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How to Find and Fix Broken Links in WordPress (Step by Step)



リンク切れはさまざまな理由で起こりますが、最も一般的な理由は、ウェブページが削除されたり、別の場所に移動されたりして、サーバーに「404 not found」というエラーメッセージが表示される場合です。







リンク切れを自分で直したくないですか?WPBeginnerプロサービスの専門家にお任せください!リンク切れ、プラグインやテーマのエラー、画像の問題など、一般的なサイトのトラブルシューティングと修正を、手頃な価格で緊急WordPressサポートを提供しています。オンデマンド WordPress サポートサービスを今すぐご予約ください!

AIOSEOによるBroken Link Checkerプラグインは、WordPressサイト上のリンクがすべて正しく機能していることを確認するために不可欠なツールです。


他のWordPressリンク切れチェッカープラグインとは異なり、SaaSサービスとしてビルトインされているため、サイトが遅くなることはありません。また、外部プライベートサーバーを使用してリンク切れをピンバックするため、WP EngineのようなマネージドWordPressホスティング会社によってブロックされることもありません。

まず、Broken Link Checkerプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。

注:Broken Link Checkerの無料版では、最大200個の内部リンクをスキャンできます。より多くの内部リンクと外部リンクをスキャンするには、プロバージョンにアップグレードすることができます。

有効化すると、Broken Link Checkerのセットアップウィザードが自動的に開始し、アカウントのセットアップをお手伝いします。

The Broken Link Checker Setup Wizard Will Start Automatically



Connect Your Site to a Free Broken Link Checker Account or an Existing Account




Find broken links and edit URLs with Broken Link Checker by AIOSEO



Editing a Broken Link Using Broken Link Checker

Broken Link Checkerは、情報ⓘアイコンをクリックすると、各リンクの「状態の詳細」も表示します。


View status details on broken links


Broken Link Checker by AIOSEOは、3日ごとに自動的にサイトをスキャンしますので、リンク切れを心配する必要はありません。







Adding a New Site Audit Project in Semrush



Type a Domain for Your New Site Audit Project



Semrush Report Showing Broken Links



Broken Links Report in Semrush







終了すると、サイトエクスプローラーの結果の概要が表示されます。ここから、ページ ” リンク別ベストのメニューをクリックし、404の状態でレポートを並べ替える必要があります。

Finding Broken Links Using Ahrefs


MonsterInsightsは WordPressのための最高の分析ソリューションです。Google アナリティクスを使用することで、サイト上のリンク切れや404エラーを自動的にトラッキングします。






Google アナリティクスにログインしたら、’Explore’ タブに移動し、Blank レポートを選択する必要があります。

Create a Blank Explore Report in Google Analytics

ここで、「Exploration Name」の下に、「Broken Links」のようにレポートの名前を入力することができます。


Creating a New Explore Report in Google Analytics


ページ・タイトル」ディメンジョンを検索し、そのボックスにチェックを入れます。その後、’Page path + query string’ ディメンジョンについても同じことを行います。

Importing Dimensions to Your Report



Import the Sessions Metric to Your Report


まず、両方のディメンションを2列目の「行」ボックスにドラッグします。その後、Sessions メトリックを Values ボックスにドラッグします。

Drag the Variables to the Settings Column



Create a New Filter Using the Page Title

Conditions(条件)」で、ドロップダウンメニューから「contains(含む)」を選択し、「Page not found(ページが見つかりません)」など、あなたのサイトの404ページのページタイトルを入力する必要があります。


Page Title Filter Conditions



404 error pages in Google Analytics 4








Google Search Consoleは、Googleが提供する無料のツールで、ウェブマスターが検索エンジンの検索結果ページ(SERPs)でのサイトの表示状況を管理するのに役立ちます。また、リンク切れによる404エラーなどのエラーについても通知してくれます。

