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初期設定では、ユーザーがコメント欄に戻ってレスポンスを見ない限り、誰かが自分のコメントに返信したことを知ることができません。 そのため、あなたのサイトで深い議論やディベートを生み出すことが難しくなります。


Notify users only on replies on their own comments





ということで、WordPressでコメントしたユーザーに返信を通知する方法を見てみましょう。Thrive Commentsのようなプレミアムプラグインを使う方法と、無料のプラグインを使う方法の2つを紹介します。



Subscribe to WPBeginner


Thrive Commentsを使ってコメントしたユーザーだけに返信先を通知する。

WordPressでコメントしたユーザーに返信を通知する最も簡単な方法は、Thrive Commentsを使うことです。

これは最高のWordPressコメントプラグインであり、Thrive Themesプラグインスイートの一部です。Thrive Commentsを使用すると、コメントのエンゲージメントを向上させる機能を得ることができます。例えば、コメントバッジを表示したり、アップヴォート/ダウンヴォートを許可したり、コメントスレッドを購読したりすることができる。

プラグインスイートの機能と利点についてさらに詳しく知りたい方は、Thrive Themes Suiteの詳細レビューをご覧ください。

まず、Thrive Themesのサイトにアクセスし、新しいアカウントを作成する必要があります。



次に、「Thrive Product Managerプラグインをダウンロードしてインストールする」リンクをクリックする必要があります。

Install Thrive Product Manager

ここから、WordPressサイトにThrive Product Managerプラグインをインストールして有効化することができます。詳細については、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のガイドを参照してください。

有効化した後、WordPressダッシュボードからProduct Managerページに移動できます。アカウントにログイン」ボタンをクリックします。

次に、ログイン中にThrive Product Managerダッシュボードが表示されます。

ダッシュボードからThrive Commentsプラグインを選択し、「選択した製品をインストール」ボタンをクリックするだけです。

Install Thrive Comments

インストールが完了すると、「Ready to use」という成功メッセージが表示されるはずです。

その後、一番下の「Go to the Thrive Themes Dashboard」ボタンをクリックします。

View Thrive Comments success message

Thrive Themesのダッシュボードには、インストールしたプラグインがすべて表示されます。

Thrive Comments’ボタンをクリックしてください。

Go to Thrive Comments

次に、Thrive Commentsの設定が表示されます。


Go to Thrive Comments notifications



Add new comment notification


Thrive CommentsはDrip、Constant Contact、Mailchimp、AWeber、ActiveCampaignなどの最も人気のあるサービスをサポートしています。


Add new connection for comments

その後、Thrive Commentsと接続するアプリを選択する必要があります。


Select email marketing tool to connect

次に、Thrive Commentsは選択したサービスの APIキーまたはAPIトークンを必須とします。



Enter email tool API


Thrive Commentsで設定できる通知には2種類あります。コメント通知とは、ユーザーが自分のコメントに返信したときにメールで通知するものです。投稿通知とは、特定の投稿に新しいコメントや返信が追加されたときにユーザーにメールで通知するものです。

Customize post and comment notifications



Click the pencil icon to edit notification


Thrive Commentsでは、通知ショートコードを使ってメール通知に詳細を追加することもできます。例えば、サイトタイトル、コメントする作者、配信停止リンクなどを追加することができます。

Edit comment notification options



Customize notification for new comments on thread




WordPressコメントへの返信をユーザーに通知するもう一つの方法は、Subscribe to Comments Reloadedを使うことだ。これは無料のプラグインで、ユーザーがコメントするたびに返信をメールで受け取ることができます。


最初に行う必要があるのは、Subscribe to Comments Reloadedプラグインをインストールして有効化することです。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。

有効化した後はSTCR ” コメントフォームからプラグインの設定を行うことができます。

Edit comment form settings

ここで、”Advanced subscription “セクションを見つけ、トグルをクリックして “Yes “と表示させる。


Change subscription type



Edit the messages in comment form



初期設定では “購読しない “に設定されていますが、訪問者はこれを “私のコメントに返信する “に変更することで、誰かが返信するたびに通知を受け取ることができます。

