まず最初に、RealTidBits PushQuoteプラグインをインストールして有効化します。プラグインを有効化した後、投稿” 新規追加 をクリックして投稿エディターに移動します。ビジュアルエディターを使用している場合、投稿エディターのアイコンの中に引用ボタンが表示されます。
RealTidBits PushQuoteプラグインはURL短縮にtidbit.esを使用しています。ユーザーが変更できる設定があればいいのですが。しかし、CSSフォルダーにあるスタイルシートを編集することで、プラグインの外観を変更することができます。FTPプログラムを使って、/wp-content/plugins/pushquote/css/に
編集することができます。WordPressの管理画面からスタイルシートを編集することもできます。プラグイン ” エディターに移動し、ドロップダウンメニューからPushquoteプラグインを選択します。右側にファイルのリストが表示されるので、pullquote.cssファイルをクリックして編集します。
Any new plugins that have the same function?
WPBeginner Support
Should we find a new plugin we will be sure to update our article.
WPBeginner Staff
Thanks for reporting this. We tested the plugin and it seems to have stopped working. We will try to find an alternate solution. Meanwhile, please take a look at this guide on how to add click to tweet boxes in WordPress.
Hi there! Any idea why this plugin might not be working with my blog? I’ve tried a couple of different themes and I’ve tried deactivating all other plugins to see if it might be fighting with another one. No luck.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
I LOVE the way this one looks so streamlined and doesn’t take away from the rest of the post. The only alternative I’ve found is text to share, and the buttons are large and obnoxious.
Day Milovich
now you can close your eyes and do it easily with css3 and a shortcode. ups,, it’s too late for me. i read this article on january 2015.
Chris Dickman
This looks great but the plugin hasn’t been updated in over a year. I’m hesitant to use it, because of this. Do you know of another similar plugin that is current? Or could this be manually added without a plugin?
I am very new to all of this, I want to thank you for the info and also ask is there a plugin that we can use on a general collection of quotes not just pull quotes….
Like if I have 50 love quotes what plugin do I need to allow people to share the quote/s they like and/or rate each love quote as well?
Michael Osborne II
I must also agree. You’re doing a fine job with the plugin recommendations and guides. I plan to try out many of your favorites. Thanks.
This site has been a Godsend to my blog! Thank you!
Editorial Staff
Thank you for the kind words Fran
Glad we are able to help.
Jotpreet Singh
Hey, there. I’m starting to enjoy your little plugin guides. They’re easy to follow. I hope you keep on doing this in the future
Jim mcCrudden
Wonderful idea.
All the author has to do is resist the temptation to stick in a pullquote where she/hethinks there is particularly “foine wroitin'” to be repeated.
Personally, I would let a friend be the judge as to what is the pullquote. If any.
But really, thanks. It lifts the professional look of the blog.
Lam Nguyen
Nice post, thanks.