WordPress サイトで投稿やページのタイトルを分割すると、フォーマットやスタイルを変更せずにタイトルを改行できます。
まず、Page Title Splitterプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。
注意: このプラグインは、現在Classicエディターを使用している場合にのみ動作します。新規: ブロックエディターを使用している場合、タイトルの分割機能は使用できません。
投稿日: 投稿やページにアクセスすると、サイト上で分割された投稿タイトルを見ることができます。
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Alex Tully
The plug-in doesn’t work. Even after I install it, nothing comes up in the editor when I’m trying to edit the title. I’ve given up and uninstalled it.
WPBeginner Support
Thank you for letting us know, we’ll be sure to take a look at the plugin or for alternatives
Corinne Corley
I was not able to use this plug-in because it added code instead of a marker and it split wherever the heck it wanted instead of where I put it. I deactivated the plug-in after about 20 minutes of trying. Any thoughts?
Melissa Dawn
Sorry guys… I’m running on no sleep, and I forgot to add ” ” in my last comment.
What I meant to say is:
*I put in my title, where I wanted to break the line, and it worked.
This is the problem that I am having. Anyone know the solution?
Krzysiek Dróżdż
Wow, you really need a plugin for that?
Why don’t you just insert tag? Installing million plugins, that aren’t doing anything really isn’t a good idea… Especially, if such plugin is not popular, so very few people have looked at/controlled it’s code (this plugin had 30 active installs).
WPBeginner Support
Please see our guide on how many WordPress plugins should you install on your site.
Krzysiek Dróżdż
It’s not the problem with number of plugins, but with their quality and reason to use them.
It’s like somebody would ask “how to add period after sentence” and you answered “there’s a plugin that…”
This approach just makes no sense at all. You’re recommending useless plugin, which inserts tag in title, and uses a lot of JS code to do that. Inserting these tags yourself is much easier, much more effective, much more efficient and secure…
There are better and worse solutions for every problem, but your solution for this problem is most uesless one, anyone could think of, I guess…
PS. I thought it’s wpbeginner, because you’re aiming to give simple advices for wpbeginners, not that you are total beginners with WP
Ouch…strong words…
WPBeginner Support
We understand your point of view. However, most of our audience are beginner level WordPress users. Things like editing theme files to achieve something, may look quite simple to experienced users, but they are not that simple for beginners. Many of them don’t know any HTML or CSS at all. If there is a plugin that makes it easier for them to do something, then we will always recommend the easier solution first.
What are you writing about? You don’t need to edit any theme files to insert tag in the title field. Just go to your wp-admin, start to edit your post and write in the title field. It’s all. Done. Finito
So it’s easier, simpler, quicker and much safer than installing plugin, which does exactly the same thing, but with a lot of JS (and you have no idea what sits in its code, right?).
If somebody doesn’t even try to understand comments, then he deserves strong words, I guess…
Especially, if he tries to teach something, and recommends totally bad solutions – so he ends up teaching and promoting bad habits.
Agreed with KRZYSIEK DRÓŻDŻ, useless plugin option