Select replies to my comment option



Click the subscribe link



Subscribe to Comments Reloadedプラグインには、コメント購読をカスタマイズするために使用できる設定があります。これらにはコメントスパムに対抗するためのいくつかのセキュリティオプションとreCAPTCHAの有効化が含まれます。

専門家のアドバイス コメント通知メールを設定したら、ユーザーの受信トレイにスパムフォルダではなく、確実に届くようにしましょう。この点を考慮し、メールの到達率を向上させるために、WP Mail SMTPのようなSMTPサービスプロバイダーを使用することもお勧めします。

この投稿が、WordPressでユーザーからのコメントへの返信のみを通知する方法を学ぶのにお役に立てば幸いです。Google アナリティクスでWordPressのユーザーエンゲージメントをトラッキングする方法や、中小企業必見のWordPressプラグインもご覧ください。

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

46件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Jiří Vaněk

    This feature was very important to me because I usually reply on my blog and I wanted the user to know that I replied. So I’m currently using WP Discuz, which also has this feature if the user wants to be notified, or even wants to follow the entire discussion. It is a very effective way to lure users back to the site.

  2. Mrteesurez

    Thanks for sharing us this. it’s a good feature in a comment section especially a blog that needs or required users opininon, some blogs out there when I comment, I didn’t see any reply or whether the comment even get approved or not.
    I want to implement this on my blog. thanks.

    • Jiří Vaněk

      This can sometimes be intentional. If you look at wpbeginner now, you also don’t see whether your comment has been submitted and approved. I assume that for some websites, this may indeed be intentional when there are quite a lot of comments. For example, due to SMTP server limits and so on. Otherwise, I agree, this feature is very important on my website as well.

  3. jannatul

    This is a very good information article.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you!


  4. Sandro

    I followed the installation procedure and did what was said. I sent a reply to a comment to a girl but despite having done everything correctly, no notification was received by email to the girl (I know for sure having contacted her personally). How can I solve? Thanks in advance.

  5. Ava Jaine

    Thank you, this was very helpful.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful :)


  6. Jiawei

    I have installed the Subscribe To Comments Reloaded plugin, then it keeps sending email to my subscriber and to an email address, even if I delete the email and delete all the record in my database. Could you give me some advice to fix this problem? Thank you.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Have you checked the plugin’s notification section to ensure that is not where you’ve set that email?


  7. Soufiane El bahri

    Idk why they don’t receive emails? I just tried to comment and reply to myself as another user, but apparently there’s nothing on my email that says there’s a new reply? Plus, is there any way to modify the text “Replies to my comment”?

    Please reply asap, I really need help with this.


      Well, I just see, it is not updated for two years !!
      So, this blogpost here needs an update or closed? No help with this plugin.

      @WP Beginner: Is this a plugin you are using for your website here to follow up comments?


      • WPBeginner Support

        Currently, the plugin has not been updated for 10 months based on the plugin page and we are currently using the plugin for our site.


  8. Christopher

    How do I remove this “Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.” from the comment section after installing StCr

  9. Michelle Parsons

    I installed the Send Email only on Reply to My Comment plugin. Immediately my featured image functionality broke in WordPress. By “broke,” I mean, when I select an image in the Featured Image pane of my edit post view, the image doesn’t display, just the caption. Also, when I publish the post, the image doesn’t display, just the caption. Here’s an example:

    Here’s an example of a post where I’d already published the post with a featured image. In this case, the Featured Image pane in my edit post view also doesn’t show the image, just the caption. But the published post still successfully shows the featured image:

    I’ve uninstalled the plugin but the issue isn’t resolved. Help!!! I’m on WordPress 4.8.2 running the Twenty Seventeen theme.

    • Michelle Parsons

      OK, it’s not just featured images for unpublished posts now. It’s all images. When I click Preview in unpublished posts, only the image captions display, not the images.

