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Easily replace image and-media files in-post image




  • 更新コンテンツ。 新鮮で適切なビジュアルは、サイトを魅力的で最新のものに保ちます。また、ビジネスの変化を反映させることもできます。
  • ユーザー体験の向上。高品質で最新の画像はユーザー体験を向上させます。サイト訪問者の滞在時間を長くし、より多くのページを閲覧してもらうことができます。
  • SEO(検索エンジン最適化)の利点。新規メディアファイルを関連キーワードで最適化することで、検索エンジンでの可視性を向上させることができます。
  • パフォーマンスの向上。古くなったり、最適化されていないメディアファイルを、最適化された新しいものに置き換えることで、サイトをスピードアップできます。さらに、読み込み時間が速くなれば、ユーザーエクスペリエンスが向上し、検索エンジンのランキングにも役立ちます。
  • 一貫性とブランディング。画像やメディアファイルをブランドアイデンティティと一致させることで、プロフェッショナルな外観を保つことができます。







ステップ1.WPCodeのSearch & Replace Everythingをインストールする。

最初に必要なことは、WPCodeによる無料のSearch & Replace Everythingプラグインをインストールして有効化することです。

私たちのチームは、WordPressの重要な制限に対処するためにSearch & Replace Everything by WPCodeプラグインを作成しました。


Search & Replace Everythingは、WordPressサイトを管理するすべての人に簡単で費用対効果の高いソリューションを提供することで、このプロセスを簡素化します。

Search & Replace Everything by WPCode


  • 個別クリックでサイト全体の古くなった画像を素早く差し替え。
  • サイトの投稿日やページのコンテンツを瞬時に一括更新。
  • サイト移行後のリンク切れを修正するために、古いURLを新しいURLに簡単に置き換えることができます。



ヒント: すでにWPCode Proをお持ちの場合、WordPress管理エリア内のWPCodeダッシュボードからSearch & Replace Everythingをインストールし、有効化することができます。すべてCode Snippets ” Search & Replaceに移動し、’Install Search & Replace Everything’ボタンをクリックするだけです。

有効化した後、Search & Replace Everythingダッシュボードにアクセスすることができます。


WP Search & Replace menu item




The Replace Image tab in Search & Replace Everything



The Replace button in Search & Replace Everything




The Choose a file button in Search and Replace Everything



The Replace Source File button in Search & Replace Everything



注意: 画像を置き換える際、メディアファイルのタイトルやaltテキストなどの他のデータはそのまま残ります。置き換え処理が完了したら、後でこれらの詳細を更新できますが、新しい画像またはメディアファイルが同じ画像タイトルとaltテキストを使用できることを確認しておくと、時間の節約になります。

The Yes button in the Are You Sure warning popup in Search & Replace Everything

その後、Search & Replace Everythingが置換処理を行います。

完了すると、別のポップアップウィンドウが表示されます。ここでは、「Image Replace Complete」と表示され、いくつかの注意事項が続きます。


The OK button in the Image Replace Complete popup in Search & Replace Everything




Replaced image on a live website





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この投稿が、WordPressで画像やメディアファイルを簡単に置き換える方法を見つける一助となれば幸いです。WordPress で画像やメディアファイルの名前を簡単に変更する方法についてのチュートリアルや、WordPress のエキスパートが選ぶ最高のアイキャッチ画像プラグインとツールもご覧ください。

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Reader Interactions

30件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Daniel Whalen

    I love your videos but please slow down on how to do it, older persons need to see it slowly.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you for your feedback on our video!


  2. Phil

    Is there a way to batch replace? I’m a photographer and sometimes have over 100 images per blog post. I wanted to replace them with smaller file sizes to help with my pages speeds. Is this possible?

    Many thanks

  3. Jeff Vetterick

    If I use the plugin to just “replace image only” (with one of the same file name) will the alt text, image description, and image caption of the original image be overwritten or preserved. If they are preserved, this would save me a ton of time.

    • WPBeginner Support

      It should keep that information if it is able, you would want to reach out to the plugin’s support for specifics.