まず、あなたのサイトにGoogle Search Consoleを設定する必要があります。ステップバイステップの設定手順については、究極のGoogle Search Consoleガイドをご覧ください。

Google Search Consoleアカウントにログイン後、左メニューから「ページ」をクリックします。

Google Search Console Pages Report

次に、’Not indexed’の横のボックスがチェックされていることを確認する。


Google Search Console Pages That Aren't Indexed



A List of Pages Not Found in Google Search Console






リンク切れを修正し、リダイレクトを設定する最も簡単な方法は、WordPress用のAll In One SEO(AIOSEO)プラグインを使用することです。このプラグインは、404エラーページのトラッキングや301リダイレクトの作成に役立つ強力なリダイレクトマネージャーを提供しています。

注: AIOSEO Proバージョンは、リダイレクトマネージャーアドオンが含まれており、複数のタイプのリダイレクトを提供しているため、私たちはAIOSEO Proバージョンを使用する予定です。

まず、AIOSEO Proプラグインをインストールし、有効化する必要があります。詳しくはWordPressプラグインのインストール方法をご覧ください。

有効化した後、All In One SEO ” リダイレクトページにアクセスし、「リダイレクトを有効化」ボタンをクリックしてください。

Activate AIOSEO Redirects



Enable 404 Logs


AIOSEOのリダイレクトセクションに’404 Logs’タブが表示されます。タブをクリックしてください。



404 Logs Under Redirects


訪問者をリダイレクトさせたいターゲットURLを入力し、ドロップダウンメニューからリダイレクトタイプとして「301 Moved Permanently」を選択するだけです。入力が完了したら、「リダイレクトを追加」ボタンをクリックしてください。

Redirecting a 404 Error Using AIOSEO






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Reader Interactions

67件のコメントLeave a Reply


    I am using the free version of Broken Links Checker and it is the most easier to use broken links checker I have use. Very easy to find and fix broken links.
    Although it has a limit of 200 links but you can scan unlimited links strategically. That is, you can scan 200 links, fix them and then scan another 200 links, until you fix them all.

  2. Ahmed Omar

    recently, I faced a problem like this, and I did not know that the link is not working till one of the visitors contacted me I had to correct it manually.
    Now with theses option it will solve the problem and guarantee that it will not happen again.
    Thank you

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad we could share this :)


  3. Jiří Vaněk

    After reading this article, I realized that I hadn’t actually tested my own website for the presence of broken links for a very long time. All this while, I assumed everything was fine. Upon scanning, I discovered an error even in my own links. I had modified the URL structure by adding CS and EN to the URL due to the new Polylang setup. Naturally, it found dozens of links that were incorrect and that I had to adjust. So, it really makes sense to periodically scan the website for this issue. Not just for internal links but also for external links that may eventually lead to discontinued pages. At least now, it cleaned up my website from non-functional links. Great.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide could help :)


  4. Ralph

    Google Search Console looks like best bet for me, at least, the easiest as i don’t use other provided solutions. This will help me fix some errors.

  5. Ahmed Omar

    I’m particularly using Google Search Console for tracking and resolving these issues of broken links.
    but the other methods is good as well but I think some of them needs premium.
    This guide will undoubtedly help me enhance my website’s overall health.
    Much appreciated!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad to hear you’re finding our guide helpful :)


  6. Ethan Plunkett

    Heads up. Google search console’s 404 links only include broken internal links (back to your site) and will not detect broken outgoing links to other sites.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Correct, thank you for sharing that information!


  7. ian Kush

    You Rock! Thanks for making it easy

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful :)


  8. Yash

    I am using broken link check WordPress plugin. Is it possible to check broken link for custom buttons?
    Please help me.

