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編集メモ: WPBeginner のパートナーリンクから手数料を得ています。手数料は編集者の意見や評価に影響を与えません。編集プロセスについて詳しく知る。




How to detect and stop AdBlock in WordPress


Adblock Plusやその他の広告ブロックソフトウェアを使用すると、ユーザーはWordPressサイトの広告を自動的に検出してブロックすることができます。


Global Web Indexが公開した調査によると、広告ブロックソフトの使用率はここ数年で増加している。インターネットユーザーの43%近くが、端末に何らかの広告ブロックソフトをインストールしている。

Ad block usage statistics









Redditは、広告なしのReddit Premiumプランで、このアプローチの素晴らしい例です。

Reddit premium preview



例えば、Rotten Tomatoesにアクセスすると、コンテンツを表示するためにアドブロッカーをオフにするよう求めるポップアップが表示される。

Disable adblocker notice popup









OptinMonsterには広告ブロック検知機能がビルトインされており、端末に広告ブロックソフトがインストールされているユーザーに対してターゲットキャンペーンを表示することができます。これには、AdBlock、AdBlock Plus、uBlock Originなどの一般的なソフトウェアが含まれます。







Connecting an OptinMonster account to WordPress



Connect OptinMonster to WordPress


WordPressの管理エリアからOptinMonster ” キャンペーンにアクセスし、「最初のキャンペーンを作成」ボタンをクリックするだけです。

Create first OptinMonster campaign




Choose a campaign type and template




Enter a name for your campaign



Customize your AdBlock campaign



Edit text in AdBlock campaign



Edit button text for AdBlock campaign

例えば、ユーザーが’I Have Disabled AdBlock’ボタンをクリックしたら、成功の表示をしたい。


Edit the success view in AdBlock campaign



ただし、「Ad-Blocker Targeting」ルールを選択する必要があります。

Select AdBlock display rule



Ad blocker targeting rules

表示ルーラーを設定したら、「Done?Go To Actions’ボタンをクリックしてください。


Add MonsterEffects and animations



Changing the cookie settings



Publish ad blocker campaign



Make your ad blocker campaign live




Ad blocker campaign preview


AdSanityは WordPressの広告管理プラグインの中でもトップクラスのプラグインです。AdSanity には有料の「Adblock Detection」アドオンがあり、広告ブロックソフトを使用しているユーザーを検出し、ユーザーが広告ブロックを無効化するまでサイトへのアクセスを制限することができます。


有効化した後、AdSanity ” 設定ページにアクセスし、「ライセンス」タブをクリックする必要があります。

次に、AdSanity コアプラグインと Ad Block Detection アドオンのライセンスキーを入力します。これらのライセンスキーは、アカウントエリアで簡単に見つけることができます。

Enter AdSanity license key



Edit AdSanity ad blocker settings




方法3:CHP Ads Block Detectorでアドブロックユーザーを検出する


まず、CHP Ads Block Detectorプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。


Configure adblock plugin settings













Google Adsenseのようなサードパーティの広告ネットワークを通じて広告を配信している場合、広告、プライバシー、CPCのコントロールは限られています。








Forbes content locking popup



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情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


ツールキットへの無料アクセス - すべてのプロフェッショナルが持つべきWordPress関連製品とリソースのコレクション!

Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Ralph says

    I plan on opening big portal type website that will earn money for me mainly from affiliate marketing and ads. More from ads honestly.

    I understand both sides.

    Website owners can’t work without income from advertising but users hate ads. However popup telling me I’m adblock user just makes me leave the website.

    Agressive approach is a big NO-NO for me. I feel like passive do nothing as people almost never agree.
    I think the best way is do-nothing. Who will see ads then will see ads, who use blocker, will not.
    Owner will still earn money. Maybe less but this can be complemented by affiliate marketing.

    After all, is better to have returning viewer, that may let us earn something, than not have one at all.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      That is certainly an option that you can go with, there is nothing wrong with using your preferred method :)


  3. Jiří Vaněk says

    It’s more of a contemplation whether to restrict users with ad blockers or leave them be. On one hand, it can lead to revenue loss from ads, while on the other hand, if I restrict users with ad blockers, it might increase the bounce rate and reduce time spent on the website, as those users might leave. This, in turn, could negatively impact metrics, leading Google to believe that my content is of low quality because people often leave quickly. However, they might be leaving just due to content being blocked by ad blockers.

