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How to put your WordPress site in maintenance mode






一つの解決策は、ステージングサイトを立ち上げることです。BluehostSiteGroundWP Engineなど、多くのトップWordPressホスティングサービス会社が1クリックでステージングサイトを提供しています。



An example 'under construction' page



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有効化したら、SeedProd ” ページに進みます。メンテナンスモード」セクションで、「メンテナンスモードページの設定」または「ページの編集」ボタンをクリックしてください。

How to set up maintenance mode in WordPress




SeedProd's ready-made maintenance templates



A professionally-designed maintenance page



Adding blocks to a custom page design



A maintenance page, with a giveaway




Customizing the CTA button



Capturing leads with SeedProd



Deleting blocks from a WordPress custom page design



Designing a custom maintenance mode page

メンテナンスモードを有効化し、カスタムメンテナンスページを訪問者に表示するには、WordPressダッシュボードのSeedProd ” ランディングページに移動するだけです。


Activating maintenance mode in WordPress


サイトを再開する準備ができたら、SeedProd ” ランディングページ にアクセスするだけです。メンテナンスモード」でスライダーをクリックし、緑色(有効化した)から灰色(無効化した)にします。

Removing the under construction page





SeedPro Proにアップグレードすることで、アクセスコントロールを変更することができます。プラグインを有効化した後、SeedProdはライセンスキーを要求します。

Adding the SeedProd license key to your website


その後、SeedProd ” ランディングページに行き、メンテナンスモードの下にある’ページの編集’をクリックするだけです。

Editing the WordPress maintenance mode settings



Controlling who can access your site in maintenance mode


また、「Bypass Cookie」トグルを使用して、メンテナンスモード中に特定のブラウザーCookieを持つユーザーにアカウントへのアクセスを許可することもできます。WordPressのキャッシュプラグインを使用している場合、この機能は動作しない可能性がありますのでご注意ください。

代わりに、メンテナンスモード中にサイトにアクセスできるユーザー権限を選択することをお勧めします。これを行うには、’Add Role’をクリックし、メニューから任意の権限グループを選択します。

Controlling access to your site using SeedProd's access controls

また、WordPressメンバーシッププラグインや eコマースプラグインによって作成されたユーザー権限を含めたり除外したりすることもできます。



SeedProd Proでは、特定のページをメンテナンスモードに含めたり、除外したりすることもできます。これはユーザーが特定のページにアクセスする必要がある場合に便利です。



Excluding URLs from maintenance mode


方法 2.LightStart を使用してメンテナンスモードを設定する



有効化したら、Settings ” LightStartに進みます。

The LightStart WordPress maintenance plugin



Choosing a template for your WordPress maintenance mode page



The WP Maintenance plugin email list



Creating a custom 'under construction' page for WordPress


注: この初期設定にご不満ですか?WordPressダッシュボードの設定 ” LightStartで他のデザインを見つけることができます。次に、「デザイン」タブをクリックすると、使用できるすべての異なるテンプレートが表示されます。


Designing a custom page using the WordPress page and post editor



Adding links to your social media page


ページのデザインが完了したら、WordPressダッシュボードの設定 ” LightStartでメンテナンスモードの設定を行います。


LightStart general settings


そのため、「Bypass for Search Bots」ドロップダウンを開き、「Yes」を選択することをお勧めします。これにより、検索エンジンのクローラーがメンテナンスページをバイパスすることができます。

Configuring the LightStart maintenance mode page



Allowing access to your WordPress dashboard




Excluding URLs from 'under construction' mode



LightStart's Google Analytics module




How to activate maintenance mode in WordPress





LightStart には、あなたのサイトがメンテナンスモードを解除したときに、メールリストに購読者として通知されたいかどうかを訪問者に尋ねることができる、あらかじめプログラムされたシンプルなライブチャットボットがあります。

A lead generation chatbot



How to add a chatbot to a maintenance mode page



How to create a custom chatbot in WordPress



Activating the WordPress chatbot



A chatbot pop in WordPress





まず、無料のWPCode プラグインをインストールし、有効化する必要があります。インストラクションが必要な場合は、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法をご覧ください。

