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How to update live posts in WordPress








この方法の問題点は、おすすめ画像や 投稿サムネイルタグやカテゴリーなどを設定したり変更したりできないことです。つまり、これらの変更は、あなたかエディターが投稿日: に行う必要があります。





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プラグインを有効化した後、WordPress管理画面の投稿 ” すべての投稿にアクセスする必要があります。ここには、WordPressが公開する投稿と下書きがすべて表示されます。

All posts


Revision of a published post






Revision draft


この投稿を気に入っていただけたなら、WordPress動画チュートリアルのYouTubeチャンネルをぜひご購読ください。Twitterや Facebookでもご覧いただけます。

情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


ツールキットへの無料アクセス - すべてのプロフェッショナルが持つべきWordPress関連製品とリソースのコレクション!

Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Tracey Edwards says

    When you use Revisionize to update a post, does it send the updated post out to your subscribers? Or do you have to do something else to make that happen?

    Thank you!

  3. Fredrik Hed says

    Is it “better” to update an old post with new info, or write a completely new post as replacement of the first?

    If I write a new post, should I delete the old one and redirect it to the new one?

    Thanks :)

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Fredrik,

      If the changes you are making are not too big then it would be better to update the post with new information. However, if a post has different title and has lots of new information then you can create a new post and redirect old post to the new article.


  4. Nicolas says

    Great plugin, thank you! Exactly what I was looking for… After 4 years of blogging, for the first time I actually tried to find a solution to have a live version and a draft version of my changes living together… It was easier than I thouhgt so thanks!

  5. Ann kelly says

    I believe you have to have pay to have the business version of WordPress to get plugins. It would be helpful to mention costs when applicable.

  6. Howard says

    I have revisionize . Question: Does it affect SEO standing on Google?
    If you change keyword or update SEO , will it keep your google search standing of the live post? ( I know you shouldn’t change title as this affects the URL)

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Howard,

      The plugin itself has no impact on SEO. Changes you make to your posts will have an affect on SEO. While making changes you need to make sure that you maintain your target keyword density, title, and meta description to avoid any negative SEO impact.


  7. Jamie Chong says

    Thanks for the great article explaining Revisionize. I’m the plugin author and I’ve just spent the last few weeks improving the plugin. It’s come a long way since this article was written.

    There is now a settings panel to do some basic configuration and a lot of little issues have been fixed. I’ve also launched that offers some addons to make Revisionize even more powerful.

    I’m actively improving the plugin and I’m quick to respond on the support forum. Get in touch and let me know if there are any issues you’re facing.

  8. Marci says

    Will the Revisionize plugin work the same way for doing revisions on WordPress pages that are already live or is it just for posts?

  9. Mike Mosher says

    Help! I agreed to edit issue #32 of a friend’s cinema journal, in WordPress.
    I’ve created pages, saved as Draft, with graphics and links for all the new articles, but I don’t know

    a) how to create a TOC for this issue, in the manner of all the previous ones (where do I find one to copy & revise?) in a box at the left-hand side of the screen, and

    b) how to have completed #32 go live without trashing #32, but having it still accessible from its TOC.

    Thanks for your help,

    –Mr. Newbie

  10. Jason MacDonald says

    I can see how this is an excellent tool. My question is related but…

    if you are auto-publishing to social sites like Facebook and Twitter, when you edit a post and then either Update or Publish like this there a way to prevent the post from being re-shared to social? I have cases where I simply want to change tags or something and I don’t want the post to get shared again.
    Could you maybe address something like this?

