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編集メモ: WPBeginner のパートナーリンクから手数料を得ています。手数料は編集者の意見や評価に影響を与えません。編集プロセスについて詳しく知る。


XML-RPCはWordPressのコアAPIで、ユーザーはサードパーティのアプリ、ツール、サービスを使用してWordPressサイトに接続することができます。残念ながら、過去にハッカーが XML-RPC を悪用して WordPress ウェブサイトにアクセスする方法を発見しました。


Easily disable XML-RPC in WordPress


XML-RPCはWordPressのコアAPIで、2012年にWordPress 3.5がリリースされて以来、初期設定で有効化されています。これにより、開発者は XML とHTTPSプロトコルを使用してWordPress サイトに接続し、相互作用することができます。

つまり、モバイルアプリを使ってサイトを管理したり、Uncanny AutomatorやZapierなどの自動化サービスに接続したりする場合など、リモートからブログにアクセスして公開するには、XML-RPCが有効化されている必要があります。


ということで、WordPressでXML-RPC APIを簡単に無効化する方法を見てみよう。.htaccessの方法が最もリソースを消費しないのでベストで、他の方法は初心者には簡単だ。

方法1:.htaccessでWordPress XML-RPCを無効化する(上級者向け)



以下のコードを.htaccessファイルに追加する必要があります。これは、FTPクライアントまたはファイルマネージャを使ってサイトに接続することで行うことができます。また、All In One SEOユーザーは、以下のスクリーンショットのように、コードスニペットを追加するためにプラグインのビルトインエディターツールを使用することができます。

# Block WordPress xmlrpc.php requests
<Files xmlrpc.php>
order deny,allow
 deny from all
allow from
Use AIOSEO Pro to disable XML-RPC from htaccess




方法2:コードスニペットでWordPress XML-RPCを無効化する(推奨)





有効化したら、Code Snippets ” Add Snippetにアクセスしてください。WPCodeライブラリには、すでにXML-RPCを無効化するスニペットが含まれています。xml’で検索すると見つかります。


Use WPCode Library to disable XML-RPC


最後に、「更新」ボタンをクリックして、スニペットをサイトで有効化し、XML-RPC APIを無効化してください。

Turn the WPCode snippet on by clicking Activate and pressing Update

方法3:プラグインでWordPress XML-RPCを無効化する




XML-RPC Security ” XML-RPC Settingsに移動して、プラグインを設定することができます。例えば、IPアドレスをホワイトリストに登録することで、特定のユーザーにXML-RPCへのアクセスを許可することができます。

The Disable XML-RPC-API Plugin Settings

WordPress XML-RPCが無効化されていることのテスト

ここで、WordPressサイトのXML-RPC APIが正常に無効化されたことを確認してください。



この投稿が、WordPress で XML-RPC を簡単に無効化する方法を学ぶのにお役に立てば幸いです。また、WordPress に Google アナリティクスをインストールする方法、または中小企業向けライブチャットソフトウェアのリストをご覧ください。

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情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


ツールキットへの無料アクセス - すべてのプロフェッショナルが持つべきWordPress関連製品とリソースのコレクション!

Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Jiří Vaněk says

    Thank you for the snippet. In the end, I disabled XML-RPC using WPCode because it seemed like the easiest way, and I can also easily revert XML-RPC back. Great!

  3. Pete Mason says

    in htaccess, the line:
    allow from
    Looks like it wants to be edited with my IP address. But this is not stated anywhere —?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Blocking would attempt to limit access to the feature while disabling would turn it off completely. If you disable it you wouldn’t need to worry about someone accessing it through a different method.


  4. Rashmi K says

    The recomnended plugin Disable XML-RPC has not been updated since last 2 years. It says the plugin has not been tested with the last 3 releases of wordpress.

  5. Nikhil says


    Will disabling the xmlrpc.php access also disable the access to wordpress apis used for android/ios app development?

  6. Vyom says

    Found the solution:
    Adding following information in nginx config:
    # nginx block xmlrpc.php requests
    location /xmlrpc.php {
    deny all;

  7. Vyom says

    I use nginx instead of Apache. Can I still use .htaccess on my site?
    And do I need to store this file in public_html directory, or one level above it?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Yes, the .htaccess in your site’s root folder is where you would add the .htaccess code :)


  8. malcolm says

    why would we allow ?

    If we aren’t using the service at all, why not let “deny all” be absolute?

    • Edward says

      If i’m reading the code correctly;
      order deny,allow – puts deny before allow, since deny is ‘all’ then allow isn’t processed
      deny from all – does what it says
      allow from – is a place holder

      I gather that if you have a fixed IP address you could change order to “allow,deny” and replace with your IP address. That would allow your IP then deny all others.

