect Them in WordPress



つまり、存在しないウェブページのURLを入力すると、「404 Page Not Found」エラーが表示される。

404 Page Example













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WordPressサイトの404ページをトラッキングして修正する最も簡単な方法は、AIOSEOとしても知られているWordPress用のAll In One SEOプラグインを使用することです。これは、300万人以上の専門家によって使用されている最高のSEO WordPressプラグインです。



このチュートリアルでは、強力なリダイレクトマネージャーアドオンが含まれているAIOSEO Proバージョンを使用します。AIOSEOには無料版もありますが、404モニタリングやリダイレクトマネージャーは含まれていません。

まず、AIOSEO Proプラグインをインストールし、有効化する必要があります。詳しくはWordPressプラグインのインストール方法をご覧ください。


プラグインを有効化したら、All In One SEO ” Redirectsに行き、’Activate Redirects’ボタンをクリックします。

Activating Redirects in All in One SEO



Enable 404 logs



やがて、404エラーのあるURLのリストがすべて表示されます。Hits’カラムには何回そのリンクにアクセスしようとしたか、’Last Accessed’カラムには最後にアクセスされた日付が表示されます。


Click 404 logs menu option


例えば、「301 Moved Permanently」オプションを選択することで、ページを恒久的に移動させることができます。

Add redirect

その後、「Add Redirect」ボタンをクリックすると、リンク切れが自動的に新しいターゲットURLにリダイレクトされます。




Delete 404 error log entry from AIOSEO

All In One SEO ” Toolsにアクセスし、’Database Tools’タブをクリックすることで、404ログを一括削除することもできます。


Clear 404 logs from database tools


404エラーのトラッキングはもちろんのこと、AIOSEO Redirect Managerにはパーマリンクのモニタリング機能もついています。つまり、サイトのページを削除したり、ブログ投稿のURLを変更したりすると、AIOSEOは自動的にリダイレクトを設定するよう通知します。




AIOSEO Server Level Redirects





有効化した後、ツール ” リダイレクトと進み、下にスクロールして ‘セットアップ開始’ ボタンをクリックしてリダイレクトを設定してください。

Start setup of Redirection plugin



Basic setup Redirection plugin

プラグインはREST APIの状態をテストします。

状態結果が「Good」になったら、「Finish Setup」ボタンをクリックします。

Rest API test in Redirection

その後、プラグインがリダイレクトを設定します。これには数秒かかり、完了したら「Continue」ボタンをクリックし、「Ready to begin!





Add new redirection

リダイレクト設定のオプションを増やしたい場合は、「Add Redirect」ボタンの隣にある歯車のアイコンをクリックしてください。



More options for add new redirection



次に、アクションが’Redirect to URL’であることを確認してください。他のオプションは複雑で、高度な技術的知識が必須です。

リダイレクトタイプには、HTTPコードのドロップダウンからオプションを設定する必要があります。恒久的なリダイレクトの場合、これは「301 – Moved Permanently」でなければなりません。

最後に、’Matched Target’フィールドにターゲットURLを入力します。これらの情報を入力したら、「Add Redirect」ボタンを押してください。



404 Logs in Redirection plugin






Building a custom 404 page for your WordPress website





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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


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Reader Interactions


  1. Mrteesurez

    Instead of redirection the 404 error page, why can one rebuild or customize it and make it a landing page that can even leads to conversion.
    Thanks for the article.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You certainly can and it would depend on the use case for if a 404 page or a redirect would be better :)


  2. Moinuddin Waheed

    Very often we encounter nice and intuitive 404 error pages with some navigation links to the other pages of the website.
    it is good idea to completely redirect them without them having to navigate themselves to other pages.
    Having said that, redirecting from 404 error pages, does it completely hide the error from users and just redirect behind the wall to some other pages of encountered 404 error or it shows 404 error and then redirects to other pages?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on the specific content that would originally cause a 404, if you have a good replacement article then you can redirect to the new article.

      Redirecting would mean that your new page is shown instead of a 404 error.


