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Making complete WordPress backup for free with BackWPup






  • 有害なコードをサイトに注入するマルウェア攻撃。
  • サイトのデータをロックし、アクセスを制限するランサムウェア。
  • ヒューマンエラーやサーバーエラーにより、重要なファイルやデータが誤って削除されてしまう。





  • ミリタリーグレードの暗号化による安全なバックアップ
  • より簡単なワンクリック復元ポイント
  • 複数のクラウドストレージオプションに対応
  • WordPressサイトのクローン作成と移行が簡単







プラグインを有効化したら、BackWPUP ” Add new jobページにアクセスする必要があります。


Create a new backup job

まず、ジョブ名をプロバイダーで指定します。これは、このバックアップが何をするのかを覚えておくのに役立つものであれば何でも構いません。この例では、”Weekly WordPress Backup “とします。


少し下にスクロールして、’Job Destination’セクションに進みます。ここでバックアップの保存先を選択します。

Backup destination

サーバーへのバックアップファイルの保存、メールでの送信、FTPへのバックアップ、Dropbox、Amazon S3、Windows Azure、Rackspace、SugarSyncへのアップロードが可能です。






Connect dropbox

ここから、クラウドアカウントの設定を行うことができます。例えば、Dropboxを選択した場合、「Get Dropbox App auth code」ボタンをクリックして設定します。すると、アプリがDropboxアカウントにアクセスできるようにするプロンプトが表示され、バックアップ用のフォルダーを設定します。



次に、Scheduleタブに切り替える必要があります。Start job’オプションで’with WordPress cron’オプションを選択します。

Start schedule

WordPress cronは、スケジュールされたタスクを実行するために使用されるWordPressビルトインシステムです。


Set backup schedule frequency




DB Backup’タブに切り替え、バックアップに含めるテーブルを選択します。わからない場合は、すべてのテーブルを選択してください。

Select database tables

Save changes(変更を保存)」ボタンをクリックして、設定を保存します。



Ecclude files from backup



Export XML




Plugin list backup




BackWPup ” ジョブのページに行き、先ほど作成したジョブの下にある’Run now’リンクをクリックしてください。

Run backup job



Backup complete





この問題を解決するために最初にすべきことは、PHPのメモリ制限を増やすことです。それからBackWPup ” Settingsに行き、’Jobs’タブをクリックしてください。

BackWPup troubleshooting


その後、’Reduce server load’オプションまでスクロールダウンし、’medium’または’minimum’サーバー負荷オプションのいずれかを選択する必要があります。




まず、BackWPup ” Backupsのページに行き、復元したいバックアップの下にある’Download’をクリックします。

Download backup


BackWPup ” リストアページに行き、’アーカイブを選択’ボタンをクリックし、ダウンロードしたバックアップファイルをアップロードします。

Restore BackWPup backup






より簡単なリストア設定のWordPressバックアッププラグインをご希望の場合は、Duplicatorをお勧めします。 Duplicatorの無料版もあり、バックアップのオプションは少ない。




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Reader Interactions

132件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Eloise

    BackWPUp just changed the way the plugin accesses / stores backup files in Dropbox. The info they have given is pretty rubbish! Please can you update this article to reflect those changes, and advise users on how best to re-connect BackWPUp with Dropbox? Cheers!

    • WPBeginner Support

      We will certainly look into updating this article. If you reach out to BackWPUp they should be able to help and clarify on anything that is confusing in their documentation as well


  2. Duncan McCormack

    Hey guys, I’ve just had a look at this backup plugin on its page.

    You have to BUY the pro version to do a RESTORE!!!

    That right??? Sure reads that way to me.

    • WPBeginner Support

      They created a method to restore the backup using the plugin rather than manually and that feature they are requiring pro, you can still restore your site manually without the pro version.


  3. James

    In the dropbox tab, for me today 2/10/19, next to the Authentication it said ” not Authenticated “, and said create an account. but i already have an account so it would not give me the allow the plugin option. However, I clicked on the dropbox Authentication button, it then brought up my dropbox and it displayed a code. Copy and pasted that code into the box and it then went to the allow BackWPup. Just in case anyone else comes across that problem. But thanks for the tutorial, one of many that I use..

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thanks for sharing this solution should someone else run into this error :)


  4. Monika

    Can this create a WooCommerce backup as well or do I need a specific plugin for that one?

  5. Chris

    If you cant see the re-authenticate option in your drop box account then you need to just click on the button below this one in your backup plugin settings. It will then prompt you to allow access and grant a code.

    I had the same issue and it worked for me.


  6. Eloise

    The layout on BackWPup seems to have changed bit since this article was written – the Jobs tab now seems to be called Schedule, and when I go in there I can’t find an option to set the number of server re-tries..?
    Every other site I’m using BackWPup on works fine. But one site that I manage is having a few problems; the site is quite large, lots of plugins, and I keep getting error messages that ZIP files are not closing properly during execution. Any thoughts/revisions that might be helpful please?
    Many thanks!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Eloise,

      We will update the article. Meanwahile, please contact plugin support and see if they can help you out.


  7. john moses

    Nice writeup. Ihave done backup before but I wasn’t able to restore my Media Library images. When you bakup with this plugin, and you restore, will the will the media library images be restored too?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey John,

      Yes they will be included. However, make sure that you create a complete WordPress backup and not just the Database backup.


  8. Ravi Dixit

    A very helpful post.
    Can you tell me how to save backups files to the local disk of the computer with BackWPup plugin?