有効化したら、WordPressの管理ダッシュボードからCode Snippets ” Libraryにアクセスしてください。

ライブラリから「Maintenance Mode」スニペットを探します。見つけたらマウスオーバーし、「Use snippet」ボタンをクリックします。

Select the Maintenance Mode snippet in WPCode



WPCode automatically adds the code for maintenance mode


Switch the toggle to 'Active' and click the 'Update' button


WPCode maintenance mode example


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Reader Interactions

91件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Mrteesurez

    The plugins you shared here are great to get this done especially the LightStart plugin, it has all what is need for a typical maintenance page, it also offer not, that’s fantastic.
    I want to ask if I bypass for search engine, which page will search engines pick up as home page if some search for my website on Google ?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It should link to your home page if you allow the bypass for search engine bots.


  2. Jiří Vaněk

    If I turn on maintenance mode with a plugin, will this avoid the problem with the .maintenance file on FTP, for example when updating more plugins? Sometimes it gets created on FTP and then has to be manually removed.

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would not prevent that file from being created but normally that file should only stay if there was trouble during the process of updating a plugin on your site.


      • Jiří Vaněk

        Coming back to this topic, very often this happens to me the moment I give a bulk plugin update. So is it better to update gradually instead of doing a bulk update? Thanks for your time and answers.

        • WPBeginner Support

          Your host likely has a limit set in their system. In that case you would want to do gradual updates and if you reach out to your host they may have an option to remove the limit you are running into.

  3. Giuliano

    I’m looking for a plugin that adds a page when the site is under maintenance. Also I want to add a Wpforms contact form. I’m not sure I understand this guide. I understand that the maintenance mode is manual and not automatic as I want.

    • WPBeginner Support

      For what it sounds like you’re wanting you would want to use SeedProd from this guide.


  4. Shailesh

    How to allow to view site after entering a password?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If the user is logged into your site they should see the content or SeedProd does have the option for a password for viewing the content. If you take a look at SeedProd’s documentation you can see the current method for how to set this up :)


  5. Santosh

    i followed your advise and put my website on maintenance mode but i now want to undo the maintenance mode (my situation changed and i did not do any maintenance tbh). To disable the maintenance mode i tried to go to the admin area
    but it takes me to the website and does not display admin login page from where i can disable the maintenance module(MM).
    please help, how to reverse MM and get back the website live.

  6. Rasmita

    Thank you, It’s really a helpful post.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful :)


  7. Carl Engelbrecht

    How do I allow access to a select group of people/friend/family to help me test my website before I take it out of maintenance mode?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You should be able to create a test user for them to log in and see the site while it is under maintenance.


  8. Jeanne Eisenstein

    I installed the plugin and after activating it worked on Safari but I can not get any other browsers to bring up the under maintenance page. Tried on a Mac, PC and iphone – website opens as normal. Any additional suggestions?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may want to ensure you are not logged in to your site and the caching on your site has been cleared as those are the most common reasons not to see the page


  9. Chelsey

    Hi! I installed this plugin, but when it updated, it must have logged me out, and now even through trying to access the /wp-admin, it says now found and I can´t access my website! What can I do??

  10. Natasha

    Thank you for this guide – it was easy to follow and super helpful. WP Maintenance page now up.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful :)


  11. Ayesha

    Thanks for the great article!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  12. William Rojas

    Great! I really wondering to know about WordPress maintenance. You have maked my work easy by sharing this article. Such a helpful content. Keep sharing!!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our article was helpful :)


  13. teena

    thanks for the post, i would like to know if i activate the plugin for 1 month , then what will be impact on seo ?. will my website keywords position get down or will remain same kindly answer it ,
    thanks a lot

    • WPBeginner Support

      If Google is unable to crawl your site for a month your SEO will likely take a hit that as it recrawls your site will begin to bring your SEO back up


  14. Robert Crahmer

    Hi, I want to put ONLY mobile site into maintenance / contruction state. How would I do that, I am running the free version. Thanks in advance. Regards.

    • WPBeginner Support

      We don’t have a recommended method for that at this time.


  15. Steve

    Why does a plugin have to be downloaded for every little thing?
    Is there not a simple built in function in WordPress to put the site in maintenance mode?

    • WPBeginner Support

      WordPress is designed for many types of sites and not all sites need a maintenance mode which is why there isn’t one by default at the moment.


