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Import / export theme customizer settings in WordPress




ローカルサーバーや ステージングサイトでテーマをカスタマイズしていた場合、その設定をライブサイトに移動できればいいと思いませんか?







有効化したら、エクスポートしたいサイトのWordPressダッシュボードから外観 ” カスタマイズページにアクセスします。

Export/Import option in Customizer



Export customizer settings




ここから、WordPress管理画面のサイドバーから外観 ” カスタマイザーページにアクセスし、エクスポート/インポートパネルをクリックします。


また、ヘッダーやその他の画像ファイルをインポートするには、’Download and import image files?’オプションの横にあるチェックボックスをオンにする必要があります。

Import theme settings




複数のWordPressサイトを持っている場合、ナビゲーションメニューを1つのサイトから他のサイトに転送したいと思うかもしれません。WPS Menu Exporterプラグインを使えば簡単にできます。

プラグインをインストールしたら、WordPressダッシュボードからツール ” エクスポートページにアクセスします。ここで、’ナビゲーションメニュー項目’オプションを設定し、’エクスポートファイルをダウンロード’ボタンをクリックします。

Export the navigation menu items

そうすると、ナビゲーションメニューがコンピューターに.xmlファイルとして保存されます。その後、ツール ” インポートページにアクセスして、ナビゲーションメニューを新規サイトにインポートすることができます。


Install the WordPress import tool



Upload your .xml file and click the button to import it to your new site



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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


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Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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    You can get more details about the contest from here.
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  2. Dayo Olobayo says

    This is a great tip. I’m always worried about losing my customization settings when I switch to a new theme. I’ll definitely be looking into the Customize Export/Import plugin. But please, does this plugin work with all WordPress themes or are there any specific themes that it’s compatible with?

  3. Dennis Muthomi says

    if I export the theme customizer settings from one site and then import them to another site that has a different theme installed, will the imported settings still apply properly?
    Or does this import/export process only work if I’m using the exact same theme on both sites? Having the ability to transfer settings between different themes would be really valuable

      • Dennis Muthomi says

        Wow, thanks for the reply! good to know it only works for the same theme or child themes.Appreciate you clarifying :-)

  4. Ram E. says

    Thanks! Although I don’t think this would work for block themes–from default WP 2023 to the recently released 2024 theme with WordPress 6.4. I am trying to install a staging environment for my website today to configure the new WP default theme before pushing the changes to live but the staging feature of the Bluehost plugin s*cks. This is how I ended up in this article. (Sigh) Looking for some staging alternatives as I only need to update the theme.

  5. Teresa E Langston says

    This plugin does not work with child of 2022 theme.

    Export works fine. Error on import:
    Error importing settings! The settings you uploaded are not for the current theme.

    There does not seem to be a way to get past this situation. Have scanned faqs/support forums

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would want to ensure the folder names are the same for your child theme to prevent that specific error. You can also reach out to the plugin’s support and they may be able to assist further.


    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would want to check with the support for the plugin whose settings you are looking to transfer for if they have a tool for that purpose.


    • WPBeginner Support says

      If you reach out to the plugin’s support and let them know your specific theme and they should be able to help


  6. Salman Saleem says

    Thank you so much for saving my day. Was thinking to migrate the whole site but this plugin is a saviour.

  7. Fejiro says

    Please a search bar is showing in my customize theme page. Its blocking the save button. How do I remove it.

  8. Ted says

    I used this plugin to export customizer settings from one site and import them to another site using the same theme. Worked without a hitch and even imported background and header images. One thing I noticed is the current version (0.8) automatically saves the changes, which may be an issue if somebody just wants to see how it looks without committing to the changes. The unwary user will inadvertently overwrite any settings they may currently have saved.

  9. NazakatMunawar says

    WordPress themes are easily imported and export as all the content and images will get transformed into any themes accordingly but still, I suggest to make a back up before making any changes to the themes.