  3. Jiří Vaněk

    I would like to ask if it’s really a good strategy to perform redirects for 404 pages. Personally, I’ve taken the approach of creating a really nice 404 page where I apologize for the mishap and offer the reader other website content. This means showing them the latest 10 articles that might interest them. I’ve also designed the page to reduce frustration and give the reader a bit of amusement, even if they didn’t find what they were looking for. Why I’m asking: If I redirect to another page, won’t the user be confused that not only did they not find what they were looking for, but also they won’t see the information that the page doesn’t exist? Thus, preventing them from futilely searching for it and instead giving them a direct message that unfortunately, that content no longer exists?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It heavily depends on your content, personal preference, and site for which would be best. This guide helps those who want to set up this redirect.


  4. Ralph

    It is very important to take care of our 404 error as it may looks very unprofessional for our viewers. Once again you guys prove All in One SEO is great tool that can take care of many things that matter.

  5. sarah hawkins

    We moved host and build and our new build pages load fine but the crawlers still locate pages from our old host that end in .html and these bring up error 404 pages but are not in my sitemap or build.
    Will these disappear over time with new search engine crawls or do i have to do anything? Any help would be very much appreciated.

    • WPBeginner Support

      If they are important pages then it would normally be best to redirect them to the correct URL.


  6. Nikolinayoga

    Hi, can you erase the 404 URL that the crawl found (without having them among the actual pages in the dashboard)

    I want to erase them but don´t know how to “locate them” lol
    Or in that case the only option is to redirect them to the homepage?

    Thank you

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on the specifics of what you mean. If the page does not exist then redirecting it to the home page would let search engines know the page does not exist


  7. benafflic

    thanks for the insight. everything I read is crystal clear

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide could be helpful :)


  8. Lauren

    This was SO helpful, thank you!!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our article was helpful :)


  9. Raymond Cyprian

    Good I stumbled upon this. Had been looking for a way to redirect error 404.pages. I think this did a good job for me. Pls can I uninstall the plugin once I have completed all redirects as I already have slot of plugins and they are beginning to slow down my site.

  10. dimip

    Nice… I have recently moved from http to https and i see in google search results both http and https links both works but i want for all non https link that the user is redirected to https. Does the above tool is what i need?
    Does google sees http to https as different website shall i use change of address tool or is enough that i have registered also the https ?
    Do you have a quide or plan to make one with easy steps http to https ?

      • Dimip

        Thanks a lot :) I forgot to add that it was a migration from weebly to wordpress. The site is a perfect copy, all structure kept the same but at weebly was where at wordpress
        I have given the new sitemap to Google and deleted the order without redirect that happened before a month plus now the https I have seen a major drop down in SEO in search results. Is there a way to recover from this? For example if I can find again the old sitemap from weebly? For the Google map section things are the same. Some advice please?

  11. Precious

    Hello, thank you so much for this tutorial! It helped me redirect some of my 404 pages that result from my recent Blogger-WordPress move.
    However, I noticed I have A LOT of posts that need to be redirected to the right URL, judging from the number of tracked errors on the 404 tab. My question is is there a way to automate this? Some of these links are mobile links from my former blog with the m? added to them. The thing is it may take so long to do all those redirects one after the other. I am also concerned about losing the confidence of those who visit my site.
    How do I fix this? Is there a way to automatically redirect all the 404 pages to the right posts? Please help me.

  12. Romeo Mariano

    How do I redirect every 404 error to the home page?

    • Zain Zaheer

      In the Target Url section place your Homepage Url.

  13. David Pascal

    I have just installed it and did some redirection. I hope it works the way I expect. Anyway, its a nice plugin. Thanks for the helpful post about it.

  14. Jaswinder

    Can we redirect 404 page without using any plugin? If yes how?


  15. Will Franco aka Flywheel

    Watch out with the Redirection plugin though!