    • JBerg

      You can add a simple function to your theme or child theme (functions.php)

      // Activate WordPress Maintenance Mode
      function wp_maintenance_mode() {
      if (!current_user_can(‘edit_themes’) || !is_user_logged_in()) {
      wp_die(‘Under MaintenanceWebsite under planned maintenance. Please check back later.’);
      add_action(‘get_header’, ‘wp_maintenance_mode’);

      It isn’t very customizable and will take out the whole site (unless logged in). No excluding certain pages, and might not be a “Beginner Friendly” option, etc..

      • Andrew

        @JBERG, thank you. For those that try it, make sure the single inverted commas paste correctly. I needed to replace them for the script to work.

  16. Marc Amand

    I´m trying to exclude pages but it doesn´t work.

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you reach out to the support for the plugin you are using they should be able to assist with the exclusions not working.


  17. john

    I am currently working on a website and using WP Maintenance mode and everything has been working fine. Suddenly, I can’t view my website in maintenance mode again. Everything is stuck in WP Maintenance mode. I have to deactivate WP Maintenance plugin before I can see my website. How do I fix this?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If the plugin is preventing you from seeing your back end then you would want to reach out to the plugin’s support and they can likely either fix the problem or let you know what needs to be changed.


  18. sofiya

    how to add fb pixel to wordpress in WP Maintenance Mode

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to reach out to the plugin’s support for if they have a recommended method, otherwise you could add it using the HTML editor for the page with that plugin for now.


  19. Keith

    It worked on mobile but not on desktop. I’ve tried incognito mode on several browsers and computers… Any suggestions?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Keith,

      Please see your settings to make sure that you are not just using it on mobile browsers.


  20. Willman

    I use WP Maintenance Mode plugin.
    My URL now shows the maintenance page, but only when I am not logged in. It shows the normal blog when I am logged in. What happens?

    • WPBeginner Support


      That’s expected behavior. When you are logged in you can see your blog so that you can work on it.


  21. Tony

    A couple of quick questions please – Where exactly does the information collected in the Manage Bot tab get stored. How do I see the information collected by the BOT?



  22. joyce

    I can’t get it to work.

    I have followed instructions perfectly.

    What am I doing wrong? Nothing fancy, just deactivate while I build.


    • joyce

      I figured it out. I was still logged in but the timer was going and I did not set up a timer.

  23. Aurora

    Well, you missed out a tiny but important piece of information, that to even install the WP Maintenance Plugin, you need to have a business plan with WP. I was misled to try this article and even registered for your free videos and plugins when I don’t even have a business plan.

  24. Manoj Aryal

    I have activated the maintenance mode through the dashboard in WordPress but the website is still online and everything is shown ?

    I used rookie theme. please tell me how can the solve?

    • Er Abhishek Choudhary

      First logout from wp then it works or use another web browser if you don’t want to logout.

  25. Tabitha

    Hi! I was really excited to find this plug in to display a coming soon page while I build my site. I followed the directions. Changed all the settings as described BUT now my site will not load at all. I can work on it from the back end no problem from my dashboard but when I have others go to see how the splash page looks, it wont load. Please help!

  26. Jenna

    Hello – how long after saving it as “activated” will it take for the front end to display the message? I am still able to see and navigate around the website, even though I have the maintenance mode set to active.

      • Tabitha

        I read that here and tried that. After a solid 2 minutes of nothing happening, I tried with a different browser and still nothing. Thing is its not just my computer that it won’t open on. My phone (not logged in), my room mates computer, and other friends too. Some get a 504 error code. Some get ‘safari could’t open bc server stopped responding’ type message. :( Any other suggestions?

  27. Bella

    Hi there,

    I was wondering whether its only administrator roles that can edit the site while in maintenance mode?

    I am running Dokan and WooCommerce and would like my users (vendors) to be able to upload products even when in maintenance mode? is this possoble or do i have to give them administrator access?

    best regards,


    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Bella,

      Ideally you would only allow administrators to be able to access admin area during the maintenance mode. However, you can change that if you need.


  28. Paul

    I’m disappointed by the content. It’s a great article about a plugin, but I found it by searching for “wordpress enable maintenance mode”. I’m about to upgrade a site to version 4.8, manually. My first step will be to disable all of the plugins — including WP_Maintenance_mode. Your solution won’t work for me.