  4. Cezar says

    And if i only want to know how many of my readers use addblock ? i don`t want to show them any warning/etc.. i only need to know how many users use ads block

  5. Tom says

    Nothing is a bigger turn off for me than a site that tells me I’m using an Adblocker. I know I’m using an ad blocker. You mentioned Forbes in a recent comment – I’ll say this. I used to frequent Forbes’ site a lot until they prevented me from viewing content completely for my ad blocker. I can find that same information somewhere else within seconds with a click of my Back button back to Google. I’ve never been back to Forbes since and I’m sure I’m not the only one. The Internet is too vast for me to deal with turning my ad blocker off in order to view a site. I can google a new one ten times quicker.

    Ad revenue has to be minimal at best these days. It’s no longer 1998… I feel like the best blogs and websites leverage tactics that offer me, the viewer, MUCH more value – like an email list, and they’ll get tons more cash out of their viewers that way because they are offering something of value to someone so it’s win win. Looking at a commercial on the sidebar is a waste of my time.

    Just my two cents. I run some ads on some of my blogs and I’ve done well with them but I feel like there are smarter ways to keep my blogs up and running going forward =)

  6. Doug Sparling says

    Perhaps this post should be updated to reflect changes at Forbes, who no longer use the “Agressive Approach.”

      • Doug Sparling says

        Not to beat a dead horse, but I can access Forbes’ text content with either AdBlock or UBlock enabled, which is different from how it used to be. (It may be different for video content, though.) I work for a company that like many, relies on ad revenue, so this is one of those issues I watch closely. We have chosen to offer premium content to offset any decline in ad revenue and haven’t blocked the blockers.

  7. Arta says

    This plugin doesn’t work. even their own demo doesn’t work. The plugin was updated a month ago though :-s

  8. DLZanetti says

    Locking visitors and allow only logged in users?

    For visitors appear the message:

    AdBlock detected, disable or register.

    After you log in, the message no longer appears.

    Is it possible to do that?

    Thank you. Excellent plugin!

  9. Jim Wilson says

    Both sides are right and both sides are wrong.

    Businesses cannot survive without advertising and they sure as hell can’t survive on “donations” alone. To suggest otherwise is just being ridiculous.

    Certainly, if marketing IDIOTS didn’t create such extremely obnoxious and annoying advertising schemes, ad blocking software would be a lot less popular.

    People HATE going to a web site that throws up a centered window and darkens the screen so the content cannot be viewed UNLESS the ad is clicked or acknowledged! It is also ridiculous that one should be forced to view a commercial longer than 10 seconds to see content that should only take a minute to read or view. Idiot advertisers have brought this on themselves.

    And, yes, there are sites that may infect your computer with malware HOWEVER such protection is a job for ANTIVIRUS software, NOT ad block software. You can be infected by a site running NO advertising. Duh!

    On the other hand, the “99%” fails to consider that plenty of sites run legitimate, passive, sidebar-oriented marketing schemes that put the job of drawing attention on the ad creator without annoying the hell out of everyone.

    Either way, whoever runs a site that detects and/or prevents visitors running ad block software is absolutely within their right to do so. Advertising pays the bills for some of the most popular sites on the Internet. Blocking ads while viewing content is the SAME as STEALING.

    The world doesn’t work for free. Don’t like it? Too effing bad. It’s the truth.

    • Jakob says

      “Blocking ads while viewing content is the SAME as STEALING.”

      Totally wrong… and a business that relies on advertising to make a profit should instead focus on selling a product that people will actually pay for.

  10. Ankit says

    Pretty helpful article. Easy to understand. Helped me to impress my visitors with a cute pic for unblocking adblocker :D

  11. Seva Petrov says

    Haven’t heard about this plugin but I am using a simple code shared by to display my affiliate ads to ad block users.

    Which one is better? Plugin or direct code.

  12. J Munce says

    Two options I am considering (because adblock-blocker plugins seem to be able to be blocked by adblock). If anyone can provide code for these, it would be appreciated. Our site is already free and ads unobtrusive. All Adblock does is deny our hardworking writers any chance of earning any income.