    Redirection Plugin Trialing Slash Issue

    a. Issue with and without trialing /

    b. Currently, I have to setup two redirects per URL

    ​If you don’t the URL that’s not setup in redirection will 404.​

    the bug is easy to miss! and the plugin documentation doesn’t specify that you actually need to create two redirects per one.

    if you visit the target page by clicking the source first it will work

    and then if you visit the non-trailing slash it will work

    you have the visit the non-trailing slash first to get the 404 (i.e. like a visitor of your site)

    and it seems nobody is talking about this either!!!

    • Courtney

      FYI… this is not a bug. This is what regex is for – you can check the “regex” box to use that option. Regular expressions allow you to create 1 redirection and then tell it to redirect with or without the trailing slash. Regex is how ‘normal’ htaccess file rules are created, which is what this plugin does via WP instead (unless you have it set up to use Apache or nginx). More about regex here – . GL.

  16. WPBeginner Staff

    Redirects not only help search engines but will also help users coming from other sources. If you are confident that you will not loose any visitors then you can deactivate the plugin.

  17. AL Spaulding

    Great little plugin. Just handled a big batch of redirects on a site with it. I have a quick question though.

    While I am aware that the plugin must stay activated for the redirects to work, how long after the big “G” (google) has indexed the correct page(s) and ranked them accordingly wuld it be safe to remove the plugin?

    For example: if howdy/doody/funny is redirected to howdy/doody/funny/humor, and Google is now ranking and indexing howdy/doody/funny/humor, after you alert google of the repair in Webmaster Tools; is it not safe to remove the plugin then? Or is this permanent for the life of the site?

    Excuse the lengthy question. Thanks in advance. :)

  18. max sarasini

    Can I use the redirection plugin alone to redirect my entire old blog to my new, self hosted website? Or do I have to pay $13 annually for the wordpress redirect facility in order to do this?

  19. Silas Jura

    Does this work if I am building a new website in WordPress (on a new domain) and replacing my site that is currently with Weebly (on our old domain)? We decided it would be easier to use a new domain (plus it’s more SEO friendly, I think) to build the new site on WordPress so the redirect would need to come from our old domain ( and redirect to the appropriate pages on our new domain ( What do you think, should I redirect the old domain or should I switch the WordPress site to the old domain once I’m done building it? Thanks for any help you can provide.

  20. Nur Ahmad Furlong

    I really love the redirection plugin, it has however been misbehaving alot lately, I think the developers have not been keeping it up to date. It still works but can sometimes get you stuck with redirects you can’t remove even after deleting them.

    I’m sticl with a tricky problem. I converted atons of auto generated categories to tags and now have a ton of 404’s I need to somehow redirect automatically.

    Any ideas how I can bulk redirect 404 category links to the tag equavalent?

  21. Trent

    I’ll give this plugin a try, sounds like it’ll work great. My only concern is that it will slow the site down. This leads me to a question: if I use the plugin now and fix all my 404s through 301 redirects with this app, then delete the app when I’m done redirecting all the pages, will the redirects stay, or will they go away with the app. In other words, do I need to keep the plugin installed and activated to keep the 301 redirects active? Thanks!

    • Editorial Staff

      The plugin has to stay activated for the redirects to work. If you only have a few redirects, then you can simply make those in the .htaccess file.


  22. Frank

    And what does Google like this? Or will it give you a lowere rate?
    Google cleans up the 404 results automatically right?

  23. Brandon N.

    What are “match”, “action”, and “regular expression” used for? Was hoping that would be covered in the article.

  24. javierojuel

    Is it better to manage the 404 error pages in the htaccess file or with this plugin? Is there a performance issue using one of these two systems?

    • wpbeginner

      @javierojuel This plugin is a must have for pretty much every blog. It is very well optimized. The point is that you can’t track 404 pages as well as this plugin does. Also by doing the hard code way, you can screw things up if you don’t know what you are doing. Redirection protects you at least to some extent.

  25. TobyFoote

    Ironically, the Velvet Blues Plugin for WordPress link in this article goes to a 404 error page.

    • wpbeginner

      @TobyFoote Fixed it :)