    It would have been nice if you’d at least included a link to how to put a site into maintenance mode without a plugin.

  29. Pranilesh

    Hi, I recently started a blog and installed wp through the host service now when I click to visit my site it shows site under construction. Can you help Me please asap

  30. Toon

    A very nice plugin indeed.
    But be aware!
    Suppose you put your site in Maintenance Mode with this plugin and you are going to update WordPress.
    At some point in the update process you will still get the standard WordPress ‘Maintenance message (‘Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.’). After WordPress is done updating, the Maintenance Mode page from the plugin returns.
    I think that this is the case with most of these Maintenance plugins.

    • Honey

      Hi Toon,

      I was wondering, how do you go around this then? I’m about to use a maintenance plugin but I’m afraid I’d break my site.


  31. Ben

    Hello, WPBeginner
    Please, is it recommended to delete the plugin after the plugin’s purpose has been fulfilled?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Ben,

      Yes. You should deactivate and delete the plugins that you don’t intend to use anytime soon.


  32. Xyronch

    The maintenance not working in https … it’s only in http they can access using https..

  33. Nicole

    Hi there. Looking for some help, please. I put my site into maintenance mode using these instructions, but now I can’t get out of it. I don’t have a direct WordPress log in, I made the site in WordPress through the host site. And now I can’t edit the site at all.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Nicole,

      You can go to the plugins page and deactivate the WP Maintenance Mode plugin.


  34. philippe

    sorry i figured it out my bad

  35. philippe

    hi i put my page in mantic mode but now i can not access it at all i do not even have the blue tool bar to select options please help i click on my web site and all it does is take me to the mainanace page

  36. Abhishek Sharma

    Looks like a nice plugin, but it seems problem on this where is go You subscribed Emails. how can i check this email ids.

  37. Konstantinos

    Very nice article once again…

    I have one question though.
    I installed the plugin. I configured it as I wanted but I can’t find something to preview my “Under Construction” Page.

    thank you in advance.

  38. Kay

    Super easy to set up, love it. However, it looks great on desktop but a mess on mobile. It supposed to be mobile responsive??? Am I missing something? Thanks

  39. deb

    Just wondering, will it be possible to change background each time the site refreshes ?

  40. Sanjay Goswami

    Is there any way to put WordPress site in maintenance mode through wp-config file?

  41. Nicola


    Im stuck in maintenance mode and I can’t seem to access my site and work in the background. I obviously haven’t set a switch or checked a button. could you help me access my site?



  42. Sarah

    Hello I’m wondering if my site is not live, how is it possible to receive comments?

  43. asraf

    yeah well cleared man thank you so much,…..

  44. Eikeen

    I follow your instruction and the maintenance sign did not show up on my site and my site is still active. Is there another way that I can bring my site down

    • Gena

      I have the same problem.
      I have tried 4 different maintenance mode plugins and I can’t get any of them to work. My site is still active. Help

  45. ANita


    Very clearly written post – I wish I had read it before activating the plugin. I don’t seem to be able to log back into my account. I just have this blank screen with the ‘under maintenance’ message and nothing else. Any change you could advise me on how to get back into my account? Thanks a million! Anita

  46. Aksam Zarook

    Thanks once again for a great resource wpbignner.

    Your site has helped me out many times by giving advice on the best way to solve wp problems. I’m a wordpress designer and developer and many times I have had to find quick solutions to problems at short notices from customers. Today was one of them. There are many wp plugins new and old for the same function and you get confused what to select. In times like that I always first do a google search for wpbeginner articles. :)

  47. adeem jan

    Superb post buddy, i never know about it that we can set our blog on maintenance mode, this way i can save my traffic who came from search engine or referral for 1st time on my blog.
    Will surely try this and will let you know about outcomes.

  48. WPBeginner Staff

    No it will put your site in maintenance mode for as long as you want. You will have to turn it off when you want to resume normal operation.

  49. AlbertVR

    Seems like u just screwed up with this plugin! all the functionality off the old plugin is deleted

  50. Hitesh Parekh

    This is great but it is better to have a separate cloned server like a staging server where you can put all your tests and not to worry about putting your website offline

    • Ikomrad

      What if your live site it broken? The bad code will be copied to your clone site a well

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