    1. Conditional statement. IF ad not displayed, don’t show page / use alternate css / show massive image that blocks page)

    2. CSS. Two options in CSS. If ad displayed, fine. If ad not displayed, display a massive image (which blocks page).

    3. Wrap content in script of the ad.Two options I am considering (because adblock-blocker plugins seem to be able to be blocked by adblock). If anyone can provide code for these, it would be appreciated. Our site is already free and ads unobtrusive. All Adblock does is deny our hardworking writers any chance of earning any income.

    1. Conditional statement. IF ad not displayed, don’t show page / use alternate css / show massive image that blocks page)

    2. CSS. Two options in CSS. If ad displayed, fine. If ad not displayed, display a massive image (which blocks page).

    3. Wrap content in script of the ad.Two options I am considering (because adblock-blocker plugins seem to be able to be blocked by adblock). If anyone can provide code for these, it would be appreciated. Our site is already free and ads unobtrusive. All Adblock does is deny our hardworking writers any chance of earning any income.

    1. Conditional statement. IF ad not displayed, don’t show page / use alternate css / show massive image that blocks page)

    2. CSS. Two options in CSS. If ad displayed, fine. If ad not displayed, display a massive image (which blocks page).

    3. Wrap content in script of the ad.

    • Bob says

      Sorry, but until you folks figure out a way to stop the hijackers, block the popups that interfere with browsing, or watching a video legally acquired, I am going to continue to black as much as I possibly can. Find another way to earn money. We do not feel sorry for you.

      • Gary says

        Bob, why don’t you stop going to the websites that people worked hard to create then? You didn’t write any of the content for them yet you want to deny them any type of earning from said content?

        You want someone to write hours, days, months of content for you to enjoy for free… but you want to block their only point of revenue for this? You want someone to pay to rent their VPS or shared hosting, pay for the domains, pay for royalty free graphics to use on the website… but don’t want them to earn any of it back?

        “We do not feel sorry for you” – Of course not, you’re probably too to figure out how much work it takes make a website or the content on it.

        • Yoqi says

          I do agree with Bob. The problem here is NOT the fact that ads are used to earn money, but the fact that ads are overwhelmingly ABUSED by many sites, used for hijacking, introduce viruses and/or gather personal data about browsing habits without people’s concern. Not to mention that in many cases they are obtrusive and plain annoying. Ever tried YouTube without an ad blocker? You will be FORCED to watch a several-second video ad practically EVERY TIME you want to watch someone’s video, and you can’t even skip it: you HAVE TO WAIT until it plays 80..90% of it! I should be charging Google for my time lost! Ever tried a popular download site? You will get dozens of identically-looking download buttons which all of them lead to downloading a virus or an adware, and only one directs you to the desired destination. And so on…

          So… stop about complaining ad-blockers and start thinking why they exist in the very first instance. And moreover, you gotta be stupid: you want to get traffic in order to be able to pay your internet bills, yet you start blocking users. Be sure they will never return! Even if they disable the ad-blocker, something already tells them that the CONTENT is of little (if any) importance, as you are obviously giving more preference to the ADs!

          And above all: ad-blocking is a RIGHT.

        • Fred says

          It is much easier for users to hide ads than for the entire industry to develop advertising ethics.

        • Gea Vox says

          Unless you can guarantee that your advertisers are 100% SAFE and HONEST, and unless they STOP using adverts that gum-up my system with their bandwidth-hungry content, WE will SKIP your websites and REPORT HEN+M as unsafe by every means possible!

          The 99%

      • Gea Vox says

        Hear! Hear!

        i find that the best way to earn revenue with a website is to be open and straight-up with people and ask them to either BUY products or services or DONATE to help maintain the website.

        Adverts are a vehicle for FRAUD and PHISHING!

        See it > Report it as Unsafe > Block It > Tell people on Social media to AVOID IT!

        JOB DONE!

        The 99%

  13. Artem Russakovskii says

    Be careful about using plugins like this one that don’t rely on JS to make the decision. I.e. if you are using a cache plugin, you’ll end up showing the wrong thing to the wrong people.

  14. ratnesh says

    this is really unique way of detecting adblock users and requesting them to whitelist our blog.
    thanks for this fresh and unique post.
    I have downloaded this plugin and I will use it on my all blogs. :D

