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Swifty Bar for WordPressでユーザーエンゲージメントを高める方法

ユーザーのエンゲージメントを高めるにはどうすればいいのか、という質問は最近よくいただく質問です。ポイントシステムや投稿リアクションの利用など、いくつかの記事を投稿してきました。この投稿では、WordPress用のSwifty Barを使ってユーザーのエンゲージメントを高める方法を紹介します。

Swifty Bar

Swifty Barとユーザーエンゲージメントを高める方法とは?

Swifty Barは、投稿の下部に先頭固定表示フッターを追加するWordPressプラグインです。このフッターバーには、投稿カテゴリー、投稿者、ソーシャルメディアで投稿を共有するためのリンクが表示されます。


Swifty Bar preview





Swifty Bar on mobile screen

Swifty Barの設定

まず最初に、Swifty Barプラグインをインストールして有効化します。有効化したら、Settings ” Swifty Barのページでプラグインの設定を行います。

Settings page for Swifty Bar plugin


最も重要なオプションは、”どの投稿タイプに表示するか “を設定することです。本当に〜してもよいですか?投稿日: を選択しないとバーがサイトに表示されません。他のカスタム投稿タイプを使用している場合、それらもここに表示されます。


Swifty barには7つのビルトイン配色が用意されています。WordPressテーマの配色に合わせて選んでください。

Swifty Barモジュールの有効化/無効化セクションから、Swifty Barの機能を無効化することもできます。モジュールの横にあるボックスにチェックを入れるだけで、無効化されます。スウィフトバーで特定のソーシャルネットワークを表示したくない場合、これは特に便利です。

設定を保存するために変更を保存するボタンをクリックすることを忘れないでください。これであなたのサイト上のどの投稿日:でもSwifty Barを見ることができます。

この投稿がWordPress用のSwifty Barを使ってユーザーのエンゲージメントを高める手助けになれば幸いです。ブロガーに必須のソーシャルメディア・プラグインとツール7選のリストもご覧ください。

この投稿が気に入ったなら、WordPress動画チュートリアルのYouTubeチャンネルに登録してください。Twitterや Facebookでもご覧いただけます。

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

13件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Tanya

    Don’t know if this comment thread is still active but I’ll post anyway. I LOVE this plugin. The only issue is the next post card that shows up on mobile. It creates an unnecessary distraction to the on-page text, and you can’t disable it (there’s no option to close it). Any chance it can be fixed?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would need to reach out to the support for the plugin for them to look into customization options.


  2. Hemang Rindani

    Nice article. WordPress is a great CMS that caters to many businesses with the rich functionalities it offers. The flexibility and ease of use makes it a popular CMS across the enterprises. The inbuilt framework, themes, modules and plugins make it easier for a developer to implement any complex scenario through an effortless dashboard. With changing trends, it is extremely important for the businesses to have an engaging and interactive websites that visitors would love to stay on. Swifty bar plugin is one of the ways of making an interesting website. Swifty bar will add sticky bar at the bottom of post that shows category, post title, author, time needed to read article, share buttons together with share count, and previous/next post links. This plugin can easily replace your social share buttons while giving readers better experience with much more options. The Super light and clean code of this plugin will ensure not to increase the page loading time. Being one of the native plugin, it also ensures security of the website.

  3. Mike Panic

    Giving this a try, if i could have it my way the bar would “auto-hide” until a bit of scrolling happened, and I really wish I could remove the Author option from the plugin.

    • Goran

      Hey Mike,

      you should be able to remove author option inside “Enable/Disable” modules tab.

      I like idea of auto hiding before scroll happens, will implement.

  4. Chris Racic

    This is an excellent plugin. We’ve had an increase in social media activity and an even larger increase in comments. Thank you for the suggestion, WPB and thanks for the great work, Goran.

  5. Dahlia

    Hi, thanks for the info on the new plugin. i was wondering if the swift bar would work on ‘Pages’ as well or just Posts?


    • Goran

      Hi Dahlia,

      not yet. There are plans for premium version which will include shares on pages also. Should be out in 2-3 weeks. The issue is that for pages, lots of additional items should not be supported, like prev/next buttons, author name and categories, so whats left is page title, time to read and share buttons.


  6. Goran

    Hey my plugin is on my favorite wordpress website :)

    Thank you wpbeginner team for featuring swifty bar. The idea behind swifty and my other plugins was to give something back to the wp community as i make a living thanks to wordpress. So i am trying to push one free but high quality plugin each month.

    On the day that you published article i pushed update which also added share counter for each social network, twitter “via” tag and a bit of design change. I am also saving share counts in transients, and updating only after new share click so its pretty fast as there is no request to the social apis on each load.

    Also plenty of more options comming soon, but still with the idea of keeping it light and fast.

    Btw. I learned wordpress couple of years ago via this website :)


  7. Joel Libava

    Fantastic suggestion. I love it!

    Just added this plugin to my main blog.

    The Franchise King®

  8. Cynthia

    Hi Syed,

    Does Swifty Bar take into consideration the issue with Facebook picking up the incorrect blog image from WordPress posts? Or, would SEO by Yoast still have to be added as well?


    • WPBeginner Support

      We don’t think it adds open graph meta data into your website. Yes, you should still keep adding Facebook image from Yoast SEO’s social tab.


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