  9. moumita

    wpbeginner, you are my only destination whenever I face any wp issues. Really cant imagine using wordpress without your help

  10. Olga

    Very useful! Thanks a lot ;-))

  11. Pierre BLAZER

    Hi there ! I just installed BackWPup, and I can see there are several possibilities to archive the backup in the GENERAL tab: ZIP, TAR, TAR GZIP etc. Afterward, under the DATABASE tab for example, the choice to compress is only: GZIP or NOTHING, so I’m a bit confused. What should I do if I chose ZIP as an archive? Should I choose GZIP ?? Thanks.

  12. anders

    Does this have support with Azure ARM Storage. I get this error:

    400 Value: The value for one of the HTTP headers is not in the correct format.

    Seems like there is a issue with the API this version is using. Anyone have managed to do this successfully with ARM Cold Storage account?

  13. Don Saroos

    Thanks but one thing missing i cant actually connect to dropbox any little help will be highly welcomed

  14. Aakarshit Choudhary

    hey bro!
    I am a wordpress begineer!
    Please tell me how I can use this backup on my website if my website crashes?

  15. Jane Bonney

    I found the instructions fairly clear and helpful, although sometimes the phrasing could be a little better to make the instructions better.

    When I backed up I got the following error mesages:

    ERROR: Dropbox API: (56) SSL read: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0), errno 104
    ERROR: Job has ended with errors in 5150 seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution.

    So what do I do please?


      I discovered this was because my dropbox was full. So the solution was simply to delete some of the media I had uploaded and not used or increase dropbox space allowance.

  16. Rachel

    Hi! Thanks for this great post! When creating a job – I say to back up to Dropbox but it doesn’t say ‘Reauthenticate’….It just says Create account. I already have a Dropbox account, so when I click on Create Account it doesn’t request permission as shown in this post, it tells me how much available space I have and prompts me to get more. I’m stuck on what to do.

    • Chris

      same here for me too. I tried everything but not sure if its because you need to have a paid account that supports API integration.

  17. Francis

    I use BackWPup on my site and it shows it has backed up correctly and the test mail has also arrived but I do not get the backups sent to my email. I tried different email accounts but it doesn’t send anything unless there is an error. How can I get the backups sent to email and how can I download them? Thanks very much.

  18. Nikhil Ganotra

    Earlier I was using backupWordPress and it was consuming too much bandwidth. This plugin is awesome!

  19. Deja

    Hi, I have the same error: “Not expected HTTP response body: 429 Too many requests body { padding-top: 60px; /* 60px to make the container go all the way to the bottom of the topbar */ } Error 429 Too many requests”
    Does anyone know the solution for this? Many thanks in advance.

  20. Gil Andrei

    Hi, on your past article you said that restoring WordPress from BackWPUp is simple, how would you do that? Thanks!

  21. Sacha

    Thanks for the great post, BackWPup looks like a very good option for me. But how would you restore from a backup?

  22. Tracey

    Another great post. I really don’t know what I’d do without your website. its he first thing I turn to if I get stuck with something on my blog! Many, many thanks.

  23. Obidigwe Kenechukwu

    Thanks for this great article, I love what you people.

    I just got one question: what is the role of wordpress default “Blog import and export” as regard backing up of site?

    Please I need to know.

    Thanks once again.

  24. Karan

    Does it really create a full backup including all the settings, posts, media etc? Will this backup enough to restore a completely formatted site?

  25. Melinda

    Thanks for the article! I tried using this plugin message, but I received an error message when backing up.

    Not expected HTTP response body: 429 Too many requests body { padding-top: 60px; /* 60px to make the container go all the way to the bottom of the topbar */ } Error 429 Too many requests

    I’m not very knowledgeable about coding, can you help!

  26. Anna

    I’m exploring this topic because I’m about to set up my first WP site. I’m wondering, however, if every site really needs so much attention paid to back-up? Our site will essentially be static, that is, it’s not a blog so there are no posts, nor are there comments: its content comprises text and photos which are ours and are backed-up elsewhere.

    I will be using a purchased theme so those files, as well, are elsewhere. Of course the entire site once created will position the photos and text according to the theme and that will involve customization and work. That I can see the value of backing-up, but a one-time ought to do it, no?

    I’d appreciate someone experienced helping me clarify this! Thanks.

    • Leonid

      If you have a static site, you don’t need WordPress for it. Just build HTML/CSS site.

  27. Aniket

    Thanks for coming up with an important topic. I am already using backwpup on my site.
    I am using the dropbox option. But, the dropbox comes with a limited space of 2GB.
    What should I do after this?
    Should I delete some of the previous files to generate space? If yes, which files should I delete?

  28. Hasnain Abid Khanzada

    Hello Bro,I Have Done All The Things But I Am Getting The Error When Trying To Run The Backup..The Error Is ” The HTTP response test get an error “Failure when receiving data from the peer “…Hope That You Will Solve The Problem.


  29. Andy Lawrence

    Hey, I’ve been trying this for a while but when I run the script to back up, it doesn’t ever finish. I’ve followed all the instructions but it’s not working.

  30. Kenrick

    hi great summary! To bad i am getting this errorwhen I try to back up
    ERROR: Signal 15 is sent to script!

    How to fix this?


  31. Ayesha

    Thanks, I just backed up my site using this method, before I was just using another free backup plugin and this works just as well :)

  32. Michale

    Did you ever try to restore a site from a backup made using BackWPup? Since BackWPup doesn’t have a “Restore backup” option, that would be an interesting post..

  33. Ziacinzia

    HI, thank you for this article. I have an issue though, my dropbox is almost full and as my site grows, it takes more and more space, so I wonder what i should do when I run out of space? Is there a similar alternative to dropbox to save the backup jobs? Many thanks

    • WPBeginner Staff

      You can purchase more space. Alternately you can try saving your backups to Google Drive.

      • Ziacinzia

        I read that Google Drive does not encrypt files and is not a safe option. May I please have your view on that? Thank you

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