    • WPBeginner Support

      It should check those links as well


  9. Imran

    This article was super helpful in solving 404 errors on our website as we switched from joomla to wordpress, thank you so much, now our website is doing great.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful :)


  10. Raaz shrestha

    Thanks for the great stuff on link broken. The article were amazing. It not just only shows to find the broken link but the way you give the solution for the problem is always the best part.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad you’ve found our content helpful :)


  11. Riky Fahri Hasibuan

    This is what i’m looking for! i have 301 redirecy plugin in my website but i have no idea how to use it properly.

    thank you so much for this useful tutorial.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our tutorial could be helpful :)


  12. Carol Mankin

    Thanks for sharing this blog. Your blog is very informative regarding broken websites. The points you shared, are very useful for broken website repair services. It is important that everyone must follow some good tips for their broken website.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you, glad our content could be helpful :)


  13. Janie

    I installed this plug in and it says no broken links detected. I cannot imagine that is accurate because the site is big and definitely has some broken links. Do I need to reconfigure something to get it to run accurately?

  14. Greg

    Thank you for this great post !

    Do you know how to bulk export broken links with this plug-in ?
    Or maybe, if you have one in stock, even a MySQL request could be used to export them within phpmyadmin.

    Cheers ;)

  15. Christopher

    Can Yoast Seo handle the same function of the broken link checker?

      • EFETACK

        Well, I have just read that Yoast SEO has this function, too. It detects and corrects broken links, even directly from Google Console, if wanted, and with a easy button in tool bar, but only Premium version. So have to pay for it.

        I am wondering, if I can keep trusting you guys, seeing that you don’t answer to all questions here, and also how can you review a plugin when it is not updated for over a year???
        In WP > install New Plugin > the thumbnail is even missing of this plugin.


        • WPBeginner Support

          Thank you for your feedback, we are working on improving our answers to comments. For clarification, this article was updated in August, we will certainly look into updating articles such as this one as we find they need updates so thank you for letting us know that we should look into this article.

  16. Andrzej

    One question: The best solution is unlinking or dismiss broken links?

  17. Sine Thieme

    I’m pretty sure I already know the answer but I’ll ask anyway: This is just for self-hosted sites on, not, correct? Is there ANY way to check broken links on a blog? I am in the process of converting from Blogger and I have over 700 blog posts that ALL have internal links. In other words, a big pain. I suppose I’ll eventually have to manually fix them in any case, but seeing the broken links would give me a priority of which ones to fix first.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Sine Thieme,

      Yes, this is for websites. We will suggest that you export your blog posts in XML format using the built in export tool. After that you can use an advanced text editor like Notepad++ or TextWrangler (for Mac), use simple search and replace tool in the editor to replace old blogger URLs with your URLs.


  18. SeLoRe

    After I activate that plugin I got error.

    The plugin generated 1690 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.

  19. Janie


    I use Link Cloaker and it seems that Broken Link Checker is not picking up the links that are not good because those bad links are directed to my homepage. I don’t want those links to be directed to my homepage. I want them to come up as broken so I can fix them.

    How can this be fixed?


  20. MASI

    How can fix incoming broken back-links?

    • John Okosun

      You can fix that by performing a 301 redirection.

      So whenever such a link is access from another site, your site simply redirects the person to a new URL.

      A plugin for this is redirection WordPress plugin

      Hope that helps.

  21. AbbeyLashly

    I have tried this solution, but didnt work for me my website is thank you.

  22. Mazid Chowdhury

    I was really able to solve my broken links through this article. Thanks to the author.

  23. Ravi

    Thanks! I’m running Broken Link Checker now to fix dozens of broken links on my site. My google organic search traffic plummeted this year after moving to a new domain…and wasn’t sure why. I think broken links is the reason (just realizing a lot of my old posts are busted).

    Has anyone had direct experience with improved google ranking SEO after fixing broken links? What was the before/after result?

    • Rick

      I’ve been using broken link checker for a while at this domain. After fixing them, seems fairly frequently, I need to do so again, say a few weeks after fixing a bunch.