  10. Shawn

    What I think would work great is a popup or some type of indicator and link in menu (not WPs) that someone has replied to their comment as soon as they login. Otherwise they login and have no idea someone has replied or they don’t on my sites because WP stuff is hidden. :)

  11. martin

    hello dear developer

    the new theme – that comes shipped with the wp 4.7 is called 2017

    seen here
    background here:

    question: can you provide some tutorials & manuals for this upcoming theme?

    that would be fantastic.

    love to hear from you

    greetings martin

  12. Filipe

    doesn’t work

  13. Leila Boukarim

    Hi, I just recently found out that all those people who left comments on my blog over the years probably never found out I replied! I’m furious…

    Anyway, I got myself this plugin and tried everything to make it work. It’s just not working.

    What could be the problem? Is there another plugin that will do the same?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  14. Divya Parishe

    Hi ,

    We use citrix application and the employees queries are to be replied immediately when an email comes to the Employee Information center in cirtix. there is a lot of delay in replying to those emails as we work on some other chanels as well. Is there a way that we can get these email notifications to outlook ? Please help with the answer.

  15. Irina David

    Here’s the problem with my WP comments.
    A reader posts a comment/question on blog post. I reply to their question.
    A reader does not receive a reply to their email or inbox.
    So I just realized one of my posts got 100 comments/questions and I was replying to all but apparently nobody received a reply….!! I just thought the purpose of “reply to comment” button is that the user will receive a reply, no?
    Do you know how to fix this? I’m assuming that I will receive a reply to my comment here. The notification will go to my email I input above, correct? So what must I do in order for my blog readers to receive my replies. Thank you in advance.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Well the reply button lets you reply to the comment but a user will not receive it via email or get any notification. In the article above, we have shown how you can notify users only on replies to their WordPress comments. You can also allow users to subscribe to comments. This way, they can subscribe to comments and receive notifications when there is a new comment.


  16. Thais

    That helped me heaps, guys. Cheers

  17. Fernando

    Thanks, Very useful information :D

  18. rizal

    Hello, can the checklist be automatically checked?

  19. Mary

    I was wondering if it is wise to istall a plugin that is a year and a half outdated. What do you think? I know Wordprees doesnt issue a warning untill 2 years.

    Is “Send Email only on Reply to My Comment” the only free plugin that has this simple bow to click?

    Best wishes , Mary

    • Editorial Staff

      As long as the plugin works, then there is no need to update it. Often plugin developers don’t update it because it doesn’t need an update.


  20. Mary

    Thank you for your great articles.
    Send Email only on Reply to My Comment- hasn’t been updated for 493 days. this is June 21.
    It may be abandoned.
    Is there another plugin that will notify a commenter on a reply? I like the easy check box.

    I think this is really important, but I am not finding any that are simple and updated.

    Also, do you think a captcha is a good idea for comments?
    Best wishes and Thanks alot, Mary

  21. mark

    nice, I was just looking for this.

    What is the plugin you use for the “Subscribe to WPBeginner Updates” checkbox just below?

  22. Gautam Doddamani

    a very good plugin…i was about to ask the same thing to u guys…but is there any way i can import the subscribers list from subscribe to comments reloaded plugin…i really dont want to make the move and lose all the existing subscribers…

  23. Jeremy Myers

    Just the info I was looking for. I emailed a blog owner about it just last week, and they told me it was “Subscribe to Comment reloaded” but I have used that plugin, and I knew they were using something else… also, the emails I received looked different.

    I bet this is what they were using instead (or something like it) and they were just confused…. Thanks!

    • Yaw Ansong

      Hey Jeremy,
      Glad to see you here, this is Yaw Ansong. Just saying hi, Just installed this plugin on my site. See you later.

  24. Pamela

    Does this work with Disqus or Jetpack?
    I’m using Jetpack at the moment for the comment section but I’m planning to use Disqus instead. Does it work with any of them?

    Also, I have a problem with the comments in my blog that it’s not related to this post… is there a place where I could ask you guys about it?

    • Editorial Staff

      Not sure if it works with third party commenting system. Our guest would be no it doesn’t work. Use the contact form to send in questions.


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