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How to allow users to add favorite posts in WordPress




会員制サイトや オンラインショップなど、ユーザー登録が可能なサイトを運営している場合、ユーザーに再訪問してもらうには、ブログ投稿をお気に入りに登録してもらうのが良い方法です。








ブックマーク機能を追加する最も簡単な方法は、CBX Bookmark & Favoriteプラグインを使うことです。このプラグインを使えば、投稿、ページ、カスタム投稿タイプにブックマークボタンを追加することができます。

The CBX bookmarking plugin

まず始めに、CBX Bookmark & Favoriteプラグインをインストールし、有効化してください。WordPressプラグインのインストール方法はこちらをご覧ください。


CBX Bookmark and Favoriteプラグインには、特定のページや投稿にブックマークボタンを追加できるブロックがあります。これは、メンバーがお気に入り登録できるコンテンツを正確にコントロールしたい場合に便利なので、投稿の最後の方でブロックの方法を説明します。



ブックマークボタンを自動的に追加するには、CBXブックマーク ” 設定にアクセスしてください。

The CBX Bookmark & Favorite plugin settings



Automatically add the bookmark button to pages and posts



The CBX plugin settings page



Automatically adding a favorites button to your WordPress website



A bookmark button above the post content





Changing where the favorite button appears on WordPress








表示されたポップアップで、’CBX Bookmark Button’とタイプして正しいブロックを見つける。

Adding a bookmark block to WordPress






これを行うには、’CBX Bookmark Button’ブロックをクリックしてください。そして右側のサイドバーで’Show Count’を青(有効化)から灰色(無効化)に切り替えてください。

Hiding the total favorite count



A favorite, or bookmark button in WordPress


ユーザーは、ブックマークしたコンテンツをさまざまなカテゴリーに追加して整理することができる。 これにより、ユーザーが何十ものページや投稿をブックマークしていたとしても、特定の投稿を再訪しやすくなる。



Allowing users to add favorite posts in WordPress

CBX Bookmark & Favoriteプラグインには、ユーザーのカテゴリーをサイトに表示するための2つの特別なブロックがあります。


A list of favorited posts in WordPress



The MemberPress My Account page



A MemberPress page showing account categories

CBX Bookmarkカテゴリー」ブロックをページや投稿に追加するには、「+」ボタンをクリックしてください。


The CBX Bookmark Categories block


もう一つのオプションは、ユーザーのブックマークした投稿をリストとして表示する設定です。これを行うには、’+’ボタンをクリックし、’CBX My Bookmarked Posts’を検索します。

Adding a 'favorites' block to your WordPress website

初期設定では、「CBX My Bookmarked Posts」ブロックには、訪問者がお気に入りとしてマークした投稿が10件表示されます。

投稿数を増やしたり減らしたりするには、投稿エディターで’CBX My Bookmarked Posts’ブロックをクリックしてください。投稿数’フィールドに新しい数字を入力することができます。

Showing a different number of favorite WordPress posts



Changing the order of the bookmarked WordPress posts



Showing favorite posts from a specific bookmark category







あなたのサイトにリストを追加するには、任意のページ、投稿、またはウィジェット対応エリアを開くだけです。次に、「+」ボタンをクリックし、「CBX Most Bookmarked Posts」と投稿タイプしてください。


Creating a list of your most popular WordPress posts





Displaying your most frequently favorited WordPress posts






まずはじめに、CBXブックマーク ” ブックマークカテゴリーにアクセスすると、メンバーが作成したすべてのカテゴリーのリストを見ることができます。

The Bookmark Category Manager


また、CBXブックマーク ” ユーザーブックマークから、ユーザーがブックマークした投稿をすべて見ることができます。

Monitoring your audience's bookmarks and favoriting



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Reader Interactions

37件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Globasource

    Thanks a lot for sharing this blog. Really nice and fresh content. All the information is helpful for us.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad you like our content :)


  2. Fede Bcc


    please, is the “WP Favorite Posts” plugin still updated and supported? I read comments from various people that it is not being updated anymore. If that’s the case, could you please suggest any alternative plugin for user favourite/bookmarking?

    Many thanks!

    Kind regards,


  3. Reza

    I have a big problem with it!
    when I deselect a post after refresh the page, it come back!

    remove not work at all!

  4. daf

    I am using this wp-favorite post plugin, and it is finely working. I used the shortcode to show the favorited post into a seperate page. I want to show the count of favorited post in that perticular page.
    Is there any method to get the count of Favorited post .??

  5. Huzan

    I would like to know if there is a way where in the homepage of my website can be customized based on a users likes/dislikes. The categories he likes their posts should come right at the top.

    Looking for a solution.

  6. parteet

    Can you tell me about the WordPress site Designing. I wanna design my site

  7. Matus

    Could you please make a tutorial how to correctly add a hreflang to WordPress?
    Hope you’ll reconsider my request.

  8. WPBeginner Staff

    It can, but you will have to make some changes to the plugin which we don’t recommend/

  9. john

    Hello, is that the plugin works with pages ?

  10. jimario

    Will this also work with user profiles. For example, i want my site to allow some users to be able to view a list of other viewers profile pages. On those pages, they won’t be able to edit the other users’ profiles, but they will be able to favorite them–at least that’s what I’m trying to accomplish. Will your method work?