  24. TJ

    I do not recommend this plugin. It is a serious CPU hog that will slow down your site and possibly use up your CPU allocation. A number of host providers have banned it. If you want to check your links you are better off running an app from your computer to check run an external check.

  25. Arieon Maison

    Just wondering if the plugin have some effect with the speed of the site.

  26. Jeanne Melanson

    Very helpful advice, thank you. Now I know what to do with my broken links. Cheers!

  27. kamal singh

    Thanks For Sharing this Great Plugins

  28. abhishek taneja

    I found 34 broken links in my blog..Thanks for sharing this article , it has been useful for me

  29. Saurabh

    Is there any plugin available for the Blogger site??

  30. Amy

    Broken Link Checker has been very handy for me – but what is that Green Tab (shown in this post’s last screenshot and is there any way to hide it?

    This is extremely confusing for clients and I find it even worse than sidebar ads.

    Any ideas on how to manage this? Thanks!

    • Editorial Staff

      Unfortunately, no way to get rid of it without editing the plugin (at least that is our understanding). You can always contact the plugin author and make a suggestion.


  31. Corey

    What do you do if it tells you that some links are broken but they are not? I went to the pages and double checked the link and it works fine.

  32. Bongo

    Sounds useful, i wish it was around a year ago…

  33. Stijn

    Used BLC in the past. It’s good to use from time to time, but creates a lot of bloat in your database. That’s probably because of my massive post archive.

    • Mike

      STUN, did the same on my site…over 6,000 posts. However after running the WP-Optimize plugin, the database was nice and clean again.

  34. Iris

    This will improve my work, a lot.

  35. Peter Gerwing

    I use wpengine.. This is what they have to say about:

    “There’s another class of plugins that we disallow simply because they cause a high load on our servers or create an unnatural number of MySQL queries.

    Broken Link Checker — Overwhelms even our robust caching layer with an inordinate amount of HTTP requests.”

    On their hosting service it is a disallowed plugn!

    “wpengine” reccommends:

    To track traffic in a more scalable manner, both the stats module in Automattic’s Jetpack plugin and Google Analytics work wonderfully.

    • chathu

      Yes Same here. I have VPS with 1.5GB RAM. This plugin slowdown my blog.

      • Editorial Staff

        You’re not suppose to keep the plugin on. Use it during your spring clean up (like every 6 months). Turn it on. Check if everything is good, and then delete it.


  36. Jeannette Paladino

    I use Broken Link Checker and it is very useful. But why would you disable the plugin after using it the first time? I receive notifications every few days that the plugin has found a couple of more broken links. Usually, because when an a site I linked to has shut down, or the link has become corrupted or a blogger removed a post, — any number of reasons. It is not helpful for SEO — or to your visitors — when they click on a bad click. I believe Broken Link Checker should be active all the time.

  37. Ian

    Really realistic and useful.

  38. Martin Velthuizen

    Thank you for letting us know about this great plugin! Started to use it on some website right away.

    I don’t understand why I should disable the plugin after initial use and wait 6 months to run it manually again. It appears to me that I can leave it Active, and it will check the links automatically every so many hours and send me a mail if it has found a broken link. Much better, isn’t it?

    Thanks in advance for your opinion on this.

    • WPBeginner Support

      It is but running a script so many times particularly the one that keeps checking all your posts can be resource incentive on your website.


  39. E.S. Ivy

    I want to finish seeting up my .org site first, but as I’m moving from .com this will be a great tool! Thank you!

  40. Monica

    I installed the Broken Link Checker plugin a few months ago and immediately following the installation my site crashed. I would love to have it but I am afraid to install it again.

    • Frans

      I had the same problem, I had to delete the plugin by FTP, because the rest of my screen was whit and it was nog possible to active or deactive it.

      Sad, because in my other site it worked well, both site are on the same server.

      • WPBeginner Support

        You can temporarily switch to a default WordPress theme like twenty twelve and then activate the plugin. If it works you can then check for broken links, fix them, and then revert back to your own theme.


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