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How to Better Manage Automatic WordPress Updates





WordPress updates





Easy Updates Managerの設定

まず最初に行う必要があるのは、Easy Updates Managerプラグインをインストールして有効化することです。このプラグインは更新のカスタマイザーを完全にコントロールし、いつ何が更新されたかのログ記録も残します。


有効化したら、ダッシュボード ” 更新オプションページにアクセスしてプラグインを設定する必要があります。

Enabling Automatic Updates With a Plugin




Easy Updates Managerを使用すると、ダッシュボード ” 更新オプションページからWordPressコア、プラグイン、テーマの自動更新をすばやく有効化できます。


Auto Update Everything




いくつかのプラグインの自動更新を個別に有効化するように選択した場合は、ダッシュボード ” 更新オプション設定ページの「プラグイン」タブに切り替える必要があります。

Enable automatic updates for individual plugins



Select which themes to automatically update






最初に行う必要があるのは、WP Rollbackプラグインをインストールして有効化することです。詳しくはWordPressプラグインのインストール方法をご覧ください。


The Plugins Page Now Has a New Rollback Link





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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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6件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Jiří Vaněk

    Personally, I have always turned off all automatic updates and prefer to manage updates myself. Why? I always make a backup first before updating because I’ve had the site stop working many times. Automatic updates are a big risk for me, which I don’t want to proceed with. You need to be very careful with them.

  2. Kelvin Lee

    I agree with Mara to have the test before update, I manage many websites for my clients, I also worry about the auto update to the sites without notice, I can’t visit all the sites everyday and see any site is being broke down due to the update.

    I also agree update to latest version of the core, plugins and themes are must, I always think about whether it is wise to do auto update, I did experience one of my clients’ site was broke down due to the update, it took me several hours to find out the problem but still got complaint from client.

    What I am looking for, I prefer to have a staging website to ensure there is bug free if I update all the things before migrating to production site, at least clients won’t complain me about the site is broke and ask for compensation if there is SLA applied.

    Is there any health check plugins that can help to monitor all my WP sites and state all the version of WP core, plugins and themes for every sites in a summary table? if so, I can simply review the summary everyday and know how which site is necessary to have the update. I am sure this kind of plugins can help a lot of website developers. Does WPBeginner have such article?

    Auto update is good to protect the site if the ownership of the site is the guy who maintain it, otherwise it is an incubus to the developer when the site break down and suddenly a call to the developer while he/she is on holiday.

    Best regards,


  3. Mara Alexander

    Very dangerous and sloppy suggestions in this post. Anyone with the least bit of experience with WordPress knows you always, ALWAYS test the plugin updates first before updating on a live site! And that goes double for themes.

    “What to do if you’re updating?

    If you are installing an update of a plugin, any plugin, – especially when you have a webshop or are otherwise making money from your site – you should always test the new version first on a staging environment. Be aware of plugins with very little users and of plugins developed by people with limited WordPress experience. Of course, this plugin may just have the exact functionality you need, but these plugins will come with a higher risk of compatibility issues.”

    Keeping WordPress core, plugins and themes updated is critical – but not something that should be done *blindly*, and using a plugin that does the updating for you is about as blind as it gets.

    And since your site is geared towards WordPress beginners, what havoc will be created when this automatic updater plugin you’re recommending updates all and there’s a plugin incompatibility that causes the site to crash?

    A beginner wouldn’t know how to fix that, they’ll just panic and blame their web host. And when the web host asks “What plugins have you recently updated?” (if the web host assists at all with a WordPress issue), the website owner will answer “I dunno….” Because they *don’t know.* They didn’t personally do the update, so they’re completely in the dark.

    Are you guys in such a hurry to churn out content that you’ve thrown good sense out the window? I’ve long recommended this site to my clients who are “WordPress n00bs”, but I think I’m going to have to stop that. Lately you seem to be more interested in churning out quantity rather than quality.

    • Editorial Staff

      Hi Mara,

      Thank you for leaving this comment. I really appreciate all user feedback.

      I definitely agree that it’s important to test the plugin updates before you push it live. However, the reality is majority of beginners DO NOT have a staging website or a local environment to do “testing”. Even the intermediate DIY users do not have a proper workflow to test updates / tweaks.

      As for the issue with web host support, a capable tech support person can easily look into the changelog to see what was updated recently.

      Our goal at WPBeginner is to show user’s what’s possible and highlight the pros / cons. That’s why in this article, we have the section for Rollback which states: “Plugin or theme incompatibilities is the major reason why some users are hesitant when it comes to updating.”

      Having helped as many WordPress users as we have, the case often is beginners setup their business website with WordPress and then go about doing their day to day business stuff (maintaining website isn’t one of those things).

      Overtime, you have websites that are running older versions of WordPress core, plugins, and themes with security vulnerabilities waiting to be exploited.

      This solution helps one pick and choose which plugins they want to auto-update or not. Maybe they just want to auto-update WordPress core’s major releases. Or maybe they can just use this plugin to get an email notification when a plugin or theme update is available.

      We never put out content for the sake of putting out content. Majority of our content is derived from user questions that we get through our contact form.

      As always, I appreciate you recommending folks to our helpful tutorials and I hope you’ll continue to do so in the future.


  4. Dave

    Great tips on managing updates and plugins. I use WordPress for my blogging site and the tutorials on WP can confusing. Thanks for the post!

  5. Matt

    FYI, this plugin will not work on Godaddy’s Managed WordPress hosting site

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