    • WPBeginner Support

      No, we think you are looking for something quite different this method will probably not work for that.


      • Seth

        What plugin do you recommend to get this feature? I tried “GD MyList” and “Favorites” plugins and neither gives the option to see other users lists.

  11. jimario

    Is it possible to have user profiles also saved as favorites? If I give access to users to view profiles of other users, I’d like those users to be able to Favorite any other user profile that they view using this plugin. is this possible using the method you described in your article?


    Hi, is there any way to create few sites for users, for example:
    – Add to favorites,
    -Add to currently reading,
    -Add to watchlist etc
    and create specific pages for all this options?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yes it is possible to create profile pages with tabs where users can see their favorites, currently reading, watchlist, etc. However, if you want to do that we would recommend using a membership plugin.


  13. Ayush

    Nice plugin and tip brother, I installed it and worked super-fine.

    And i was wondering if there’s a way I can show what posts a particular user favorites in user’s profile, I mean a user can indeed see what posts he/she likes but is there a way a user can see what posts other user favorites ?

  14. Jane

    i just installed it and it worked fine :)

    I have one question. Is it possible when you show all your favorites that you get image of the article/item/blog you liked also? Orelse you have to remember it by the name.

    Then i would be sooo happy :D

    (i am newbie in wordpress, so i am not a geek on codes.. i hope its possible to install something so it just work?)

    • Editorial Staff

      Yes it is possible, but you would have to edit a few codes. wpfp-page-template.php << Look at this file in the plugin's folder. You would basically have to recreate this query in your custom page template. Sorry, it sounds a bit overwhelming, but that is what is needed.


      • Jane

        Ok – thanks for the reply. I have been looking for a nice theme where its already done, but with no luck. I am not good enough myself, when it comes to make coding from scratz.. :)

    • Cory

      I was able to show the content of my post by adding the_content to the template.

  15. kenny

    This plugin is not functioning at all I installed it and activated it but my server respond with fatal error whoever is a developer of this plugin should get rid of it and stop putting low grades on WordPress awsome plugins.

  16. Abigail Gorton

    I think this is one of thoie plugins we could politely call ‘delicate’. It has an awesome features list and when it works it is just great but it is obviously NOT working on every theme / relaease / server and it is not playing nicely with other plugins.

    I really want this functionality. When I first installed it, it was up and running immmediately. When I tried to configure it a bit, it broke. When I uninstalled it, I found that the uninstall was not clean and complete – it was no longer showing in my admin panel, or through standard FTP, but when I did ‘show hidden files’ on FTP it showed up. This is so wrong – shoulda uninstalled when it claimed to form admin and should not be hidden.

    So I deleted the hidden files but when I reinstalled the plugin, some of my settings were still as configured which suggest I was not able to fully remove it form my server. So wrong.

    I have tried deleting and reinstalling multiple times and cannot get it back to clean.

    So I am one of the 50% for whom it does not work, which is a shame as it looke pretty good for the 5 minutes it was up on my site.

  17. Ubaidullah Butt

    When I used “{{wp-favorite-posts}}” for showing up all favorite posts on a page, There was nothing except “Clear Favorites” link. Can anybody help me with this. Thanks in advance.

    • Editorial Staff

      Did you favorite any post? If not, then do that first and the page will update itself.


      • Tito

        Hi, I’m currently have this problem and yup I’ve favorited numerous posts and still nothing. Any ideas? The support forum is all but dead unfortunately :(


        • Cory

          I have the same issue. Favorited a bunch of posts. they dont show in the favorites page. did you fix it?

    • Data

      Hoping this will help someone else having this same issue – as mentioned below, you have to have posts favorited already for the page to display anything.

      If you have marked something as a favorite and it isn’t showing up, it is likely because you are favoriting a page or custom post type, not a post of type “post.”
      If you want to favorite “page” types, or any other custom post type (ex: recipes on a cooking site), then you’ll need to make a simple edit to the wpfp-page-template.php file.
      Around line 23 you should see a comment on supporting other post types (page, custom types, etc.).
      Uncomment this line: $qry[‘post_type’] = array(‘post’,’page’);
      That should do it for adding “page” to the types allowed to be favorited.
      If you have other custom types you can add them to that array, or in place of something else, like:
      $qry[‘post_type’] = array(‘recipe’,’page’);

  18. Milan

    Thanks a lot. The post is very helpful.

  19. Guillermo Santiago

    The WP Favorite Posts plugin Sucks. It is also deprecated and not functioning properly with wordpress 3.2 up. Do your homework.

    • Editorial Staff

      The article was written in March. We have the plugin running on sites using 3.4.2 and it is working. Perhaps you should do your homework.


  20. Pranjal

    Though, it words good but that Gif loading image is continuously showing wherever, I had implemented. And also there’s no support from the developer of this plugin :(

  21. Jared

    I also used this plugin for a client project a few months back and it worked just fine – despite the voting.

  22. Kyle Suss

    Any idea if this works for custom post types?

    • wpbeginner

       @Kyle Suss Not sure if it does, but if it doesn’t, it wouldn’t be very hard to make that customization.

  23. frachmadin

    Hi, thanks for this great post. I am currently using GD Star Rating plugin on my blog. Do both have the same or different functions? I am interested to try using the WP Favorite Posts plugin. Thank you.

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