  9. David Hoy says

    Thanks WP-Beginner, I’m trying to be baddest WP boy in my neighbourhood and this is exactly why I keep coming back to you guys, each question I have you say; here is the easy way, and here is the RIGHT way :-)

    Me an my .htaccess are going to have a little chat about htpasswrd and this here XMLRPC thingy my clients will never need.

    You all just made my corner of the net a little bit safer, as MailChimp would say: High Fives!

  10. Cezar says

    Ok, i will use this code but i want IFTTT to have work on my website what i need to add?

    # Block WordPress xmlrpc.php requests

    order deny,allow
    deny from all
    allow from

  11. PhilB says


    I have followed the instructions to block the xmlrpc.php file using .htaccess but im not sure if it is working.

    Im using wordfence security and in the live traffic view i can see the requests for the xmlrpc.php file have stopped, but if i check my access logs

    tail -f /apache2/logs/access_log

    I can still see the requests coming in, but the code at the end has changed from 500 to 403. Im concerned im getting a false report from my WordFence plugin and that im still being flooded with spam. Can anyone advise?



    • David Hoy says

      Oh yeah! Thats working perfectly, your XMLRPC is FORBIDDEN!

      HTTP Status Code 403: The server understood the request but refuses to authorize it.

  12. Raymundo says

    I got a weird problem…

    I’m using my wordpress blogs with IFTTT and all worked fine, until I integrated it with MaxCDN; IFTTT immediately stopped working. I did some research and the problem might be related to XML-RPC that was de-activated.

    When I check my dashbord in “Settings” > “Writing” , I don’t see anything like XML-RPC, Remote Publishing, etc. I’ve checked database in options, also xml-rpc not available / missing.

    I need to activate XML-RPC to keep my IFTTT working.

    How do I re-activate XML-RPC; all I need is a script that I can add in .htaccess or functions.php to activate XML-RPC.

    And why am I missing the XML-RPC funtionality in my dashboard.

    Thank You!

  13. Muhammad Ammar Ashfaq says

    I was searching for how to add this file xmlprc.php to my wordpress i am using 4.5.3 version and i came to this page. I need to add this php file because when i enable jetpack i got error of site_inaccessible. Please tell me hot to resolve this error my site is

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Connect to your WordPress site using FTP client or File Manager in cPanel. In your website’s root directory look for xmlrpc.php file. If it is there, then try step 2. If it isn’t then download a fresh copy of WordPress. Unzip and extract it and upload xmlrpc.php file back to your site’s root directory.

      Step 2: Check your WordPress theme’s functions file for the code that disables XML-RPC.

      Step 3: Check your .htaccess and wp-config files.


  14. omonaija says

    Please,what can i do to enable xmlrpc on my site?because i can’t login using wordpess mobile app on my smartphone..

  15. Mook says

    Booyah! This WP filter fixed the script kiddie attack. I still firewalled the person, but I don’t have to watch the logs like a hawk to add more IPs to the firewall. THANK YOU.

  16. Chad says

    I’m totally onboard for disabling xmlrpc.php server wide in my /etc/httpd/conf/includes/pre_main_global.conf file. But I am left with this questions…is there a way to determine that a particular plugin “NEEDS” xmlrpc.php in order to work? I have concerns with blocking access to it and then having an issue 2 months down the road and not know that the issue is with the fact that I blocked xmlrpc.php previously.

    Are there any common signs to look for in a log file or such which would point to a xmlrpc.php block as the cause?

  17. Phranq says

    Hey am using WordPress app to post with my android smartphone. Now I can’t login and my login credentials are correct. The response I got was ” we can’t log you in couldn’t connect to the WordPress site”.Could you help me fix this WordPress app login error.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If you had disabled XML RPC then you may not be able to login using WordPress mobile app. Look in your theme’s functions.php file for this code

      add_filter('xmlrpc_enabled', '__return_false');

      If it is there, then you need to remove it. You can also try deactivating plugins and turning them on one by one until you find the plugin that is stopping you from login using WordPress mobile app.


  18. Josiah says

    It’s worth noting, that “allow from” is optional, and if used should be updated to include your IP, or the IP of the device that needs access to xmlrpc.php (it would be good to cite examples in this article).

  19. Natalie says

    I am using GoodbyeCaptcha plugin to turn off the XML-RPC and works with no problem while Jetpack is activated.
    Hope it helps

  20. ATI says

    Sorry, I’ve tried this method many times. It didn’t work for me – in fact it brought the front end down (blocking visitors read access to the web page) after adding these codes to the .htaccess file.

  21. Christopher Ross says

    Keith, there’s a trend in WordPress to move non-theme related functions out of the functions.php file and into a “site specific plugin”, basically a plugin that you only activate on one unique website and it stores the non-theme related functions for that site.

    You can accomplish the same thing by placing the code in your functions.php file.

  22. Keith Davis says

    Hi Guys
    Sorry to be a bit thick but could you expand on… “All you have to do is paste the following code in a site-specific plugin:”

    Which plugins are site specific?