  4. jg

    This option isn’t available in the new version as it just allows you to delete or edit it. if I delete it I don’t know the url to replace it with?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may want to ensure you are in the correct view for your media library as the feature is currently available


  5. Sanjay Sajeev

    Thank you for your post.

    I installed enable media replace plugin in my site. But when I replace an image that I used in a blog post, I can see the image has been replaced in the media library. But When I check that image in the blog post, there is no change to that image and its file size. What I have to do to resolve this?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may want to try clearing your cache and if that does not work, reach out to the plugin’s support for them to take a look at possible issues.


  6. Linda Joyce

    Can I do the same thing manually by replacing the image via FTP? Will that change the image?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Linda,

      That would work. But WordPress will not be able to regenerate thumbnails and image sizes.


  7. Rehan

    Can I disable this plugin permanently after all images have been replaced in media library ?

  8. Fede

    Hi. I keep getting request timeout. Same as when uploading using usual wp means. That is why I had to switch to uploading via ftp and then loading them through a plugin meant for that. I really need to get this working since some of the images are not scaling properly nd need to change them. Any help would be apreciated. Thanks.

  9. hitesh


    in my wordpress admin there is no any option like replace mine there are only 3 options 1) EDIT 2) DELETE PREMANENTLY 3) VIEW

    So what is the issue there ..its old version or have any other issue can u please clear that so that i can replace that media files


    • Luke

      That’s why you need to install the mentioned plugin.

  10. Nicole


    I’m a perfrormer contacting agents and tried to replace voice reels after successfully installing yourplugin ( thought it was safest way to go )
    Now htey are blanks – I’ve cleared browsing cache

    I followed the instructions
    my media player is this :

    svnlabs HTML5 Mp3 player 3.6 installed

    please help :0

  11. Riccardo

    Hi thanks for the article, the plugin works great. There’s one thing I don’t get though: the image replacement seems to only affect the image in its original size, when the site displays the image in other formats (thumbnails, previews, etc…) I can still see the old image file.
    How can I force the image replacement on all the other image files (e.g. imagename-300×200.jpg)?
    thank you

    • Rehan

      Please use Regenerate thumbnails plugin to regenerate your images. after that you will see the replaced images.

  12. Leed

    Thanks a lot.
    You help me for this problem.

  13. Panagiotis Tabakis

    The Enable Media Replace plugin poses a security threat, I would totally avoid it. Its a shame to suggest users to use dangerous software. Please research before posting.

    The exploit holds since 2011.

    For more info see

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Panagiotis,

      The issue was immediately resolved by the plugin author in the very next release (please see plugin’s changelog and scroll down to version 2.4).

      This is why we recommend users to keep their WordPress site and plugins updated.


      • Panagiotis Tabakis

        Yes, you are correct. I’m sorry, I saw a support post which the plugin author didn’t answer and thought it wasn’t resolved.
        The exploit was patched @ 09 February 2011 (the same day).

        I wonder why the author hasn’t replied but I will inform the forum users.

        Again, sorry.

        • WPBeginner Support

          No problem :) It’s good to be cautious about security issues. Hopefully, your answer on the support forums will help other users.

  14. Blake

    I am running WP 4.6.1 bootstrap and I want to remove a background photo and replace it with one that is in my galley. Can you tell me how to do it, Thanks

  15. Sky

    I followed the steps and in the library the new image is displayed but where the image is located on the home page remains the old photo. Not sure what to do…

    • Christian Scholz-Flöter

      Maybe it’s a browser cache related issue and you need to clean/delete the browser cache. If you don’t know how to do it, google your browser’s brand name and “clear browser cache”.

  16. jorge

    This plugin works great in the media page. However I would like to also replace images/media from within the media modal window inside a post/page edit page without leaving the page. Any ideas?

    Thanks for this amazing post!

  17. Marilyn

    I wish I had known this sooner! I didn’t detach my media files before I deleted them. I replaced them with a new image. The problem is that resulted in broken images. Even though I go back and reattach/choose the correct image down the road it breaks again. In my Easy recipe program I see the placeholder for the deleted image and the program searching for it. Is there a fix for this? Unfortunately there are about 200 files doing this.

  18. Rosy

    Hi, unfortunately the “replace media” link is not showing as an option?

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